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November 26, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-26

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Former Concert Pianist Will
Play for Varsity Night Show

Sentences Six

The U.S. Army threw s chips into
the Varsity Night melting pot yester-
day with the announcement that Fort
Custer's Corporal Levinson, a popular
concert pianist before Uncle Sam in-
tervened, will be featured in the first
half of the University Band's annual
show at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill
No newcomer to the concert world,
Corporal Levinson has appeared as a
Grant Park concert artist in Chicago,
and has also played with the Grand
Rapids Symphony, conducted by Thor
Johnson, conductor of the University
Musical Society, now on leave.
Following the more formal concert
program which is scheduled for the
first part of the evening, an all-cam-
pus talent show will take the stage,
the participants competing for the
$25 War Bond prize which will go to
the most popular act.
With a formidable list of acts al-
ready signed up, Band business mana-
ger George Erwin, '43, revealed yester-
day that new talent is still coming in,
and that a full show is now definitely
Supplementing the work of the
Band on the first half of the Varsity
Night program will be both the Men's
and Women's Glee clubs, the former
to be featured in a special Band-Glee
Club cantata, "As America Sang,"
with Prof. Hardin Van Deursen of
the School of Music acting as narra-
Tying in with the appearance of
Corporal Levinson, ROTC and
NROTC cadets will have a special
-block of seats set aside for them for
the program, Irwin said, and will at-
tend the concert in uniform.
Band members and audince alike
will, take an active part in the show,
as a mass community sing is also be-
ing planned as part of the program,
Prof. William D. Revelli, conductor of
the Band, has disclosed.
Tickets may be obtained from any
Allied Forces
Prepare Tunis;
Bizerte Assault
(Continued from Page 1)
two Junkers 88 planes destroyed else-
where in Sotthern Tunisia; four
transport planes and one seaplane
and a tank destroyed on the airfield
at Gabes.
The ' Axis poured aerial reinforce-
ments into Sardinia and Sicily and
flew troops to Tunisia today while
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in
the House of Commons twice empha-
sized that the battle of North Africa
has reached an "extremely critical"
The determined efforts to reinforce
Tunisia made it plain that the Ger-
mans and Italians will try to win in
Tunisia at any cost-even perhaps at
the expense of the Russian front or
the battered retreating forces in-Lib-
ya, which apparently will be left to
make whatever stand they can at El
Axis power appeared to be concen-
trated in the small pocket around
Bizerte and Tunis on the north coast
where the British First Army, aug-
mented by Americans and French,
was within 25 to 30 miles and moving
in along the rugged coastal roads
from Algeria.

Band member, and are also available
at the Union desk, at the League and
I at Wahr's Bookstore.
Proceeds from the show this year
will be turned over to Uncle Sam in
the form of War Bonds, which will be
set aside in a special fund for future
University Bands.
Louis Ada mic
to Lecture
Here Monday
Louis Adamic, famous author &nd
lecturer, who will speak here at 8:00
p.m. Monday in the third Oratorical
Association Lecture Series, has made
a number of startlingly accurate pre-
dictions of important events, most of
them a year or two in advance of their
But, he is quick to add when ques-
tioned about his unusual foresight, "I
am no prophet, only a guesser, who
considers all the facts bearing on the
situation that he can assemble and
then 'figures things out.' "
In his book, "My America," he pre-
dicted the outbreak of war and urged
Congress and the Administration in
Washington to appropriate immedi-
ately $35,000,000,000 for national de-
fense. In this same book he forecast
the Soviet-Nazi Pact.
Predicts Assassination
Louis Adamic spent most of 1932
and part of 1933 in Yugoslavia. In
May of the latter year he wrote an
article on King Alexander, which ap-
peared in a magazine the following
fall and finally became a chapter in
his book, "The Native's Return," and
in which he predicted as a very strong
possibility the assassination of the
King which occurred in October, 1934.
Adamic is now engaged in a cru-
sade, a monumental effort to Ameri-
canize the whole of America, to im-
press upon Americans the importance
of being Americans.
To carry on his crusade, he is writ-
ing a series of five books the aim of
which is to end the "psychological"
war in America. The first of these,
"From Many Lands" won the $1,000
Anisfield Prize for 1940, and the sec-
ond one, "Plymouth Rock and Ellis
Island" has just been published.
Acting on the belief that there are
now about 50,000,000 non-Anglo-
Saxon Americans contributing to the
welfare of the nation, he has travelled
over, 100,000 miles and distributed
about 250,000 questionnaires in order
to obtain material for his books.
Came from Slovenia
Adamic came to America from his
native Slovenia, which at that time
belonged to the Austro-Hungarian
Empire and has now been divided be-
tween Germany and Italy, when he
was fourteen. His first job here was
as assistant to the mailer of a Slo-
venian newspaper. By reading every-
thing he could find, with the aid of
a Slovenian-English dictionary, he
soon found himself promoted to a job
in the editorial room.
His other literary successes,
"Grandsons," "Cradle of Life," "House
in Antiqua," "The American Mer-
cury" and "Laughing in the Jungle"

Banquet Will
Honor Football
Stars Monday
Owen to Conduct
Program Featuring
Songs and Movies
Plans for the annual football ban-
quet sponsored by the University Club
of Ann Arbor to be held at 6:00 p.m.
Monday in the main ballroom of the
Union are almost completed, T. Haw-
ley Tapping, secretary-treasurer of
the Alumni Association announced
The football teams of the Univer-
sity, Ann Arbor and Washtenaw
County high schools will be honored
at the banquet. Coach Fritz Crisler
will introduce the University team
and members of the All-State Foot-
ball team selected by the Associated
Press newspapers of the state.
After the banquet, the diners will be
led in the singing of University and
war-time songs by Joseph F. Maddy,
director of Wartime Music in Michi-
gan and Clyde Vroman, chairman of
the Ann Arbor Wartime Music Com-
Radio skits will be presented under
the direction of Prof. David Owen of
the Speech Department, general
chairman of the program. Pictures of
Saturday's Iowa game or the Notre
Dame game, whichever proves to offer
more thrills, will also be shown.
High school students attending the
banquet will begin the day at a lun-
cheon at the Union and will be shown
around the campus during the after-
Tickets for the banquet may be
purchased at the Union desk.
There will be no December issue of
the Michigan Law Review, it has been
announced. Starting with the January
issue, the magazine will be published
every other month until further notice
is given.


Two Michigan Students Witness
Killing of Aiti=Poll Tax Bill

Federal Judge William J. Camp-
bell (above) is stern-faced after
sentencing three Chicago couples
convicted of treason in Chicago
federal court. The three men were
sentenced to death, the women to
long prison terms. Terming the six
"pawns of Hitler," the judge served
notice that the penalties would act
as a "timely and solemn warning"
to any persons who would aid enemy
Ol' Santa Goes to the
Wars; Kiddies Skeptical
Santa Claus will be the source of
added disillusionment for children
this Christmas. Chicago department
stores have already begun hiring fe-
male Kris Kringles.
While children might well believe
in a Mrs. Claus, will they believe that
Santa has been drafted?

The means by which a small mi-
nority can halt what the majority is
trying to accomplish was realistically
presented to two students of the Uni-
versity, Gaye Locke, '43, and Thelma
R. Ayers, Grad., who were sitting in
the gallery of the Senate the day the
Anti-Poll Tax Bill was killed because
of. the defeat of the cloture motion.
"It was a moment of intense emo-
tion," declared Miss Locke. "The gal-
lery was packed with both Negroes
and whites, and still more were wait-
ing outside the doors. At first they
tried to segregate the audience, but
the confusion was too great for them
to do that. Many Negroes were not
permitted to enter, because the
guards feared trouble would arise
from having too many of them in
the gallery."
Describes Scene
In describing the scene before the
voting took place, Miss Locke pic-
tured a Senate floor where senators
were running in and out, talking and
shuffling papers, completely ignoring
the men who were talking. To her,
these final moments of speaking, por-
trayed fully the attitude of the sena-
tors as it was on the previous days
of debate.
"When the time came for the vote
to be taken," Miss Locke said, "an
immense silence descended upon the
entire room. One by one the senators
voiced their decision as theim name
was read from the roll-call list. But
those who held hope against hope
that the motion would be passed soon
realized the futility of their desires.
Senator Pepper Speaks
"As soon as the outcome had been
announced," Miss Locke continued,
"Senator Claude Pepper arose and
said that now a way had been shown
for the minority to rule in the Sen-
ate. He wanted to know what assur-
ance they had that while the war was

being won on the battlefield it would
not be lost in the Senate. When he
had finished speaking, the gallery
broke into applause to show their
appreciation of the wisdom of his re-
Miss Locke then told of the reac-
tions of the delegates as they left the
gallery. She said that there was no
great emotional disturbance, but a
general feeling of disappointment
could easily be discerned. She de-
scribed the view of one delegate who
decried the absence of democracy in
a room, which should have been the
basis for constructive action.
Miss Locke and Miss Ayers, who
were representing the University
Inter-Racial Association, firmly de-
clared that if the Aiti-Poll Tax Bill
was ever to pass, the supporters
should not depend upon the assur-
ances of political parties, because no
such body has yet lived up to its
promises concerning this legislation.
Xmas Mail
Due by Dec. 1
The bulk of Christmas mail must
be in the post offices by Dec. 1 this
year if deliveries on time are to be
assured, Smith. W. Purdum, Second
Assistant Postmaster General de-
clared yesterday.
Unprecedented wartime demands
on the postal and transportation sys-
tems, plus a prospective record volume
of Christmas mailings, were cited as
necessitating earlier mailing than
ever before.
"If the bulk of parcels and greeting
cards are held back until the usual
time-the period of about Dec. 15 to
23-they simply can't be distributed
on time and thousands of gifts will
reach their destinations after Christ-
mas" Purdum said.

The City Beat:
Today's AnnArbor Newo
In summary
** *
Police Officer Loree Sayers injured
his little finger when he "slugged a
tipsy" and arrested another who had
been ostracized from the 5:26 train
bound for Chicago Tuesday afternoon.
The drunken man along with his
pal were cooks on the Twilight Lim-
ited diner and had become disorderly
en route between Detroit and Ann
Arbor. Police were waiting for the
two when the train arrived.
The inebriate put up such a strug-
gle that Sayers had difficulty putting
handcuffs on his wrists and injured
his ownlinger In the process. He went
to St. Joseph Hospital for treatment.
Warning to Ann Arbor hoodlums:
it was not Officer Sayers' trigger
* * *
Thirty stray bicycles are waiting
for their owners in the Ann Arbor
police station and the police want the
owners to get them.
* * *
Sylvester Lewis, 30, 314 E. Summit
St., went, off to an army camp at 7
this morning.That's why he wanted
to see his girl last night. But to police,
that was no reason for bringing two
bricks and a Jack-knife to his girl's
house to drive away another lad who
claimed he had a date.
His girl; Dorothy Goodall, 609 Fifth
St., called police when Jessie Allen,
1805 Washtxw, her real date for
the evening,met up with brick-laden
Mr. Lewis. Police arrived in time at
Miss Goodall's home to break-up what
might have turned into furious com-
Word has been received that Mr.
John Weimer, former teaching fellow
in the department of English, has
been stinned at Fort McClellan in
Alabama and Mr. Charles Peake, also
a former member of the teaching staff
of the department, has been stationed.
at Camp Roberts In California.


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The Price of electric service is low. It is
things about the hous that cost less than they used to cost. Twe
average price was 5.79 cents; today it is 3.16 cents. That is ne;

one of

*he- f~w#

enty ohe
ary half pnce*

bargain sale every day.
There are many reasons why electricity is cheap.

Our power plants are more efficient than they used to be.

Our customers have

helped to reduce prices by using more electricity - for better lighting, for cooking,

for heating water, for dozens of jobs.

We have learned how to do our part of the

work better, have thought of many plans to save time and money, like the two-way
radio sets for our trouble crews, and so on.

So there have been repeated rate reductions -right in the
face of rising prices for almost all of the things which we have to buy to make electricity.
It is a record of good service and of lower and lower rates, of which we are very proud.





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