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November 26, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-26

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THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1942


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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press h
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Editorial Staff

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz .
Will Sapp
George W. Sallad .
Charles Thatcher
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
Myron Dann ..
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .
James Daniels .

. .Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. , . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
siness Staff
* . . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
. Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Publications Sales Analyst

Telephone 23-24-1.re
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are -written by members of The Daily staff
and ripresent the views of the writers only

America Is Willing To
Fight For Her Bounty
SINCE that first life-sustaining harvest of the
' Pilgrim Fathers, Americans have realized that
they have much for which to be thankful.
We still have liberty, cities and homes un-
bombed, a beautiful country uninvaded. If 'we
are thankful for these blessings it is good.
Today we should be thankful that America is
awake. Industries are going full blast as war
production soars; our armed forces are enthu-
siastic to defend our freedom; women are en-
listing in the WAACS and WAVES and are show-
ing their willingness and ability to share the
country's burden; civilians are awake, working
in war plants, buying stamps and bonds, doing
Red Cross work, laying the foundation for the
world to come.
AMERICA not only has much to be thankful
for but, more important, she has showed
herself willing to fight for her blessings.
Mary Baker
Freedom Only Merited
As Duties Are Fulfilled
THE RUTHLESS DEFEAT of the anti-poll tax
-bill is deeply discouraging not only because
of the self-concerned, near treasonable action of
Southern senators in selling democracy down the
river, but also because the American people al-
lowed these senators to crush democracy's most
elemental principle. It is dispiriting that Ameri-
cans, with news of great strategic victory in
Africa before them, were not heartened enough
in their democratic faith to barrange the capitol
with overwhelming demands that a great legis-
lative battle for democracy be won.
This inaction of American citizens points up
a great inadequacy in the common American
conception of democracy, namely that democ-
racy is simply a focus of freedoms. This im-
pression ignores the truth that +democracy is
equally a matter of responsibilities, and that
freedom is only merited as responsibility is
Thus in our American economy, the freedom
to produce carries with it the responsibility that
production be directed into proper channels.
The freedom of religion is accompanied by the
responsibility of churches to define moral issues
in the democracy. And the freedom of electing
representatives to govern is qualified by the
responsibility of citizens to make clear their con-
viction on poliial issues.
'IT J mre than ever important now that our
democl'acy becomes an improved thing if the
war is not to estabish cause for successive wars.
As democratic people, the freedom from fascism
we derive.from victory in this war, will carry with
it the rsponisibility of maintaining it and im-
proving the conditions which exist within the
new democracy throughout the world. Thus,
after this war, we cannot again turn our backs
on the world's need. - Henry Peterson

A Few Resentful Coeds
Aren't Doing Their Part
ICHIGAN COEDS, it is said, are resentful.
The first reprecussions of an accelerated
war program have been felt. They say they have
not only been asked, but practically forced, to
do too much. This, happily, is not the attitude
of the great majority, but only of a few who
are not doing their part.
We realize that many girls already have an
overloaded schedule. We realize, too, that there
are few women students who can spend four
hours a 4ay working in a factory. We have no
complaints there. Our objection is to the few
women on campus who are doing too little,
yet who let loose a stream of resentment toward
those who are organizing the women students
in the war effort.
ON THE OTHER HAND, those who are help-
ing in the war effort are usually busiest in
other ways. They are earning part of their col-
lege expenses, or are taking part in other extra-
curricular activities. Yet some of those who can
most easily afford to help are doing nothing-
and kicking about it.
This week nationally is Women at War Week,
a campaign to sell a greater volume of stamps
and bonds than has been sold since Pearl Har-
bor. The spirit of cooperation is exemplified
on this campus by the Junior Girls Project.
During the week the juniors have erected
booths to make the buying of war bonds and
stamps more convenient for university women
and Ann Arbor residents. Every university wom-
an and Ann Arbor woman will be contacted,
while purchases by men are, of course, urged as
Women of the senior class are doing their part
by the making of surgical dressings, each person
devoting at least two hours a week. Sophomores
are voluntarily taking over work at the hospital
which requires no particular training, while
members of the freshman class are working in
conjunction with the U.S.O. for the entertain-
ment of soldiers.
There are still a few women on campus who
are letting petty resentment; or just plain lazi-
ness,get the best. of them. They express their
willingness to help with the war effort. Yet
when they are approached with a plan for
something concrete which they may do, they
suddenly find themselves too busy.
required plus homework and time spent in
classes does not leave enough time for rest, sup-
posedly vital to good health." Exercise is impor-
tant as well as rest for good health, and part of
the war activities program is pure and unadul-
terated exercise of the most beneficial sort.
There is plenty of work to be done, and there
are many who are willing to do it. The Junior
girls, as well as the other classes, are typical,
and deserving of support.
The work is not voluntary, some women say,
for they "realize that they must either give until
it hurts or be looked down upon as slackers."
Well, let's face the facts. Aren't they?
- Jean Richards

- r
WASHINGTON-Thanksgiving in the White
House this year is not unlike that of the Wood-
row Wilsons in 1917 when they achieved the
reputation of serving the most frugal Thangs-
giving dinner in White House history.
The Wilson dinner consisted of only three
courses: (1) Cream of oyster soup with slices of
hot buttered toast; (2) turkey with trimmings
and vegetables (cranberries were omitted); (3)
pumpkin pie but no plum pudding with burning
brandy; for doubling on desserts was against
Mrs. Wilson's idea of Hooverizing. Black coffee
followed as a digestive stimulant.
In contrast, Abraham Lincoln was served
the following sumptuous Thanksgiving repast
by the Sturges Rifles in 1861, first year of the
War Between the States: "Chicken soup, roast
beef, turkey, cranberry sauce, chicken, mal-
lard duck, tame duck, boiled ham, boiled corna
beef, fried oysters, boiled potatoes, sweet pota-
toes, boiled turnips, cabbage, celery, mince pie
and Hamburg cheese."
President Taft, however, always got his tur-
keys from Tazewell County, Virginia, from which
Queen Victoria also received turkeys and Alber-
marle pippins every year during her reign.
Senator Ollie James of Kentucky also used to
insist that Rhode Island turkeys could not com-
pare with those from the Blue Grass state, and
always sent a large bird to Woodrow Wilson.
One-Man Control
It hasn't been featured in the headlines, but
more and more one man is running the War
Production Board. He is dynamic Wall Street
broker Ferdinand "Eber" Eberstadt, close friend
of Gen. Brehon Somervell and generally con-
sidered the man placed inside the WPB to run
things for the Army.
Eberstadt has more power over the life of
the nation than any other one man today ex-
cept the President. He has maneuvered him-
self, or been maneuvered by Gen. Somervell,
to a place so strategic that practically no civil
or military production of any kind can pro-
ceed without his approval.
A glance at the revised chart of WPB organ-
ization shows Eberstadt, either in person or by
deputy, at the head of all controlling points.
Most of the titles mean nothing to the layman-
such as "Chairman of the Facility Clearance
Board" or "Chairman of Program Adjustment"-
but they affect the life of every layman.
It is now a fact that without Eberstadt's ap-
proval, no road may be constructed in the United
States, no hospital may be built, no power plant,
church, sewer, school, no airfield, no tank, no
airplane, no naval vessel or naval gun.
By controlling the materials that go into all
manufacture, he controls all projects, civil and
military. Army and Navy men sit with him on
the Requirements Committee, of which he is
Chairman, and have the dominant voice in mili-
tary matters. But Eberstadt can tell them that
their programs are impossible to execute because
of inadequate materials.-
tributions which have doubled and trebled since
LIFE last took stock.
And why didn't LIFE show Indiana University
as a wide-awake, war-minded institution turning

(Continued from Page 2)
sumption that they are not required
to do so after they have enlisted. This
is a serious error, and may lead to
unpleasant consequences. Allstudents
must fill out and return their draft
questionnaires promptly, regardless
of whether or not they are enlisted.
If a student is doubtful about any-
thing connected with selective service
procedure, he should consult his ad-
viser or the undersigned.
It has also come to my attention
that some students in the reserves
have been called to active duty as a
result of an error at Army or Navy
Headquarters. Any student who is
called to active duty for reasons that
are not perfectly clear to him should
consult the undersigned immediately.
-B. D. Thuma,
Armed Forces Representative
Naval Reserve Classes V-1 and
V-7: The height-weight requirements
for enlistment in Classes V-i (S),
V-1 (G) and V-7 (S), V-7 (G) have
recently been modified. It is sug-
gested that all those who have been
rejected, because of failure to meet
the minimum or maximum weight re-
quirements, apply again for enlist-
ment. The new age-height-weight
standards are on file in 1009 Angell
B. D. Thuma
Library Hours, Thanksgiving Day:
Today the Main Reading Room and
the Periodical Room of the General
Library will be open 2:00-9:00'p.m.
The Departmental Libraries will be
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for use on
that day will be made available in
the Main Reading Room if request
is made on Wednesday to an Assist-
ant in the Reading Room where the
books are usually shelved.
W. G. Rice, Director
Closing hours for women students
will be 11:00 p.m. Thursday, Novem-
ber 26.
University Automobile Regulation:
There will be no lifting or modifica-
ftion of the Automobile Regulation
for Thanksgiving Day.,
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, November 30, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of INCOLt-
PLETES for all students who have
not filed petitions for Extension of
Time will be Saturday, November 28.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
School of Education Freshmen:
Courses dropped after Saturday, No-
vember 28, will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordi-
nary circumstances. No course is
considered dropped unless it has been
reported in the office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4, University Hall.
'The final day for DROPPING
be Saturday, November 28. A course
may be dropped only with the per-
mission of the classifier, after con-
ference with the instructor.
- A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Graduate Students who took the
Graduate Record Examination may
receive individual examination re-
ports by calling for them in the
Graduate School offices in the Rack-
ham Building.
C. S. Yoakum

Seniors in Engineering and Allied
Subjects: Representatives of the Gen-
eral Electric Company will interview
Seniors Monday, Tuesday and pos-
sibly Wednesday, Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and
2. There will be a group meeting in
Room 246 W. Engineering Building,
Monday at 5 o'clock. Interview sched-
ules may be signed on the bulletin
board of the Electrical and Mechani-
cal Depts., Friday-Monday.
College of Architecture and Design,
School of Education, School of For-
estry and Conservation, School of
Music, and School of Public Health:
Midsemester reports indicating stu-
dents enrolled in these units doing
unsatisfactory work in any unit of
the University are due in the office
of the school on Saturday, Nov. 28,
at noon. Report blanks for this pur-
pose may be secured from the office
of the school or from Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for January and May 1943:
A list of candidates has been posted
on the bulletin board of the School
of Education, Room 1431 U.E.S. Any
prospective candidate whose name
does not appear on this list should
call at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.

NEW YORK-The point is that
every time a fascist or pro-fascist
bigwig comes over to our side, the
temptation to accept him and work
with his is almost irresistible.
We ought to invent and use the
word "darlanism" to describe this
process. We need a word because
it is going to happen often, and
because it will be silly to regard
each case as a separate, isolated
To be honest, we must recognize
that when a fascist bigwig comes
over to our side, he brings assets
of value with him.
They Have Something to Sell
The prestige of seducing a von
Brauchitsch, a von Bock, would be
almost too great for any govern-
ment, anywhere, to resist. So, even
when the price is a temporary un-
derstanding with the former en-
emy, there is terrific pressure to
pay that price. There is the chance
to show that the enemy's ranks are
broken. There is the chance to
parade an inexpensive victory be-
fore the folks back home.
There is the chance to save the
lives of our own men, which was
the basis for the astonishing out-
break of darlanism in North Africa.
We, who do not have the Com-
mander -in -Chief's responsibility
with regard to those lives, dare
not be frivolous in telling him he
should have done it the other way.
So the first step in making up
our minds about darlanism is to
recognize that these fascist animals
have something to sell.
If they did not have anything
to sell, they would be dead ducks
to begin with, and there would be
no problem.
How Much for How Much?
There is that "dope" story from-
London that the two German gen-
erals named above, and several oth-
ers, including Franz Halder, chief
of the German general staff, have
formed a junta which is sort of
backing away from Hitler, and pre-
paring to try to make a deal with
the Allies, should Hitler's intuitions
about the democracies turn out to
have been wrong.
It is a solid sort of "dope" story,
because it is logical; it carries its
own credentials with it.
And these Junker types. have

something to sell; make no mistake
about, it.
The thing that tells us this war
is a world-wide civil war is pre-
cisely this problem of darlanism,
which has rarely arisen in any pre-
vious war. For the offers we get
these days are not old-fashioned
offers of military surrender; they
are offers to join.
it is the same problem we had
before the war began, revolving
around the same question: How
much are you willing to give up, to
avoid pitched battle?
A Measure of Our Size
The problem is a hard onle, be-
cause, as I say, these specimens
have something to sell. On many
levels. On the military level, they
can sell us the lives of our own
troops. On the political level, they
can "keep order"; it is an old habit
of diplomacy to prefer order to de-
On the level of war aims, dar-
lanism seems to save us headaches;
you can let things run as they are,
rather than have to make up your
mind about what to do in a liber-
ated country.
Darlanism fits neatly into the
characteristic democratic politics .
of drift, of hunch-playing, of im-
provising, of seeking for and gladly
accepting windfalls.
If we become just a little strong-
er, we shall, more and more often,
be offered this same bait of an
easy war and an easy peace. Dar-
lanism will some day be glad to
give us Europe, on condition only
that it be allowed to keep it. Al-
ways, it will seem to have some-
thing' to sell, even if its bargains
are of the nature of those other
bargains the democratic world
bought for a decade before this
war." It will forever promise to save
our lives, as at Munich.
That is why it is so profoundly
important that the President has
called the currenthoutbreak of dar-
lanism "temporary." On the day he
ends it, he will have proclaimed
that we can bargain, where neces-
sary, and yet keep our own direc-
tion; that we can use every tem-
porary value that comes along, and
then go on to our own permanent
values. He will have given the
worlda measure of our size. One
can hardly wait for the day.
(Copyright, 1942, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

I'd Rather Be Right1


class, whose standing at midsemes-
ter is D or E, not merely those who
receive D or E in so-called Mid-
semester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University should be
reported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
Hall. E. A. Walter,
Assistant Dean
Post-War Conference: If any facul-
ty members would be interested in
housing any of the faculty members
from out of town, who will be staying
in Ann Arbor on Dec. 4 and 5 for the
Post-War Conference, please call Pat
McGraw at 2-2218.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of 'the fol-
lowing United States Civil Service
Examinations: Junior Pharmacist-
December 15, 1942-$2,000 a year;
Assistant Lay Inspectors (meat, ani-
mal)-until needs of service have
been met-$1,620 a year. Also, we have
received notice of tuition scholarships
offered in meterology. To be con-
sidered for appointment to classes be-
ginning in January, 1943, applications
must be received on or before Decem-
ber '31, 1942. Further information may
be had from the notices which are
on file in the office of the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
-Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic .Not ices
E. E. 23N will hold a regular class
session on Friday, November 27. There
will be a bluebook on Monday, Novem-
ber 30. -R. W. Ehrlich
University Musical Society Con-
certs: The following concerts are an-
nounced for the month of December
in Hill Auditorium: Artur Schnabel,
Pianist, Thursday, December 3, 8:30
p.m. Boston Symphony Orchestra,
Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor,
Wednesday, December 9, 8:30, p.m.,
Program: Haydn Symphony No. 88;
Shostakovich Symphony No. 7. An-
nual Christmas performance of Han-
del's "Messiah," Sunday afternoon,
December 13, 3:00 p.m., Performers:
Marjorie McClung, soprano; Eileen
Law, soprano; Harold Haugh, tenor;
John Macdonald, bass; Mabel Rhead,
pianist; Palmer Christian, organist;
University Symphony Orchestra; Uni-
versity Choral Union; Hardin Van
Deursen, Conductor. Tickets for all
concerts on sale (Messiah concert: 30c

a close the fall series of programs by
Professor Price.
Events Today
A Thanksgiving Inter-Faith Serv-
ice will be presented at 10:39 a.m.
today at Hill Auditorium. Dr. O.W.S.
McCall of Chicago will be the speaker,
and the chorus, composed of members
of the University Choir, the Choral
Union, and various church choirs, will
be under the leadership of Professor
Hardin A. Van Deursen. Professor
Palmer Christian will be at the organ.
Wesley Foundation: Dr. and Mrs.
C. W. Brashares invite all Methodist
students and their friends to their
home, 848 E. University, for open
house today from 4-6 o'clock.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
will have services on Thanksgiving
Day. Subject: "Thanksgiving." Tes-
timonials will also be given. The pub-
lic is invited.
Coming Events
Varsity Glee Club: Allmembers who
can be present will meet at 4:30 p.m.
on Friday at South Ferry Field to re-
hearse with the Band. Only these men
will sing at the game on Saturday.
Other members must be able to pre-
sent an acceptable excuse for absence.
Women's Glee Club: Friday, 4:00
p.m. Rehearsal. Monday, 4:00 p.m,
Rehearsal. Pictures for 'Ensian taken.
Wear dark skirts and white blouses.
7:15 p.m.: Appearance at Football
Banquet at the Union. Details to be
announced at rehearsal. Tuesday eve-
ning: Appearance on Varsity Night.
The China Today Forum will hold
a' meeting in the Michigan Union,
Room 302, on Friday, November 27.
Miss Sui-chi Huang will lead the dis-
cussion on "Chinese Philosophy-the
Influence of Ways of Thought on
Action." Anyone interested is invited.
Attention, All Students: "Polish
Night" at the International Center
is to be held Friday, November 27,
9:00-12:00 p.m. There will be slides
of Poland shown, Polish Music, Po-
lish dances and Polish refreshments.
The public is invited.
Girls to take notes in shorthand at
the Post-War Conference on Dec. 4
and 5 are needed. They will be given
a free ticket to the Conference. Any-
one interested, call Pat McGraw, 2-
Festival of Choral Music by eleven
church choirs from the Ann Arbor
District of the Methodist Church

'LIFE Can't See Above A Coed's Ankles'

OUT with "Life is real, Life is earnest!"
In with LIFE is cheap! LIFE is sensa-

"LIFE takes a farewell look at doomed cam-
pus folkways," the subtitle reads.
LIFEtake a k icka ither education's al-

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