4 It 43UU jElat _ __: Weather Light Snow f VOL. LHI No. 48 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 29, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Russians Smash Wide Gaps In Nazi Line * * * * * * * * * * # # Wolverines W allop Iowa In Finale, 28-14 . Visitors Rally to Cut Early Varsity Lead Qnly 20,643 Fans See Touchdown Jaunts ly Hoeruer, Uknes Fail to Top Four 'M' Scores By BUD HENDEL Daily Sports Editor Michigan's potent football forces shackled an ever-threatening Iowa eleven with Wolverine wizardry and power in Michigan Stadiumyesterday to capture simultaneously a 28-14 victoy and a, third place tie in the final Western Conference standings. A slim crowd of 20,643 faithful Michigan followers braved the raw wind to witness this concluding tus- sle of the toughest Wolverine sched- ule in modern history, and from start to finish they roared their hearty approval of the Michigan attack that refteed to be stopped. ThbWolvernes, who were victims of a he t-rendlng loss to Minnesota midway i3 the season and then had all title. hoes shashed last *eek in the Ohio Ste struggle, came back with a relentle offensive yesterday to soar once agln to a privileged position among iue nations' top teams.. Hawkeyes Never Lead SCoring twice I ri pening pe- riod, Mchig n e f to a lead that the Hawkeyes fount too large and too wfll-protected to overtake. But the embattled gridmen from Iowa revived their hopes and tossed a scare into Michigan at the start of the second half when awkeye fullback Dick Hoerner, a our-Starred ground- gainer throughout the contest, un- corked the mo t spectacular play seen in the Stadium this year. With Michigan holding a 14 to 0 halftime advantage, Hoener took Merv Pregulman s'cond-half kickoff on the Iowa 15 and galloped 85 yards with amazing speed and shiftiness to give the sparse crowd its greatest thrill and Iowa its first touchdown of the day.- Hoerner tucked the pigskin in his arms, ran straight up the middle, and behind good blocking, broke to the left about midfield. Not a hand was laid on him as he sprinted the re- maining distance to the goal-line, and when Tom Farmer converted the extra point, the Wolverine lead had been sliced in half. Michigan TooFast But the sensational spurt by Hoer- ner could not offset the terrific Mich- igan advantage in swiftness, might and cunning, The Wolverines were too good to be denied yesterday. With Capt. George Cetham calling his plays in perfect fashion, with Tom Kuzma running in his old form, with Al Wistert playing a sparkling de- fensive and offensive game up front to lead a great Michigan line, and with the Wolverine ball-handling reaching its seasons' peak, the Maize and Blue warriors were far and away too superior for the always fighting Hawks. Time and again, the Hawkeyes would launch touchdown drives deep into Michigan territory, but only to be met with an unyielding Wolverine line when the going got tough. Wis- tert, Julie Franks, Bill Pritula, Pre- gulman, Elmer Madar, Phil Sharpe, Bob Kolesar and Walt Preihofer re- fused to bude When their backs were to the wall, and not on'ce could Iowa score on a sustained march. Wolverine Drive For Michigan, however, the scoring story took on a different aspect. Kuz- ma, legs pumping furiously, Paul White, driving forward with a mag- nificent display of fight and might, and Bob Wiese, shredding the Hawk line with bull-like plunges, led the Wolverines on their touchdown drives behind Ceithaml's masterful field- generalship with a fury that the wavering Iowans could not match. Iowa's offensive mainstay, Tom Farmer, found Michigan too alert to crack with his long forward passes, 'Ann Arbor To Hold Third Blackout Tonight French Fleet Was Scuttled Here Campus, Town Will Go Dark When Sirens Sound at 9:27 P.M. By MARK LIPPED, Screaming sirens and whistles will warn students and Ann Arbor resi- dents to turn out their lights at 9:27 tonight when this city and sections of surrounding townships will be blanketed by a 15-minute test blackout-- the third in this area since the war began. Police Chief Sherman H. Mortensen, commander of the Ann Arbor Citizens' Defense Corps, said that more than 800 air raid wardens and 260 auxiliary policemen will be on hand to assist the regular police and sheriff's staffs in enforcing blackout regula- This is a general view of the harbor at Toulon, taken a number of years ago, where 62 Freneh war- ships were reported seuttled to keep them from falling into thI hands of the Germans when they took over the city.... Lone Survivor of French Fleet, Sneaks to S pain Escapes from Toulon While Other Warships' Are Scuttled in Harbor By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 28.- An escaping French submarine arrived in Barce- lona today as the lone known survi- vor of the home fleet at Toulon which was destroyed, according to a com- munique broadcast from Vichy to- night, on instructions issued at the time of the armistice of June, 1940. Dispatches from Madrid said the submarine was the "Oasis," 230 feet long and carrying a small gun and two machine guns as her deck arma- ment. She is manned by 35 men, none of whom left the craft. There was no detail on the instruc- tions, but it was assumed that they were probably meant to be put in operation when and if the Germans breached the armistice terms, as they did in overstepping the demaycation line last Nov. 11 and in grabbing for the armistice-bound fleet yesterday. The Vichy communique said scut- tling of the warships was preferable to "letting them be taken over by any foreign power whatever.' The Vichy ministers were called into Pierre Laval's office and told of the German decision to occupy Tou- lon after the operaton was in progress, it said. Admiral Jean Darlan issued a proc- lamation in Algiers declaring that all 'he French fleet at Toulon had been "sunk or scuttled." - BULLETIN-_ . NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-(P)---Paul Reynaud, Premier of France until just before her fall to the German armies, and Georges Mandel, for- mer French Minister of; the In- terior, have been arrested oa per- sonal orders from Berlin by Adolf Hitler, reliable European reports to the Associated Press said tonight. PLANNING; FOR A BETTER WORLD: Post-War Conference to Bring R ussell,Thomas This Week The second annual Michigan Post- War Conference, coming just two days, before tIt first anniversary of our entrance into the war, will be held Friday and Saturday. Featured at the meeting will be addresses by Norman Thiomas and Bertrand Russell. According to Pat McGraw, vice- chairman of the Post-War Council, sponsors of the event, the purposes of the Conference are to create a unified movement on Michigan cam- puses, stimulate interest in post-war problems and give information to pro- vide a basis for constructive thinking. Thomas' talk which will keynote the meeting will be given on "The Re- lation of the Individual to the State in the Post-War World." Russell will speak on the general subject of "In- ternational Governments." Candidate for President Both men come here with records of great activity in their respective fields. Thomas, four times candidate for president, also entered the New York gubernatorial contest on one occasion. Previous to this he was an associate editor of The Nation and has contributed many articles to the socialistic and labor press. Russell's reputation was gained primarily in the fields of philosophy and mathe- matics.' Besides having taught at such places as Trinity College, England and the Barnes Foundation he has written several widely read books. It's Okay on Seltzer's Story of Convoy Trip It's okay on Hoe Seltzer's account of a convoy trip ... the stories will start in Tuesday's Daily. Washington censors have finally returned his feature and the blue pencils didn't cross off all of the facts. Now that everything is legal, we're sure you'll want to read what he has to say about that three- month trip he took this summer. Among these are "Which Way to Peace," "Proposed Roads to Free- dom," and "Bolshevism, Practice and Theory." Come Formal -l Since the opening lecture of the Conference, that by Thomas, comes on the same night as the IFC Ball, Post-War Council chairman Clifford Straehley has urged those attending the dance to come first to the Con- ference dressed in their formal attires if they wish. The program will be over in time for the dance goers to make the beginning of the Ball. Tickets for the' talks by Thomas and Russell are on sale at the desks of the Union and League as well as on the Diagonal. Tickets for both lec- tures must be bought together al- though persons wishing to attend only one speech may transfer one stub to another person. Jap Naval Force Attempts Rescue Off New Guinea ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Nov. 29. (Sunday)- (A3)- Risking the deadly bombs of General Douglas MacArthur's planes, Japanese naval force again is maneu- vering off the New Guinea coast near Buna where their ground forces have been pinned against the sea, the high command announced today. The communique, one of the brief- est in recent days on the bitter-end struggle for possession of all north- eastern New Guinea, gave no indica- tion of the naval, force's intent but previous naval sorties have been for the purpose of landing reinforce- ments. For the second straight day, Japa- nese counter-attacks were reported to have been repulsed, adding strength to the growing picture of enemy determination not to yield until crushed. tions. Sheriff John L. Osborn, com- mander of the County Defense Corps, will supervise test activities outside the city.. University buildings and grounds will be patrolled by University emr ployes working under the direction of the Plant and Personnel Protection Committee, headed by Walter Roth. The University is divided into four groups, Residence Halls, Buildings and Grounds Department, Hospital and the Department of Physical Edu- cation. Building wardens have been ap- pointed to each of the University buildings and have developed staffs, which will be in charge of the build- ings during the blackout. Their duties include directing the personnel of the building to refuge areas and arrang- ing to have all lights extinguished or1 shielded according to Ann Arbor blackout regulations. Residence halls will be under the supervision of their individual civilian defense organizations consisting of building wardens and personnel war- dens. Campus lights, several of which are operated on time clocks, are to be! cared for by the Buildings and Grounds Department. Commanders Mortenson and Os- born said the following rules must be observed throughout the blackout which will last from 9:30 to 9:45 p.m., 1. All lights should be extinguished. 2. Owners of stores, factories, ho- tels, rooming houses and other build- ings where the public is invited are responsible for observance of all' blackout rules., 3. Stay off the streets. 4. Do not drive during the black- out. 5. Do not park double or in front of a fire hydrant. 6. Do not leave home without turn-, ing all lights out. 7. Do not argue with officers in charge. 8. Pedestrians should not cross streets. 9. Do not stand at the curb or out on the sidewalk. 10. Do not permit dogs or other pets to run at large. Varsity Night to Be Tuesday Nine-count 'em-nine big acts! A full show in any man's language. And it will be a show of that size which opens at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium when the University Bands present their annual Varsity Night show. Leading off on the evening's enter- tainment will be the Concert Band, under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli..Guest artist for the pro- gram will be concert pianist Corp. Julian Leviton, of Fort Custer. Also to be featured on the band's portion of the progrom will be the singing of a special male octet, pre- senting an orchestral cantata "As America Sang," narrated by Prof. Hardin Van Deursen of the School of Music. A campus talent show, with a $25 War Bond waiting for the most popu- lar 'contestant, will get under way immediately after the cantata. A change of mood will bring forward the only non-musical act of the eve- ning-a bona fide exhibition of "black magic," to be wrought by the mystic wand of Henry Vinkemulder, '44. The program will be completed by a --p- .f . - ~ +, 'a Al A M U.S. Planes Blast Enem F a in Solomons Buildings Destroyed, Airdrome Shattered as Yanks Follow Up By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.- Ameri- can aircraft, striking heavily at Japa- nese bases in the northwestern Solo- mons, were reported by the Navy to- day to have destroyed all buildings in the Munda area of New Georgia Is-! land and blasted the Kahili airdrome on the Island of Bougainville. Ground operations around Ameri- can positions-ton Gu0dalcanal Island were limited to local skirmishes. In a series of these actions our patrols killed 50 Japanese and captured a number of machine guns Friday about six miles west of the American air- field, a communique said. Two enemy bombers made the third straight night nuisance raid on American positions on the island Fri- day night. They dropped bombs near the mouth of the Lunga River but caused no damage. In contrast with this greatly cur- tailed enemy activity, the result of smashing blows dealt the Japs in the Solomons earlier this month, was a report made here today by a Marine combat engineer on the first two months of the American occupation of Guadalcanal. Capt. Walter R. Lytz said the air- field was repeatedly and accurately bombed while he was there, although damage was quickly repaired; that day and night aerial attacks and night naval bombardments were fre- quent and that the Japanese on land were constantly punching at the American lines so that the engineers completing and extending the airfield sometimes had to fight all night and then work all day. - BULLETIN - BOSTON, Nov. 29. (Sunday)- (M)- Fire which flashed swiftly among Saturday night merry- makers in the Cocoanut Grove Nightclub in the Back Bay district killed an estimated 150 and injured scores of others and some officials at the disordered scene stimated the death toll might rise still higher. Police Chief Edward W. Fallon said early today that the fatalities might approach the 200 mark, All bodies were believed removed from the one and a half story bull- ding by 1:15 (EWTf), three hours after the first alarm, which was fol- lowed by four others and cals for all available ambulances, police cars and physicians. Soldiers, sailors and coast guardsmen assisted in carry. ing out the dead. Eye-witnesses said a cloud of smoke burst among the dancers just as the orchestra prepared to play the Star Spangled Banner, open- ing the floor show. Some said the blaze apparently originated in the kitchen; in the cellar, and spread swiftly to the melody room, a lounge also below street level. Surprise jab in Northwest Blasts Enemy Five Divisions Routed, 10,000 Are Killed; Germans Repulsed on Stalingrad Front By HENRY C. CASSIDY Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Nov. 29..(Sunday)--The Russians ann6unced today that a sur- prise offensive on the northwest front had killed 10,000 German troops, rout- ed five divisions, "liberated more than 300 populated places" and broken wide gaps in German fortifications less than 90 miles from the old Lat- vian border. A special communique issued by the Soviets said that the Red Army had broken through to a "strongly forti- fied defense zone of the enemy" and that-sin=the area of the town of Yell- ie Luki, which is 90 miles from Lat- via,' "the German front has been broken over aistance of 30 kilome- ters (about 20 miles). Take Railroads The Russians have, in fact, pushed on to the west of Velikie Luki, for the communique said the rail line between Velikie Luki and Novosokoliniki, 25 miles to the west of that city, had been broken, as well as the line from Velikie Luki to Nevel, 35 miles south- west of Velikie Luk. The Germans already have broad- cast that heavy operations were in progress on the noithwest front but the Russians kept silent until the paean of triumph early today. In sum, the Russians announced these victories in their new offensive while the Red Army was cutting deep- er into the German lines in the Sta- lingrad fighting: About 10,000 enemy dead left on the battlefield;. Four infantry divisions and one tank division iof the Germans sent reeling in utter rout; More than 300 populated places liberated; Three key rail lines broken: the line from Velikie Luki-Novosokoliniki and Velikie Luki-Nevel lines and the road from Rzhev to Vyazma, 75 mles south of Rzhev; Front Blasted The German front blasted over a distance of 30 kilometers (about 20 miles) in the area of Velikie Luki; The enemy front, broken in three places west of Rzhev, which is 125 milessnorthwest of Moscow and 140 miles east of Velikie Luki; and An advance in all indicated direc- tions over a depth of from 12 to 30 kilometers (8 to '0 miles). Kletskaya, which dominates the northern side of the Don bend oppo- site Surovikino, was described as a heap of ruins, with 760 houses de- stroyed and only seven of its original inhabitants surviving the three- month battle for its possession. The Germans had erected a strong defense system about the city in the forii of successive lines of trenched running back one to two miles. As the German, thrown back east- ward of the Don, saw the giant Rus- sian trap snapping shut and threaten- ing almost momentarily to cut off their line of retreat to the south, they launched repeated counter-attacks, Adamic Talk Is Tomorrow Louis Adamic, noted author and consultant to the Defense Commis- sion in Washington, will present the third lecture in this year's annual Oratorical Association Series at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. He will tell his audience that "Tol- eration Is Not Enough." A firm belever in the American Dream, Adamic thinks that we have forgotten our ideals and is carrying on a personal crusade to end the "psy- STUDENTS JAM WAR INFORMATION CENTER: Questions on Draft Are Answered By JOHN ERLEWINE Long lines of students continued to jam the War Information Center seeking facts and advice from ques- tion-harrassed Gerald L. Poor, as draft questionnaires stirred new draft eligibles and procrastinators into activity. War Information Center officials, having served more than 3,000 stu- rently rumored on the campus. Q. Will a student be able to choose a particular branch or arm of service When called to active duty; A. Yes, if he is qualified for that particular branch or arm selected, and if there are openings in that branch. Q. Under what conditions will a Services will permit them to grad- uate and they will undoubtedly re- main in school longer if enrolled in the Enlisted Reserve Corps. Q. Will the new draft bill effect the operation of the Enlisted Re- serve Corps Unassigned program? A. No, as far as is now known. Q. Will a student on probation, remaining in college, be eligible to