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November 28, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-28

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session. - -
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this ne'wspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein'also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, -as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25. 1
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, hic.
college Publdshers Representative
Editorial Staff




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Homer Swander
Morton Miritz
Will Sapp
George W. Sallad .
Charles Thatcher
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
Myron Dann
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindbeg . . .
James Daniels .

. . . Managing Editor
* . . Editorial Director
S . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . Woenn's Editor
. . Associate Sports ilditor
siness Staff
Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
* Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Sales Analyst

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The 'Daily staff
and rePresent the views of the writer's only.

_. _. . '

' ti =p1942, Chicago i .mes, Inc-

WPB Grows Chaotic
As Eberstadt Moves In
ALMOST any demonstration of power and back-
bone by an administrative official elicits an
involuntary cry of praise from the American
Proof of this was the favorable reaction to
Donald Nelson's boast that he was going "to get
tough," before his actions proved otherwise. Ev-
ery news magazine in the country carried long
articles about 'the octopus' Jesse Jones, when he
was at the height of his glory and stretching
greedy hands for more power in every conceivable
direction. It is an instinctive reaction to laud
determined and vigorous effdrts in the midst of
the administratve muddle.
ONCE AGAIN the hue and cry is growing in
volume for once again another power man
has appeared on the administrative scene. This
man is Ferdinand Eberstadt, former Wall Street
broker recently appointed to the War Production
Eberstadt is almost exclusively in charge of
all raw materials. That is a position whose
power is not easily realized on first read ing.
Drew Pearson depicted the growing control of
the WPB man recently when he said, "Eber-
stadt has more power over the life of the nation
than any other one man today except the
President. lie has maneuvered himself, or
been maneuvered by Gen. Somerwell, to a place
so strategic that practically no civil or military
production of any kind can proceed without
his approvalv"
One cannot condemn Eberstadt for wanting to
get things done. Evidences of the pusillanimous
direction of Nelson must be most disheartening
to him and the desire for order and coordination
almost irresistible. But nevertheless, his actions
are wrong.
Attempts upon the part of one man to con-
trol the nation's war effort from an adminis-
trative position not empowered with such con-
trol are bound to create friction and hard feel-
ing throughout the entire mechanism.-
DMINISTRATIVE officials resent the inter-
ference of other agencies, especially when
those agencies are not legally their superiors.
Admittedly Eberstadt has a stranglehold that
will be hard to shake loose. His actions, however,
are but the fulfillment of the hoped for actions by
Donald Nelson. By a strange trick of fate and
human character 'the big stick' expressly carved
for Nelson has fallen into Eberstadt's hands and
he is wielding it with a vengeance.
Inter-administrative rifts is not just an idle
prediction. Already news commentators are
speaking of a growing breach between the Army
anid Navy men and the WPB. This, to put it i the
mildest of terms, is not a time for disunity.
It is the responsibility of Donald Nelson to
control Eberstadt's growing power, and to use
that power in himself in the direction of the
WPB. But such a statement is futile on its
face. It is all too clear now that Donald Nelson
has not 'got the spirit, the 'Initiative nor the
drive to control the WPB properly ad to ask
him to curb a man like' Eberstadt is foolish.
T FE POWER to untangle the administrative
mess rests nor in one man, President Roose-
velt. It is up to him now to do what so many hve
urged from the beginning, create a united war
machine with one man at the top with all the
powers necessary and the courage and will to do
the job. In no other way will our war effort be

R ather Be Right

N EW YORK- There are so many proposals for
curbing the power of President Rosevelt that
a kind of traffic jam has developed among Con-
gressional conservatives.
They are bumping into each other coming
'round corners, and stepping on each other's toes
in their gleeful haste. Last Tuesday, especially,
the doings in Congress seemed like one of those
old silent speeded-up comedies, in which the
characters blur across the screen in nothing flat,
and then pile up in incredible heaps.
There was Representative Cox, of Georgia,
standing in a corner and saying that so far- as
he was concerned there was no'difference between
Republicans And Democrats any more.
This was an incredible statement, coming from
a Georgia Congressman, and when reporters
asked Mr. Cox whether he actually proposed an
anti-Roosevelt coalition of the two parties, Mr.
Cox caught himself. No, 'not a coalition, he said,
but a kind of coalescence. Just a little coalescence,
he murmured, staring dreamily in the direction
of the White House.
Meanwhile the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee had come to a, full stop for the day.

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It had been considering the President's re-
quest for pewer to suspend tariff and immigra-
thin barriers interfering with the war effort.
The Committee had thrown out the President's
draft of the pr'oposed law, and announced that
it was going to surround the new powers with
safeguards. Now, after a full day, it found that
it couldn't even agree on safeguards. Even with
safeguards, it would be still giving the President
something he wanted, and, face to face with
that 'ultimate truth, the Committee issued a low
moan and swooned for the day.
AT THAT MOMENT, the House Judiciary Com-
mittee, which nobody had been watching,
suddenly reported out the Walter-Logan bill.
This legislative honey has been dead for two
years. But in that gleeful, speeded-up, almost
orgiastic mood of Tuesday, anything could hap-
pen. This bill was given a sip of brandy and re-
vived, as part of that strange, now perfectly self-
conscious, utterly determined, many-pronged
offensive which has been opened against the
The Walter-Logan bill, usually described, per-
haps with a wink, as "giving each man his day in
court," would install a wholly new principle in the
law. It would allow the courts to review findings
of fact (fact, mind you!) by administrative
agents, as well as findings of law. Thus, if Leon
Henderson said that 10 cents an ounce was a fair
price for brass tacks, any Federal judge could
review his ruling, and say that, in his opinion, 8
cents was a fairer price. Another Federal judge
might make it 9 cents. There could be as many
conflicting determinations as there are courts;
each would have to go slowly to the Supreme
Court, during a war, and the Supreme Court,
without staff, researchers, special knowledge, or
experience in the field, would become the super-
agency over all executive agencies, while the
principle of separation of powers died a horrible
death in the corner.
But, meanwhile, other figures kept flashing
across the screen, and I have identified no less
than six separate drives, all different, and all the
same in their desire to take the war away from
the President. I will list them for you, while the
trumpets blow:
(L) The drive to pull back all war appropria-
tions, and dole them out again, dollar by dol-
lar. (2.) The Walter-Logan infiltration. (3.)
The drive to deprive Mr. Roosevelt of his pres-
ent civil staff by firing an indiscriminate one-
third. (4.) The Cox "coalescence" movement
to pull back Mr. Roosevelt's war powers. (5.)
The drive to put the war in the hands of a non-
elected military figure, say General MacArthur.
(6.) The 'outright coalition movement, to set
up one big Congressional committee to run the
war: .
HEY do not care who runs the war, a general,
the courts, or the Congress, so long as Mr.
Roosevelt does not do it.
* *' * *
The chase is on, amid hot and passionate noises.
It is an indiscriminate, blurred assault on the
White House, which started back in peace-time,
and has matured during the war. Stern and un-
yielding men, whose hour has been long delayed,
feel that it has come at last. The spirit shown is
not one of thoughtfulness, but of high glee, of

SATURDAY, NOV. 28, 1942
VOL. LIII No. 47
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Enlisted Reserves: It has come t
my attention that some students wh
have enlisted in one of the enliste
reserve programs have failed to retur
their draft questionnaire on the as
sumption that they are not require
to do so after they have enlisted. Thi
is a serious error, and may lead t
unpleasant consequences. All student
must fill out and return their draf
questionnaires promptly, regardles
of whether or not they are enlisted
If a student is doubtful about any.
thing connected with selective service
procedure, he should consult his ad
viser or the undersigned.
It has also come to my attentior
that some students in the reserve
have been called to active duty as a
result of an error at Army or Nav
Headquarters. Any student who i
called to active duty for reasons tha
are not perfectly clear to him shouk
consult the undersigned immediately
-B. D. Thuma,
Armed Forces Representativ
Faculty, School of Education: Th
regular meeting of the faculty will b
held on Monday, November 30, in th
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene a
4:15 p.m.
German Table for Faculty Member
will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. ir
the Founders' Room Michigan Union
Members of all departments are cor-
dially invited. There will be a briel
talk on- "Juristerei versus Staatswis-
senschaft" by Mr. Wolfgang Kraus
Women students wishing to donate
blood to the Red Cross for use by the
Armed Forces, are asked to presen
themselves at the University Health
Service Laboratory during the follow-
ingyhours for a blood recheck: Tues-
day, 10-12 a.m.; Wednesday, 9-11
a.m.; Thursday, 10-12 a.m. The fol-
lowing day they may see one of the
women physicians at the Health Ser-
vice for a report on the above blood
check. - Margaret Bell, M.D.
Seniors in Engineering and Allied
S'ibjects: Representatives of the Gen-
eral Electric Company will interview
Seniors Monday, Tuesday and pos-
sibly Wednesday, Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and
2. There will be a group meeting in
Room 246 W. Engineering Building.
Monday at 5 o'clock. Interview sched-
ules may be signed on the bulletin
board of the Electrical and Mechani-
cal Depts., Friday-Monday.
Students, College of Engineering:
This is the final day for removal of
INCOMPLETES for all students who
have not filed petitions for Extension
of Time.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
This is the final day for DROP-
ORD. A course may be dropped only
with the permission of the classifier,
after conference with the instructor.
- A. H. Lovell, Secretary
The University Bureau, of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing United .States Civil Service
Examinations: Junior Pharmacist-
December 15, 1942-$2,000 a year;
Assistant Lay Inspectors (meat, ani-
ma-until needs of service have
been met-$1,620 a year. Also, we have
received notice of tuition scholarships
offered in meterology. To be con-
sidered for appointment to classes be-
ginning in January, 1943, applications
must be received on or before Decem-
ber 31, 1942. Further information may
be had from the notices which are

on file in the office of the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Saturday Play Classes for Children:
Registrations are still being accepted
for this class which meets each Sat-
urday morning from 9:00 to 11:00.
Activities included are crafts, dancing,
plays and games, and swimming. A
small service charge is made for the
series of classes.
Louis Adamic, noted author of such
best-sellers as "The Native's Return,"
"Two Way Passage" an'd "Plymouth
Rock and E lis Island" will be pre-
sented Monday evening as the third
number of the current Oratorical
Lecture Series. Mr. Adamic will speak
in Hill Auditorium at 8:15 and his
subject will be "Tolerance Is Not
Enough." Tickets are on .sale this
morning from 10-12 and all day Mon-
day at the auditorium box office.
Slosson Lecture: On Sunday, No-
vember 29, at 7:30 p.m., in the regular
series of Sunday Evening Programs at
the International Center, Professor
Preston Slosson will speak on "Some

Other Polysaccharides" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
Phi Eta Sigma will conduct a review
session in Chemistry 5E, Monday, Nov.
30, Room 244 West Engineering Buil-
ding; at 7:30 p.m. This is a part of
the free tutoring service offered by
the society. Tutoring in freshman en-
gineering math and Ch. E 1 will be
conducted Tuesday, Dec. 1, same room
and time.
University Musical Society Con-
certs: The following concerts are an-
nounced for the month of December
in Hill Auditorium:
Artur Schnabel, Pianist, Thursday,
December 3, 8:30 p.m.
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge
Koussevitzky, Conductor, Wednesday,
December 9, 8:30 p.m., Program:
Haydn Symphony No. 88; Shostako-
vich Symphony No. 7.
Annual Christmas performance of
Handel's "Messiah," Sunday after-
noon, December 13, 3:00 p.m., Per-
formers: Marjorie McClung, soprano;
Eileen Law, soprano; Harold Haugh,
' tenor; John Macdonald, bass; Mabel
Rhead, pianist; Palmer Christian, or-
ganist; University Symphony Orches-
tra; University Choral Union; Hardin
Van Deursen, Conductor. Tickets for.
all concerts on sale (Messiah concert:
30c and 60c including tax) at office of
the University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
-Charles A. Sink, President
Carillon Concert: Professor Percival
Price, University Carillonneur, con-
cludes his fall series of programs with
the playing of his recital at 7:15-8:00
Sunday evening, November 29. It will
consist of works by Schumann, Boro-
din, Mendelssohn, Debussy, four short
modern compositions, and will close
with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.
Coming Events
Junior Research Club will meet in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building at 7:30 p.m., on Tuesday,
December 1. There will be introduc-
tion of new members, and the pro-'
gram will be given by R. L. Garner of
Biological Chemistry and L. C. Ander-
son of the Chemistry Department.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal will
start at 3:30 p.m. sharp in the Glee
Club Rooms, Sunday, Nov. 29. Be on
Michigan Outing Club Will go on a
hike Sunday, November 29, leaving
Hill Auditorium at 2:00 p.m. All stu-
dents welcome. For further informa-
tion call Dan Saulson (23776) or Dor-
othy Lundstrom (24471). 1
The University of Michigan Inter-I
national Relations Club will meetI
Monday night at 7:30 in Room 231I
Angell Hall. The discussion, led by
Mr. E. W. Mill of the Political Sciences
Dept., will concern "The Problem ofI
Empire in the Post-War World."
Girls to take notes in shorthand atr
the Post-War Conference on Dec. 4r
and 5 are needed. They will be givenc
a free ticket to the Conference. Any-t
one interested, call Pat ?\cGraw, 2-I

WASHINGTON- It takes only a a gag to enable them to write a
pencil, a paper, and a little arith- news story on Christmas and Eas-
metic to ascertain what no longer ter. They queried the State Depart-
can be a military secret, namely ment regarding conflicting Ameri-
that airplane carriers probably have can-British claims to Christmas Is-
almost vanished from the face of land and Eastern Island, and al-
the Pacific Ocean. ways got the b~ored response from
Our announced losses, subtracted the State Department that the
'from the total number of carriers United States didn't ,consider themh
we had when, war began, leaves us worth claiming.
with a slim margin. Also, we know Today, however, the United
by cur announcements of Jap los- States would give its eye-teeth for
ses that they are in the same boat. more Pacific islands. Those that-we
The last naval battle north of the .allowed Japan to take at the Ver-
Solomons had all the earmarks of sailles Peace Conference almost
being fought without any carriers mean the balance of naval power in
on either side. the Pacific.
If this is true, it brings out some Inside fact regarding U.S. -air-
highly important factors regarding plane carriers is that some of them
future warfare in the Pacific. It have been lost while doing normal
means first, that we have to depend submarine patrol duty and cruising
on islands to serve as stationaryf at suicidal slow speed. At slow speed
airplane carriers. Second, it ,.may a submarine can catch up with
mean that we will not build airplane them., and submarine torpedoes
carriers in the future. This latter have accounted for carrier deaths.
point is debatable. But there is no This slow speed may be neces-
debating the importance of, Pacific sary, because fuel oil is hard to get
islands as air bases. in the South Pacific, but it is not
Today, the chief importance of good naval planning. If a carrier
the Solomon Islands is its airfield. operates at top speed no submarine
That also is the chief importance can catch her.
of New Guinea. When the Lexington was sunk
But most of the island airplane she was within only 200 miles of
carriers of the Pacific are in the another U.S. carrier, which means
hands of the enemy. Thousands of about thirty minutes flying dis-
islands dot the Pacific between tance or less. Airplane carriers
.Hisand dot the alif ibtwens. should not operate that close to-
Hawaii and Japan, all in Jap hands. geheruld thoerae wa soise
Enough airfields have been devel- gether, and there was some inside
oped on thena to make it almost im- criticism of the commanders which
possible for a fleet to approach the never leaked out.
main Japanese islands without suf- So the future of the carriers re-
fering terrific damage from, swarms mains to be seen, though there are
of dadlylandbase plaes.so few of them left that their fuz-
of deadly land-based planes. may not be decided definitely
A few years ago, newspapermen in this war.
covering the State Department used (Copyright, 1942, United Features Synd.)

p.m. in the First Methodist Church,
State and Washington streets. The
public is invited.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Ancient and Modern Necro-
mancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hyp-
notism, Denounced." Sunday School
at 11:45 a.m. Free public Reading
Room at 106 E. Washington St., open
every day except Sundays and holi-
days, 11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Saturdays
until 9:00 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church Services will
be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with
Rev. Stellhorn speaking on "Jesus
Still Comes as Zion's King."
Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
its services at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday,
the Rev. H. o. Yoder speaking on
"The Imperishable Food."
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold a fellowship meeting Sun-
day at 5:30 p.m. Rev. H. 0. Yoder will
lead a discussion on "What is a
Christian Marriage."
The First Baptist Church: 10:00
a.m.: Undergraduate class at the
Guild House, 502 E. Huron St., to
study Paul's Epistle to the Romans.
Graduate class at the Church to con-
sider "What Can We Believe about
Hell and Punishment?" 11:00 a.m.:
Sermon, "New Life in Christ," by Rev.
C. H. Loucks. 7:00 p.m.: The Roger
Williams Guild meets in the Guild
House. "The Church at Work on So-
cial Frontiers" will be discussed.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m.: Pro-
fessor Lowell J. Carr will speak on
"What about Delinquency?" 7:0
p.m.: Student supper. 8:00 p.m.: Stu-
dent meeting followed by square dan-
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 10:45, Morning worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister. 7:00 p.m.,
Guild Sunday Evening Hour. A stu-
dent panel will discuss "Education
and Religious Living." The meeting
will be held at the Guild House, 438
Maynard Street. A social hour and
refreshments will follow.
First Congregational Church: At
the morning service at 10:45, Dr. L. A.
Parr will speak on the theme, "God's
Selective Service." Student Fellow-
ship at 7:00 p.m. A discussion on
"Christian Cooperation." A period of
recreation. Refreshments.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church-
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10:00
a.m. High School Class, Tatlock~ Hall;
11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a. .
Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Rev. John G. Dahl; 5:00-7:00 p.m. H-
Square Club, Page Hall (for high
school students); 6:45 p.m. Freshman
Discussion Group, Harris Hall; 7:30
p.m. Canterbury Club (for University
students), Harris Hall. Nancy Plum
mer Faxon will sing Bach's Cantata-
No. 51. Mr. George Faxon will speak
on certain aspects of Church Music.
Special Note: Monday (St. Andrew's
Day) the Holy Communion will be
celebrated at 7:30 a.m. in the Harris

f' R
T'S TOO BAD Malcolm Bingay, editorial direc-
tor of the Detroit Free Press, is such a good
writer. Somewhere along the line he ought to
stop and pick up his logic. Yesterday's Good
Morning column in the Free Press begins:
"Hist! Bing! He's in again!"
"That fellow Slosson. He's vox-popping at
you from the voice column at the right."
"Ho-hum! I wonder if the' dear professor
is using me as a medium to advertise himself."
Then the sage of the swivel-chair says: "When
I read the effervescent vagaies of the earnest'
young gentlemen who write editorials for The
Michigan Daily, I wonder how they reach such
weird conclusions at such a splendid institution
of learning. And then I think of Slosson and be-
gin to understand."
The rest of the column disintegrates into the
musings of the old "sage," spattered with pa-
thetic nods toward Prof. Slosson, and punc-
tuated with the lore of learning only possible to
a person of Mr. Bingay's advanced age.
As far as we're able to penetrate Mr. Bingay's
deep reasoning, the only thing we can figure out
is that the swivel-chair sage is saying: "I've been
around a long time. Didn't I know the late Mayor
Gaynor of New York? You can believe me, and if
Ifeel like calling a few names, I'm entitled to my.
whim. I can assure you it will be funny. Just
listen to me."
Bingay's attack on Prof. Slosson is unwar-
ranted. A man like Slosson, with his far-sighted
vision and honesty, makes the mistake'of all
clear thinkers in sreuirx 'with the 'afnrunen -

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