wil * - t 43atfu Wetther Warmer VOLI. III No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Nazi i Allies Gain Losses Mount In Stalingrad New Hold Manpower Registration Booths Are Still Open Dormitory Staff Men, Freshman Engineering Council Will Cooperate with Recruiting Centers War Doesn't Stop for Lunch Retreat Soviet Attack Rolls German Armies Back in Tunisia Axis Mechanized Units Smashed by Attack of Fighter Planes in Deep Southern Area By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 24.-The Africa second front fighting spread over al- most all Tunisia today and blaze fiercest on a new sector in the dee south of the French protectorat where Allied parachutists broke u an Axis mechanized column and sup porting fighter planes shot up ar Axis troop train. * The first disclosures of Axis dispo- sitions in force in south Tunisia-the presence of the armoredcolumn an the use of a troop tGrain-came almos simultaneously with a Vichy radio re- port that the Axis had landed large troop formations on the Tunisian east coastline at Sfax and Gabes, far be- low Bizerte and Tunis. Parachute Action An Allied comnunique announced that parachutists had repulsed the mechanized column operating in the south and captured prisoners. The train under attack of Ameri- can fighter planes had an aerial es- cort, from which four Axis planes were shot down in dogfights. No American planes were reported missingfrom these operations or the 'continuing of bombings of Tunis and Bizerte. "Local engagements" were fought over the greater part of Tunisia," said reports from Allied headquarters in North Africa, and an American- French force fought off a German "advance screen" southwest of Tunis while the British battered a similar Axis force along the Mediterranean coast. - Axis Last Refuge The reported new landings would place Axis forces across the coastal road leading from Tunis to Italian Tripoli, the last potential refuge for Marshal Rommel's desert armies re- treating westward across Libya. The Axis intention apparently was to link its forces at Bizerte and Tunis via the coastal road with the garri- sons of Tripoli and with Rommel's forces, too, if they eventually escape the British pursuit from the east. Sfax lies midway between Tunis and Tripoli near the top of the Gulf of Gabes, and Gabes itself is some 65 miles to the south, where the coastline turns from the north to eastward line leading to Tripoli. Shuttling over the Sicilian Channel arena, the Allied airmen blasted the Axis' African port of entry at Bizerte, Jan Valtin Interned; Faces 'Deportation' for Illegal Entry WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.- (P)- Richard Julius Herman Krebs, whose sensational book on his experiences as an agent of the Russian and Ger- man secret police was a best seller, has been taken into custody on a war- rant ordering his deportation to Ger- many. His apprehension near Bethel, Conn., was announced today by At- torney General Biddle, who approved the deportation order based on al- leged violations of the 1917 and 1924 immigration acts. Krebs, who wrote "Out of the Night" under the name Jan Valtin, is accused of illegally en- tering the country after once having been arrested and deported and after committing a crime (perjury) in- volving moral turpitude. The author had been at liberty on $5,000 bond pending a decision by the Immigration Board of Appeals on his appeal from the deportation pro- ceedings. League Will Hold First Victory Dance .A patriotic way to have fun will be, to attend the Victory Dances start- ing Friday and Saturday in the League ballroom, with .all proceeds except orchestra expense going to the Bomber Scholarship fund. The committee in charge of the I The University of Michigan's'° stu- dent-led Manpower Corps will still have registration booths open-for- business today in an attempt to swell the membership "for the big jobs that are ahead on the local front." New recruits to the corps can regis- ter in the Angell Hall lobby, at the ThreesReceive .Death Penalty for Treason West Engineering Arch and on the Aides of Saboteurs to Get Chair, Prison CHICAGO, Nov. 24.- (P)- Three men were condemned to death and their wives were sentenced to long prison terms for the high crime ofE treason today by a young jurist whof regarded their punishment as- a stern warning against aiding the nation'sl enemies. The three middle-aged couples, na- tives of Germany who became nat- uralized Americans, were pale, tight- lipped and tense while Federal Judge William' J. Campbell declared they had committed "the most iniquitous offense on the unholy list of crimes," and pronounced their penalties. He directed that the men be exe- cuted Jan. 22 in the electric, chair, and ordered that the women be im- prisoned for 25 years and pay fines of $10,000 each. The prisoners were convicted of treason by a jury Nov. 14 for shelter- ing and assisting Herbert Haupt, one. of the eight Nazi saboteurs who were smuggled into this country by U-boats last June. They are Haupt's parents, l Mr. and Mrs. Max Haupt; his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Froeh- ling; and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Richard Wergin. Tears of women spectators height- ened the drama of the proceedings- second instance of the imposition of the death sentence for treason in the United States in 148 years. Technic Goes on Sale Today Will Feature Contest on Ethics Question Labor shortages and delayed cuts have finally been reconciled to pro- duce the November Technic which goes on sale today above the Engi- neering Arch and in the East Engi- neering Building. Scheduled to appear two weeks ago, the failure of small cuts portraying the acidizing process to arrive from Battle Creek caused the late publi- cation date. The issue was also de- layed because of the local printer's labor shortage. Making its first appearance will be a contest on the solving of a prob- lem of ethics. A five dollar prize will be given to the engineer submitting the best answer to a special commit-c tee on ethics chairmaned by Prof.: Donald L. Katz. Deadline for submis-i sion of entries is Dec. 3 at the Technic office.i Feature articles by four eminent Michigan engineers, undergraduates and alumni, will be included along with the regular sections, "Technic R'eflects, Explores and Presents."E Authorbiographies will be included. t The lead article of this issue is Blaine Newman's "Polaroid." Other articles are "Acid Control of Oil Flow" by John G. Strandt, '31E; "Co-t operation-Production-Aircraft" by Jack T. Gray, '39E, and "Theory off Limit Design" by Robert Hay, '43E. Diagonal. To date, the Manpower Corps has over 1,00 members. "We're out to double that figure," head-man Mary Borman announced last night. The staff men of each dormitory have been contacted, he said, and they will cooperate with us to register the dormitory men. Fraternity men who have already beenacontacted should report to the Manpower offices in Angell Hall and get registration cards. The freshman engineering assem- bly will also cooperate by registering men. "We have to expand to tackle the jobs being demanded of us," Borman said yesterday, "and with a war to win it's the job of every student on campus to register for at least a few hours each week. "Most of the students will eventu- ally serve in the armed forces but it is still their patriotic duty to help out whenever and wherever they are needed. The Manpower Corps needs more help and our goal is to register every male student on campus even- tually:" Holiday Buying Causes Acute Food .Shortages WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.- ()- Temporary food shortages were de- veloping in some sections of the coun- try as consumers, enjoying a record volume of purchasing power, rushed to none-too-heavily stocked grocery stores to buy supplies for bountiful Thanksgiving Day dinners. Shortages were showing up in meats, poultry and dairy products- items most in demand for military. and lend-lease food programs. Agriculture department officials said the demand for food this week was reaching unprecedented propor- tions. In addition to the heavy re- quirements of the goverment to meet war needs, there was a record demand from civilians. Some of this civilian demand was said to reflect fears of future food shortages. Because of the high level of indus- trial and agriculture employment, more families than ever before were said by the officials to be financially able-and willing-to spread the tra- ditional American-style turkey din- ner, with trimmings rich in butter, milk, cream and eggs. "We're faced with a situation," one official explained, "in which there is an abnormally large demand for bet- er quality foods and just an average civilian supply." War Work Halted by Unauthorized Strike DETROIT, Nov. 24. -(R)- Nearly 1,000 employes of the Murray Cor- poration of America's Ecorse plant walked out this afternoon in what a comany spokesman described as an apparent protest against failure of the War Labor Board to approve a union-company agreement on wage increases. Officials of the United Automobile Workers (CIO) Murray Local No. 2 said the walkout was unauthorized and that they were making every effort to get the men to return to their jobs. The plant is engaged in war production. The company spokesman said man- agement and UAW-CIO representa- ives signed an agreement Nov. 3 pro- viding a 10-cent hourly wage raise for tool and die makers and a 4-cent increase for production workers. Japs Cut Off by Blockade at Guadalcanal Enemy Yields Ground as American Troops Advance toward Sea WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-(A)-Ap- parently isolated by a tight blockade, Japanese on the island of Guadal- canal are yielding ground to slowly advancing American troops whose ul- timate aim is to drive the foe into the sea, the Navy disclosed today. Vigilant day and night patrols, pre- sumably by aircraft and naval vessels, have made it "very unlikely" that the enemy has been able to get reinforce-' ments ashore, Secretary of the Navy Knox said at a press conference. A short time later, a communique said that on Nov. 23 "United States forces continued limited advances west of the Matinikau River." This stream lies west of Henderson Air- field, vital point in the American positions. On the night of Nov. 22-23, "United States aircraft attacked enemy posi- tions," the communique stated, with- out giving details. Before the great naval battle a fortnight ago, the Japanese were landing reinforcements on the island almost every other night. McCrea, Wilcox Are Convicted LANSING, Nov. 24.-(A)- Without dissent, the Supreme Court affirmed today the convictions of Duncan C. McCrea, former Wayne County prose- cutor, and Thomas C. Wilcox, former Wayne sheriff, on charges that they betrayed their public trust by con- spiring to collect tribute from the operation of vice and gambling re- sorts. It held likewise in the cases of eight others convicted with McCrea and Wilcox, sustaining the Wayne County circuit court's verdict of "guil- ty" of participation in the graft con- spiracy. Each respondent has 20 days in which to appeal for a re-hearing of the case, or begin serving the prison sentences which face them. They are at liberty on bond. McCrea and Wilcox each is under sentence of 41/2 to 5 years in prison. So, too, are Alfred J. Garska, former village president of Grosse Pointe Park and handbook operator, and Bertha (Big Bertha) Malone, bawdy- house operator, whose appeals also were denied today. Closing hours for women stu- dents will be 12:30 tonight and 11 p.m. tomorrow, Thanksgiving. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women' THIS IS THE ENEMY: Half of Jews in Europe Slain in Nazi Extermination Campaign A lookout and his "talker" on a U.S. warship munch sandwiches during a lull in a southwestern Pacific naval battle. They keep eyes on the horizon in search of enemy fleet units. WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-W)-Dr. Stephen S. Wise, chairman of the World Jewish Congress, said tonight that he had learned through sources confirmed by the State Department that approximately half the esti- mated 4,000,000 Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe had been slain in an "Exter- mination campaign." Dr. Wise, who also is president of the American Jewish Congress and chairman of a committee composed of representatives of leading Jewish organizations in America, said these sources also disclosed: 1. That Hitler has ordered the ex- termination of all Jews in Nazi-ruled Europe in 1942. 2. That the Jewish population of Warsaw, Poland, already has been reduced from 500,000 to about 100,000 Jews. 3. That when chief Nazis speak of "exterminating" Jews in Poland, they speak of "four-fifths of the Jewish population in Hitler-ruled Europe," since that percentage either now is in Poland or en route there under a Nazi grouping plan. 4. That Nazis have established a price of 50 reichsmarks for each corpse-mostly Jewish, Dr. Wise indi- cated-and are reclaiming bodies of slain civilians to be "processed into such war-vital commodities as soap fats and fertilizer." The United Press yesterday quoted Polish government-in-exile reports from the Polish underground move- ment which said that Heinrich Himm- ler, head of the Nazi Gestapo, has ordered that one-half of the large Jewish population in occupied Poland be exterminated by the end of the year. The first step in the bloody pro- gram, it was said, would be to kill 50 per cent of the thousands of Jews living in ghettoes established by the Nazis. The remainder would be "liquidated" later. a There were 3,113,900 Jews, or 9.8 Jeffers Insists on Gas Rationing Dec.1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.- VP)- Nationwide gasoline rationing as a rubber conservation measure must be put into effect on Dec. 1 as scheduled,' William M. Jeffers, federal rubber administrator, declared today. The nation, he told a House'Inter- state Subcommittee, owes it to its armed forces and to the United States not to "take chances" on a rubber shortage interfering with the war ef- fort. Both Jeffers and one of his aides, L. D. Tompkins, warned that the present stockpile of crude rubber would reach the danger point next, year, but foresaw brighter prospects for 1944 when Tompkins estimated production of all types of synthetic rubber would reach 800,000 tons. per cept of the total population, in Poland, according to the 1931 census, but the Germans during more than three years of occupation have re- duced this number by killing thou- sands outright or permitting them ,to die of starvation and disease. Old men and women and cripples were singled out to be herded to cemeteries where they were mowed down by firing squads Palish sour- ces said. The Nazis made no at- tempt to prove that the Jews had committed any crimes or violated German regulations. Jews who were not executed imme- diately, .it was reported, were packed into freight cars to be shipped . to undisclosed points for liquidation. British Force Retreat of "Axis in Libyan .Desert CAIRO, Nov. 24.--M)-The British Eighth Army hounded the remnants of the fleeing Axis desert army be- yond the native Libyan village of Agedabia today and poised another punch to throw at El Agheila's de- fenses, where the Germans were be- lieved gathering all their available strength to hold the pursuit off Tripoli. (In London British military sources expressed the belief that there would be a three or four-day lull in the desert, pointing out that Gen. Sir Bernard 'Montgomery is not likely to make any half-prepared lunge at the Germans. Some time is required to bring up guns and supplies suffi- cient for a knockout at El Agheila, these sources said.) From El Agheila onward there is a vast desert waste up to Misurata, an oasis 11 miles long and 32 wide with a population of about 5,000. The pursuit caught up with Mar- shal Erwin Rommel's rear-guard west of Agedabia after the British entry into the native village yesterday, and today the head of the retreating en- emy column was reported approach- ing El Agheila, 70 miles on to the west. Allied African Forces Free British Prisoners LONDON, Nov. 24.- VP)- The British-American forces in North Africa have liberated 957 British in- ternees in French Morocco, including almost 500 survivors of the British cruiser Manchester, sunk last August in the Malta convoy battle, it was disclosed tonight. A press association correspondent who interviewed the internees on their arrival at a British port said the men told stories of severe hardships in a vermin-infested foreign legion post at the edge of the Sahara Desert. He said they told of 48 men being crowded into bare rooms designed to accommodate 24 and of about 30 who scooped a 100-yard long tunnel under the barricades with their hands and table knives but were recaptured two Russians Kill 15,000 as Winter Offensive Gets under Way; Repel Caucasus Onslaughts MOSCOW, Nov. 25. (Wednesday)- (/)- The three-months-old Nazi grip on Stalingrad was weakening today as a swiftly advancing Red Army killed 15,000 more Germans yesterday and captured 12,000, including three divisional generals, in a great winter offensive rolling so fast that some Nazi units were cut down from be- hind in panicky retreat. Russian official announcements raised the toll of'Nazis to 77,000dead and captured, not counting huge numbers of wounded who apparently are freezing to death on the frozen steppes as did other German units last winter in the rout from Moscow. Reds Seize Airdrome The Red Army's effort to encircle the entire Nazi army stalemated be- fore Stalingrad, estimated at 300,000, clearly was gaining in power. Two communiques told of vast stocks of war equipment falling to the Red Army tide, of at least one enemy air- drome being seized so swiftly that scores of German planes were unable to take to the air. Inside Stalingrad itself the Rus- sians in front assaults also were gain- ing against Nazi detachments whose rear communications have been slashed by Russian flanking armies sweeping across the Don River far to the west. Advance inside Stalingrad The regular -midnight communique said 900 Germans were killed and dozens of enemy blockhouses occupied in a slow but steady advance inside Stalingrad, while in the Caucasus Red Army units cut down additional hun- dreds of Nazis in successful stands in the Nalchik and Tuapse sectors. This bulletin added some details to the striking Russian successes above and below Stalingrad andinside the Don River bend, as announced in a special communique. One Red unit captured a Nazi airdrome so swiftly, it said, that 42 enemy airplanes did not have time to take to the air. Twenty-five of these planes were de- stroyed, the other 17 were capturedI intact. Japs Trapped in Buna Sector Heavy Fighting Rages on New Guinea Coast ALLIED HEADQUARTERS in Aus- tralia, Nov. 25. (Wednesday)-(P)- Heavy fighting by both land and air raged today throughout the Buna- Gona sector of the northern New Guinea coast where Japanese troops, trapped within a constricting area by Allied forces and the sea, continued to fight bitterly to maintain a pre- carious hold on the beach. The Allied high command's noon communique said fighting in the BUna-Gona sector was accompanied by Allied bombing forays on Japa- nese plan bases on Timor, New Ire- land and at Lae, further up the New Guinea coast. "Heavy fighting by land and air rages throughout the position," the communique said of the Buna-Gona area. Yesterday's communique reported the Allies had entered Gona, 12 miles up the coast from Buna, and were closing in on the Japs' only remain- ing foothold in the sector. The command reported heavy air units dropped 1,000-pound bombs. t< i DARING WON HIM 'WORLD'S FINEST MEDAL' Midway Hero Honored After Death by President SHOP EARLY Help Speed the War Effort1 1 13INLY 0# WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.- )- Captain Richard E. Fleming, whoj bombed Japanese warships almost from their mast tons in the Rattle of that the Chief Executive told Mrs. Fleming that his own boy, "Jimmie," a Marine Corps major, also had been at Miriwav brefvi drinff the fizht- citation for "extraordinary heroism and conspicuous intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty . . . in chance of coming safely through a warship's cone of defensive fire. But Fleming had set his bomb mechan-