F.tC AT.. THE MICHIGAN DAILY TT3~SDAT, NOV. 17, 199;, -- mod:.: -.-. ,...- Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights, of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-4 3 "Don'rt wo1ry9 Herr' General -our rout is .still aheadcof .schedule' -N DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESAY, NOV. 17, 1942 VOL. LI No. 38 NEPRESENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISiNG NY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pablisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CIGCAGO * BOSTON " Los ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp George W. Sallad . Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara dePries Myron Dann Edward .J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg AMary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels . Managing Eltor Editorial Director City Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor Women's Edito. * Associate Sports Editor Business Stafff Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager. Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23.244 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RONAY dilitorials published in The Michigan Daily are rit/en by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. V et } VICHY--- Will arlan Appointment l i d To Allies' Cause? LAST WEEK as the United States and Great -Britain began to swing into the long-awaited offensive that will bring final victory to the United Nations, they committed a grave stra- tegical and probably costly blunder. Admiral Jean Francois Darlan, French Fascist, British- hating and arch collaborationist, was put at the head of the military and civil government of French North Africa. Perhaps it is too early to condemn this action without complete knowledge of the political and military situation in French Africa, but Admiral Oarlan's record is clear and unmistakable. It seems hardly days ago that he was denouncing our British allies and attempting to swing French support to- the Axis. While the Nazis were setting the stage for the return of their favorite, Pierre Laval to power, he acted as vice- premier of the Vichy government and even with the resurgence of Laval managed to remain as commander-in-chief of all the French armed forces. In February of 1941 it was Darlan who sur- rendered the thousands of political refugees who had sought a haven in France to the lungry Gestapo. It was he who handed ndo- China over to the Japanese that they might have a more secure springboard for the of- fensive against the democracies. WHEN the Allies struck at the French posses- sions on the southern shore of the Medi- terranean, Darlan, by one of those queer strokes of fate that often disrupt world politics, hap- pened to be there inspecting defense for his Vichy chieftain, Marshal Petain. Opportunist to the last, he saw which way the wind was blow- ing and offered his services to the victorious Americans. In full knowledge of his past performances and with no guarantee of his integrity now he was accepted a chief French administrator for the colonies. To Darlan this must have indeed been a great triumph. To the military cause of the United Nations and to the goal of a better world for which we are fighting it may prove a tragic mistake. Admiral Darlan is representative of the Fascist defeatists who sabotaged the French war effort in 1939-40, of the Prussian military caste that has dominated Germany since 170 aid continually sought world conquest, of the old-school tie that has blocked social reforms in England, and generally of the reactionaries anywhere in the world. Acceptance of him by the Allies is a severe blow to those who are working for a new and happier world order. To the Fighting French forces of General Charles DeGaullg it must be the height of dis- illusionment to see one of the avowed opponents of democracy welcomed with open arms while he, who had exalted his men to die in the de- fense of Egypt and on the other far-flung battle- fronts of this war, had so long sought in vain for recognition from this country. CAN IT ALSO BE that the leaders who decided upon Darlan's new role forgot about the aver- age Frenchmen and his fellow men in all the occupied countries who have borne the brunt of the Nazi terror for two and a half years? It is these same people who have heard the propa- ganda broadcasts, read the leaflets dropped from the skies and listened to the leaders of the Urnited Nations denounce the Quislings, of whom Darlan is one, as traitors to their countries. Will this inspire them to revolt against their over- lords? GET TOUGH: Coeds Should Welcome New Hardening Plan IN THE PAST TWO DAYS a proposal has come before the women of Michigan which they must, if they are going to be logical about the matter, accept. They would accept it, moreover, not grudgingly but enthusiastically, recognizing it to be a step that they should have taken long ago if they are truly anxious to do their part in the war effort. The question is that of a volun- tary physical conditioning program. The actual facts are simple enough. Michi- gan women are not 1-A in the civilian army. A very large percentage of them are not fit to give much-needed blood to the Red Cross. They tire easily at any jobs requiring. physical. labor. And they will not have sufficient =phys- ical strength to handle the war jobs that will be required of them when they leave school. They outdo each other in circles under the eyes. They're weak; they're flabby; they're worse than Michigan men were - before PEM. Furthermore, the women's physical education program is geared to provide regular training only for freshmen and a limited :umber of up- perclassmen. Most women complete their phys- ical education requirements and never again see the inside of the WAB. The proposed program provides for a few minutes supervised exercise daily right in the. women's residences. There would be no incon- venience of time or place, no hiking to the gyms in cold weather. The result would be simple too. The general physical condition of the coeds would improve, and their general appearance with it. The alternative, perhaps, is a comp'ilsory PEW. The choice is easy to make. - Netta Siegel !i fl P'd Rather Be Right B~ySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK-We are going to have to learn to talk a new language, so we may as well take the plunge now. I am afraid we are going to have to say the production program is a big success. That's a shocker, I know. But it's not so hard, really. If, each morning, before breakfast, you say five times: "We're producing the goods. We're pro- ducing the goods. We're producing . you will get used to it in time. Soon the phrase will drop as trippingly from the tongue as the old line: "All is muddle and confusion in Wash- ington." T ERE IS a time lag in these things, and some Americans were caught with their mouths open, saying "All is mud--" as the boys walked into North Africa. The mud was in the speaker's Seye. We are going to produce more military goods alone next year than we produced goods of all kinds in our best peacetime year, 1929. t I see no way of avoiding the fact that we are doing this with Mr. Roosevelt as President. I know it seems incredibe; it has been proved elaborately that a friend of labor cannot make labor work, that, for some obscure reason, only an opponent of labor's aims can make labor really hump itself. olut there are the figures, friends, and we had better face them. We have to face the extraordinary possibility that President Roosevelt's approach to labor is more practical than Westbrook Pegler's. The success of the African campaign tells us a number of truths about liberal goVernment, which we owe it to our consciences to examine. I notice a certain amount of glee in several sections of the press to the effect that "liberals" who hated our policy toward Viohy, etc., have been proved wrong by events. Well, the business of proving things by events is a risky business; it can gently turn a man over and stand him on his head. R. ARTHUR KROCK, of the Times, for ex- ample. is delighted that the African cam- paign seems to justify Secretary of State Hull. I seem to remember that Mr. Krock was in favor (or at least took a great deal of pleas- ure in raising the issue) of bringing General MacArthur back home to direct the war effort. And on Nov. 6, one day before Africa, Mr. Krock, discussing the executive branch, said firmly: "'Administration as usual' will prove to be a disastrous policy." Well, now. If Mr. Hull, who is only a small part of this AninL- istration, has been justified by events, what about the whole, big Administration that sur- rounds him? I say, without fear of successful contradic- tion, that Mr. Roosevelt had as much to do with the African campaign as Mr. Hull. Maybe we "liberals" don't do so badly when you begin on the hazardous business of justifying policies by events. Maybe something of what we said has to be wiped out, but I will wager that for every line we would want to strike from the record, Mr. Krock will have to remove ten, and some others I could name, ten thousand. We are going to have to learn a new lan- guage, but I assume that the basic tie ihich holds our community together is respect for facts. I assert that a man named Franklin 6. Iloosevelt is President of the United States All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tfres should besubmitted by 11:30 a. . Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 18, from 4 to 6o'clock. Will all members of the staff trav- eling on University business please notify all ticket agents that the tick- et to be purchased is exempt fron' the tax imposed by the Revenue Act of 1941. Do not wait until the tick- et has been stamped before giving this information as it then neces- sitates the invalidating of the first ticket. This notice grows out of the large proportion of cases where, in the past, time and a ticket form have been wasted by not specifying in the first place that the ticket wanted is "to be tax exempt. Shirley W. Smith List of Sugar Beet Pickers: Follow ing isa.corrected lst of students who took part in the sugar beet salvage last week. By permission of the Deans these students are entitled to excuse from classes and make-up privileges. The list is published for the informa- tion of their instructors. Arthur Abelson Don Albinson Stewart AlexanderRobert Allen Robert W. Allen Charles Anderson Robert Anderson Kenneth Ankli S. 'L. Aronsson Jack Athens John Averill William Bacon Phil Baris Robert Barnes Claude Batuk Richard Batesole Richard Barrar Victor Baum Richard Beckett John Becker Leo Bennish Bryce Bootthby Jarnes Blanchard Ray Boucher William Bowen Russell Bradley Alan Brandt Leroy Brooks William Brooks Laden Brown James Burbott Robert Cage William Cain Clark Carey Charles Canfield Sy Chase John Chapin James Cotner :Alan Cohen Morton Cohn Paul Cdughman Albert Cohen Walter Avern Cohen Cookingham Ace Cory Robert Coan Harold Conroy James Connell Reed Coughey Williain Con' Richard Cohen John 'C'ow John Culbertson Ed Cole Harold Cutcher Joe Datsko John Darroch Donald Davis John Davis Richard Davis Ramon Dixon Chailes Diehl Richard Dick Al Dittweiler Robert Dodd Robert Doerner Henry Dongvillo Herbert Edelhertz Harry Elkins Robert Elerbush Fred Epstein 'LeRoy Engelhardt John Erlewine elig Estroff Walter Evans Joseph Fiorilla Robert Feinberg John Fitch Edward Franzetti Robert Prick Henry Friedman KurtFriednian Al Frankel Richard Ford William Gans Earl Gaskell David Gault James GermansonWillard Gervin Larry Gilford Fred Gipson Norman Gould Bernard Goldstone Charles Godfrey Ernest Goeckel Len Gardine RobertGreene John Grandy Albert Gruenwald Hugh Hanson Saul Harrison William Hampton GeorgeHarris Emanuel Hackel Lewis Hayes Reginald Hardy William Habel Stanley Hartman Jack Harrigan James Herbst Josef Heit Joseph Herz Rodger Hippes William Hillig James Holbach S. Hosenball Frederick Hodges Charles Hoad Ed Hoff William Hutchins Heber Hudson Kenneth Israel Albin Jacobson Robert Johnson Robert Jones Haskell Kellner John Kimmel Melvin Krohn. Irwin Kasle Ellsworth Kendig Carl Kaufman Bruce Kirchen- Peter Klapliaak baum Bernie Kozel Sidney Kreinberg Bruce Laing Charles LaPerriereDonald Lambrecht Frank Lahr David Leisten Robert Leveridge David Levinson Dempster Lewis Len Levy Harry Levine James Leopold Robert List Mark Lipper Harlow LichtwardtWilliam Longstaff Jack Lougheed Max Lukehart James Lynch R. D. Matthews James Maynard . Robert Mantho Eugene MandebergRobert Matthews William Matthews Kenneth Marshall Ed McPherson Richard McNally Cameron Harry McCormick McNaughton Charles McKean Donald McAlonan Alexander McLean Leonard Lewis Mintz Mendelson Bruce Miller Milton Moscowitz Herb Moore Herman Moss Dean Monson John Mummert Richard Murray Henry Mulder Frank O'Brien John Oleaszewski Howard Orr Arthur Orrmont Robert Orch .Wiliam Owsley Jack Page Stuart Padnos Earl Parkin Ben Pearlman Robert Peck William Penoyar Nathan Peterman Charles Pinney John Pittman Kenneth Porter Gordon Powell Richard William Powers Posmantur David Pontius Norris Post Ted Proll Robert Preiskel David Pusack Gerald Redner Robert RReisdorf 'Donald Redenell Carl Rhinehart John Rieger Robert Rachofsky Richard Rovit Larry Ross Irving Rose Larry Rose Robert Rugar Earl Russell Monroe Taliaffero Wm. Takahashi Win. Tompkins Don Sanborn Russell Sacco Jason Sacks Eugene Schwartz Ray Scheick Robert Schulze George Sewell Melvin Silver San Sarver Edwin Shaw Bryant Sharp Jack Shank Walter Sherman James Shelden Warren Shwayder Jack Sherman George Sloane Walter Spreen Ben Sproat Louis Speisberger John Smithson John Stover David Strack W. C. Stewart Harry Stubbs Alvin Steinman Larry Steers Robert Stahl Irving Stahl Roland Sylvester Roman Szymanski David Upton George Valette Robert Valentine H. Vandenbergh John Van Steen- Robert Van berg Norstrand Warren Van Peter Van Scherpe Wicklin Arthur Vernon Edmund Volpe John Walcott Wm. Walters Stanford Wallace Melvin Wallace Lew Warner Herb Weintraub Dick Wellman Sol Weiner Robert Wendling Richard Wendt Walter Weinberg Robert Williams Samuel Willets C. E. Williamson Russell Williamson James Williamns Robert Wood Gerald Woods Fred Woodward George Wolfe Joe Woods Robert Wylie Clifford Wylie Ben Yanowitz Hessel Yntema William Yolles Samuel Young Carter Zeleznik Milton Zerman Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of in- completes will be Saturday, Novem- ber 28. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secre- Walter Hoffman Jack Highfield John Hutchinson George Ingler Ted Jacob Norman Jemirson William Johnston Walter Joracz Robert Kerr Pete King Henry Kaina Jack Kauvar A. H. Lovell, Secretary No driving permissions are being given for the Ohio State game. All women students who plan to attend this game must present a permis- sion letter from their parents to the Office of the Dean of Women. Choral Union Members: All mem- bers of the Choral Union whose at- tendance records are clear will please call on Thursday for pass tickets to the Albert Spalding Concert between the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4 at the offices of the University Mu- sical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. After 4 ollock on Thurs- day, no courtesy tickets will be is- sued. Charles A. Sink, President Lectures University Lecture: Mr. William Pickens, of the Defense Savings Staff, U.S. Treasury, will lecture on the subject, "Our Schools and Col- leges in the War Effort" tonight at 8:00 in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Sociology. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Talbot Ham- lin, Avery Librarian and Professor of the History of Architecture, Columbia University, will lecture on the .sub- ject, "Greek Revival Architecture in the Early West" (illus.), under the auspices of the College of Architc- ture and Design in the Rakham Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. on Thurs- day, Nov. 19. The public is invited. Ruth Mitchell Lecture Postponed: Due to illness, Miss Mitchell will be unable to appear here this eve- ning as scheduled by the Ororical Association Lecture Course. A date for her appearance will be announced later. Lectures for Food Handlers: A course of instruction consisting of lectures for Food Handlers will be given during November on Tues- day evenings at 8:00 p. m. in the W. K. Kellogg Auditorium. All !per- sons concerned with food service to University students are urged to- at- tend this series. Current Events Lecture, to be given by Preston W. Slosson under the aus- pices of the American Association of University Women, will be given- to- day at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Auditorium. Tickets may be- pur- chased at the door. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet at 7:30 tonight in Room 319 West Medical Building. "The Metab- olism ,of Aromatic- Compounds" will be discussed. All interested are in- vited. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet on Wednesday, November 18, in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Oliver Johnson will speak on "Properties of Solutions of Lithium Salts in Ether and Aceton." All interested are invited. Graduate Students ii Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Chemical Engineering: The, first of a group of lectures on "War Gases. and Civilian Defense" for graduate students and faculty in the above departments will be given today at 4:30 p.m. in 151 Chemistry Buildi-ag. Prof. C. S. Schoepfle will present a history of toxic gases and Prof. L. C. Anderson will discuss civilian gas de- fense. Doctoral Examination for Jacob Marvin Beckerman, Public Health; thesis: "The Epidemiology of Tu- berculosis among Student Nurses,, at University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1932-1940," will be held today in East Council Room, Rack- ham, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, M. F. Hall. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant pernis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts Choral Union Concert: Albert Spal- ding, Violinist, with Andre Benoist at the piano, will give the fourth concert in the Choral Union Series on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, A limited number of tickets are still on sale in the of- fices of the University Musical Socie- ty in Burton Memorial Tower, Charles A. Sink, President The Wednesday afternoon organ recital planned for November 18 will be presented by Walter Blodgett, Curator of Musical Arts at the Cleveland Museum of Art, and will include works by Franck, Bach, Deli- tary's Office on or before November 19. Thursday, c" jaw> (4mn ted Peft By TORQUEMADA HE-PEN wishes the best of luck (for a change) to Joan Reutter, last year's "Miss Michigan of Song" on the Hour of Charm show, and Dave Eldredge, who were married yesterday up at the Sorosis house. Prof. R. L. Morrison passes on some good news about Prof. Roy Swinton and family who are interned in the Japs' Santo Tomas prison camp in Manila. Jenifer White, an AP correspondent who has been released from Santo Tomas in an exchange, writes that the Swintons are well. She got to know Mrs. Swinton quite well and re- ports that the professor was teaching a course for adults in engineering mechanics. The best check was that none of the Swintons (including daughter Barbara) ever showed up for treat- ment in the hospital where Miss White worked. It seems that our Detroit circulation is going up. The Free Press has finally started a "Serv- ice Edition," but they were slow, the News copied it from us nearly a month ago. Memo to Phi Betes: Our barber tells us that New York's governor-elect, Tom Dewey, flunked out of Michigan, which reminds us that Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy had one merry fight to get his diploma here. pRACTICALLY everybody I know in the army has a common com- plaint. Nobody seems to care about after the war. To quote from several: "They're a bunch of fine kids and, they really want to smack the Japs; but nobody is interested in what happens after the war, or expects anything good." Or another letter; from someone a little more sour:. "Everybody here mumbles about how to get the Japs, in the same way Vittorio Mussolini thrilled at. bombing Ethiopians, but nobody cares about this war, and if they did, it would be so their fathers could get nice pay-checks." And worst of all: "I know you feel bad about the election but maybe after the war when we can't get jobs, we won't give up our guns, and that'll be the end of Ham Pish."- There's a difference in the letters. But we can see several things. First, we pknow that killingk is degrading, especially the kind of killing that we that when people come back from a war there is chaos. Friom everything we know, nobody. cares about what we're fighting for. Except in very simple terms, they, want a job, they want a home, and if somebody tries to stop them, and they can't do anything about it one way, they'll use another. But I heard something else. A col- lege student from a southern uni- versity got into Army personnel. In a month he organized a series of lec- tures, and a general forum. Atten- dance was completely satisfactory. And the kids in the army knew what they were fighting for in ideal terms and what to do about it after the war. Why not the same thing all over the country? U. of M. professors have already done some work along this line. But why not a concerted effort from this University? What- ever influence our military authori- ties have could possibly get three compulsory hours a week at Custer devoted to something really worth three hours a week. Professors have done good work going into Detroit 0-- 1...+.,.... W-"Z. .- .,,,,..- - . .1 1