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November 18, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-18

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War Is Topic
of Conferences
with Principals
'Consultations Will Be
Held Tomorrow for
University Freshmen
The war will be the major topic
6f the panel discussion which will
rm an important part of the six-
teenth annual Principal-Freshman
Conference to be held tomorrow in
the Rackham Building and the
The discussion panel, led by Prof.
Harold M. Dorr of the political sci-
'nce department, will consider neces-
spry changes in policies of "Admis-
sion and Retention of College Fresh-
tien during This Wartime Emergen-
cy." The forum will be held during
the afternoon in the Hussey Room of
the League.
The principal-freshman conferen-
ges themselves will be held from 8:30
a.m. to noon in the Rackham Buil-
ding and will provide many of this
semester's 750 freshman and transfer
abudents an opportunity to meet their
Individual high school principals and
juior college deans.
After the conferences President
Alexander G. Ruthven will welcome
the representatives of eighty-four
Wchigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois
secondary schools and several Michi-
gan junior colleges at a luncheon in
the Michgan League Ballroom.
Attended by nearly all of the fresh-
men invited in past years, the princi-
pal-freshman conferences are de-
signed to aid new students with their
scholastic and environmental prob-
leins and to help the secondary
schools with future plans for pre-
paring students for entrance to the
Begun in 1926, the conferences are
being copied this year by the Univer-
sity of California at Los Angeles de-
sPite transportational and other dif-
ficulties interposed by the war. The
UCLA conferences are the result of
the visit here last year of Harrison M.
Kerr, director of relations with
schools for the California institution.
Ensmian to Add
Sept. Graduates
Second semester juniors may still
be wondering what their status and
ctss really is, but they have a defi-
nite place in the campus world as far
a Michiganensian is concerned.
Juniors who graduate in September
will be given the opportunity to have
individual portraits in a special sec-
tion of the 'Ensian, according to the
newv policy announced yesterday. By
presenting their student identifica-
tion cards at the 'Ensian offices be-
fbre Saturday, December 5, juniors
who wish to have their portraits in
the yearbook, can buy a picture cou-
pon.These coupons may be presented
at the photographer's studio at the
time of appointment. 'Ensian editors
;urae students to make their appoint-
inents at once as there are very few
dates open.
As a special concession to second
semester juniors, 'Ensians will be sold
to them for last week's price. Realiz-
,4ng that many juniors who have not
already planned to buy an 'Ensian
may change their minds, now that it
UA their class book also, the staff has
ixtended the price for them. To sub-
scribe to the 'Ensian under this new
policy, second semester juniors must
purchase their picture coupon at the
same time. They will be sold in the
,Ensian offices.
'U' Museum Director
To Head FSA Group

Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Director of the
University Museums, will be in Wash-
ington November 20 to 23, on work
connected with the government. He is
chairman of the Committee on Food
Habits of the National Research
This committee, working under a
contractwith the Federal Security
Agency, serves as an advisory body
to the Nutrition Division of the Office
of Defense Health and Welfare Ser-

On Campus ...
Code Teachers Needed
Students with a draft classification
of 3A or 4F who hold or have held a
radio operator's license have the op-
portunity to serve as code teachers in
the Signal Corps of the Army, it was
announced yesterday by Major Voll-
rath of the military science depart-
Qualified students will be stationed
in Chicago for their instruction work.
Those interested should contact Ma-
or Vollrath
Weddige Wins Prize
First prize in the 1942 Annual Ex-
hibition of Michigan Artists spon-
sored by the Detroit Institute of Arts
was recently awarded to Emil Wed-
didge of the art school. Two hundred
dollars was given him for his portrait,
"Little Boy," which formerly was ex-
hibited in the League.
Union Registration
Because the number of people at-
tending week-end Union Dances has
become increasingly large, the Union
will soon make it compulsory for all
ticket purchasers to present their
Union registration cards, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Bunny Craw-
ford, '44, Union publicity director.
Union officials urge all male students
to register as soon as possible.
Resale Desk Open
The Ticket Resale Desk of the
Michigan Union will have a represen-
tative in the Union Student Offices
each afternoon this week from 3 to 5
p.m. to enable all persons having
dealings with the Resale Desk to
bring their transactions up to date,
according to Dave Striffler; '44.
All transactions for home games
this season other than the Harvard
game will be considered closed after
Friday of this week, Striffler stated.
* * *
Speech Publication
A forthcoming publication spon-
sored by the National 'Association of
Teachers of Speech will be the sub-
ject of a discussion by Professors
Louis M. Eich and Kenneth 'G. Hance
of the Department of Speech at the
meeting of the Graduate Study Cub
at 4 p.m. today in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
Air Corps to Train
Weather Officers
Training in meteorology leading to
a commission as weather officer in
the Air Corps will begin in six cen-
ters in January for college students
with proper qualifications.
Officer candidates must have com-
pleted two years of college including
differential and integral calculus and
a year of general physics to be eligible.
Thek must be between the ages of 18
and 30.
Men accepted will be enlisted as
aviation cadets on non-fit y
and will receive regular cadet's pay.
At the end of the nine month training,
they will be commissioned second
lieutenants in the Army Air Corps
Offering training in the various
fields of meterology, the course will
give the trainee the equivalent of one-
half to two-thirds of college concen-
tration program requirements.
Further information may be ob-
tained at the War Information Cen-
ter, 1009 Angell Hall.
Speech Group To Mee!

Sigma Rho Tau, engineering speech
fraternity, will welcome all newcomers
at its Newcomers Night, Thursday
evening in the Union. All freshman
and transfer engineering students are
invited to attend this meeting to learn
all about the functions of the society.

Nov. Technic
Will Come Out
A Week Late
For want of a nail the battle was
lost, and similarly for want of two
small cuts of an acidizing process
the November Michigan Technic will
be delayed a week, Editor Bill Hutch-
erson, '43E, announced yesterday.
These cuts, Hutcherson said, were
due to arrive a week ago yesterday
from Battle Creek where they are
being processed, but they have been
held up due to a labor shortage. The
issue was originally scheduled to come
out last Monday.
Feature articles by four eminent
Michigan engineers, undergraduates
and alumni will be included in the
issue in addition to "Authorbiogra-
phies" and the regular sections, Tech-
nic Reflects, Explores and Presents.
Editor Hutcherson promises, how-
ever, that the delay in publication will
not diminish the popular interest of
Blaine Newman's lead article on "Po-
laroid." The second feature story will
be "Acid Control of Oil Flow" by John
G. Standt, '31E, while "Cooperation-
Production-Aircraft" by Jack \ T.
Gray, '39E, and "Theory of Limit De-
sign" by Robert Hay, '43E, are the
other main articles.
The big first of the November Tech-
nic will be the problem in ethics for
which the magazine will offer a spe-
cial five-dollar prize to the engineer
submitting the best solution. All an-
swers to the ethics problem will be
submitted to a special committee on
Ethics which is chairmaned by Prof.
Donald L. Katz.
Ancient Manuscript
Will lBe Topic for
French Talk Today
Professor Eugene Rovillain will
open the French lecture series today
at 4:15 in Room D Alumni Memorial
Hall with his lecture entitled "Un
Concours Academique Francais sur
Amerique au XVIIIe Siecle."
The lecture will be based on sixteen
manuscripts, believed lost, which were
found by Professor Rovillain in the
archives of the French Academy and
the Academy of Lyons.
In 1780 there was an announcement
of a prize to be given by the Academy
of Lyons on the subject, "Has the
discovery of America been useful or
armful to mankind?" Later on, in
1789, the French Academy offered a
prize on the same subject.
In answer, these sixteen 18th cen-
tury manuscripts found by Professor
Rovillain declare that the discovery
of America has been harmful to man-
kind and that the only redeeming fac-
tor has been the revolt of the English
colonies which have been a refuge
against religious persecutions and
have been instrumental in the de-
struction of traditional prejudices. It
is to the newly created United States
that the world owed the practical
proclamation of justice, of humanity,
of tolerance and of liberty.
Four of the manuscripts prophesy
and see Europe in ruins saved from
itself by the United States where
culture; industries, sciences and civi-
lization will have taken refuge.
Tickets for the seven lectures may
be bought in Room 112 Romance
Language Building or at the door of
the lecture.
Cleveland Organist
to be Guest Artist
Walter Blodgett, Curator of Musi-
cal Arts of the Cleveland Museum of
Arts, will appear as guest organist at

4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium in
a recital which includes works by
Franck, Bach and Delius.
Mr. Blodgett is also organist and
choirmaster of St. James Episcopal
Church and the First Unitarian
Church in Cleveland. He studied in
England andeGermanyand was at
one time an assistant to Eric De-
Lamarter, formerly associate conduc-
tor of the Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra who is atrthe present time a visit-
ing professor of music at the Uni-
The recital will be opened by the
"Chorale in E major" of Cesar Franck
and will be followed by five short se-
lections of Bach.
India's Independence
to be Debated Friday
The question of Indian indepen-
dence will be the subject of a forum
at the Hillel Foundation at 8:30 p.m.
Mrs. Francesca Thivi, a graduate
student from India, will advocate
freedom for India now, while Wolf-
ganga Kraus, of the political science
department, will favor independence
after the war.
The debate will be followed by an
informal question and discussion peri-
od. The meeting is open to the public.
Refreshments will be served.
Preceding the discussion, conserva-
tive religious services will be held in
the chapel, starting promptly at 7:45

# _ _ ,




Help Put the Lid on the Ash Can

HERE AT HOME conservation of vital materials

is a most important part of our

war effort. We must conserve if we are to win the war.
The pick-up and delivery of your laundry involves the consumption of vital,.
irreplaceable war materials. The government is requiring us to reduce the
m leae involved in our pick-up and delivery service by 25%. We are only too
glad to do our part.
You can do your part by being patient and cooperating with us in making this

conservation measure a success. Below is our latest delivery schedule.
i our trucks will be in your section of the city once a week.



* - m

Laundry picked up -

Will be delivered -


like Samuel Grafton's
'Column . . . on the
Editorial Page.

Order Your
Personal Christmas
Cards Now
50for $1.00
n: <and up

As long as possible we will maintain this schedule of service, however,
it is subject to change because of the local labor shortage.




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