u;' 3T% ~THE MICHiGAN DAILY Cl{ f:. . 1Y iii> L'i 1 +!: . IFC NEWSPAPER A REALITY: New Monthly Fraternity Paper to Make Its Debut Next Week Yanks Find Abandoned Ja pTanks in New Guinea The 20-year ebb tide in fraternity journalism will succumb to an igno- minious end when the newest IFC venture-a monthly fraternity news- paper-chalks up its high water mark in a campus debut next week. Although it's only been an idea and two editors during the last three weeks in which the newspaper has been in the making, Interfraternity Council offices are now humming with industry as the final touches are being put on the four-page tabloid. Jack Hooper, '44, who shares a co- editorship with Jack Wiese, '44, ex- pects the issue to come out a week from next Friday. Strictly an experimental issue to be tried "for size" on campus readers, the paper will contain news of fraternity sports, fall pledging, the pledge ban- quet, and the fraternity scrap drive. Hooper also emphasized that the last page will be devoted to the fra- ternity men in armed service, while another of the all-revealing stories will be an advance article on the In- terfraternity Ball, the details of which have not yet been released. Richie Rawdon, IFC junior staff member, will also take his turn at. journalism when he turns from his current cheerleading activities to be- come the fraternity-man's Walter Winchell by writing a campus gossip column. Precedent for this paper is hardly lacking, Co-Editor Wiese points out, yfor Pete Wingate, I's hustling sec- retary, has managed to unearth a dusty issue of a 1920 fraternity news- paper and from these near-antiquated WPB To Ask Dairy Goods Rationing WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. - (P) - Faced with war demands beyond th'e apparent ability of farmers to sup- ply, the War Production Board's foods requirements committee is ex- pected soon to recommend civilian rationing of cheese and butter fluid milk in larger cities, and a curtail- ment of manufacture of ice cream. Sources close to the committee who requested that they not be quoted by name said such action appeared in- evitable. They added that the Office of Price Administration may be asked to raise some ceiling prices to help dairymen and processors meet ad- vancing production costs. Secretary of Agriculture Wickard today told the WPB committee, which he heads, that he did not believe farmers can meet 1943 demands. Dairy requirements of American and Allied armed forces were said to have increased 250 percent over this year. Civilian demands were reported in- creasing also, due to shortages of meat and rising incomes. Wickard, committee sources said, estimated that next year's milk pro- duction might fall short of require- ments by 20,000,000,000 pounds. Declaring dairymen face growing shortages of labor, equipment, and transportation facilities the Secretary was said to have expressed the view that production would do well to match this year's record output of 120,000,000,000 pounds. After outlining this situation, the Secretary submitted a program in- volving these proposals: 1. Ration fluid milk in some cities to assure ample supplies for children, invalids, and pregnant mothers. 2. Ration cheese as well as meats, possibly cutting civilian supplies of cheese approximately 40 percent. 3. Limit distribution of butter un- til plans for rationing can be devel- oped. 4. Limit ice cream manufacture to about 75 percent of this year's output. 5. Revise price ceilings to increase cheese, and possibly butter and evap- orated milk prices. Sigma Rho Tau To Hold Meeting For Newcomers Sigma Rho Tau, engineering speech fraternity, will welcome all newcomers at its Newcomers Night at 7:30 p.m. todayin Room 316 in the Union. All freshman and transfer engineering and architecture students are invited to attend this meeting to learn about the functions of the society. A varied program has been planned for the evening. Associate Professor Axel Marine of the Mechanical Engi- neering Department will speak. Plans for the season include a rumor clinic, freshman debate squad, varsity debat- ing, and other activities. pages has come the birth of the idea for the new paper. Financed by the IFC and printed in Ann Arbor, this paper will be distribu- ted free of charge to every fraternity man. Other staff writers include Jack Hadley and Dick Emerby, both '44, who will handle sports articles, Mark Hance, '44, and Howie Howerth, '44E, who will write Interfraternity Council news. Bud Burgess, '44E, and Reynold Kraft, '44, will take charge of news from other college interfraternity councils, while Don Crabb, '44, will be general news reporter. International Course Opens Will Teach Students To Govern Overseas Future governors of occupied lands will be intensively trained in a new study course starting Monday in the graduate school. Graduates and persons with prac- tical experience in law, industry, fin- ance, public utilities, education, pub- lic health, social welfare or engineer- ing may enter the course directed by Prof. Howard B. Calderwood of the political science department. Each student will specialize in one country, learning its language and pertinent details of its social customs, government and economy. The course will run two semesters. At present instruction will be limi- ted to Germany, the Low Countries and countries on Germany's eastern border. Opening Feb. 8 will be a more comprehensive program in which Far East training will be included. Two differentiated programs have been planned, the first for students having a degree or other qualifica- tions in the various fields of study and the second for those who require refresher courses or basic preparation. Plans for Blood Bank Complete Quota To Be Filled Here Tomorrow Expecting to fill its quota, the cam- ous blood committee headed by Bud Brandt, '44 announced last night final plans for tomorrow's blood tak- ing. The campus committee has prom- ised the American Red Cross 125 pints of blood per month from Uni- versity students. This quota was ex- ceeded last month when a substan- tial waiting list was compiled. Drawing upon fraternity men who pledged their support to the blood bapk during the summer semester and all new volunteers tomorrow's taking should be a success, Brandt stated.' Time schedules were prepared this week so that all persons donating blood could be assured, as far as pos- sible, a convenient time for donation. All parties concerned were in- formed by post card and and irregu- larities may be taken care of with Bud Brandt in the Union Student Offices this afternoon. Juniors May Have Pictures In 'Ensian Second semester juniors will findi that when the Michiganensian comes mut next spring, they too will have a glace between its covers-if they get into action now. Juniors who graduate next Septem- ber will be given the opportunity to have their pictures printed in the sec- tion ordinarily featuring June gradu- ates. By presenting their student identification cards at The Daily, they 'nay buy a picture coupon which will oay for a part of the photographer'sr work as well as enable them to pur- chase an 'Ensian for the lower price of last week. This week the pricez jumped but yearbook editors felt it only fair to extend the lower rate to second semester Juniors who decide now to have their portraits included. MUST COMPLETE RESALE Persons who have not yet com- pleted their transactions with Un-t ion Football Ticket Resale Desk aret asked to do so today and tomorrow from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Union Stu- dent Offices, it was announced byc Dave Striffler, '44, student directorp in charge.- Allies Strike at Nazis in North Afriea (ontinued from Page 1) The advance is a great land, sea and air movement stretching from the Mediterranean coast far inland to the south. Under the protecting cover of the RAF there have been no serious ship- ping losses in the past two days de- spite the presence of hordes of sub- marines, and German planes based on Sardinia and Sicily in the Medi- terranean. It was authoritatively stated here that some of the most famous British Hurricane and Spitfire squadrons have been having a field day practi- cally without loss in diving into swarms of German Junker 88's and 87's. Airdromes Packed with Fighters The Germans have packed the air- dromes at Tunis and Bizerte with fighters and dive-bombers, but de- spite this the U.S. Flying Fortresses were understood to have returned from their raid on Tunis without loss. The same Fortress pilots who won their spurs in raids over France car- ried out the attack, cruising lazily high over the naval base city with plenty of time to pick out their pre- cise targets on the air field. At the same time RAF bombers blasted military targets ahead of the advancing ground troops. Forces To Be Helpless If the RAF and General Doolittle's air force wrest control of the air over Tunisia, the Axis ground troops will be left helpless before the superior American-British ground forces. The communique also said that German transport planes attempting to land at a point on the Tunisian coast were driven off by French forces. The parachutist exploit far inside Tunisia was described in an Allied headquarters communique on Radio Morocco .as one of the most impor- tant air-borne operations ever ac- complished. The 'chutists were dropped to "pre- pare the way for Allied forces" al- ready driving into Tunisia. FUNDS MOUNT: Phi Kappa Phi Contributes t Scholarsihp The Bomber Scholarship is gaining headway in its race for a $15,000 to- tal in 1942-1943. Its biggest contribu- tion to date is $500 from Phi Kappa Phi, national honor society, which raised its total this semester to $800. While the decision of the Women's League to turn over its ballroom to the Committee on week-ends has given the Bomber Scholarship its big- gest boost, this plan has not yet got under way. The Committee expects a big help toward gaining its total from the- League donation, as it does from the proceeds of Interfraternity Ball which the IFC Council an- nounced will be added to the Com- mittee's coffers. Other contributors to the Bomber Scholarship fund this semester have been the Abe Lincoln Cooperative House, Adams House, Allen-Rumsey House, Alpha Delta Phi, Congress Co- operative House, Lloyd House, Michi- gan House, Phi Kappa Psi, Psi Up- silon, Sigma Chi, Wenley House, and the West Quadrangle Council. The many campus organizations that have added to the fund last year are not being listed by the Com- mittee unless new donations are made this semester, in spite of the Com- mittee's deep appreciation to those groups for their assistance. All the funds collected by the Com- mittee toward their present goal of $15,000 and their ultimate goal of $100,000 will be invested in war bonds, for the duration of the war. After the war the money realized from these bonds will be issued in scholarship form for the assistance of students of this university who interrupted their education to serve in the armed forces of the United States and who return after the war to finish their schooling. GAME MOVIES TO BE SHOWN Moving pictures of the Michigan- Notre Dame football game, played last week, will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Main Ballroom of the Union. American and Australian soldiers examine two Jap tanks found abandoned by their crews in New Guinea, where Allied forces were reported to be closing in on the Jap base of Buna. Students May Become Army Weather Men 'U' Seeks Candidates to Begin Training as Air Force Officers Qualified student candidates are being sought by the University to begin training in January as Army Air Force weather officers at one of civ eenters throughout the United States To qualify, a student must have two years of college training, includ- ing differential and integral calculus and a year of general physics, he must be between 18 and 30 years old, and must be a male citizen of the United States. Candidates will also be required to pass a fairly rigid physical examina- tion. If accepted they will be enlisted in the Air Force as aviation cadets on a non-flying status with regular pay and allowances of about $140 a month. When they have satisfactorily com- pleted the nine-month training course they will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the Air Force resgrves and will either be assigned to duty at Army air bases or to further train- ing. Prof. Ralph Belknap of the geol- ogy department said the training will prepare men as weather officers whose chief duty will be forecasting weather for aerial operations. Stu- dents taking the special course, he added, will receive training equiva- lent to one-half and two-thirds of what could be obtained in the con- centration program for a bachelor's degree. Training will be given at Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, the California Institute of Technology, New York University, the University of California, the University' of Chi- cago and at Grand Rapids. After receiving this training, Prof. Belknap claims, students will have an excellent background for further work in any of the physical sciences when the war is over. Application blanks and further in- formation are being distributed by the War Information Center in An- gell Hall. Moore and Christian of School of Music Return from Texas Dr. Earl V. Moore, director of the University music school, and Prof. Palmer Christian, University organist, have just returned from Austin, Texas, where theyparticipated in the week-long ceremonies dedicating the new music building of the University of Texas. Professor Christian played the dedi- catory program on the newly installed organ, repeating his first program of his currentefall season of recitals. Dr. Moore addressed a luncheon last Saturday at the close ofuthe week's dedication exercises and spoke upon the relationship of music to the world today. William Doty, formerly of the staff of the University, is at present Dean of the University of Texas School of Music. Chase Barameo who presented the opening concert of the week was formerly a student at Michigan. Dr. Moore also attended the meet- ings of the Association of Executive Heads of music departments of State Universities which met concurrently with the dedication. I.Ae.S. Members See Army Air Corps Movies Political Honeymoon.' Ended as Kelly, Van Wagoner Break Up LANSING, Nov. 18.- (P)-- The so- called "political honeymoon" of Gov- ernor Van Wagoner, a Democrat, and Governor-elect Harry F. Kelly, a Re- publican, has been broken by ."politi- cal in-law trouble," their friends said today. Kelly, himself, gave substance to the reports in an unsolicited state- ment at a press conference, in which he indicated he would see to it that the paths of Van Wagoner and him- self run separately for the balance of the governor's term, which will expire January 1. Informants, who declined to be quoted by name, said die-hards in the two major political parties took ex- ception to post-election expressions of friendship by the two standard bear- ers in the recent political campaign. "It seemed too much like a political honeymoon, and the boys balked at it," said one of them. "The honeymoon has run into political in-law trouble, you might say." Van Wagoner declined to comment before leaving for Hubbard Lake on a deer hunting trip, but Kelly at a press conference declared without elaboration: "There must not be any question that his (Van Wagoner's) term will run to January 1. "There will be .no joint proclama- tion and things of that nature. "There has been some confusion in the minds of some people. He will run that office until January 1, and I want it clearly understood." NEWS AT FIRSTHN LEON HENDERSON tells AP reporter Jack Bell in OPA headquarters. SECRETARY STIMSON tells AP reporter Ed Bomar in the War Department offices. SECRETARY HULL tells AP reporter Wade Werner as State Department aide looks on. DONALD NELSON tells AP reporters Sterling Green, left, and William Needham. A London newspaper calls The Associated Press' letter to Joseph Stalin, which produced one of the most important documents of the war, a stroke of "journalistic genius. Henry C. Cassidy, chief of the Moscow bureau of The AP, who wrote the letter, would call it just plain reporting-going straight to the source as AP men are trained to do everywhere. To get dependable news AP men go to the fop, whether it's in Moscow or Washington, on important war stories or on the smallest item in the day's report. And news sources at the top welcome the AP. Look at the four Washington correspondents above -- AP men getting news straight from Secretary of State Hull, Secretary of War Stimson, WPB Boss Nelson, OPA Boss Henderson. WA HR'S RnK~TCrDF - - -in! :: ..'w -: V __!" ! ""° .,._.- f :