-'- -,- o., I .. ::emu.. I 4 4 4ai ttv Weather Rain and Colder VOL. LII No 46' ANN A1OR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Two Jap Destroyers Sunk In Landings Off Buna: I Red Army Drive Threatens 300,000 Germans n . . AON Soviets Seize Don Junction in Offensive German Toll in Dead, Captured at 9,000 with Another 140,000 Presumably Wounded By EDDY GILMORE Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Nov. 26. (Thursday)- The Red Army striking across the snow-covered Don Steppes west of Stalingrad has seized the Don-Chir River junction in a move threatening rapidly to complete the envelopment of the 300-000-man German assault army at Stalingrad. A special Soviet communique, the fourth in four days, announced also that the Nazi toll in dead and cap- tured now stood at 98,000, and pre- sumably another 140,000 Germans have been wounded in the bloody battle of the Don iver bend. 65 Miles Southwest The Russian armies occupied Novo- maximovsky and Staromaximovsky at the junction of the Don and Chir riv- ers, 66 miles southwest of Stalingrad, the comunique said, without detailing the significance of this advance. This indicated one of two develop- ments. Either the Russian Army which struck acrss the Don River at $erafimovch on the nrth side of the bend had penetrated clear across that strategic elbow to the southern side, or that the Red Army column driving down the Stalingrad-Novorossisk rail- road had turned northward to link up with the upper Soviet army. Six Villages Taken Field dispatches had reported only a 30-mille gap remaind to be closed in the Don elbow to encircle the Nazi Stalingrad armies. These reports pre- ceded the issuance of the latest special communique, which did not give the new mileage rolled up by the Soviet offensive begun Nov. 19. Besides occupying the new and old cities of Maximovsky on the Chir-Don Rivers, the communique said, six more villages had been taken, the 22nd Nazi tank division had been routed, 15,000 prisoners taken, and 6,000 Nazis killed during yesterday's operations. This made a total of 47,000 German Turn to Page 2, Col. 3 Free French Quit Airwaves Protest American Deal with Admiral Darlan LONDON, Nov. 25.-(P)-The voice of Fighting France which has broad- cast hope and encouragement to France daily since June, 1940, quit the air tonight in protest against the American deal with Admiral Darlan in North Africa, a measure of expedi- ency with which the British govern- ment indicated it was content until the, campaign there is finished. Foreign Secretary Eden earlier in the day told the House of Commons that this ;is not the time to "discuss arrangements made in North Africa between General Eisenhower (the American Lieutenant-General com- manding the entire North African operation) and local French authori- ties." Of the British cancellation of the speech planned for last Saturday by Gen. Charles De Gaulle, Eden said that "the Prime Minister (Churchill) and I did not think its delivery at this particular time would be helpful to the extremely tense and serious op- erations now proceeding in Tunisia. Italian Press Calls for Evacuation of Rome BERLIN (From German Broad- casts), Nov. 25.- ()- Evacuation of children, women, and aged persons from Rome because of "the possibility of aerial attacks on the most densely populated Italian city" was recom- mended today by the newspaper Mes- Ann Arbor to Have Third Blackout Sunday at 9:30 Police Chief Mortenson Reveals Test Will Cover 15 Minute Period; University Staff to Assist Where Soviet Jaws Close in on Nazi Army RUSSIA ERAFIMOV C K / Several hundred University stu- dents will undergo their first black- out Sunday night when Ann Arbor has its first test since August. Police Chief Sherman H. Morten- son, commander of the Citizen's De-' fense Corps, last night disclosed that the blackout will begin at 9:30 p.m. and the all clear will be sounded at 9:45. Forces of 650 air raid wardens and 100 auxiliary policemen will pa- trol the streets in the blackout which will cover the whole of Ann Arbor township, Chief Mortenson said. , More than 100 University employes under the direction of Walter Roth, of the buildings and grounds depart- Willkie Urges War Purposes Be Defined Declares War Must Be Grand Coalition for Liberation of All TORONTO, Nov. 25.- (JP)- Wen- dell L. Wilkie was cheered vocifer- ously tonight as he told 17,500 persons at a Canadian-aid-to-Russia-fund meeting in Maple Leaf gardens that he lives in "constant dread" the war may end before the peoples of the world "have come to a common un- derstanding of what they fight for and what they hope for after the war is over." Wilkie declared that "the people must define their purposes during the war" and added that "I am quite de- liberately trying to provoke discus- sion of those purposes between the peoples of the various countries of the world." "Grand Coalition" This war, Willkie declared, "is either a 'grand coalition' of peoples, fighting a common war for liberation, or it is nothing .. . "It must be either a great pooling of all our energies, inspired by a united strategy, planned and fought on a global scale, or it will be lost ... Willkie said that he found every- where on his flight around the world, from which he returned five weeks ago, encouragement on the fighting fronts and a resolution to win in the peoples behind the fronts. "But I also found-and this trou- bled me greatly-I also found worry and doubt in the hearts and minds of the people . . . they were searching for a common cause .. . the whole world seemed to me in an eager, de- manding, hungry, ambitious mood, ready for incredible sacrifice if only to justify the sacrifices already made," he added. Not a Real Peace World War I ended "with an armis- tice, not a real peace," he went on, because Lenin gave the world one set of answers, Wilson gave it another and "neither set of answers ever be- came blood-and-bone part of the war . neither set ofanswers re- deemed the war or made it anything more than a costly fight for power." "I do not believe this war need be the same," he said. "There are now, during the war, common purposes in the minds of men living as far apart as the citizens of Great Britain and the Free Commonwealth of Nations, the Americans, the Russians and the Chinese. "But we shall have to make articu- late and real our common purposes." ment will patrol the campus to see that all lights are extinguished. When students and townspeople hear the University siren which is heard every Saturday noon, Chief Mortenson explained, they should turn out all their lights and remain in complete darkness until the all clear is sounded. Every individual will be responsible for the lights in his room no matter if he is living in a dormitory or a private rooming house. Last One Good "As far as the University was con- cerned," Chief Mortenson added, "the last blackout on Aug. 12 was very good. The students showed fine co- operation." The last blackout which was or- dered by the Army and extended through Michigan, Ohio, fllinois, In- diana and' Wisconsih, lasted a half hour: More than '- vilations Weare reported in Ann Arbor. None of these individuals were connected with the University. "'-- Hospitals Prepared' Both of Ann Arbor's hospitals are prepared for the test,C hief M4e - son said, and it will not distrbthi general procedure. Defense factories will also continue their wrk,-he siod, All traffic will be, stopped .ex et truckscarrying vital war suppie buses and trains. tis is the first tst bla'cout Ann A or. will have had since the Iall semester tai d ai4cos ehety is the first in.w chany studnthave ever participated. Dr. IPeters on, Retired Medwical Pro f ssor, Lhes Dr. Reuben Peterson, professor' emeritus of the University department of obstetrics and gynecology since his retirement in 1931, died yesterday at his home in Duxbury, Mass. He was 80 years old. Dr. Peterson was born m Boston, Mass. on June 29, 1862. He was grad- uated from the Harvard University medical school in 1889. Alter several years of practice in Grand Rapids he came to the University as head of the medical school's departlent of, ob- stetrics and gynecology.. Plans for the funeral which will be held in Duxbury have not been com- pleted yet. He was a fellow of the American Gynecological Society of which he was president in 1911 and was also president of the Chicago Gynecologi- cal Society in 1910. He was a member and one of the founders of the Ameri- can College of Surgeons and an hon- orary fellow of the Edinburgh Ob- stetrical Society. Survivors include his wife, Jose- phine, two sons, Reuben Peterson Jr., Providence, R.I. arid Ward Peterson, Ann Arbor; two daughters, Miss Mar- ian Peterson, Cincinnati, 0., and Miss Julia Peterson, Washington, b.C.; a sister, Mrs. John 8. Phillips, Goshen, N.Y., and six grandchildren, two of which are students at the University. FOUR NAZIS RECAPTUREI) OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 25.- (W).{'-- Four German soldiers, captured by Australian forces in Africa, escaped near here early today from a prison train carrying them to an internment camp in the United States, but all were recaptured within seven hours. KLETSKAYA KACHALI NO CHERNYSHEVSKAYA K A LACH et, R.MOROZOVSK AYA ABGAN EROVA .TSIMLYANSK AKSAI Do' n iKOTELN IKOVSKI IROSTOV o so . o aucasus STATUTE MILES _ _ _' i Arrows indicate where Red Army offensives have pushed into the cold Don Steppes west of Stalin- grad to threaten the entire Nazi salient in that area. The Russians have seized the Don-Chir River June-. tion and are rapidly completing the envelopment of the 300,004-man German assault army at Stalingrad. Prepare Tunis, Bizerte Assah American, British Planes Pound Axis Hotbeds in Tunisia By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 25.- The grand Allied assault on Tunis and Bizerte is about to be launched by the force of British Lieut.-Gen. K. A. N. Anderson, the Morocco radio announced to- night, while American and British planes in relays pounded Axis hotbeds over the whole Tunisian battleground. The Morocco radio declared that Anderson, leader of the British First Army and a supporting force of Amer- leans, is on the verge of beginning a large-scale offensive. It said further that his forces had once more thrown back a German column in an engage- ment 28 miles south of Tunis. The regular communique of the Allied Force Headquarters in North Africa said that two successful raids1 were carried out on Bizerte Monday and Tuesday nights and that US. Army P-38 Fighters of the 14th air force destroyed 14 enemy planes in Tunisia yesterday. The fighter bag included, the war report said, seven Italian troop trans- port planes shot down at Gabes and Turn to Page 6, Col. 1 Ex-French Leader in German Hands AT THE FRENCH FRONTIER, Nov. 25.-- (RP)- Former Premier Paul Reynaud, former Home Minister Georges Mandel, and probably five other former French leaders including Den. Maurice Gamelin, have been, or Ore about to be, given into German hands, reliable sources said today. According to the most authentic information, Reynaud and Mandel, captives since the fall of France, have been transferred from their prison fortress in the Pyrenees to Bordeaux, ostensibly for safe-keeping but ac- tually as a step to being handed over to the Nazis. Churnches Will Hold Inter-Faith Service T0d A community - wide Inter - Faith Thanksgiving Service, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Churches and the Counselor in Religious Education, Dr.! Edward W. Blakeman, will be held at 10:30 a.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Rev. Oswald W. McCall, noted preacher on religious and interna- tional subjects, will deliver the main address, "Blessed Are the Debonair." Dr. McCall, formerly minister for 20 years in Berkeley, California, is the preacher at the New First Church of Chicago. He has also spoken at City Temple, London. Representatives of the Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant faiths will participate in the service. Edwin F. Conlin will read the President's Proc- lamation. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen will read a psalm of Thanksgiving, and Rev. William P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian Church will give a prayer. A choir of 100 voices from the Choral Union and various church groups under the direction of Prof. Hardin A. Van Deursen, will sing two anthems, "Onward, Ye Peoples!" and "A Prayer of Thanksgiving." Prof. Palmer Christian will be at the organ. The presentation of the colors and the ushering will be carried out by the ROTC under Capt. Roland L. Kolb. The chairman of the committee on arrangements is Rev. Leonard A. Parr of the First Congregational Church. * * * Prof. Percival Price, University car- illonneur, will play a special medley of Thanksgiving hymns from 10:10 to 10:30 a.m. today, preceding the Thanksgiving service. Among his se- lections are "God of Our Fathers," "Onward Then Ye People," "We Ga- ther Together," "We Plow the Fields," and "Now Thanks We All Our God." Fraternities Out for Duration? Leaders Defend Role of Societies in War NEW YORK, Nov. 25.-(A)-Ene- mies of the American college frater- nity system are attempting to elimi- nate it from colleges and universities throughout the country as a wartime measure, G. Herbert Smith, president of Willamette College, Salem, Ore., asserted today. Addressing the College Fraternity Delay in Gas Rationing Is Recommended Jeffers Opposes Further Stay Asked by Oil-States Bloc< WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.- (P)- A sixth-month postponement of nation-; wide gasoline rationing was strongly recommended today by a committee representing a bi-partisan group of House members, largely from oil-pro- ducing states. Meanwhile, William M. Jeffers, the rubber administrator, stood firmly by his frequently reiterated intention to make rationing effective on Dec. 1 for the purpose of conserving the rubber in the tires of the nation's privately- owned automobiles. The day also brought an anti-ra- tioning protest from Rep. Sumners (Dem.-Tex.), who said that "this idea of having somebody from Washington telling an individual how to go about his own business looks too much like the bug that bit Hitler." Six western senators, meanwhile, called for an investigation of what they considered a threatened fuel shortage in the area between the Mis- sissippi River and the Rocky Moun- tains. They charged that "confusion of authority" was to blame. New England legislators continued to express apprehension over the heating oil situation. The recommendations of the House group favoring postponement of na- tion-wide gas rationing were present- ed to the House interstate commerce committee by Rep. Anderson (Dem.- N.M.). Gen. Duncan Is Missing after Plane Crash WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.- ()P)- Brigadier General Asa N. Duncan, 50, Chief of Air Staff in the European theatre, has been forced down at sea and is missing in action, the War De- partment reported today. Gen. Duncan was forced down while flying from England to North Africa on November 17. His plane Went into the sea off the northern coast of France. No information, the depart- ment said, has been received as to whether any of the personnel' in the plane survived. Duncan, a command pilot and com- bat observer, was made Chief of Air Staff in the European theatre last Allied Planes Hit Warships in Darkness Jungle Makes Land Fighting Difficult as Our Forces Near Strong Enemy Posts ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Nov. 26. (Thursday)- Heavy and medium bombers operat- ing under General MacArthur's com- mand smashed a Japanese attempt t land reinforcements at Buna yester- day, sinking two enemy destroyers and damaging a third, apparently all heavily loaded with troops, Allied headquarters announced today. A Japanese light cruiser and a fourth destroyer also in the action beat a hasty retreat from the northern New Guinea shore under the heavy Allied pounding, carried out in dark- ness by planes which first dropped flares and then blasted their lighted targets with 500-pound bombs. Fighting Slow, Difficult This latest success was announced in a noon communique which dis- closed that the fighting on land, con- tinuing heavy, is slow and difficult in "low, tropical jungle, interspersed with swamp and tidal creek," and that the Allied troops "are now encounter- Xg carefully prepared positions strongly fortified with barbed wire, dugouts and all the defensive attri- butes of a fortress." The destroyer damaged off Buna probably also was sunk, headquarters said. The communique told this story of the air battle against the enemy ships: "Enemy naval forces under cover of darkness again attempted to land re- inforcements to the beleaguered gar- rison but were shattered and repulsed, and the attempt was unsuccessful. Warships Made Sortie "A light cruiser and four destroyers made the sortie. Our heavy and me- dium bombers intercepted with flares and 500-pound bombs in Huon Gulf and sank two destroyers with direct hits and severely damaged a third. "This latter was dead in the water for 25 minutes and then was seen heading for land at a speed of six knots. It is probable she also sank, as our rear air echelons searched her possible area of position without see- ing her. "The ships were apparently heavily loaded with troops and those on the destroyed units undoubtedly were lost. The light cruiser and the fourth destroyer fled to the north. Yanks Kill 70 on Guadalcanal Knife Deep in Jungle after Enemy Artillery WASHINGTON, Nov. 25.--(P)-A Marine patrol knifing deep into the mountainous jungles on Guadalcanal Island has killed 70 Japanese and captured five machine guns at a loss of only two men wounded, the Navy announced today. The enemy troops were caught in an encampment at the village of Mambulo on the upper Matankau River, beyond the southwestern flank of the American position on the Solo- mon island. From somewhere on these jungle- covered heights the Japanese have had artillery firing down upon the Guadalcanal airfield, and it was pos- sible the patrol was out hunting for the enemy field pieces when it came upon the Japanese camp. MINORS TO GO ON THE WAGON: Beer Banned at P-Bell, Starbucks t.1 By AL WEEKS Student hang-outs - the Pretzel Bell and Starbuck's College Inn-have been forbidden to sell beer for an indefinite period beginning midnight Sunday after a disclosure by the State Main St. has been on probation since Oct. 5, said to The Daily of the sus- pension: "If eighteen-year-olds 'nC fight, why can't they'drink? None of us knew that the 1942 and 143 stadent night so that they may dispose of their present stock. Dotsch informed the operators that as soon as a system can be worked out proving customers are of age, licenses will be restored. Driving and hunting 4 F x SHOP EARLY '..Help Speed :>the War Effc --. -- -- Y)KNLY ort 1