K TW THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 1942 Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University O Milhigan under the authority of the Board in Coltrol of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University "year, 'and every morning except Mai.. day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to th use for republication of all news dispatches credited ti! it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. AI rights of republication of all other matters herein also Ieserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NAT1ONa1. DVERTIIfN4 BY National Advertising Service,Inc. College Pabishers kepwsentaive 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * SON . LOS AMOILES - SAI LFANCISCO SCREAM BOMB. 'A. j .. Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp George W. Sallad6 Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann . . . . o. Managing Editor . . . . - Editorial Director C .ity Edito r * . . . . Associate Editor * . . . .Associate Editor! . Sports Editor . Women's Editor . . . . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff. Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . Business Managet Assoiate Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Sales Analyst 4ERRY GOw PEARSON WASHINGTON - One of the most significant treaties since the founding fathers wrote the Consti- tution is now under secret consider- ation in the U.S. Senate. It is an agreement with Panama. Actually it is not called a "trea- ty." It is called a "joint resolution" to escape the constitutional pro- vision requiring two-thirds ratifi-I cation by the Senate. In other words, this particular treaty, when called a joint resolution, can be ratified by a bare majority vote of one in each house of Congress. So far eagle-eyed Senators Gil- lette, Democrat of Iowa, and Nye, Republican of North Dakota, com- prising a sub-committee to study the matter, have not recommended passage. They are skeptical regard- ing any break down of constitu- tional safeguards. The treaty (1) provides that Panama be given the entire sew- age, water supply and sanitation system constructed by the U.S.A. in the cities of Colon and Panama to get rid of dread yellow fever and malaria menace. But after giving them to Panama for its own opera- tion, the United States would still retain the obligation to maintain health in the Canal Zone. (2) Gives Panama all U.S.-owned land in the city of Colon, valued at $25,000,000. (3) Cancels the $2,500,000 debt which Panama borrowed from the Export-Import Bank. Panamanians Must Ratify Another "treaty" also has been negotiated with Panama which has not been referred to Congress even as a joint resolution. This is called a military agreement. Undoubtedly there is justification for rushing through an agreement of this kind for the defense of Panama. But although the U.S. Senate is not consulted and not asked to ratify the agreement, neverthelessrthe Congress of Panama, under Article 14, must ratify. In other words, the State Department considers the Congress of Panama more impor- tant than the Senate of the United States. This military agreement provides for (1) $700,000 a year rent to Pan- ama (during the war for the occu- pation of certain areas in the Re- public; (2) Building roads through Panama which become the property of Panama after the war; (3) Building a bridge over a major river which becomes the property of Panama; (4) Building bridges over or subways under each end of the Panama Canal. (Copyright, 1942, United Features Synd.) liiAXE to'9itd By TORQUEMADA Today in a newspaper office is ments are not the type we are fight- much the same as any other day. ing for. When a group of men who There are the usual number of press wield considerable power talk as releases and Associated Press Dis- quoted, it becomes very ve y dis- patches, and copies of PM and In couraging. We should not be\fight- Fact, and the Ohio State Lanten. ing to go back to 1929; we should be And much as every other day, there fighting to go forward to the "peo- are large and glaring defects of what ple's century." intelligent people in a college town We get the same kind of material regard as "the good." here every day-we read the Free We have heard today that 'the Press and Little Orphan Annie telling anti-poll tax bill has been defeated. children that the "CIOman will get The defeat does not mean that the you if you don't watch out." And of majority of the American people course the Chicago Tribune comes in are in favor of Negro slavery, nor every day. does it mean that a majority of Really the issue becomes: To be or the Senate is against democratic not to be discouraged. And every edi- voting qualifications. torial and column criticizing some It merely means that the whole new social inanity receives a mental question is of little interest to the pat on the head, "These young liber- American people; and that only 37 als; they fight so beautifully: they of 96 senators thought the question never learn: I wish I were a young a fundamental one. Some of the idealist again." Some people say: senators were in favor of cloture (the "How can they fight Ilitler so vigor- technical provision whereby the bill ously, when winning will just give would have been forced to a vote) the NAM power?" but refused to be gagged. The fight I will tell you why I do not become will, we hope, be resumed in the near discouraged. I do not really deep future. down believe we are fighting this war Today, In Fact, a small sheet put so that as soon as Hitler is defeated out by George Seldes "For the Mi- labor will come into its own, and a lions Who Want a Free Press," re- new South will run to the polls to ports the results of a closed meeting exercise its democratic franchise. I of the National Association of Manu- don't think that this will come after facturers. In Fact quotes some of the the German armies are defeated. I assembled manufacturers: don't think that little Orphan Annie "If we are to come out of this will cease her insidium. I don't think war with a Marxist brand of Na- that a new and glorious era of ram- tional Socialism, then I say nego- pant New Dealism will sweep the tiate peace right now and ,bring world into a people's century. Adolf over here to run the show.' He knows how. He's efficient. He Bt I do believe what one of the can do a better jsb than any of us greatest men in America has said: can, andabdamn sight better job "We are fighting for the right to than Roosevelt, who is nothing but fight to be free." I do believe that a left-wing bungling amateur." some day the poll tax will be abol- ished, and maybe that some day "We've got Roosevelt on the run, there will be racial equality. We licked production and the Axis Winning the war won't do it. Win- is licking him. 'Th~efinger points ning the war won't do it because the where it belongs. We'll keep him on American people after the war will the run .. . the rn ..be the same American people that Mr. Lamont DuPont is quoted: didn't force the poll tax today. This "Deal with the government and the does not .mean that the American rest of the squawlgers the way you people are stupid; it merely means deal with a buyer in a sellers' mar- that they are not educated. We are ket. If the buyer wants to buy, he fighting the war so that everybody has to meet your price ... They may be educated; so that maybe in a want what we've got. Good. Make thousand years a cloture bill on the them pay the right price for it. The poll tax will be forced through the price isn't unfair or unreasonable. Senate. If we lose-it's the dark And if they don'tlike the rice, ages; if we win, then Frank Graham's why don they think it over." statement will mean something. We It would 'seem that these state- will have the right to fight to be free. Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: BUD BRIMMER j Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. $LACK MARK: Burial Of A t4oll Tax Bill Blots U.S. Record W ELL, there goes the anti-poll tax bill. Oppo- nents of the proposal have won amajor vic- tory, they forced the bill back on the calendar Where it will languish until thissession of Con- gress is over. To be brought before the Senate again a new bill will have to be passed through the gauntlet of committees. And that is not a bet we would like to give big odds on. The senators must be very warm 'and com- fortable today. A minorityof them gave all so that democracy in the United States could be laughingly slapped on the bck by, good old Adolf. He always knew that any fool could break down a country by pitting one group against another. But without his aid and benefit the Senators have done a splendid job. A minority of them have forced the majority to back down on a bill that surely would have passed that body could it have been brought to a vote. Filibuster did the trick. Adolf knows about that, too. The anti-poll tax bill has been tucked away for the duration of this Congress. Everybody is very happy, except the majority of Cogress and the people of this country who beleve in defne- racy despite the Senators from the South. lt~s all go out and cheer our throats raw, for United States democracy has just been seen in action and its glowing example will be the byword of every Fascist who believes in 'egal" Fascism-. - Eugene Mandeberg 7,000 WORKERS: ESMWT Contributes To U.S. War Program, T HE University's Engineering Science and Management War Training progran is'doubt- less just another mysterious initial organiation to many students. However, for more than 3,000 persons who up until last September received essential war train- ing under this program, ESMWT is one of the University's major contributions to the war ef- fort. Managed and coordinated by Prof. R. H. Sher- lock of the Civil Engineering Department, this prbgram is now conducting 32 war training courses in Ann Arbor and other Michigan cities. Both full-time and part-time, these courses in- clude ordnance inspection training, personnel work, radio training, production supervision, stress analysis of machine parts and several oth- er essential subjects. Col. H. W. Miller of the Engineering Drawing Department is in charge of the ordnance program. All told, by June, 1943, ESMWT plans to contribute more than 3,000 additional trained workers to American industry who will have put in at least 500,000 class hours. This will make an estimated'total of at least 7,000 stu- dents graduated from ESMWT courses-a war effort contibution of sh magnitude that every student should not only be aware of this excellent work but should give it due promi- nence on the role of University war under- takings.. -- Bud Brimmer A Welcome Defeat / Now it can be told. The Democrats were so busy, trying to win the war that they flunked their id-term examinations. * * SCHOOL PLAN: New Education Policy Asked For 17-year-olds IN AN EFFORT to salvage as much education as possible for high school students of high scholastic ability, the Educational Policies Com- mission has recommended that 17-year-old high school seniors be allowed to complete their last year of school at a university, thus gaining both a high school diploma and at least one year of college education before they are taken by the Army. The commission recommending this policy is a product of the National Education Association and the American Association of School Admin- istrations. Its membership is composed of uni- versity and college presidents, deans and pro- fessors, city and state superintendents of schools, classroom teachers and officials of educational oiganizations. This synthesis of opinion from representatives of high schools and colleges is the result of an extended discussion held in Washington last week on how to preserve universities, "now threat- ened," by the almost total evacuation of -their male students, "as the sources of leadership for the post-war world." It was suggested that the plan be put into partial operation this February, 'and full operation would start next fall. Al parties concerned stressed especially the need for concessions on the part of both insti- tutions. Traditional college entrance require- ments must be relaxed and many high school pet" courses will have to be eliminated. It i the commission's idea that students admitted to colleges would, during their year's work, work towards a bachelor's degree or prepare for a professional school. Members were insistent that the high school senior be deprived neither of his high school diploma nor -credit for his year in college, but that he receive both. Edmund E. Day, President of Cornell Univer- sity, declared that the plan would give young men a "toe hold" in college before entering military service. He pointed out that the year in college would be invaluable to them in the Army and that it Would help avoid a break in college educa- tion which Will eventually leave universities ex- clusively to men in 4-F and women. But another aspect of the resolution, as stated by Dean J. B. Edmonson of the Univer- sity School of Education is still the most seri- ,us art of the entire discussion. Said the Dean: "Many principails of high schools will feel that students can spend the last year to better advantage in high schools than in col- lege. It will, therefore, be necessary for the higher institutions to have conferences with the heads of "secondary schools in order that the advantages and disadvantages of the pro- posal may be carefully exposed." And it is this latter question mark that is the crux of the situation. The commission's resolu- tion may well look splendid on paper, but the actual operation of such a plan will call for so much more cooperation between high schools and colleges that the plan may, fail at the conference table discussions. OWEVER ADMIRABLE the idea is, it will re- 'quire the hurdling of ideas and prejudices close to the hearts of high school principals and college presidents. To some it will seem like oheapening college. To others it will appear as though the colleges are stealing their students. And there are some who will violently oppose it simply because it is something new. Yethe idea is certainly worth a fair trial. I'd Rather Be. Right__ --- By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK-Conservatism is on the march. It is in a new mood, tittering and giggling and' humming snatches of song. It has not been so confident since 1920. One reads in the :political chatter columns of the things conservatism intends to do; it will take back the money grants it has given to the Pres- ident to fight the war, and will dole out, dollar for dollar, as it sees fit. It will call Mr. Roose- velt's recent appointees (including perhaps Mr. Lehman, as Foreign Relief Administrator) to the carpet, and will give each one a bad afternoon, thatbeing, obviously, what the last election was about. The Joy-Ride Note In this new, eager mood, conservatism does not quite know what to grab first. Its eyes are wide and its hands are reaching. Senator Byrd will go into the questionnaire situation. He wants to know why the government asks so many people so many questions. Too many questions being asked around here, says Senator Byrd, and he intends to ask the govern- ment some questions about it. This is the tape-measure approach to gov- ernment, a conservative favorite. You pull out the old tape measure, and if more questions are being asked than in the last war, that is obviously wrong. But the big thing about the new conservative putsch is the wheeeee! or joy-ride note that is beginning to be heard in it. Tantivyl Tantivy! A kind of in-at-the-kill rejoicing is going on, reaching so shrill a peak that new strains have been set up within the Republican party itself. Its more sober voices, such as the New York Herald-Tribune, warn against making an indis' criminate bonfire of recent reforms, but those voices are not easily heard amid the jubilation and the hoop-la. The question is raised as to whether the public business can be carried on like a fox-hunt, and whether the gleeful cry "Tantivy! Tantivy!" is an adequate substitute for a study of the facts. It was exactly this left-right angling of every issue which so depressed conservatives when the boisterous youths of the New Deal went in for it a few years ago, but one must ask whether this angling is any better when it comes from the right. That the world and its events are being given a right angle, so to speak, is evident from such current Washington phrases as "This is the end of reform!" Now, a reform can be anything, from a proposal to give each American an income of $1,000 to a plan for extirpating ringworm by grants-in-aid, and the new heated-brow ten- dency to tie it all up together in one package and throw it, into the Potomac is exactly as class-conscious as the Communist Manifesto. One fails to see why it is any better to make "reform" a dirty word than to mae "rich man" a dirty word. Look What He Found- But the glee mounts, and almost every day now some new bright little idea is trotted out for put- ting an extra twist in the tail of the New Deal. Conservatism is on a binge, its cheeks are flushed, and some days it doesn't seem to care what it says any more. One man discovers with horror that the "bureaucrats" have posted DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN heCN 50 ihC &k0tor Professor Levi To the Editor: ON Sunday, Nov. 22, at noon, some of the many friends of the late Professor Moritz Levi (1887, A.B.) gathered at his home on Olivia Ave- nue to pay tribute to a man whose 9ctivities for the mature sixty years of his 85 years of life had centered in, Ann Arbor. Two brief addresses were given, the one by a distinguished alumnus of the University, Mr. Gustave A. Wolf, (1878, Law), brother of Mrs.. Levi, and the other by Professor I. Leo Sharfman. The fact that Pro- fessor Levi was born in Germany in 1857, coming to America at the age of 17, made it most fitting that both speakers should touch upon the fact that throughout his life Professor Levi was and remained an ardent admirer of American institutions and of democratic processes. Mr. Wolf gave briefly, facts concerning his ac-' tivities both as a citizen and as a teacher while Professor Sharfman, a lifelong friend and colleague, spoke" of the University activities of Profes- sor Levi as a fine teacher of French and Italian. To all who knew Mr. Levi it was natural that the devotion of his distinguished citizen to demo- cratic ideas should be stressed. PROFESSOR Mabel Ross Rhead rendered at the opening and at the close of this beautiful memorial. service selections on the piano which will long remain in the memory of. those who heard them. To the thousands of students who have sat in French and in Italian; classes under Professor Levi his pass- ing will recall to them the many hap- py hours spent in the classroom with one who was truly a devoted teacher. - L. C. Karpinski ni n.. nnwm i -, itinvnim i.- n r mnnd WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 1942 VOL. LIII No. 45 All notices for the Daiofficial Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of'the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices - If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property ion :a land contract and owe a balance of approximately 60 per .cent of tle value of the prop- erty, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mortgage. Such financing may effect a -substantial saving in interest. Naval Reserve 'Classes V-1' and V47: The height-weIght requirements for enilistmeut in Classes V-1 (S), V-1 '(G) and V-7 (S), V-7 (G) have recently been modified. It is sug- gested that a11 ,those 'who have been rejected, because of failure 'to meet the minimum or maximum weight re- :quirements, apply again for .enlist- ment. The new age-height-weight 'standards are 'on file in 1'009 Angell Hall. B. D. Thuma College df Architecture and Design, School of Education, School of For- estry and Conservation, School of Music, and School of Public Health: Midsemester reports indicating stu- dents enrolled in these units doing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are 'due in the office of the school on Saturday, 'Nov. 28, at noon. R-oport blanks "for this pur- pose may be secured from 'the office: of the school or from Room 4, Uni- verslty Hall. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar University Automobile Regulation: There will be no lifting or modifica- tion of the Automobile Regulation for Thanksgiving Day. Closing hours for women students will be 12:30 an. Wednesday, No- vember 25, and 11:00 pm. Thursday, November 26. The final day for DROPPING' COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will, be Saturday, November 28. A course may be dropped only with 'the per- mission of the dlassif'er, after con- fermn-o with -th intrnttnr. ' that day will be made available in the Main Reading Room if request is made on Wednesday to an Assist- ant in the Reading Room where the books are usually shelved. . W. G. Rice, Director Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of INCOM- PLETES for all students who have not filed petitions for Extension of Time will be Saturday, November 28. A. H. Lovell, Secretary School of Education Freshmen: .Courses dropped after Saturday, No- vember 28, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordi- nary circumstances. No course is ,considered dropped unless it has been reported in the ;office of the Regis- trar, Room 4, University Hall. Graduate Students who took the 'Graduate Record Examination in Oc- tober may call for their test scores in the Graduate School Office through Thursday of this week. - C. S. Yoakum Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for January and May 1943: A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 U.E.S. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Saturday, November 28. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards. are being provided for fresh- men reports; they should be re- turned to the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors and seniors should be re- turned to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmenand upper- class, whose standing at midsemes- ter is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called Mid- semester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards m y be had atl 108 'Mason hall oir . 1r.,24) An, ,el Hall. s a . A. Walter, Asiant hiran