TWO vv THE MIiCHIGAN DAILY "Helo, TkyoWishto rporthonoabl Fifty-Tihrd Year, Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during, the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the rgular school year qy carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25.. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 i.6PREi4TE FOR NATIN ADVERTING M Najional Adyertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4ao MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. / C II.AGQ BosTon . LoS AGEmtEs .SAN FOANCSCO Editorial Stuff Homer Swander' . . . . Aiaging Editor Morton Mintz . . . . Editorial Director. Will Sapp . . . . City. Editor. George W. Sallad . . . Associate Editor Charles Thatcher . . . Associate Eiitor Bernard 'Hendel " . . Sports Editor Barbara deFries . . . Women's Editor ; Myron Dann . Associate Sports editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg . . Business Maziager fred.M. Gipsberg . . Associate Business Manager Mary Lou, Curran . . Women's Business Manager Jane Lindprg . . Women's Advertising Manager, James Daniels . . Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23.24-I NIGHT E1?ITO:OQ LEON GORDENKE#; Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The .Daily staff and rerpresent the views of the writers only. "Hello, T kyo? TWishto report honorobl 'i tering OUR forces -not w_ 4m error. Americans scat- theirs1" '-~ -~ a>1942, Chicago Times. Inc. _ ... . PROF. LEV: T he CamPus WW iss A istinzguishd Friend . the death of Professor-Emeritus Moritz Levi of the French departmen the University has lostinot. only-a profound scholar in his own field, but also a manintensely interested in the social and political problems of his time. Never content to live an "iory-tQWer" life confined to work in his. particular field alone, Prof. Levi read incessantly on world affairs and kept in close touch with governmental, problems. He was an ardent humanitarian, heartily sup- porting the social philosophy 'of: the New Deal. His broad scope of interests made him both an inspiring teacher and a great personality. The Daily feels that, it too. has lost a. valued friend,, for Prof. Levi often expressed to us his constructive opinion of the paper. - Irvl-g Jafe- WAR SH1,00 *a Save Universities From Complete Meclawon OPE that universities mightremain free from military domination during the war, and ay reasons for fighting for such a freedom d sap- peared when the 18-19 draft bill was passed and the Army made plans to send its soldiers, to school. Before passage of the new draft bill, there was a serious and well-founded objection to.mili- tary occupation of educational institutions on the grounds that such a program would inter- fere with the preparation of a, highly trained and educated corps of- men for post-war service. Military domination would interfere with the freedom of universities to teach the social. sci- ences and the arts, would result in a sharp cur- tailment in the cultural program. But the present draft prgrimA wil call. into the armed services just about all the mein who could have been edueate to wrj in the pst- war world, and universities will either have to close their doors or stagger along with, just about no men. students. In either ce, plans to develop a, corps of skilled puplic servants have to be drastically revised now. The problem is still the immediate provsion of technically skilled men for military service and the development of men trained in the so- cial sciences and the arts for world, reconstrue- tion, but- the answer must be framed with the realization that all men are going into the- fight- ing forces. Thehope now' is that the Army-will not turn universities into huge technical schools and en- tirely cut out the social and cultural courses, that women and draft exempt men can further their intellectual growth at educational institutions. And the Army intention to show no favor- itism to "youths who can pay their own. way" indicates not only a chance for the permanent institution of a new concept of education, but points the way to a great good which can be accomplished immediately. Sending soldiers to universities for technical training provides them with a skill which they might never have gained, but more important, the Army can include in its program training in the social sciences. Experts in economics or political science of course cannot .be turned out in a short-period program, but there can be a rtiass education in what makes this country work, and how it should work, that will help. YOUR HELP: Students May Protest Poll Taxers' Filibuster TE National Negro Youth Congress in Detroit is sending a. delegation to Washington Sun- day night to protest the anti-poll tax filibusters. By means of this filibuster, eight Southern Senators are preventing an expression of the will of the majority. They are attempting to preserve an expression of racialism that is destroying the desperately needed unity of a warring nation. They are bringing into the issue all the sectionalism and "partyism" that we have sought so long to eliminate. They are hurting. the war effort. The Negro Youth Congress has invited two members of the University Inter-Racial Associa- tion to be part of the delegation. This group, along with many others from all over the coun- try, including delegations from New York and Detroit CIO locals, will register an expression of public opinion that cannot be ignored. HE Inter-Racial Association would like to send one white and one Negro member to Washington. But the trip will cost, for the two, $60; The association cannot finance the project by itself. It is appealing, therefore, to all persons who are interested in the cause of freedom for mi- norities, in the cause of freedom for the world, and in the immediate cause of winning the war, to contribute. Your contributions, however small, will, help. They may be given to Gaye Locke, Treasurer of the Association, at Katherine Pickerell House, or to Mrs. Mosher at The Daily office. I - Netta Siegel he (41n ted Pen Manpower Boss Mary Borman has been show- ing off a letter he received a couple of weeks ago from Theta Xi fraternity-and it impressed us so much we're passing it on to you: "Theta Xi would like to go on record as of- fering our services every Tuesday afternoon until God knows when to pick up scrap. We will make arrangements for trucks with Mr. Pardon. Right now we have a line on a 9-ton refrigeration plant, but we'll have to get an acetylene torch somewhere. We can furnish up. to twenty fellows every Tuesday afternoon." This is the same fraternity that went out and collected scrap after it knew a technicality had put it out of the running in the scrap contest. If the campus war effort isn't a success, it won't be because of President Dick Eyster and the other boys from Theta Xi. We. were thumbing through some back issues of the Michigan State News the other day and came across the following: "Dean Conrad went on record as saying that the U. of M. etiquette is 'old-fashioned' and M.S.C. women were urged to 'Be friendly and smile at the service men' at a recent U.S.O. meeting. A new era is thus initiated." Them's fightin' words, mister-wait till John l4unter and the Union hear about this. We. dOn't know just how far this "be friend- ju AX E ABy TORUEMAA T WAS only the other day when I suddenly experienced a feeling of Weltschmertz and turned for a lush escape to the breezy columns of the New York Times. What I saw was an advertising-eater's dream of opium. For there in the dulcet tones of modern full-page copy, the American Weekly came out in favor of reading. 'Twas a simple thesis, and one which could not but affect the future of our country-indeed, I turned to my landlady as I read and remarked, "This cannot but change the future of our coun- try." The old dear replied with a vicious smile, "Enough of your lip, macushla, and if you're still behind at the end of the week, it is briig." The ad was a brisk adaptation of Platonic logic; Jefferson was a scholar, Hamilton was a scholar, everybody in the constitutional con- vention was a scholar, never in the history of man has a group of people been so well read- therefore read the American Weekly. CAN HEAR old Tom Jefferson sittirg in the first rocking chair, concluding a sermon to a shoal of admiring laissez-faire friends, "By the way, fellows, reading maketh a full man, and I do mean the latest issue of the American Weekly in which it is revealed that Gilda Gray was not really the inventor of the shimmy, and that it was Sir Francis Bacon. You gentlemen are to realize that this is a development which is fraught with significance for American schol- ars.' Or old James Madison sitting before the comfy fireplace at home with his wife Dasveedanya. His wife is knitting a comforter, and reading a copy of John Stuart Mill's Essay on Liberty. James is avidly devouring a copy of the Ameri- can Weekly, which sticks in his teeth at odd moments. Dasveedanya: "James. Madison, will you put down that paper? You never care at all about politics-I think it's a shame, when you could read a good book like this." James: "Yes Dear.'.' He puts down the paper and watches his wife at her work, then cautiously picks up the Ameri- can, Weekly, mumbling under his breath, "I must be well-read, I must be." Suddenly his eyes gog- gle, "Goodness woman, will you just look at this girl who got married? Whew!! Some fellow named Tommy Manville got her. Second wife they say." Mrs. Madison responds with a quota- tion on the equality of the sexes from Plato. OR MR. MONROE, a scholar of first rank, is lying in bed ill, and has had to call the doc- tor in (the first Monroe Doctorin). He lies in bed reading the American Weekly, and moans and moans and moans. The doctor speaks, "Mr. Monroe, I hesitate to advise you upon your intel- lectual nourishment but I must advise against the American Weekly. It can be fatal to a sick man, for its policy is to give until it Hearst's." Personally I am a constant reader of the American Weekly, and did you see the picture a couple of weeks ago of the babe who got married. To a guy named Manville. . His seventy-fifth wife. Students Favor War Weddings The question, "Should a boy and girl who are in love marry before he leaves for service," has come in for a lot of discussion cn the TCU cam- pus in recent' weeks. A discussion group recently spent a whole evening or the question and discovered, by tak- ingr n. nt hafre d ra ftr the moftia that AE RRY-GO-' ROUND- By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON- An hour or two before Wendell Willkie was scheduled to deliver his speech before the New York Herald Tribune forum proclaim-' ing that a "war without a purpose is a war without viotory," he turned off the telephone and lay down for a catnap. His radio broadcast was to be at 10:30 p.m. At 9:45 p.m. he got up and turned the phone on again. Immediately it rang and the operator said, "This is the White House calling." She had been trying to get him for some time. Secretary of War Stimson then came on the phone. Willkie and Stim- son have known each other in New York Republican politics and known each other well. Mr. Stimson, how- ever, was stiff and formal. He said: "This is the Secretary of War speaking. I understand you are going to make an address tonight. It is my duty to tell you that if you make that address you will seriously interfere with the operation of the armed forces of the United States in North Africa, and endanger the lives of thousands of American soldiers." "Have you read the speech?" asked Wilitie. "No," repiied Stimson, "but I have had it called to my attention." Willkie then read him the para- graph of his speech which referred to North Africa and criticized Admiral Darlan, as follows: "Shall we in America be quiet, for instance, when our leaders, after promising freedom to the French people, put into control over them.'rthe very man who has helpedito enslave them? Shall we be quiet when we see our Government's long appeasement of Vichy find its logical conclusion in our collaboration with Darlan, Hitler's tool? Such col- laboration outrages the spirit of free people everywhere, whatever military expediency dictated it. We hope that the occasion for such expediency will shortly pass."~ Stimson then read Willkie part of a telegram sent to the War Depart- ment regarding the military situation in North Africa, and reiterated his insistence that delivery of the above portion of his speech would "do a grave injustice to your country." The Revamped RelIase Under the circumstances, Willkie bowed to the Secretary of War, went immediately to the Herald Tribune forum,' called in the press, 'nd. re- vamped the releaseswhich had been given out some hours earlier to all newspapers. There he found that the United States Government had taken the very unusual step of instructing thie newspapers to hold up his speech. Later Willkie also learned that cabling his speech abroad had also been delayed. The delay of an hour and a half was due to cutting from the speech the paragraph that Will- kie had eliminated at Stimson's re- quest. (Copyright, 1942, United Features Synd.) DRAMA Play Production's semesterly ex- perimental presentation of four one- act plays, given at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last Wednesday night, man- aged to put on the boards. certainly the best and funniest one-ater we have ever seen, if not one of the bet- ter campus dramatic jobs in some time. Chekov's Anniversary had more fast - moving action, more siren shrieks, more bourgeois comedy lines, and more general bustling around than an indoor baseball game at an Elks' picnic, and the whole thing was. handled with enough balance of re- straint and hilarity to make it a com- pletely funny entity. Hal Cooper's interpretation of the middle-class Russian banker fought. it out for four stars with Blanche Holpar's I.Q.-of-56 peasant woman. Cooper is probably outstanding in his capacity of having less Golden Bantam in his acting than any of the present Play Production crop, and his underplaying of his role was noth- ing less than a refreshing experience. Buzz Stuch was excellent and prop- erly grumpy as the harried book- keeper, and Dotty Wineland did a fairly competent job, although one lacking in variety, as the banker's wife. Strowan Robertson's direction of the play was admirable. Janet Stickney, in the role of Cleo- patra, in the last scene of Shake- speare's play, was helped by great sincerity and a lovely voice and hin- dered by her youth and a tendency to look wistful and childishly frightened, rather than queenly, as we would have preferred her. We have never particularly like Overtones, the orphan of the evening, and its rendition Wednesday did nothing to make us change our opin- ion. Dorothy Chamberlain struggled -.. 14..",+., :~4 L - - - .".Cnf ie,'i±Li. - F NEW YORK-And, after all, what are we going to do with fascists? The point is a nice one. We can hardly wait until we get our hands on them, but what do we do then? We have temporarily made Darlan High Commissioner for North Africa, to save American lives in battle. That is a special situation, and gives us no clue as to what to do with fascists. We can't make theme all'High Com- missioners. What do we do with these specimens? The thing will come up the day the current temporary situation in, North Africa ends. On that bright morning, do we take Darlan from the High Commissioner's office to jail? Or do we turn him loose as a private citizen, and say, out the door, Admiral, you have all of North Africa to make your living in? Shall we give each leading fascist $10 and a suit of clothes, and set him free to roam the country we have saved from him? T HAT would solve it, in a way, be- cause most of them would be dead, by nightfall. To leave the fascists alone, in each liberated country, is probably an automatic sentence of death. The worst punishment that could be meted out to Laval, after the war, would be to condemn him to walk down a street in Paris. But these types know that, and they will come flying to us, from many quarters, before the war ends. L. Flandin and M. Pucheu have already checkeed in. There must be a number of others wondering whe- ther you can't do business with democracy. If the flood keeps up, we shallDave to list them under a standing head: "Arrivals" What do, we do with them? You can'tleave -them hanging, around.headquarters. And if you, let them wander, they will start dirty games against us. They are fighting, of, course., for legitimatization. Their first task is to win recognition as members of the world community, not an exclusive club, but' you can lose your member- ship. When one of them has his hand shaken he has won a victory; if "Good morning!" is spoken to him he has' made progress; if a bed is found for him he is well on his road back. A.ND A continent watching, won- dering, a continent under instruc- tions from us, via radio speeches, to kill fascists. We know precisely what the people of Europe ought to do with them. But we do not have the faintest idea, yet, what we ought to do with them. It is no good to rail at President Roosevelt, either, and say that he ought to have a policy about hand- ling these twice-traitors. The problem is new, and there has been no com- munity agreement on the point. Giv- ing chicken dinners to one of them in England hasn't solved it, and mak- ing another High Commissioner in Africa hasn't solved it, and we are still at the beginning. We've talked about setting up a commission to try fascists, after the war, but our idea is to try them for derivative, or secondary crimes, not for the big crime of fascism. If X. Laval has never committed a mur- der, he would get off, though he helped kill a country. Anyhow, the international commis- sion method didn't work last time, so why go back to a failure? When the Nazis took Paris, one of their first ceremonies was a large banquet at- tended by older German officers, all of whom had been "marked for pun- ishment" by France at the end of the last war. AT THIS point a light seems to break, and you wonder whether it is a problem of method,dafter all. if it is so hard for us to do,, maybe the truth is that wescan't do it at all. It is too easy to be soft with some- body else's fascist. And you're forced to turn again to the people, and. say that each liberated, country must be allowed to rout out its" own fascists. The moral strength that will free Europe- from within will render fascism harmless, and our moral fortitude will lie in not inter- fering. When you do interfere, you almost always have to interfere too much; you are practically compelled to make your fascist a High Commis- sioner or see him become a corpse. (Copyright, 1942, N.Y. Post Syndicate) A. SAMUEL GRAFTON'S I'd Rather Be Right , I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -4 i SATURDAY, NOV. 21, 1942 VOL. LIII No. 42 All notices for the Daily official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices By recent action of the Board of Regents, the following regulation is now in force: "That as a condition to continued attendance at the Uni- versity the course, PEM 31, be re- quired of all male students who, at the beginning of a particular term, are regularly enrolled in the Uni- versity." , This regulation applies to all students who have not been ex- cused. Even though each male student registered in the University has seen a copy of the regulation, not all have complied. Some students have dis- regarded it. Those students who are delinquent must confer immediately with Mr. Kenneth Doherty (Room 5, Waterman Gymnasium), and make arrangements regarding their make- up. work. Otherwise action must be taken by the Dean's Office of the College in which they are registered. Alexander G. Ruthven Christmas recess: By action of the Regents the announced time of the Christmas recess has been changed to the following: Christmas recess. begins Friday evening, December 18; classes resume after recess on Wednesday morning, December 30. Classes will be held on January 1. The above changes are occasioned by transportation conditions during the holiday season. Naval Reserve Class V-1: Students enlisted in Class V-1 are reminded that they are required by the Navy to take P.E.M. 31 or its equivalent and that they may not be excused except by a duly authorized repre- sentative of the Navy Department. Any V-1 man who is reported as de- linquent by the Department of Phys- ical Education will be called upon to show cause why his name should not be reported to the Navy Department with the recommendation that he be called to active duty as apprentice seaman. B. D. Thuma, Armed Forces Representative Michigan Dailies Wanted for Mich- igan Students in the Services: Mrs. Ruth B. Buchanan, Museums Library, is making weekly mailings of the Michigan Daily to- former students- ing positions which will be open in the public school system of Cincin- nati, Ohio. Anyone interested in teaching in Cincinnati may- obtain complete information and application forms from the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Laboratory Technician's Applica- tions for W. K. Kellogg Foundation Fellowships in laboratory training to cover the training period beginning July, 1943, are to be made blfore February 1, 1943 on blanks which may be secured at the office, of the Departmentuofd Zoology, 3089 N. -S~, where additional information regard- ing these fellowships can be secured. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Alexander D. Lindsay, Master of Balliol Col- lege, Oxford University, will lecture on the subject, "Universities and Modern Democracy," under the aus- pices of the Departments of Philos- ophy, History, and Political Science, at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 24, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Academic Notices Bacteriology IIIA (Laboratory Course) will meet Monday, November 23, at 1:00 p.m. in Room 2552, East Medical Building. Each student should come provided with a $5.00 Hygienic Laboratory Coupon procur- able a# the Treasurer's Office. Sociology 73 will meet as usual at 9:00 a.m. today. German 159 will meet Tuesday, November 24, at 5 o'clock in room 408 Library. - H. W. Nordmeyer Graduate Students who took the Graduate Record Examination may receive individual examination re- ports by calling for them in the Graduate School offices in the Rack- ham Building. C. S. Yoakum heConcerts The first concert of the season by the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of' Eric DeLamarter, Conductor, will be given at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, November 22, in 'the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. David VanVactor will: conduct the orchestra in the presentation of his "Concerto Grosso," and Hanns tt -.4 a