TRUrsIDAY, NOV, 9, 142 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigai Forward Wall of Hawkeyes Has Balance Crisler Continues to Stress Defense for Farmer Aerials By ERIC ZALENSKI There will be many a surprised fan in Michigan Stadium Saturday after- noon when Iowa Coach Eddie Ander- son trots out his 200-pound line to face the Wolverines in the 1942 season football finale. So much attention and emphasis has been placed on the sensatiorng passing star of the Hawkeyes, Tommie Farmer, that the story of the powerful Iowa forward wall has been of secon- dary interest. Well Rounded Line The brainy Dr. Anderson, ever on the alert, is planning some sort of a surprise in his offensive campaign against the Wolverines, and that 200- pound line is bound to play a promi- nent part. In the words of Michigan Line Coach Clarence Munn, Iowa has a "powerful and well rounded line." Munn declared that there is plenty to fear from that Hawkeye forward wall, and he should know. Dr. Ander- son will start a pair of 200-pound flankmen, 215-pound tackles, 195- pound guards and a 200-pound center against the Maize and Blue's "Seven Oak Posts." And, Munn added, don't think that Iowa is coming up with a "beef trust," because these seven Nawkeyes are sturdy, fast and hard- charging linemen. This is the line that helped Iowa upset Wisconsin and beat Indiana. Crisler Not Fooled The fans may be fooled by press re- leases and lulled into a false feeling of security, but Coach Fritz CCrisler knows what he's up against, and yes- terday's practice session brought that out. The Michigan mentor, as has been the case all fall, ran his backs and ends through a long series of offensive pass plays, then gave them a stiff ses- sion on aerial defense. Red Shirts, using Iowa plays, rained passes on the Varsity lads, but achieved only fair success. Crisler alternated the. Red Shirt posing as Farmer at quarterback and halfback. Dr. Anderson expects to use his ace aerialist at a halfback slot. Munn Stresses Charging Coach Munn put his linemen through a long session of offensive and defensive tactics, mostly with the n To Face 200-Pound Iowa Line Saturday Ground-Gaining King? BOB WIESE will be Michigan's ground- gaining champion for the 1942 sea- son if halfback Paul White doesn't out-rush him Saturday against Iowa by 39 yards. Wiese leads with 400 yards. use of dummies. There was some stress on charging in to rush passers, which may be bad news for "Tailspin" Tommie. Practice closed with a scrimmage between the Varsity and the much- battered Red Shirts. Both teams al- ternated in carrying the ball up and down the field, and it appeared to a number of observers as if the Varsity gridders were moving through their shifts listlessly. Today's practice session will be held as usual, but there will be a change in tonight's program. The 'entire squad will adjourn to the Barton Hills Country club for dinner at 6:30 p.m., Sand a "good time." Wiese Leading Gainer With only this one game left it ap- pears as if sophomore Bob Wiese, Wolverine fullback, will be the team's leading ground-gainer this fall. Wiese has 'an edge of 39 yards over Paul White, high-stepping halfback, in total rushing gains. Wiese has a net gain of 400 yards to White's 361, fol- lowed by Tom Kuzma with 229, Don Robinson with 226 and Bob Chappuis with 217 yards. Chappuis, the Toledo reserve half- back, has the best passing record with a gain of 329 yards on 27 completions out of 62 passes tossed. White leads the team in scoring with 42 points, followed by Kuzma with 36. BENCHCOMBER By BUD HENDEL Daily Sports Editor ' ONLY A FOOL would think of Thanksgiving and baseball in the same breath, but who said genius isn't half foolishness? Anyhow the citizens of the flowing Gowanus, better known as the Brook- lyn baseball fans, are going to see a great change this year. A strange and new diamond spec- tacle will be witnessed by these daffy Dodger fans this coming sum- mer. Their beloved Bums, who zipped into and then out of the National League pennant, are going to be the likes of which the old Gowanus hasn't seen for two dec- ades. They'll be a sane baseball team, without the rowdyism and the craziness that have marked Brook- lyn clubs since the owner-manager days of Uncle Wilbur Robinson. BOSS BRANCH RICKEY has moved into the Dodger head office, and when Boss Branch moves, somebody usually gets out of the way. Leo Durocher, nee Leo the Lip, has been signed to manage the Bums again, only this time he af- fixed his signature to a one-year contract which mentioned him as a player 'nly, not a manager. But he and Boss Branch have an agree- ment whereby Leo can run the club as long -.s he runs it the way the venerablt Rickey wants him to. The ne Dodger set-up eliminates all high-stake gambling by members of the team. It does away with all umpire-baiting by Leo the Lip and his assorted high-class umpire bait- ers. It stops the individual Bums in their tracks when they go to take one of their many swings at an enemy player, and it makes the Dodger hur- lers aim for the plate instead of the batsman's head. All in all, it's quite an innovation. But that's the way Boss Branch wants it, and so that's the way it's going to be. The Dodgers won a pennant two years ago and they had the whole nation rooting for them. They played hard, heads-up ball, and although they came in with spikes high, they played to win fair and square. Last season they played just as hard, but a lot more hatefully. By the time the campaign was half over every fan in the coun- try, except those loyal brothers of the Gowanus, despised the Bums and fervently prayed for a Brooklyn loss. Rickey knows all this, and Rickey is going to do his best to knock the cockiness out of the high- priced gang he's dictating to. WHEN THEY were the Daffiness boys, which title they held for such a long time that even they be- lieved it, the Dodgers had the immor- tal Babe Herman on their roster. The Babe, it is said, made the third out of an inning once when e hit a home run. A teammate was peched on sec- ond when the Babe smacked his fence-busting blow, and the mate, seeing the ball go over the wall, start- ed to jog around the basepath. But not so the Babe. Head down as always, he sprinted around the hassocks at full speed and passed the astonished mate between third and home for the final out of the inning. The Babe, of course, was best remembered for his feat of trying to catch fly balls with his head and never quite hanging onto the sim- mering pellet. But of all the Brooklyn charac- ters, the late Uncle Robby was the tops. As long as he ran the team, he won only one pennant and finished in the first division on only three other occasions. But he was the most beloved manager to ever tread any diamond. UNCLE ROBBY, fat and jovial, had his heart and soul wrapped upin the Dodgers. He also had a rare gift of absent-mindedness, and once, when a reporter asked him who would pitch the following day, he grinned and said, "Oh, I don't know, young man, but I guess it'll be Old Daz." He was referring to Dazzy Vance, then in his heyday as a great National League flinger. One of the assorted Dodgers who was sitting at Uncle Robby's feet, said, "But Daz pitched today, Uncle Robby." The old gentleman, looked at the sky thoughtfully and replied, "So he did. Well, young man, I'll be damned if I know who'll pitch to- morrow." And that's the way Uncle Robby managed the Daffiness boys. They were the most colorful bunch in base- ball, even though they did have trou- ble winning games. But this year the Brooklyn citizen will see something he's never seen before-a safe and sane ball club-because Boss Branch is looking for victories, not color. TAKE CARE, MR. BRIESKE: Close Scores Have Marked Iowa-Michigan Grid Series IT MAY WORK: Iowa Mentor Shifts Farmer ' If Iowa and Michigan wage the same kind of battle that have marked the past contests of the series, the score will be close. Michigan has won the past five battles dating from 1928, but that doesn't tell half the story. With the exception of only one of these games the scores have been too close for the Wolverines' comfort, and even when Michigan triumphed by a score of 27-7 in 1939 the Hawkeyes gave Michigan a battle all the way. In 1928 Michigan won a close de- cision over Iowa by the narrow mar- gin of a field goal, 10-7. Again in 1933 Michigan, Big Ten- national titlists, squeezed out a nar- row victory, this time by a field goal and extra point. That was the last year that Michigan won the Big Ten and national title. It was only the. brilliant running of Stan Fay over the frozen turf that proved Michi- gan's superiority. Michigan next met the Hawkeyes at Iowa City where they again proved the value of the toe as they won this one by only an extra point, Freddie Trosko's conversion providing the margin. It looked at though Iowa would break the jinx in 1939 as Coach Eddie Anderson's "Wonder Team" took an early lead. Sensational Nile Kinnick hurled one of the longest passes ever thrown in the stadium to Floyd Dean who caught the ball and ran un- molested for a touchdown. Kinnick's throw covered 50 yards and Dean's run another 30 more. But Michigan was not to be de- nied, and by taking advantage of. four breaks, they scored four touch- downs, -all by a lad named Tom Har- mon. Another feature of the game was Harmon's 95-yard touchdown run on an intercepted pass. Michigan achieved its last victory last year when Tom Kuzma nlunged through the mud for the game's only score early in the contest. From then' on the battle see-sawed back and forth. Iowa's only real threat was halted when Bill Green, after break- ing into the open, was knocked out of bounds deep in Michigan territory. Spartans Face' Oregon State EAST LANSING, Nov. 25.- (IP)- With their offensive ace, Halfback Dick Kieppe, an uncertain starter, Michigan State's finale against Ore- gon State here Saturday may resolve into a Spartan defensive stand against the touchdown-conscious Beavers. The Rose Bowl champions have had an erratic season, winning four games I and losing five, but their record is little comfort to State's Charley Bach- man, who points out that the Beavers have rolled up 150 points for an av- erage of 16 points per game. The Spartans in eight games have compiled 113 points, but show a better defense record holding their oppo- nents to 92 points while the BeaversE have yielded 135. In their only game against a com- mon foe, the Spartans and Beavers turned in almost duplicate perfor- mances. Washington State downed Oregon State, 25-13, and halted the Spartans, 25-13. Kieppe, however, was in top form against the Cougars. Bad News for Bowls WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.-W)-Any Bowl committees that had ideas of getting one of the Navy's pre-flight elevens for their New Year's Day football games can just forget all about it. Pre-flight teams have been forbidden to take part in any bowl games because of lack of transporta- tion. To Halfback I Out of the three "great" passers that faced Michigan this year, only one was stopped completely. That man was Angelo Bertelli, the Notre Dame aerial ace. / The two passers that had field days against the Maize and Blue were Otto Graham, Northwestern, and Paul "never missed a shot" Sarring- haus, Ohio State. This coming Saturday Michigan will come up against Tom Farmer, Iowa pitcher, one .of the outstanding passers of the Midwest. Until this game with the Wolverines, Farmer has played quarterback in the same style as Bertelli, that is, playing close to the line in the T-formation used by Notre Dame and Iowa. Dr. Eddie Anderson, coach of the Hawkeyes, says that he is going to shift Farmer from his regular quar- terback post to that of left halfback for the game. Anderson no doubt heard what the Michigan men did to Bertelli at Notre Dame a few Satur- days ago. In this new position Far- mer will probably have time to con- tinue his phenomenal passing suc- cess against the Wolverines. Iowa hasn't ever beaten a Michi- gan team coached by Fritz Crisler, and it's a sure bet that the Hawkeyes will give all in trying to win. Michigan has been notoriously poor in pass defense all season, and any- thing can happen when a Farmer pitches. i Tl Comparative Scores Say Iowa by 30 Points I Ann Arbor 'High Pair Promising Prospects for- VarsityBackfield a' 'I Jaco 01 4 _ By DES HOWARTH After seeing the Ohio State-Michi- gan frosh football game last Friday few observers would not concur that Michigan has at least two outstand- ing varsity backfield prospects-Dick Walterhouse and Ralph Chubb, both graduates of Ann Arbor High, where they demoralized all prep opposition as they led their team through an undefeated season last year. All-State Captain Walterhouse was picked at left half and was named captain on the All-State football team, while Chubb was the second choice for fullback. Last year Walterhouse set a new scoring record for high schools by countering 120 points. It was only appropriate that Dick should be made captain his senior year for he per- formed as a triple-threat for three seasons, doing everything including passing, kicking, running, place-kick- ing extra points and calling signals. Ralph on the other hand did not go out for football until his senior year. Needless to say, his pre-season play earned him a starting position over more experienced veterans. Coach Played Here Now these touchdown twins, oddly enough, are running from the same double wingback formation which they used under their prep coach, Kip Taylor, former Wolverine end. This offense is well adapted to their abili- ties for it provides opportunity for Walterhouse to sweep the ends and Chubb to crash the middle. Dick, although only 5' 8", is power- fully built. Combining drive and elu- siveness, he also has an uncanny knack of picking his holes. What is more, he is especially hard to knock off his feet. Ralph is a fullback resembling the Bill Green type of Iowa. He.has plen- ty of drive and gets up to the line in a hurry. He, like Walterhouse, finds his holes quickly. Once in 'the open Chubb is especially dangerous as he possesses more speed than most full- backs. Wolverine fans, especially those in Ann Arbor, are looking forward to next season when they hope to see both of these home town boys oper- ating in the same varsity backfield. If you're wacky enough to do so, you can resort to comparative scores and prove almost anything you want to about Saturday's Iowa- Michigan clash-but don't .let the results influence your betting, for it might prove fatal. For instance: Iowa beat Wiscon- sin, 6-0; Wisconsin whipped the Conference champions, Ohio State, 17-7; and Ohio State drubbed Michigan, 21-7. So, the Hawkeyes must be 30 points better than the Wolverines. And if you're spotting Michigan 30 points there are plenty of takers here in town. Or, look at it this way: Iowa beat Indiana by one point; the Hoosiers tripped Minnesota by seven; and the Gophers topped Michigan by two. Add ,these figures and they show that Iowa will win by 10 points. Take your choice. Army Is Favored ANNAPOLIS, Md., Nov. 25.-(P)- Navy went into hiding today, along about the time the bookmakers in these parts established Army's well- drilled machine a 2 to 5 favorite in Saturday's transplanted service scramble. urn i STOP HANDKERCHIEF TEST PROVES VITAL ZONE NO MATTER HOW OFTEN YOU SMOKE IT I LAN O $ 6 'II 0HN ,-- i Dance at the Union this Friday and Saturday i I VIII }}'{.v :" .{:} ?: ti^::;? :::. 9P"^riAw' .rV 'Ytl4P" .... 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