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November 24, 1942 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-24

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TUESDAY, NOV. 24, 1942

Snow And Walking Will Call For Furs n

Winter Wardrobe

Frivolous Hats
Ate Feminine
War World Does Not Deny Right
Of Fairer Sex For Chapeaux
Don't believe, girls, that the men
will not love you in a "silly" hat come
Christmas time. The college girl even
in a war world must preserve her
femininity and it is unforgiveable to
believe "him" when he makes some
slighting remark about your choice of
head frivolity when you start the
rounds of vacation parties.
So if you'have been bracing your-
self against, saying, "I'll take this
one," when the saleslady holds up
that adorable hat you have tried on
for the last two weeks, by all means
carry it home with you.
White Hat for Holidays
My selection for blue ribbon honors
this season is a white hat for the
holidays. One is shaped close to the
head like a skull cap, made of white
feathers. Two of the feathers stand
straight up in front, veiled just a
tiny bit with black netting. You will
probably have some black date dres-
ses' and there is nothing smarter than
a white hat and perhaps white doe-
skin gloves to set off the "always best
dressed you."
,Also eligible for honorable mention
this season are the hats in purple and
American Beauty rose. Those of you
who think you can't wear purple are
really in a minority. Tall hats are just
as popular as the frilly ones and very
smart with your dressy wools. A stun-
ning purple hat, severe in lines, is
shaped somewhat like a private's hat.
Perched jauntily over one eye it is
really a "second looker." Don't be
afraid of color. If purple is not for
you there is moss green, done like a
fedora, in very soft felt.
Extreme Hats Unusual
Extreme hats add to your original-
tty and separate you from the ordi-
nary. Hats in the shape of derbies and
some even resembling Salvation Army
bonnets are new and different.
Black, as the all-time favorite, can
be found in an endless variety. I like
them small with black veiling. They
give you that sophisticated air hardly
attainable on campus. But if the
small off-the-face hat does not be-
come you then try one of the huge,
floppy-brimmed hats, unadorned and
so soft.




Fashions Require

Gabardines, Gay Plaids, Gray Flannels
Are College Women's Choice In Slacks

Ingenuity On Part Of Women
To Be Immune To Jack Frost
If last winter's wardrobe like every- You will need a fur coat this win-
thing else that was acquired before ter more than ever before, for since
the war, will "just have to do" for you're going to have to walk instead
this season, why not give it a "lift" of ride everywhere there's nothing
with a little well placed fur trim- like a fur coat to raise your immunity
ming? to the cutting blasts of winter wind.
Take last season's plain red wool If you're skeptical about the prac-
dress from the moth balls first. In- ticality of fur coats, you don't know
stead of fretting because it is fast your furs! There are any number
becoming a thing of the past and is which can "take it on the chin" and
still worth another winter's wear, try not get that scrubby look. One of
giving it new interest, with a grey the most popular of these is the
Persian lamb collar and two matching American opossum. This is a long-
patch pockets. It will look as "smooth" haired blended gray and white fur
as any creation that the fashion which makes up a coat that's
magazines can offer, and there will smooth and at the same time looks
be no need to feel self-conscious in as if it were ready for fun! Another
the familiar, last years outfit, thing you'll like about this coat is
Sable Trim Is Smart that it isn't in the upper income
Try perking up last season's head-!
gear next. A wisp of sable to match Opossum In Vogue
your coat is a good trick, and you can Another member of the opossum
do it! Any furrier will have some family which has justly earned its
patches on hand to spare you, or popularity is the Australian opos-
else a reasonable facsimile can look sum. This dove-gray fur is as soft
as effective as the-real thing, as down, and is the kind you love to
But if you want a new chapeau, en- snuggle your chin into. One of the
tirely to go with that mouton lamb most popular models falls straight
chubby jacket, an inexpensive beret from the shoulders and has a small
or "beanie" can be purchased in turned collar.
brown at any college shop. All you If you're built along petite blonde
have to do to get that "something lines, perhaps you'd be interested in
new has been added" quality is affix an ocelot coat. They're especially
a pompom of mouton fur in some flattering for shorter women because
strategic spot and presto! You have their sleek, close-lying fur doesn't
an individual creation. make you look like the feminine ver-
A "New" Cloth Coat sion of "Mr. Five by Five." Its soft,
A "Nw" Coth oatgraceful lines are perfect for dressy
Now, how about camouflaging your occasionsaswell as for campus wear
cloth coat under a fur trim? That Beaver A Safe Buy
plain brown box-coat can look new
if it has a wide strip of beaver run- One fur you'll never go wrong on
ning the length of the coat from the is the natural beaver. It's one of the
collar down on either side of the smoothest looking coats you can buy
opening to the hem. as well as being definitely on the
Or the cloth-collared princess coat "wear-well" side. A beaver version
can have a new twist if you substi- which is very popular this season has
cann avea ewew wit wis i yu sbsi-a fold-back, shawl collar and wide,
tute a Peter Pan neckpiece of harmo- roomy sleeves large enough to ac-
nizing fur. Matching cuffs can be commodate the demands made upon
added, or else a strip of matching fur them by the sleeves of your bulkiest
can be attached to the hemline, suit.
Your whole rejuvenated wardrobe You may blanch at the mention of
can now be topped off with a combi- the raccoon coat and conjure up
nation purse and muff, which has visions of the '29 Joe College edition
the double value of being warm and which nearly trailed on the grou d
"different." This accessory is shown and was almost as necessary for foot-
at all stores in colors and types of ball attendance as an identification
furs that will blend with your coat card. If this is the case, you've been
or fur collar. missing something!
Raccoon Again Good
W ide Price Range Times have changed and so has
the raccoon coat. Now it is a
Will Attract Buyers blending of rich black and white fur
W ith Musical Friends and lacks that burly brown aspect
The music is still going "round and
round" for lots of people, probably
some of your friends, and no gift canri
show more thoughtfulness than some
contribution to this all-absorbing
hobby. op
Gifts fall into every price range be-
ginning with pipe organs and going
on down to inexpensive sheet music.
radios, record players or a combina-
tion of the two are very nice indeed
if you can spend that much, but
among the less ambitious items there
are numbers of things sure to be use-
ful and provide.much pleasure. -- "
If, when buying a music gift, you
keep the tastes of the recipient care-
fully in mind you should certainly
reap a harvest of hearty thanks on
Christmas Day, whether the sleigh
bells ring out Johann Sebastian Bach
or W. C. Handy.


Hinders Supply
Of Evergreens
Many families may have to steel
themselves to doing without Christ-
mas trees in this coming war Christ-
mas. No actual shortage of trees is
expected; the problem is how to
transport them. The open-top box-
cars that normally pull into city
terminals full of Christmas trees in
December are needed for Army and
steel transportation.
Also, suburbanites who like to
string colored lights through the
trees on the lawn and set up elabor-
ately-lit cheches in the rock garden at
Christmas will curb their decorative
bent this year. People who haven't
already got strings of lights for the
indoor tree will wait until peace
comes to light it electrically.
which formerly characterized it.
However, even though the fur has
been glamorized, there's one feature
about it which has remained un-
changed-it's still just as warm and
durable as ever.
If you're blonde, a 'gray kid will
emphasize your coloring as no other
fur can. An especially attractive mod-
el has a small silver clip at the neck
and its sleeves-gather on to a small
band at the wrists, a perfect cure
for drafts.. Try a gray kid coat with
that new blaze red wool you got for
dating this fall-it's a guaranteed
The soft smoothness of the musk-

Old Silk Stockings
Turned Into Cash
At Athens College
The students of Athens College in
Athens, Ala., devised a new use for
silk stockings in their efforts to think
up a way to raise scholarship money.
They collected 500.000 pairs of old
stockings and had the silk in them
rewoven. The money thus obtained
was used to provide several four year
If your frenzied efforts to find that
different and inexpensive Christmas
present have been unrewarded so far,
why not get one of those wallet-size
folders which can hold twelve snap-
shots. They're very good looking,
made of stitched saddle tan cowhide.
rat is still tops with the college gal.
The two most popular versions are
the mink and the sable-dyed musk-
rat. Despite the sleek appearance of
this fur it wears beautifully, its long
guard hairs protecting the soft under
fur. One of the favorite campus mod-
els has a small collar and reversible
cuffs which you can fold back when
you want to feature your new brace-
let-length doeskin gloves.
Shorter Coats Smart
Perhaps just a fur jacket will fill
your needs. If this is the case, have
you seen the "beaverettes"? They're
a grand adaptation of that smooth
brown fur and add that "right" note
to your new date dress.
Or else you might like one of the
new thirty-two-inch fur coats which
are a compromise between the length
of a fur coat and a fur jacket.

What with defense courses, extra
studying, defense jobs and so on,
slacks are a necessary part of every
woman's wardrobe. This year slacks
are designed to make even the girls
who are too fond of cream puffs
look attractive.
If you want to make a big splash,
there are zoot suits of the peg top
variety, with roomy side pockets and
a fit at the top that will really hold
your shirt tail in. Slacks of this

type are specially designed to be
wrinkle resistant and yet to hold
their knife-like crease in front, so as
to make a girl look like a real B. D.
W. O. C.
:laids Are Shown
In case you want to be sure that
everyone sees you, you might try a
slacks outfit in a bold plaid. Stores
are showing a special one-piece mod-
el in plaid that is made like a jumper
above the waist. With it a long-
sleeved crepe blouse looks very smart.
Or you might try a conventionally
designed slack suit in a loud plaid,
if you think your figure can take it.
Such an outfit is guaranteed to make
you look collegiate, if nothing else.
A practical suggestion these days
is to purchase one of those three-
piece outfits made up of jacket, skirt
and slacks-all matching. In view
of the quick changes that are de-
manded of women now soiething
like this ought to come in handy in
going from First Aid to dinner to
vold~nteer hospital job.
Gray Flannels Are Classic
If you are considering giving some-
one slacks for a Christmas gift, gray
flannel ones are a good choice. They
seem to be the most popular and look
nice for almost any occasion where
slacks are in order.
But for defense factory work or
heavy work of any sort 'slacks in a
dark shade of gabardine-or maybe
blue denim-are always best. At any
rate, whatever the informal occasion
may be, there are slacks-and be-
coming ones too-to fit it.

We're thinking ahead to all
the teas and cocktail parties
A l 7 ' r /-
you will attend this Christ-
'/ mas. That is why Anyas has
a collection of dashing little
EE .felts, velvets and furs on
V 'hand.
c7 v


Dainty Hankies
from 25c


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PERFECT for relaxation and
comfort. You'll snuggle down
to sleep cozy and warm in these
delightfully soft pajamas.
Come in and see how lovely they
are in styling and fine tailoring.
You'll adore the colors . . .
Bermuda Blue, Magnolia Blos-
som and Seafoam White. Both
styles in sizes 14 to 20.

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Character and nursery
rhyme dolls with jointed
limbs and real hair.
Costume Jewelry
which is always good
from 1.00

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Gloves which are useful
and-unusual . .
Purses are something that
are the gift for mother,
sister, or sweetheart.

4 : . .

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