PAGr FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1942 VAO~ FOUR FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1942 Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session.. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON - Los ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff "As a token of his great love and rer hopes you will accept esteem, Marienne-der fueh- this slight bauble!" VICE-PRESIDENT WALLAC] Post- War l Velinr'c N fo- 'R tiotri o tha . Zi > Perspectfive, Homer Swander Morton Mintz . . Will Sapp . . George W. Sallad .. Charles Thatcher . Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann . . . Busn Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . . James Daniels . . . . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . Associate Sports Editor mess Staff * . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 . NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO i. n 1'Y C k yr S C , - ditorials published in The Michigan Daily are wr.ten by members of The Daily staff .. .-. r - sc °J and represent the views of the writers only. = _ THE SPIRIT: Another Administrator Is Fired from WPB THERE are many bureaucratic inefficiencies that impede the war effort unintentionally and pardonably if they are not long continued, but intentional blocking of assigned duties like the failure to ship oil refinery equipment to Russia is unforgivable. Drew Pearson reports in his column today that Donald Nelson, for all his widely publi- cized purges, is not firing those who use the powers of their job to stop national policy. Emory Brennerman, a man who did his best to carry out the President's directive to ship oil equipment to the Soviet Union, was fired in- stead, apparently because he tried to cut the red tape. And now every button pusher in the WPB is resting in his chair contemplating the delightful prospect of yards and yards of bright red tape. This spirit results directly from Donald Nelson's seeming inability to distinguish a good adminis- trator from a bad one. And it is not helping to win the war. -- Leon Gordenker A SLAP: fl ridges' Harvard Talk Denounced By legion PERHAPS the saddest thing about the whole war is the failure of influential men to re- define their values and broaden their outlook. American Legion Commander Roane Waring, who is still thinking in the old reactionary chan- nels that have directed the thoughts of all Legion leaders, recently called Harvard's permitting a speech by Harry Bridges "a slap in the face of every man who wears the uniform of America in this war." Bridges, now under order of deportation as a Communist, spoke at a meeting of the Harvard Teachers' Union (AFL) Armistice Day. Waring was wrong on two counts, and if anyone is kicking the boys in the trenches right in the teeth, it's the American Legion Commander. HIS ATTACK stabs the soldiers because expedi- ency indicates that Bridges is now one of the most important men in the war set-up. The driv- ing force behind a great labor effort on West Coast piers, he seems to be the only man who can handle the labor situation there. And Waring still doesn't know that freedom of speech has to mean freedom for everybody, that when this war is over Communists will talk and be heard, or the war will be just a waste. It is all part of a psychological and intellec- tual growth that has to come during the war, and that is coming to most of the American people. If it doesn't come we will end up right where we started; the four freedoms will not be attained, the peoples' century will not arrive. - Robert Preiskel BEI{TIE OKAYS: Republicans Threatened with Old Guard Policies ISOLATIONIST, fence -straddling Werner Schroeder, a buddy of Robert "Bertie" McCor- , *lr 'rinc r'ThrihimPnjurihihr. i bein boomed DREW PEARSON'Sa MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON- On Nov. 2, this column re- ported an incident inside the War Production Board in which Emory Brennerman had cut red tape to speed the shipment of oil refining equip- ment to Russia. With its oil supplies cut off in the Caucasus, Russia has wanted to set up refineries behind the lines, and President Roosevelt issued a directive Oct. 10 that oil equipment move immediately. So Brennerman, finding that the Russian oil docu- ments were not moving, carried them to the Treasury, urged Treasury Procurement officials to act. Then he found two officials in his own War Production Board who had snarled up the Russian shipments. He reminded them that the President of the United States and WPB's vice-chairman Ferd Eberstadt both had de- manded that Russia oil equipment move im- mediately. But the two WPB men did not move easily. "You put your judgment against that of the President, and against Mr. Eberstadt," said Bren- nerman. "And you didn't take the trouble to tell them you disagreed with them. You just sat there ignoring their orders." But following publication of the column de- scribing this incident, Mr. Brennerman, the man who cut red tape, was fired. Donald Nelson in- structed his counsel John Lord O'Brian to notify Brennerman of his dismissal. Golden Bullets in Africa NOT MANY people noticed it, but during the North African troop-landing, U.S. gold was put to use for the first time since 1933, when Roosevelt froze all gold in the Treasury and brought forth the famous "rubber dollar." Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark let the cat out of the bag when he told how his boat upset just after his secret rendezvous with French military lead- ers and $18,000 in gold coin went to the bottom of the sea. Obviously, U.S. forces were taking a lesson from the sage Chinese custom of using "silver bullets" (silver dollars). "Silver bullets," say the Chinese, "save many lives." For a long time the idea of using some of Ft. Knox's idle gold to loosen up North Africa had been discussed, and had been proposed in this column. However, Treasury officials, and for a while also the State Department, were opposed. Senator Wherry of Nebraska IMMEDIATELY after Senator George Norris was defeated for his sixth term in the Senate, he wr e a very cordial congratulatory letter to the man who defeated him, Republican Kenneth Wherry. , "Your plurality is decisive and complete," Sen- ator Norris wrote. Then he added, with a touch of very human candidness, that he, Norris, had hoped to stay in the Senate through the end of the war, to put into effect some of his ideas for a lasting peace treaty. But he added: "In our democracy all loyal citizens abide by the result of an election-honestly and fairly held-and your election possessed both these I'd Rather Be Right_ -- By SAMUE L GRAFTON NEW YORK-No writer on etiquette, so far as I know, has ever included a chapter entitled: "How to Behave While Waiting for the Offen- sive." So, there is nothing to go by. Mr. Westbrook Pegler spends his time, while waiting for the offensive, by raising the burning question of not letting the Administration allow unlimited Japa- nese immigration. (It seems an odd issue. One can see the Pres- ident, somewhat puzzled, asking "Steve, have I been allowing unlimited Japanese immigration lately? Seems to me we've just lost some men and ships trying to stop an unlimited Japanese immigration in force.") One letter-writer to the New York Daily News spends his time while waiting for the offensive by charging Mr. Roosevelt with in- tending to bring millions of refugees here this year, give them citizenship, quick, and then be re-elected on their votes. Representative Maas, of Minnesota, he spends his time while waiting for the offensive in Europe by saying we ought not to have one. Number of Southern senators, they're spending their time while waiting for the offensive in a filibuster to save the poll taxes. They are en- gaged in an incredibly intricate enterprise. They are determined to save their positions by keep- ing the poll taxes. Thus they are instructing the voters of the country that the poll taxes will go only when the Republicans control both Houses of Congress. And so they are, like so many male Marie Antoinettes, begging for the execution of their own party. All that is interesting, but one wonders whether it ought to go on while we are waiting for the offensive. Lots of people, they're spending their time while waiting for the offensive by tearing down Mr. Willkie. Mr. Willkie asks for the eventual freedom of Malaya, as he waits for the big offensive. The plain truth is, we just don't know which fork to use. We've never been here before. Our democratic way of life is so accustomed to al- most making it a principle not to know where it is going, that we have no guide-posts for decent behavior during what we know is a wait- ing period before the big push starts next year. So we have to invent, if we can, a political etiquette for a curious and unprecedented in- terlude. But what shall it be? We know, now, that this war has a pattern, a long quiet period in which important thingsare done secretly, then a sud- den crescendo, like the invasion of North Africa. We know that we have dipped down into one of the quieter periods again, but we know, too, that the next crescendo is cming. How can we fit the things we do into this rhythm? How can we enter into the pattern of this war and avoid becoming lost? It seems to me the dividing line is between those who have some faith in the President, and those who have no faith. It may be uncomfortable to some, but there is no other guide that keeps you from being knocked off balance every time one of the peaks comes along. It doesn't mean you have to be a Democrat. Some of the most irrelevant people I know are Democrats. Editor s ote: Beleigtatvc President Henry A. 'Wallace's recent speech is one of the most significant of our era, we have selected some of the most important excerpts to reprint here. Space limitations prevent re- production of the text.) BOTH Russia and the United States retreated into isolation- ism to preserve their peace. Both failed. Both have learned their lesson. The ferment in the world today is such that our various types of democracy must be woven together into a harmonious whole. Millions of Americans are now coming to see that if Pan America and the British Commonwealth are the warp of the new democracy, then the peoples of Russia and Asia may well become its woof. Some in the United States be- lieve that we have overemphasized what might be called political or Bill-of-Rights democracy. Carried to its extreme form, it leads td rugged individualism, exploitation, Simpractical emphasison hstate's rights, and even to anarchy. Russia, perceiving some of the abuses of excessive political democ- racy, has placed strong emphasis on economic democracy. This, car- ried to an extreme, demands that all power be centered in one man and his bureaucratic helpers. Somewhere there is a practical balance between economic and po- litical democracy. Russia and the United States both have been work- ing toward this practical middle ground. In present-day Russia, for example, differences in wage in- come are almost but not quite as great as in the United States. The manager of a factory may be paid ten times as much as the average worker. Artists, scientists and out- standing writers are usually paid even more than factory managers or political commissars. The chief difference between the economic organization of Russia and that of the United States is that in Russia it is almost impossi- ble to live on income-producing property. The Russian form of state socialism is designed not to Mr. Spalding played a rather variedI program last night. A bow or so was made to the music lovers with Corelli and the Beethoven op. 30, No. 2 So-] nata in C minor, but from that point on it was anybody's day. Not mine. The Corelli Sonata in A major was1 played in a Spalding transcription1 which makes him, I suppose, respon- sible for the results. The results were negligibly romantic and thinly played. One of these days I hope to hear this particular Sonata again in its original form, there were glimmerings of a really remarkable talent there. Beethoven was next, and I honestly cannot report on Mr. Spalding's per- formance of it, I heard only about half. The rest was drowned by Mr. Benoist at the piano. At least we can be thankful that he played with the top down or nothing would have emerged that could be called a Violin and Piano Sonata. The third move- ment, at any rate, was bounced through like tumbleweed over the Mojave Desert. What was hearable of the rest sounded hysterical. Next, Mr. Spalding played Villa- Lobos' First Sonata-Fantasy "Desper- ance." Exactly. Joachim's Variations closed the first half of the program. Its value as music I cannot discuss here, and its value as a show piece for violinists remained completely obscure in last night's performance. The second half of the program should possibly be reviewed by some- one else, I do not feel competent to discuss dinner music. However, I did notice that the the violin transcrip- tion of Chopin's Nocturne Op. 27 No. 2 was saved from over-sweetness by the sourness of the playing. Next con- cert, my spies tell me, Artur Schnabel may play the Tchaikowsky Violin Concerto as an encore. I hope they are wrong; they usually are. This review will probably be accused of collegiate clownishness; but to evaluate the program or Mr. Spalding as an artist is a thankless task. I can only say that I was completely dis- appointed and have become for the moment bitter. - Chester Kallman and you don't really have to do anything of the kind. But the pun- ishment, if you don't, is swift and sure. The next peak of the war comes along, and you are exposed as having sat that one out, ad- dressing an oration to your navel. There is, after all, free speech in every monkey cage. (Copyright, 1942, N.Y. Post Syndicate) get equality of income but to give a maximum incentive on each indi- vidual to produce his utmost. * * * A third kind of democracy, which I call ethnic, is in my opinion vital to the new democracy, the democ- racy of the common man. Ethnic democracy means merely that the different races and minority groups must be given equality of economic opportunity. We have not sunk to the lunatic level of the Nazi myth of racial superiority, but we have sinned enough to cost us already the blood of tens of thousands of precious lives. Ethnic democracy built from the heart is perhaps the greatest need of the Anglo-Saxon tradition. * * * The fourth democracy, which has to do with education, is based fun- damentally on belief in ethnic dem- ocracy. It is because Stalin pushed educational democracy with all the power that he could command that Russia today is able to resist Ger- many. The Russian people for gen- erations have had a great hunger to learn to read and write, and when Lenin and Stalin gave them the opportunity, they changed in twenty years from a nation which was 90 per tent illiterate to a na- tion of which nearly 90 per cent are able to read and write. * 4! * The old democracy did not serve as a guarantee of peace. The new democracy, in which the people of the United States and Russia are so deeply interested, must give us such a guarantee. This new democ- racy will be neither communism of the old-fashioned internationalist type nor democracy of the old- fashioned isolationist sort. Willing- ness to support world organization to maintain world peace by justice implemented by force is funda- DAILY OFFICI (Continued from Page 2) Michigan Dailies Wanted for Mich- igan Students in the Services: Mrs. Ruth B. Buchanan, Museums Library,I is making weekly mailings of the Michigan Daily to former students now in the armed services. These are much appreciated by the recipients,1 and Mrs. Buchanan can use more) copies of the Daily for the purpose.1 Faculty members and students who can make them available are re- quested to communicate with her at the Museums Library (campus tele- phone 82.) Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Alexander D. Lindsay, Master of Balliol Col- lege, Oxford University, will lecture on the subject, "Universities and Modern Democracy," under the aus- pices of the Departments of Philos- ophy, History, and Political Science, at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 24, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Lecture on Glass: Mr. J. J. Moran of the Technical Department of the Kimble Glass Co., Vineland,-N. J., will deliver an illustrated lecture on the subject, "Glass - Its Uses in Labora- tory and Medical Prectice" tonight at 7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. The lecture is sponsored by the Clinical Laborator- ies of the University Hospital and by the Departments of Chemistry and of Chemical Engineering of the University. Academic Notices Graduate Students in Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Chemical Engineering: The third and fourth lectures on "War Gases and Civilian Defense" will be given to- day at 4:30 p.m. in Room 151 Chem- istry Building. Professor L. C. Brock- way will discuss the chemical and. physical properties and Professor H. B. Lewis the toxocological properties of some of the important war agents. Sociology 73 will meet as usual at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 21. Graduate Students who took the Graduate Record Examination may receive individual examination re- ports by calling for them in the Graduate School offices in the Rack- ham Building. C.-S. Yoakum Concerts The first concert of the season by the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Eric DeLamarter, Conductor, will be given at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, November 22, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. David VanVactor will conduct the orchestra in the presentation of his "Concerto Grosso," and Hanns mental to the democracy of the common man in these days of air- planes. Fortunately, the airplanes, which make it necessary to organ- ize the world for peace, also furn- ish the means of maintaining peace. * * * This United Nations' Charter has in it an international bill of rights and certain economic guarantees of international peace. These must and will be made more specific. There mustbe an international bank and an international TVA, include say an international Dnie- perstroy dam for that matter, based on projects which are self- liquidating at low rates of interest. * * * The new democracy by defini- tion abhors imperialism. But by definition also it is internationally minded and supremely interested in raising the productivity, and therefore the standard of living, of all the peoples of the world. First comes transportation, and this is followed by improved agri- culture, industrialization and ru- ral electrification. * * * Undoubtedly China will have a strong influence on the world which will come out of this war and in exerting this influence it is quite possible that the principles of Sun Yat-sen will prove to be as signifi- cant as those of any other modern statesman. The British Commonwealth, Eng- land herself, the democracies of Northwest Europe, Latin America, and in fact all of the United Na- tions, have a very important role to play. But in order that the United Nations may effectively serve the world it is vital that the United States and Russia be in ac- cord as to the fundamentals of an enduring peace based on the as- pirations of the common man. AL BULLETIN today at 5:00 p.m. in the League. The room will be posted. Nursery School Assistants, play- ground assistants, Girl Reserve and Girl Scout leaders are needed in Ann Arbor. Anyone who has had experi- ence and is interested, please report to the Undergraduate Office in the League today between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. Presbyterian Student Guild: Social evening in the Social Hall of the church tonight beginning at 8:30. For reservation for Sunday's supper, phone 2-4466. Episcopal Students: Tea will be. served for Episcopal students and their friends this afternoon by the Canterbury Club, 4:00 to 5:30, in Harris Hall. Michigan Dames: Music group will meet tonight at 8:00 at the home of Mrs. R. C. Hussey, 595 Riverside Drive. Coming Events German Journal Club will meet at 4:00 p.m. Monday in the West Con- ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Mr. Philippson will read a paper on "Die niederrheinischen Matonen." Michigan Outing Club will take a hike to Saginaw Forest on Sunday, November 22, leaving Hill Auditorium at 2:30 p.m. All students are wel- come. For further information, call Dan Saulson (2-3776) or Dorothy Lundstrom (2-4471). Inter-Guild invites the public to atten alectureo Sturdayat74 p.m. in the Lecture Room of Lane Hall by Dr. George F. Thomas of Princeton University on "What Makes Christianity Distinctive." Inter-Guild's Fifth Annual Fall Conference will be held at Lane Hall on Saturday and Sunday with regis- tration at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and meetings on Sunday starting at 2:001 p.m. Dr. George F. Thomas, Profes- sor of Religious Thought at Prince- ton University, will speak. The topic for discussion will be "What Makes Christianity Distinctive." There wil be a Conference fee. Women's Rifle Club: Women stu dents who are interested in Women' Rifle Club and who were unable t attend the mass meeting may sti sign up for instruction periods ib calling Doris Kimball at 2-5618 be fore Monday, November 23. Wyvern Luncheon Meeting Satur day in the League Cafeteria at 12:0 noon. All members please be present t Children's Play Classes: Pla f classes for boys and girls, ages 3 t s 9, will start on Saturday, Nov. 21, a P n-nnfl 0 ?Vi RflOrhfn'I1P (vmn~ium11