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November 24, 1942 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-24

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TUESDAY, NOV 24, 1942
Rule by Mad Poets'

(Peter Viereck's " Metapolitics From
The Romantics To Hitler", reviewed
for The Daily by Prof. Preston W. Slos-
have been taken as to the rela-
tion of German policy under the1
Third Reich to the ideology which
Hitler and other leaders profess
as their justification. The most
common view is, perhaps, to con-
sider the Nazi theories as mere ra-
tionalizations, excuses or propa-
ganda devices. For some of the
more cynical of the present rulers
of Germany this may be true, but
this matters little. As Peter Vier-
eck points out in his notable study
of the German mind, Metapolitics
from the Romantics to Hitler, what
the German masses believe, or at
least will to believe, is just as im-
portant whether their teachers are
sincere or not.
Other common errors are to
consider Hitler's doctrines of his
own manufacture, or at most bor-
rowed from a few well knowxi Nazi
writers such as Rosenberg, instead
of looking deeply into Germany's
past; or to treat Nazi doctrines
as a mere variant on Mussolini's
Fascism, or as Russian Commun-
ism turned inside out; or to con-
sider them as just a mask for
Prussian militarism or for a hard-
pressed capitalism; or, finally, to
say that Hitler is expressing what

all Germans think and feel, and
that the Teuton is always incor-
rigibly the barbarian.
Viereck's thesis may be briefly
stated. "Germany's aggressive in-
feriority complex against west-
ern civilization is the greatest
cultural and political tragedy of
Europe". Two souls contend
within the German breast: the
rationalistic tradition of the
West, borrowing liberty from
Greece, law from Rome, and hu-
manitarianism from Christian-
ity, and the wild protest of ir-
rational and mystical emotional-
ism against rationalism, liberty,
law and Christianity. Unfortun-
ately, the latter movement,
though directed against reason,
has had a faddy fashionable-
ness among some German intel-
lectuals, and has flowered in
theory as well Ps in practise.
Much of the German romantic
movement was poisoned by this
revolt against reason. That is
why the Nazis trace their spiri-
tual heritage to Herder, Jahn,
Fichte, Wagner, Hegel, Stefan,
George Nietzsche, Treitschke,
Houston Stewart Chamberlain"
and other famous writers of past
But, it will be at once objected,
many of these men were liberals
and would be horrified at Hitler's
Third Reich. Perfectly true, Vier-



But, I questioned him further, don't you be-
lieve that there is a human angle to this game
of football? Isn't it possible, I added, that these
men could have lived with the'idea of beating
Notre Dame for a whole week, and that after
the job was done relax so much that they
couldn't grab the same spirit the following
He laughed at that, too. "These men have been
playing football week after week all fall and they
realize what it's all about. They're not kids who
have to be told to beware of a let-down in their
emotional pitch. You sports-writers might better
forget this, idea of mental let-downs and try to
get a new approach to the matter of coverage-
some innovation in sports-writing."
Well, we hear a lot of talk about morale and
how it is vital that this abstract something be
maintained for the good of our soldiers and de-
fenders of the home front. Undoubtedly, here is
our human angle, our psychological element. We
try to prevent mental let-downs among our
fighting men by keeping up the morale. Soldiers
or football players, they're all alike. Both fight
battles to win, and the most important eleient
outside of actual supply of fighting men and
equipment seems to be the human one. It can't
be scoffed down.
What happened at Columbus, 0., last Satur-
day? A Micigan team with the Big Ten title
almost in its grasp played an Ohio State eleven
that was primed for the game. The Wolverines
were in good physical condition and at full
strength. They were set up as slight favorites
and all odds seemed to be in their favor..
Now, look at it from the Buckeye's viewpoint.
Ohio State was pointing for that game all season.
She had ,lost only one game and stood ready to
grab Conference honors. It was also homecoming
game for the Bucks, and they hadn't beaten
Michigan since Coach Fritz Crisler took over.
And don't forget the fact that Michigan had
knocked off a powerful Notre Dame outfit the
previous week. Every one of these factors was
important in building up the Buckeyes to a
fevered pitch. They were mentally alert and in-
spired. They made no bad mistakes, and they
capitalized '"on our many errors. It's almost im-
possible to disregard the human element here.
The Buckeyes had it, and the Wolverines didn't.
This is not an attempt at Monday afternoon
quarterbacking. It is simply an analysis of an
obvious situation to prove what seems to be so.
Isn't it possible that a sports-writer, trained to
look atthe team from an observer's viewpoint,
can detect something that may not be notice-
able by the participant?
IN ANY EVENT, the majority of the nation's
sports-writers believe in this idea of a mental

WASHINGTON- If Hitler moves in on Spain,
he may accomplish at one blow what we have
failed to do in nine months of diplomatic discus-
sions with Argentina. He may force that South
American country into a break with the Axis.
It was Argentina which principally gummed
the works at Rio de Janeiro last January,
when astute Sumner Welles, Under Secretary
of State, was trying to line up all 21 Latin-
American countries behind a resolution to
break relations.
There Argentina Foreign Minister Ruiz Gui-
nazu, insisted on "neutrality" and Argentina re-
mained on the fence.
Ruiz Guinazu is a great admirer of Spain, is
proud of his own Spanish blood. Furthermore, he
points to Spain's "tradition of neutrality" as the
best guarantee of peace.
So if the Germans now attack Spain, the Ar-
gentine Government would almost be forced to
come to the defense of the mother country by
breaking relations with the attacking country.
Note:' Resignation of Argentine War Minis-
ter Tonazzi, a friend of the United States, is
regarded here as the first important rift in the
Castillo Government.
Capital Chaff
WHEN Paramount made a picture of Henry
Wallace's "Free World" speech, the Vice-
President spent seven hours "on location" in one
day . .. The filming was done in Paramount's
studios in Washington, after Wallace had spent
many more hours committing parts of the speech
to memory . . . Newsmen who know Assistant
Secretary of War John McCloy agree with the
sergeant in his office who says, "He's really rated
as the most cleverest man in this building!" .. .
(copyright, 1942, United Features Syndicate)
et&teri 't~o thet o
Debussy Praised
To the Music Critic:
YOU may be pleased to know that your para-
graphs in Friday's Daily annoyed this reader
considerably. I will concede that, omitting other
slaps, you might have put even more venom into

The President? Wrong. Harry Hopkins? Wrong
again. The Democratic National Committee?
You're not even warm.
It was said by Representative Arends of Illinois,
Republican, and a member of the House Military
Affairs Committee.
Who has just said, concerning the military
conduct of the war: "I'm damn well satisfied"?
Harold Ickes? Nope. Mrs. Roosevelt? No, she
doesn't use that word.
It was said by Senator Gurney of South Dakota,
a Republican and a member of the Senate Mili-
tary Affairs Committee.
What newspaper has just discovered, after a
survey, that most House and Senate Republicans
agree, in private conversation, that the produc-
tion program is at least "fair," and that some
muddling would have been inevitable under any
The New Republic? No. The Chicago Sun?
No. The Atlanta Constitution? Nah.
The newspaper which has just made this survey
and discovered this fact is the Wall Street Jour-
The President has just asked for power to sus-
pendtariff, immigration and customs regulations]
for the duration of the war. These routine regu-
lations sometimes tie up ships and crews for
weeks,'kdelay foreign personages whose presence
is needed in this country, and make the govern-
ment idiotically pay tariff to itself on raw mater-
ials brought in for production of munitions.
For requesting these new powers, the President
has been attacked as a "virtual dictator."
What newspaper has just said editorially.
"Suspension of such legislation, wherever this
is found desirable for the war effort, is a
logical move at this time'?
The Daily Worker? Wrong. The New Masses?
Nuts. The Nation, perhaps? Bah.
The quotation is from the Journal of Com-
merce, a daily newspaper which knows more
about tariffs, ,,shipping and the international
movement of goods than any other publication in
the country.
I'll let you rest up now by giving you one or two
easy ones:
The Senate filibuster to save the poll taxes in
eight Southern States has split the Democratic
Party wide open.
On balance, how would you expect the vigorous-
ly Republican New York Herald Tribune to react
to this situation? With pleasure? Displeasure?
Wrong. With displeasure. The vigorously Re-
publican Herald Tribune hates the filibuster.
Maybe that's because the Herald Tribune
has for years, sincerely, and with distinction,
supported the President's foreign policies, and
regards the war as current problem number
On balance, how would you expect the New
York Daily News to react to the filibuster?
With pleasure? With displeasure?
Right. That was too easy. With pleasure. In a
long editorial, the News says not a word against
the filibuster, and smirks all over its face at the
.. 74 - :- f4--x.*M +T.

(Continued from Page 2)
reported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
Hall. E. ,A. Walter,
Assistant Dean
Graduate Students who took the
Graduate Record Examination in Oc-
tober may call for their test scores
in the Graduate School Office
through Thursday of this week.
- C. S. Yoakum
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for January and May 1943:
A list of candidates has been posted
on the bulletin board of the School
of Education, Room 1431 U.E.S. Any
prospective candidate whose name
does not appear on this list should
call at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Engi-
neering Seniors and Chemists: Rep-
resentative of Carbide & Carbon
Chemicals Corporation, South Char-
leston, W. Va., will interview for
prospective positions with that or-
ganization today in Room 218 West
Engineering Building.
Interview schedule is posted on the
Bulletin Board at Room 221 West
Engineering Building.
University Lecture: Dr. Alexander
D. Lindsay, Master of Balliol Col-
lege, Oxford University, will lecture
on the subject, "Universities and
Modern Democracy," under the aus-
pices of the Departments of Philos-
ophy, History, and Political Science,
tonight at 8:00 in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. The public is invited.
Lectures for Food Handlers: A
course of instruction consisting of
lectures for Food Handlers will
be given during November on Tues-
day evenings at 8:00 p. m. in the
W. K. Kellogg Auditorium. All per-
sons concerned with food service to
University students are urged to at-
tend this series.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 319,
West Medical Building. "Choline"
will be discussed. All interested are
The Botanical Seminar will meet
tonight at 7:34 in room 1139 Natural
Science Building. Professor L. E.
Wehmeyer will give a paper entitled
"The Genus Thyridaria." All inter-
ested are invited.
Dctoral Examination for Lester
Eugene Hewitt, Sociology; thesis:
"The Situational Correlates of Chil-
dren's Behavior Problems," will be
held today in West Council Room,
Rackham, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, L.
J. Carr.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates'to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
- C. S. Yoakum
Spanish Ia Extension Class: Span-
ish Ia Professor del Toro will meet
the Extension Class scheduled for
Thursday, November 26, on Wednes-
day, November 25, at 7:00 p.m. He

Program of Recorded Music, In-
ternational Center: This week, on
account of Thanksgiving Day, the
program of recorded music will be
held tonight at 7:30. The program
is as follows:
Schubert: Quartet in D minor
(Death and the Maiden): Busch
String Quartet.
Schubert: Songs: The Wanderer,
,Alexander Kipnis: Der Erlkong,
Sigrid Onegin.
Schubert: Symphony No. 8 in B
minor (Unfinished), Philadel-
phia Orchestra, Stokowski con-
Mendelssohn: A Midsummer
Night's Dream, San Francisco
Orchestra, Alfred Hertz.
Mendelssohn: Concerto for Violin
in E minor, Fritz Kreisler.
The Regular Tuesday Evening Re-
corded Program in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building at 8:00
p.m. will be as follows:
Brahms: Two Songs for Alto, with
Viola Obligato and Piano.
Bach: Violin Concerto in D minor.
Handel: Concerto No. 1 in B flat
minor for oboe and orchestra.
Franck: Variations Symphoniques
for piano and orchestra.
Sibelius: Symphony, No. 3 in C
Events Today,
The Transportation Club and the
American Society of Civil Engineers
will have a joint meeting tonight'at
7:30 at the Michigan Union. Prof.
Walter Lay will speak on results of
seven years' research)"How to Sit."
Sigma Rho Tau will hold its an-
nual organization night for new
members this evening at 7:15 in
Room 214 West Engineering Building.
At this meeting the organization of
training units will be effected.
The Cercle Francais will repro-
duce some scenes of last year's play,
La Belle Aventure, at its meeting to-
night at 8:15 in the Michigan Union.
There will also be singing of popular
French songs, accompanied by the
Mortarboard will have its picture
taken for the 'Ensian at 5:15 p.m. to-
day in the Council Room at the
The Graduate Psychology Discus-
sion Group will meet tonight at 8:30
in the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. The discussion
of experimental work on abnormal
behavior will be continued. All inter-
ested are invited.
The Invitation to Learning Semi-
nar will discuss "Virgin Soil" by Tur-
genoff tonight at 7:30 at Lane Hall.
Seminar: Emiliano Gallo will speak
and lead a discussion of Dante's "Di-
vine Comedy" at the meeting of the
Theology Seminar at 4:30 p.m. today
at Lane Hall.
Scroll will meet at 5:30 p.m. today
in the League.
The Booth committee of the Jun-
ior Project will meet today at 5:00
p.m. in the League for all women
interested in participating. .
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and

eck assures us, but "Not only in
Germany but in all lands national-
ism passed from the humane, the
peaceful and the tolerant to the
war of all against all. From Her-
der to Hitler in Germany, from
Mazzini to Mussolini in Italy, from
Wordsworth to Kipling in Eng-
land". It makes noqdifference that
even Spengler, who at first- ap-
proved of the Nazi movement, re-
pudiated it at the last; that Ste-
fan George willed that he should
be buried in Swiss rather than
German soil; that Nietzsche want-
ed a European League to "abolish
Wagner, Bismarck and all anti-
Semites"; that even Wagner made
his peace with Christianity in Par-
sifal, the Nazis were able to glean
what they wanted from the writ-
ings of the romatics and dis-
card what did not suit their pur-
(After all, don't we all theorize
selectively? Those who base their
opinions on the Bible usually mean
that they base their opinions on
their favorite texts from the Bible.
Those who profess to base their
opinions on Karl Marx do precisely
the same thing with Das Kapital).
THE ELEMENT of the frustrated
artist cannot be ignored among
the Nazi leaders themselves. Hitler
was an unsuccessful painter of pic-
tures as well as of houses. Goeb-
bels was a self-styled philosopher;
so was Rosenberg. Rohm, Eckart
and Schirach wrote verses. Funk,
the Nazi Minister of Economics,
was a musician. Hess was a poet.
Streicher dabbled in water colors.
Goring was the only major Nazi
leader who cared nothing for the
arts. To be sure, the actual Nazis
are very inferior as poets and ar-
tists to the proto-Nazi giants of
the past from whom they drew
their ideas and inspiration, but an
inferior artist may (indeed, us-
ually does) have more of the so-
called "artistic temperament" than
his successful rivals. Nero, like
Hitler, was an unsuccessful artist.
As Viereck puts it, in his lively
"Germany would gain in both
art and sane politics if she had
either a lot more or a lot less
of solid, stodgy, undilulated Bab-
bitts. She needs a more unam-
biguous dividing line between her
spiritual Rotary clubs and her
spiritual Greenwich Villages .
In relative proportion to other
countries, almost every Tom,
Dick and Harry of the German
semi-educated seems an ama-
teur aesthete, a Greenwich Vil-
lage Babbitt, unfortunately re-
taining the knack of handling a
machine-gut competently" (p.
On the whole, Viereck's book is
one of the sanest, best informed
and best balanced accounts of Nazi
ideology which has yet appeared.
He avoids the Van Sittart error of
giving up the Germans as hope-
lessly unregenerate; he points out
that Nazi leaders have exploited the
best as well as the worst German
traits "forexample, their tradi-
tional readiness to sacrifice ma-
terial self-interest for an ideal", He
is never content with explanations
that go back only to yesterday. He
traces anti-Semitism back to the
reaction against the emancipation
of the Jews by the French Revolu-
tion; and German militarism and
Statism back to the calamities of
the Thirty Years' War.
At one or two points this review-
er might place an interrogration
point Mr. Viereck may overesti-
mate the anti-liberal element in
the Liberation movement of 1813,
the Revolution of 1848, and the
Weimar Republic. After all, it is
going a little far to say that "the
long-range cause of 1848 Ger-
many was not French liberalism
but the very opposite: the revolt
of the War of Liberation against

the ideas of the French Revolu-
tion" (p.60) or that the Revolution
of 1818 was "stage-managed".
It is also unfair to blame Presi-
dent Wilson for "Balkanizing Eur-
ope", when the unity of Austria-
Hungary was already doomed by
its own internal strains (plus de-
feat in war) before Wilson ever
'reached Versailles. But, in general,
1the book is as sound as it is in-
teresting, and that is a high com-
pliment indeed!
Preston Slosson
Dresden of the physics department
will lead the discussion.
The Surgical Dressing Unit, spon-
sored by the senior girls, will be open
today, 1:00-5:00 p.m., in the game
room of the League. All girls inter-
ested in making -surgical dressings
for the Red Cross are invited.
Coming Events
First Aid and Home Nursing classes
will not meet Wednesday, November
25, or Thursday, November 26.
Festival of Choral Music by eleven
church choirs from the Ann Arbor
n Tic+,'iett cf theMefthodist Chrc~h

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