ttr 43I I7aUtt Weather Warmer VOL, LIII No. 47 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOV. 28, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allies Launch All- ut Tunisian Assault ar * * * * * *: * *. 4 ~. ~, -, 4 *: * * * * * Wolverine s 'M' Eleven rench Tired after Its T heir ! OSU Loss Inspired Iawkeyes Set to Pitch Aerials To Face Iowa In Final Game Scuttle Fleet To Prevent Seizure Nazis Dig In to Hold Grid Finale -S. Against 'Oak Posts'; Small Crowd Seen By ERIC ZALENSKI Lacking the usual driving force af- ter' Ohio State's crushing 21-7 victory last week killed their Big Ten title hopes, the tired Wolverines make their last visit to Michigan Stadium at 3 p.m. today to drop the curtain on te 1942 season against an inspired , eleven. In keeping with the .team's lacka- daisical performance during practice sessions all week,.a-record crowd will stay away from Ann Arbor, leaving thebrunt of the cheering to .about 15,000students and loyal fans. Seniors Play Last Game A victory over Iowa will shoot Michigan into a thirdplace tie with llinois in the Conference. Six seniors -Ciptain George Cethami, Al, Wis- tert, Bob Kolesar, Elmer Madar, Phil Shrpe and Rudy Smeja-are playing. t6i,'last game. A loss will make Michigan's record read: Won 6,:~Lost 4, its worst seasonsince Crisler came here.' On the other hand Iowa can take undisputed possesson of third place with a record of four victories and two defeats, and hand a Crisler- coached team its first setback in their series. Also, there is the satisf action of triumphing over aMichigan team. Dr. Eddie Anderson, mastermind behind the Iowa eleven, is intent on salvaging something out -of this 1942 season, and a victory over Michigan wQild give his Hawkeyes seven wins and three losses. Not bad, when Wis- consin and Michigan could be listed as-vitims. Fcitner Changes Position -Proof of Anderon's intention to shoot the works against the Maize and Blue is the switch of his ace aer- ialist "Tailspin" Tommie Farmer, from quarterback to left halfback. Michigan has proven its ability to stop a great passer playing close to the center in a T-frmation--Angelo Bertelli's poor performance in the Noire Dame classic. Farmer had worked from that close-up spot all year. The change will also give Far- Turn to Page 3, Col. 1 Japs'Repulsed A In New Guinea By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Nov. 28. (Saturday)- The- Jap ground troops entrapped along New Guinea's north short be- ~tween Gona and Buna have been re- pulsed in attempts to counter-attack against the Americans and Austral- - lans, the High Command's noon com- munique said today. The Japs, recently reinforced from the sea by special shock troops at a cost of at least five warships, suf- -1ered heavy losses in the counter-at- tacks which were local in character. Allied planes added to the toll by bombing and strafing the enemy ground forces. Allied bombers attacked the air- drome at Lae, up the north New Gui- nea coast from Buna, and dropped bombs in Huon Gulf on a Jap sub- marine, a night activity which pre- cluded observation, o results. Mine. Chiang Kai-Shek in U.S. to Treat Injury WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.- (A)- After a secret an hazardous trip, Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, wife of the Chinese generalissimo, has arrived I *:-.- I.Jf J . ..: Rudy Smeja Al Wistert * * * * Phil Sharpe ,Bob Kolesar Elmer Madar George Ceithaml * 4 Six Fighting Wolverines: to Play LastGame for.Michigan Today 'A- Today when the Michigan football squad runs down the long ramp into the Stadium, six seniors will be wear- ing the Maize and Blue colors for the last time. The Iowa battle will end the colle- giate grid careers of Capt. George Ceithaml, Al "Ox" Wistert, Bob Kole- sar, Phil Sharpe, Elmer Madar and Rudy :Smeja. Of Capt. Ceithaml, everything has been said before. Cy stepped into For- est Evashevski's shoes last year and equalled the play of the famous team- mate of Tom Harmon. The Chicago gridder is one of the best blocking backs to ever pull in a Wolverine jer- sey. Add to that his leadership as sig- nal caller and you have one of Michi- gan' greats. -The leading candidate for All- American honors on the Michigan grid machine this fall is Al Wistert. This marks his third year as a regular on Coach Fritz Crisler's eleven. "Ox" boasts of speed to burn plus power which makes his death to opposing runners. Bob Kolesar is another three-year man as he has held down the left guard position since 1940. This season he has combined football with study- ing ii the medical school. Bob has been a mainstay of the center of the line because of his deception and tackling. - End Coach Bennie Oosterbaan had the problem of finding- two ends this year and Phil Sharpe and Elmer Ma- dar solved his problem. Madar, shift- ed from quarterback,- found. himself and despite his 170 pounds turned back many plays around his end of the line. The other regular flank position was held by Sharpe, who converted his rugby ability to football to take his place among the "Seven Oak Posts." This was Rudy Smeja's second year as end for the Wolverines. Rudy's height made him a good target for passes and was one of the top reserve linemen. PBell Owner Asks for Another .Hearing Philip Stapp, Pretzel Bell owner, filed a petition yesterday -for a re-i hearing on the suspension of his liquor license. He will go to Lansing Monday to work out plans for the re- hearing. Stapp seemed confident of retain- ing his license. "I have a plan worked out," he said, "which I think will solve the matter of serving drinks to minors. I have a right to hold my li- cense." The Pretzel Bell has been allowed to remain open but not to sell beer. Starbuck's College Inn will also re- main open. Reds Slowed by German Resistance Russian Armies Still on Offensive Near Stalingrad; Nazis in Fear of Encirclement By The Associated Press MOSCOW, Nov. 28. (Saturday)- Russian troops were declared official- ly today to have seized four more vil lages and surrounded a fifth in the continuing Stalingrad offensive that claims a toll of more than ,116,00 Nazi dead and captured, but the Red Army's pace apparently has been slowed through stiffening German resistance. Reverting to the issuance only of the regular midnight communique in- stead of additional special bulletins, the Russians said their troops had scored gains on both German flanks in their efforts to encircle the entire Nazi siege army. The extent of these gains were not given. Red Army Advances Inside Stalingrad the Red Army also advanced 450 painful yards to occupy-additional buildings, the com- munique said. Dispatches said the Russian garrison now had established land supply lines through contact with Red Army units north of the city along the western banks of the Volga River. Two hundred more Germans fell inside Stalingrad, the Russians said, but this fighting was only a small part of the greater enveloping battles the Soviets are fighting far to the west of Stalingrad in the Don River bend. The Russians spoke only in general terms of this huge fight which also apparently is going on between the Don and Volga Rivers in an effort to smash forever the threat to the Volga. 51 Tanks Taken Of the fighting northwest of Sta- lingrad the communique said, "Our cavalry units encircled the Hitlerites in a large populated place and are fighting for its occupation." In the same general area the Russians were credited with capturing 51 more tanks, five guns, eight mortars, 1,000 rifles, and large enemy food stocks. Southwest of Stalingrad on the lower arm of the Russian pincers movement the Soviets acknowledged repeated German counter-attacks, FDR Re ported Ready to Shift Cabinet Roles By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.- Presi- dent Roosevelt was reported to be concentrating upon the manpower problem today with a spectacular cab- inet reorganization under consider- tion. Under this plan, as described by one in a position to know, Secretary of the Interior Ickes would be made Secretary of Labor and given powers now wielded by Paul V. McNutt as chairman of the Manpower Commis- sion. In turn, McNutt would become Sec- retary of the Interior, and Frances Perkins, the present Secretary of La- bor, would be given McNutt's post as head of the Federal Security Adminis- tration. - Question Vnderstudy Asked about this revision, which was widely rumored in the city, Ste- phen Early, Mr. Roosevelt's secretary, said the President had told him he had the whole manpower question under study, but had reached no deci- sion. Early would not predict when a decision might be expected, but said Vichy Reports 60 Ships Sunk in Dawn Battles By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 27.- Vichy announced the suicide of the French home fleet of 60-odd ships at Toulon today and reported many French-officers and dynamite crews went down with their vessels in wild dawn battles - with German boarding parties attempting to prevent the scuttling of the powerful armada. But the Germans claimed some of the vessels were saved by the quick work of Axis sappers, and full details of the harbor struggle still had not be- come known. After announcing the self-destruction of the French home fleet, its dockside arsenals and coastal batteries, the Vichy radio itself went off the air temporarily, returned once more to repeat the news, and again was silenced. The Swiss radio in a dispatch from Toulon said long lines of French sailors were being led through the streets as Axis prisoners. The Vichy station also had reported that two French submarines escaped from Toulon during the melee in which French seamen fired their last rounds at Nazi troops before their ships sank. A third fleeing submarine was said to have struck a mine dropped by parachute from a German warplane.' Admiral Jean Darlan, former VichyO defense chief, who went over to the Allies in North Africa, apparently ac- cepted the Vichy version of what had happened. He was heard on the Al- giers radio criticizing the French Toulon officers for not heeding his appeal last Nov. 11 for the Toulon fleet to flee to North Africa. The toll of French casualties in the fighting at Toulon is mounting, the Vichy radio said late tonight before it again went off the air. Before going off the air, the Vichy radio had reported the self-destruc- tion of the fleet as a heroic episode in French history and there was the obvious suggestion that the scuttling coup was carried out after long de- liberation and the firm decision never to give up the ships-to the Axis. In all, the eventful day brought the BULLETIN WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.- (A')- The Office of War Information said in a foreign service report today1 that Vichy propagandists "under Nazi domination are pouring out vivid descriptions" about the situa- tion at Toulon and "stressing the point for American and British con- sumption that the entire French Fleet is scuttled." The report is the OWI analysis of foreign broadcasts as reported by the Federal Communications Commission. end of French naval power in any hands; the end of even semi-free ex- pression from Vichy; the end of any semblance of freedom in metropolitan France as the result of the pre-dawn -Axis occupation of Toulon and envi- rons which had been curiously spared since Nov. 11; a firm German military command in all France, and the de- mobilization of the French Army and Navy. The French coup not only removed the French fleet from the Axis clutch but it also so cluttered the Toulon anchorages with the smoking hulks that the finest continental naval base in the Mediterranean is probably use- less to Hitler. The sharp clash of arms between the French, and the Germans bent on grabbing what could ahead of the ex- plosions, was hailed from London by Gen. Charles De Gaulle, leader of the Fighting French. -BULLETIN- NEW YORK, Nov. 27.- (I)- Lieut. Col. Harley B. West of the War Department General Staff dis- closed today a plan for the large- scale conversion of American col- leges and universities into training bases for the armed forces which he said would be announced in de- tail within two weeks. In a carefully worded outline of the plan Col. West told a meeting of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools that students would be selected from "young men in the army who i have demonstrated the aptitude to . v. Gas Rationing Def initely Set e for Tuesdayh if t Jeffers Promises Due Allowances for f All Isolated Districts= b By The Associated Press l / WASHINGTON. Nov. 27.- The ~ nation's rubber and rationing -chiefs e today promised a "common sense" v administration of the nationwide gas- : oline rationing program but left no .d lingering doubt that the system al- l, ready in effect in the east would be extended over the entire country next Tuesday. - 1 Rubber Administrator William M. Jeffers told the Senate's special De- ° fense Investigating Committee that due allowances would be made for the r longer distances necessarily traveled by westerners and midwesterners, and' for lack of public transportation fa- cilities in some sections. "There must be a common sense' administration, and if I continue to handle it there will be common sense' administration," said Jeffers, himself: a midwesterners. Jeffers testified that full provision - had been made to assure war workers, gasoline enough to get to and from their jobs.1 Price Administrator Leon Hender son promised that the farmers like-. wise would get what they needed. And Joseph B. Eastman, Defense Transportation Director, described arrangements to give truckers suffi- cient fuel to keep essential trucks rolling. Louis Adamic, Noted Author, to Talk Monday Louis Adamic, consultant to the Defense Commission in Washington as an expert on new-immigrant and related matters, will speak at 8:15. p.m. Monday in the third Oratorical; Association Lecture on the topic,. "Tolerance Is Not Enough." Adamic is now engaged in writing a series of five books, the aim of which is to end "the psychological war" in America. The first of these, "From Many Lands," won the $1,000 Anisfield Prize for 1940, and the sec- ond "Plymouth Rock and Ellis Is- land" has just been published. His books are a part of a crusade to impress upon Americans the impor- tance of being Americans and to re- awaken in them the same sense of democracy which guided the first pio- neers. "America's social and racial ten- sions must be eased if America's de- Positions I Communique Reports Loss of 40 Enemy Planes in 'Warm Up' Attack on Airfield - By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 27.- Lieut.-Gen. renneth -A. N. Anderson's powerful ritish- First 'Army with .American niobile units has launched a big of- ensive against Axis forces in nor- ,hem Tunisia, the Algiers radio de- .fared tonight. "The period of patrol activity fin- shed, the First Army has left its de- ense positons for the big offensive," he broadcast said, pparently herald- ng an all-out assault on an estimated 10,000 Axis troops dug in on a for- nidable defense line outside the cities f Bizerte and Tunis. illies Roll Eastward It was.calculated that the heavily- ,rmored Alli~ed force that has rolled astward from Algeria to corner its nemy at the tip of Tunisia might ave upward of 150,000 British, Amer- can and French troops to throw into he battle. The Allied Army was rich in field uns and tanks and was protected rom the air by American and British ombers and crack fighting planes. In warming up for the attack, Al- ied planes, and an armored column vere -reported in -,a war department ommunique to have destroyed 40 nemy planes yesterday at an ad- anced airfield, while 11 other Axis ircraft were said to have been shot down in combat with the loss of only wo Allied planes, both of whose pi- ots were saved. Pound Axis Communications Allied bombers, the cdlnimunque said, continued to pound enemy com- nunications in the Tunisian defense triangle, while both fighters and bomber patrols attack Axis recon- naissanee units. That the main Allied assault to drive the Axis from North Africa would not be long in coming was indi- cated earlier in the day when the Ber- Lin radio reported that fighting was In progress for the vital ralroad junc- tion of Mateur, 25 miles south of Bi- zerte. The Allied drive appeared to -be aimed at snapping the only rail con- nection between Bizerte and Tunis and isolating the German-Italian garrisons 'in -the two cities so that they might -be destroyed separately. :Air Minister Says Nazis AreOutwitted LONDON, Nov. 27.- (P)- Axis ar- mies are reeling back on all fronts, British- -Air - Minister Sir Archibald Sinclair said today. "The dispositons of the German High Command already are con- forming to, the will ,of the Allies," he told the Foreign Press Association. The second ;front in North Africa has forced Hitler to divertha fifth of the air force he used against the Russians, and as a result: x "The heroic Russians, unflinching and indomitable in defense, now are passing to the attack and hewing their way through the massed German and their allied divisions." The Air Minister said the RAF and the United States air forces already had been engaging half the German and all the Italian air forces in the European and African theatres. IT AIN'T NECESSARILY SO: Waves of Unfounded Rumors Sweep Campus Like Wildfire -i By LEON GORDENKER Student grapevines yesterday blos- somed forth with rapid-fire rumors- entirely unfounded - denying that there would be a Christmas vacation and, paradoxically, maintaining that students would drive Army trucks to Alaska during that vacation. It was shouted over the academic back fences that the Board of Re- gents and the University War Board met yesterday to change or abolish Christmas vacation. Neither board met. - Meanwhile, adventurous campus sourdoughs planned purchases of woolen underwear yesterday for their projected Alaskan excursion. But the Army Chief of Staff for the Sixth Corps Area yesterday told Manpower Director Mary Borman by telephone from Chicago that he knew nothing about it. And he is a man Here's the way the whole tale be- gan: Bob Hall, '44, told the brothers in the Theta Delta Chi house that a friend attending Michigan State Col- lege drove a truck somewhere up in the Northwest last winter. Manpower official Richard Dick who lives in the Theta Delt house hacked through the chilly matter with the rest of the men and then told Borman. But Borman had already heard about the deal from excited students with a rough-and-ready look on their faces. They had given all the details and even advice on the necessary clothing. The drivers, all students, would get $100 for a trip to last nine days, they said. And Liberator bombers were to fly them back to save time. SHOP EARLY Help Speed the War Eff r. - -' 1 WL trt 11 l 1