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Michi gan
75,000 to
Grid Battle
Both Teams Geared
for Conference Title
Fight; Tension High
in Columbus Crowds
Daily Sports Editor
COLUMBUS, Nov. 20.-Geared to
the ultimate in football efficiency,
Michigan and Ohio State. clash in a
Battle for national prestige and the
Western Conference title in massive,
double-decked Ohio Stadium tomor-
A capacity crowd of 75,000 rabid
partisans will be on hand for the
2:30 p.m. kickoff of this 39th meet-
ing between the traditional rivals,
and as both aggregations retired to
their pre-game hideaways tonight,
Columbus' High Street was a bedlam
of football madness in anticipation
of the tussle, outstanding game of
the day anywhere in the nation.
Hotels Jammed
Hotels were jammed to overflowing
and late arrivals couldn't even pro-
cure a cot to sleep on. Ticket scalp-
e announced the sold out slogan,
while the Buckeye officials have not
had any ducats for release since
Betting was heavy here toiight, as
it usually is'before a Wolverine-Buck-
eye struggle, and the slight odds that
predominated favored the invading
horde from Michigan. Ohio State
backers, considering Michigan's
smashing triumph over Notre Dame
last week, were asking and getting
7-5 odds from eager Wolverine root-
'M' Sees Gridiron
As tension mounted here today, the
Wolverines stole quietly into the Sta-
dium for a look at the field of battle.
Coach Fritz Crisler did not schedule
any wQcout for his team, following
the same plan he used so successfully
prior to the Irish tilt, and the Wol-
verines should be well-rested for the
titanic clash.
In the ancient series between the
two arch foes, Michigan holds the
overwhelming advantage of 25 vic-
tories against only 10 defeats, while
three of the previous encounters have
resulted in ties. Sifce Crisler took
over the coaching job for the Wolver-
ines five years ago, the Buckeyes have
been unable to win a single engage-
ment with the Maize and Blue forces,
and last year's 20-20 deadlock marks
their best showing during Crisler's
Powerful Offenses
Considered the two leading pigskin
satellites of the Midwest, and ranked
fourth and fifth nationally, with the
Wolverines in the lead spot, Michigan
and Ohio State give ample promise
of providing one mass spectacle of
offensive power tomorrow. Through-
out the season, both crews have re-
lied upon sweeping ground forages
for their touchdown drives, and sim-
ilar explosive exhibitions are expected
by every football-frantic fan in the
sell-out throng.
At present, the Buckeyes hold the
lead in the Western Conference
standings and a win for them tomor-
row would insure them of undisputed
possession of the highly-prized crown.
They would then have a campaign
record of five victories and one loss
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Wartime Living
to Be Discussed
Ann Arbor housewives will have the
opportunity to pick up some useful
hints on wartime domestic problems
at 'The School of Wartime Living' to
be held today at the Ann Arbor High
Part of a nationwide program, the
local school, sponsored by the Con-
Bucks Should See Plenty of Him Today
U.S. Hold on
'Very Secure'
1500 Japanese Were
Slaughtered or Routed
from Strategic Island
by American Troops
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.- Half of
a force of 1,500 Japanese landed on
Guadalcanal has been slaughtered
and the rest routed, the Navy an-
nounced today, and Secretary Knox
declared jubilantly that the American
cold on the island prize is "now very
Knox based his statement partly on
the land action, in which embattled
Marines and Army troops apparently
crumpled the eastern jaw of a Japa-
nese pincers aimed at the vital air-
field, and partly on the great sea
victory of last week.
Damages Revealed
He announced definitely that the
toll taken in the sea fight was 28
enemy ships sunk, and ten damaged.
There had previously been some
thought that the total might be
slightly lower due to the possibility
of duplication in reports from the
Last night the Navy announced the
destruction of a battleship or heavy
cruiser, three large cruisers and one
destroyer. Last Monday a communi-
que disclosed the sinking of 23 ships,
including a battleship and ten other
war vessels.
"All told," Knox said, "the Japa-
nese fleet has been pretty badly pun-
Battleships Participate
"Of course," he added, "they can
bring in more reinforcements and
fight their way but so far they have
been unable to do it."
He revealed that two American bat-
tleships took part in last Saturday
night's phase of the big Solomons
struggle. Although he could not give
details of this engagement, in which
American and Japanese battleships
slugged it out for the first time, he
"It was a very efficient and well-
handled maneuver and caught our
friends by surprise."
Rommel Caught in Allies' African Trap
Nazis Gain
at Gabes
Lynn Waldorf, Northwestern coach, called him the best offensive
lineman in the Middle West and the Wolverines' big 200-pounder is out
to justify this praise. Last week he rippet? gaping holes in the Notre
Dame line for his backfield mates and was generally a thorn in the
sides of the Irish runners. A senior, Al is shooting for All-American
honors and an encore of his performance a week ago should just about
clinch those honors.
Jeffers Says
Gas Rationing
Definitely Set
Declares Opposition.
Will Not Alter Ruling
of His Administration
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.- Rubber
Administrator William M. Jeffers
served blunt notice today that na-
tional rationing of gasoline will be-
come effective on Dec. 1 despite an
opposition campaign which, he as-
serted, is financed "by people who
should know better."
"The gasoline rationing in the east
saved rubber," he said in an address at
New York. "Nationwide gasoline ra-
tioning which goes into effect Dc. 1
is only a means to an end.
"It will go into effect regardless of
the organized opposition in the west.
That opposition is based on the the-
ory that there is no shortage of gaso-
line in the west."
As he spoke, a bloc of 75 House
members was making a determined
effort to postpone the rationing date.
The group met last night and unani-
mously voted to seek a 90 day post-
ponement. Speaker Rayburn disclosed
that he was seeking a delay until Jan.
-1, at least. Rep. Jed Johnson (Dem.-
Okla.) chairman of the congressional
group said he hoped to confer with
Jeffers soon.
Jeffers departed from his prepared
speech, delivered before the Grocery
Manufacturers of America, to state
his determination that rationing shall;
become effective Dec. 1, as scheduled,
War Workers
Face Tighter'
Draft Control
Enlistments of Federal
Workers to Be Refused
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.- Presi-
dent .Roosevelt revealed today that,
the manpower control system now in
formulation will include tighter regu-
lations for exempting necessary war
industry workers from the draft. In
addition, he told a press conference
that he had ordered the Army and
Navy to refuse enlistments and com-
missions to government employes.
This action, he said, was induced by
a rush to enlist and obtain commis-
sions following his order that the
draft defer men t s of government
workers be cancelled except in un-
usual cases.
The President said there were two
schools of thought on whether a pro-
posed registration of women for war
work would be worthwhile. Some, he
said, thought a great many would
register, while others believed the
number would be very small.
"You won't get the bridge-playing,
lazy no-goods by voluntary registra-
tion," a woman reporter commented.
The President said that was true,
but asked whether such women were
wanted for war work, anyway.
On the general manpower question,
the President said he was still uncer-
tain whether the new system would
be established by administrative ac-
tion but thought in any event that
little new legislation would be needed.
%N_._ E R I AFRI A
Powerful Allied forces are rushing eastward toward Axis-held Tunis L
and Bizerte. Attacking British And American troops pounded Nazi lines :
only 30 miles from the naval base at Bizerte while they are closing a S
pocket at Tunis. Meanwhile, the Fighting French, pushing through the F
Libyan desert, are pressing hard to support tie British Eighth Army in
the imminent seizure of Bengasi and to isolate the El Agheila corridor s
to complete the trap. Dark shading in arrows show approximate extent t
of penetration.t
Butter Supply .Is Frozent
to Sa tisf ArmyNeedst
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.--Forty percent of the nation's total butter ina
storage was frozen for government purchase tonight as a "temporary"mea-
sure to insure sufficient supplies to meet the needs of the armed forces and
Agriculture department officials said the freeze order would result in I
a sharp reduction of civilian supplies inasmuch as the current productionf
of butter is insufficient to meet civilian and war needs.
The action by the War Production Board took the form of an order
reserving for the government 50 percent of the butter in cold storage in
the 35 principal marketing centers
of the United States. ment's needs, and to cushion the im-1
Because of the butter shortage, pact of seasonal shortages.3
WPB explained the Army and Navy Under this pending limitation or-
have been meeting difficulty in get- dr r al siaeprcpt
ting sufficient supplies, and ships der, Dr. Vaile estimated, per capita
having space for butter have been consumption of butter will be not
departing with other cargo. less than 15 pounds per year, as com-
dpTingitatiotheqirsargoptpared with normal consumption in
"This situation requires prompt recent years of 17 pounds a person.
and drastic action," WPB said. It was reetyas _f1_ond__ esn
estimated that 30,000,000 to 35,000,-
000 pounds were frozen by the action, Anti-Poll Tax Bill
which is effective tonight and will
remain in force until March 6, 1943. Defeat Is Conceded
Dr. Roland Vaile, spokesman for the --,
WPB. Office of Civilian Supply, de- WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-(VP)--The
clared, however, he did not think the Senate apparently killed the Anti-
program would "necessitate rationing Poll Tax Bill today, for this session at
immediately." least, and set the obsequies for Monm
The customary seasonal drop in day.
production occurred earlier than us- A vote will be taken on that day at
ual this year, he said. 1 p.m., Eastern War Time, which pro-
Informed officials, who could not ponents of the measure conceded they
be quoted by name, reported Wednes- could not win.
day that Secretary of Agriculture The vote will be not on whether to
Claude Wickard had proposed a dairy pass the bill, for which a bare major-
products rationing program to con- ity would be required, but on whether
trol civilian purchases of cheese and to limit debate, which requires a two-
butter and, in larger cities, of fluid thirds majority. But the effect of the
milk, vote will be the same, by virtue of a
The new freeze order will be sup- "gentlemen's agreement" between
planted as soon as possible, WPB said, Democratic Leader Barkley of Ken-
by a limitation order which will set tucky and Senator Connally (Dem.-
aside from current production suf- Tex.), leader of the Southern opposi-
ficient butter to meet the govern- tion.
Employes Drive Spectrograph
to Waiting Eastern Navy Yard
Fighting French Push
North in Move To Cut
Off Rommel's Vital
Ssupply Line in Libya
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 20. - The main
.S. and British Armies engulfing
[unisia were only 25 or 30 miles out-
;ide Axis-held Bizerte and Tunis to-
ight and a death grapple for this
trategic corner of the protectorate
vas expected to begin at any moment.
The Allies now control most of the
rench territory, and across the Sa-
ara Desert to the southeast a Fight-
ng French Army was reported on the
nove to trap Marshal Rommel's Lib-
ran remnants in a three-way squeeze.
Nazis Seize Gabes
The Nazis have seized Gabes in
southeastern Tunisia 1100 miles from
he Libyan border, Allied headquar-
ters' dispatches said, but French
roops in that area were said to be
eating off Nazi efforts to link up
that coastal region with the Axis
ase in Tripoli.
One Allied unit apparently benton
ncircling Tunis was reported to have
eached a point 25 miles southeast of
that capital, Radio Brazzaville, the
Fighting French station in equatorial
Africa, said.
French Ahn at Supply Line
The Algiers Radio reported the
Fighting French were striking from
the Lake Chad region some 1,000
niles south of Romnels Libyan base
at Tripoli. The French have stabbed
northward from this area before but
never at such an opportune time as
Their apparent aim was to cut Mar-
shal Rommel's coastal communica-
tions between Tripoli and El Agheila
in eastern Libya. They also could then
effect a junction with the British
Eighth Army driving south of Ben-
gasi on the heels of the smashed but
not obliterated Axis desert legions.
30 Miles from Bizerte
Allied headquarters had reported
last night that te U.S. and British
mechanized troops were only 30-odd .
miles from the Axis naval stronghold
of Bizerte which dominates the Medi-
terranean between Tunisia and Sicily.
The German Radio continued to
stress the rapid reinforcement of
their forces in Tunisia, and quoted
Nazi military quarters as saying they
expected. "operations in this war the-
atre will be limited mainly to fight-
ing in the coastal areas and for naval
- Axis planes were dive-bombing the
U.S. and British troops, Berlin said.
Vichy to Release DeGaullists
Aside from French troops already
joining the Allied advance, Fighting
French- quarters here said that at
least 10,000 of their comrades held
in concentration camps by yichy
would be released now under an am-
nesty order.
Hot upon news that heavily-gunned
spearheads of the Allied drive had
mauled three Axis armored columns
in the first hard fighting of the Tu-
nician campaign came the report
from the Morocco Radio in Rabat
that the Germans had landed new
reinforcements at Bizerte, including
tanks transported by air.
Poisoning Case
Is Still Muysteryv
SALEM, Ore., Nov. 20.- (A)- In-
vestigation into the fatal poisoning of
47 inmates of the Oregon Hospital
for the Insane centered tonight on the
kitchen crew.
The 47 died and more than 400
others became ill after eating scram-
bled eggs at Wednesday dinner. An-
alysis showed the eggs contained a
quantity of roach exterminating pow-
der evidently from a can of insecti-
Allied Forces
Beat Back Japs
in New Guinea
AUSTRALIA, Nov. 21. (Saturday)-
(I)- Heavy fighting is in progress for
the northeast New Guinea ports of
Gona and Buna as Australians and
Americans, who reached the outskirts
yesterday, strive to push the Japs into
the sea, the high command announced
The tempo of battle rose to high
pitch all along the coastal strip be-
tween Buna and Gona where the Japs
are being forced back toward" the
Japanese planes, whose appearan-
ces in the sector have been infre-
quent, have entered the engagement
in an attempt to forestall what ap-
pears to be a growing disaster for the
Jap air forces made a feeble effort
on Thursday night to cover a light
cruiser and two destroyers seeking to
relieve thedsituation but the Jap fli-
ers were driven off with a loss of
three Zeros. The cruiser and one de-
stroyer were bombed and sunk and
the other destroyer, damaged, fled
the scene.
Russians Advance
along Every Front
MOSCOW, Nov. 20.- ('P)-- News of
Rusian counter-attacks came from all
sectors of the eastern front today,
It'll Be All in One Taxicab as
Gas Rationing Hits Commuters
Lifeline of University students
through wintery blizzards and au-
tumn rains, Ann Arbor taxis will con-
tinue their services despite nation-
wide gas rationing, but there'll be
some changes made, company offi-
cials said yesterday.
"We're really going to pack them
in," one cab company manager said,
"we have doubled our loads and if
we have more than one call from the
being prohibited. Some, company
managers claimed they may install
governors on their cars to limit speed
at 45 miles per hour.
Taxi companies have also instituted
strict rules governing action of their
employes in the care of cars and
maintaining government rules and
speed regulations.
Strict rules have also been made
with , regard to passengers by many
of the companies. For example, if a
Determination and perseverance on
the part of University employes yes-
terday finally made possible the de-
livery of an eagerly awaited spectro-
graph to the Philadelphia Navy Yard
in a University truck after other,
transportation possibilities had been
Ordered by the Navy Yard to be
used in the analysis of materials, the
spectrograph was built here on cam-
pus under the supervision of Prof.
A. E. White, director of engineering
research. It is capable of analyzing
cp L. alfn + £k1flh mentA in 15 minutes.
transport the instrument. Army offi-
cials apologized that Sixth Corps
area trucks can't leave this area.
Next Professor White approached
Capt. Richard E. Cassidy of the De-
partment of Naval Science and Tac-
tics but he replied that the Navy had
no trucks that could be sent to Phila-
In desperation Comm. Sutherland
at the Navy Yard was called-Sure,
the Navy Yard was anxious to get the
spectrograph but they couldn't send
a truck to Ann Arbor for it.
Todav thes nctrngranhi s in Phila-