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November 15, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-15

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SUNDAY, NOV. 15, 1942


Fifty-Third Year
ited and managed by students of the University of
igan under the authority of the Board in Control
tudent Publications.
blished every morning except Monday during the
ar University year, and every morning except Mon-
and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
id-class mail matter.
bscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
by mail $5.25.
nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

*J ,,..z J <p



(Continued from Page 2)
free to choose his own subject from
al list of 30 offered. Students who
wish to compete must be taking a
course in German (32 or above) at
the time of the competition. They
should register and obtain further
details as soon as possible at the
office of the German Department,
204 University Hall.


National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Pickens, of

Lecture: Mr. William
the Defense Savings



Editorial Staf f

Swander .
LMintz. .
app . .
W. Sallad ..
s Thatcher .
-d Hendel ,
a deFries .
Dann . . . . Ass
Business Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
* Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
ociate Sports Editor



ward J. Perlberg
dl M. Ginsberg
r Lou Curran
e Lindberg .
aes Daniels .

. Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Publications Sales Analyst

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

a .
y Sht

International Students
Day Deserves Support'
T A MEETING of the International Student
Assembly held last September at Washington,
he following resolution was adopted: "The As-
mbly proposes an International Students day
during the week of Nov. 17, which is the anniver-
gary of the execution of several hundred Czech
students by the Nazis. We are determined not to
forget the sacrifices niade by students and young
people in the struggle against Fascism, and the
week of November 17 will be the occasion for
this, and for expressing our united determination
to fight through to victory."
International Students Day memorializes those
students and teachers everywhere who have fal-
len victim to the brutality of attack of aggressor
powers on free, democratic education; it also
pledges the continued resistance of free students
to the cynical aggression of Nazi Germany,
Japan and Italy.
IT DESERVES the endorsement of every uni-
versity student. n - Jim Wienner
Economic Troubles
For Great Britain Seen

WASHINGTON- Though the ,landings on
North Africa were a carefully guarded military
secret between high British and American offi-
cials, one other country let in on the secret was
In fact, Brazil, through Foreign Minister Os-
Waldo Aranha did some important spade work
for the United States in regard to vital Atlantic
Islands, the Azores and Madeiras. These lie along
the route of the American supply line to North
Africa, the Madeiras close to the African coast,
Therefore, it was considered possible that
the Germans might attempt to use these is-
lauds as submarine or even air bases, or that
the United States in turn might need the
islands for emergency bases.
Both island groups are Portuguese. So, long
ago, Brazil, which looks to Portugal as its mother,
country, made informal diplomatic soundings to
make sure that these islands would line up with
the United Nations in case of emergency.
One thing that got under the skin of high U.S.
Army officials during the weeks just before the
North African landings was the Navy's policy
regarding the battle of the Solomon Islands.
Though all the details had not been worked out,
it had been definitely agreed with Churchill and
the Russians to start somekind of second front
operation this summer. However, the Navy also
claimed that it could start the Solomon Islands
campaign simultaneously1. without taking any
ships out of the Atlantic or disturbing the Second
Front preparations. The admirals promised the
War Department that the number of ships used
in the Solomons would be very small indeed.
But before the Solomons operations had
lasted many weeks, the Navy had used several
times as many ships as it expected--some of
them sent to the bottom of the Pacific. Ships
were taken off the supply lines to Russia, de-
spite definite promises made to Russia. Ships
were also taken off the supply lines to England
to such an extent that supplies to England
dwindled to a driblet.
In fact, some Navy leaders seemed to act almost
as if the British were more of a nuisance than a
help because their supply lines had to be kept
up-apparently forgetting that if it were not
for the British fleet, we would have to withdraw
the American fleet from the Solomons overnight
and concentrate on protecting our own shores in
both oceans.
(Copyright, 1942, United Features Syndicate)

T' IS GENERALLY accepted that the Indian
people, no matter what their stage of relative
[vancement in this machine world, none the
ss have the basic right to freedom which is
ery man's. But during this war and probably
the period following, the decision of whether
at freedom is to be realized will rest with the
'itish. Therefore it is necessary to investigate
e considerations which cause Britain to refuse
dia freedom.
The reasons are basically economic. Britain's
e-war economy was one of importing quanti-
.s of raw materials to be converted into manu-
ctured goods and in turn exported to industri-
y undeveloped regions. But in the world's free
arkets British goods were forced out with in-
easing frequency by U.S., competition and
.aller nations which nourished native machine
lustry by maintaining protective tariffs against
eign competition. So Britain came to depend
Colonial exports of nearly 50 per cent of its
From this it can be seen that Britain's economy
1 dangerously contract in post-war years if a
rld is established on the basis of the four free-
ms. A freed India, whose industry is even now
)idly growing, would no longer be dependent
on imports of manufactured goods from Great
.tain. Her own new industry, that of Australia
: other Asiatic neighbors would supply her,
h because of cheaper costs and India's under-
ndable reaction from having relations with
r former imperial rulers.
The effects of this loss of export markets
ould be crucial to Britain. In addition to im-
irting 60 per cent of the raw materials used
creating manufactured articles, Britain has
id to import 75 per cent of its foodstuffs. If
ports are drastically cut, imports must neces-
rily also be curtailed with disastrous effects
r Great Britain's 45,000,000 people. And as
ritain loses markets, the countries which for-
erly supplied her with raw materials will be
ced with correspondingly narrowed markets.
ho nfinm ctrrf . ho ..a rn n - .

lominie Says
NEAR the corner at a pile of scrap, we met a
small lad and his smaller sister with their
wagon overloaded. "What have we here?" "Scrap
to whip the Jap," said the boy proudly as we
helped him make the grade. What a parable. Here
we have the whole population diligently engaged
in what William James, thirty years ago, called
"the moral equivalent of war," but it took a war
to get America mobilized.
At the Union recently, the student officers'
of campus societies one Sunday evening joined
in the plan for "Manpower Mobilization." We
put the chairman's resolute countenance in the
paper and now students are moving a few tons
of scrap from the University dump. Here is the
second paragraph in our parable.
We could never understand the moral equiva-
lent of war during 1930-40 while various minority
groups were telling us that national planning
would supply a change which we needed, that
full participation of all the citizens in interna-
tional welfare constituted a civic religion, that
free enterprise seldom trained us in the common
goals, that America could keep up with the domi-
nant social trends only by full production and
wise distribution. Rather, our campus officers,
fraternity leaders, and others whose bills were
paid by generous Dads, in those far-off days of
peace, could not be challenged nor coaxed into
a meeting of deliberative quality. It took a war
to make the point.
BUT the parable is far-reaching. Free enterprise
made it possible during the thirties for ship-
ping companies and others to collect scrap and
sell it to the highest bidders, Japanese militarists.
Even though the Far-Eastern students, mission-
aries and foreign correspondents could report
that this scrap was being adapted for the pur-
pose of ,killing Chinese, the profit motive, bus-
iness is business, and a false application of free-
dom, plus a conciliatory government policy, kept
the United States protecting that fatal trade. We
went on buying more automobiles than ever be-
fore and piling more scrap in the scenic ravines
of America, if not selling it over the Pacific,
until Pearl Harbor. The moral equivalent of war,
had we been able to develop such an education in
peace-time, would have started us on the tasks of
wide markets, feeding the hungry, increased em-
ployment, clothing the naked, protecting the
weak, teaching the ignorant and curbing the
criminal through the nations of the earth and
the islands of the sea. Professor James, you were
a prophet. We humbly repent as our boys at
Solomon; Sitka and Tobruk pay the price with
their lives.
But the parable goes deeper. We have a whole
series of urgent national duties. (1) To do well
the immediate tasks of this desperate duration,
both civil and military. (2) To relate the ulti-
mate goals of the Atlantic Charter and a
Pacific ideal to the steps at hand, so the peace
as well as the war will give all lovers of demo-
cracy a driving power. (3) To find a new soli-
darity. Beneath all of our surface differences,
--political, religious, economic, or racial,--there
must run a deep respect for fellow man, as man,
and a holy reverence for the God and Father
beyond ourselves, becaue of whose centrality
we are brothers.
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
see gas, oil, rubber and essential railroad equip-
ment being wasted by sports-loving Americans.
And it bothers them when sports writers talk
ahni fn n all ,,i-lri -i mra"anA ar

Samuel Grafton's
I'd Rather
Be Right
PLE OF EUROPE: It is now pos-
sible to make a number of plausible
predictions as to what will go on in
the minds of the plain people of
Europe, starting with this week.
Germans have been told by Hit-
ler that they are now on the de-
fensive. They will soon begin to
feel the special cramps of the con-
stricted defensive posture. The in-
evitable result of defensive warfare
is self-questioning. Germans will
ask, as we have asked for two
years: "What happened, what
went wrong?"
But Germans will not be allowed
to ask these questions, nor to an-
swer them, in public.
So, pressures are bound to rise
in Germany, and these are bound
to be pressures against the Ger-
man government. It will be a
strange medley of pressures, in
part from German industry, see-
ing its plants knocked down,
night after night; in part from
the German people, to whom jobs
and farms far away can no long-
er be offered; in part from within
the Nazi party, as it wonders
what went wrong with the magic.
One remembers the self-ques-
tioning, flaring up instantly in
England after Dunkerque: "Our
school system must have been
wrong!" Or, "We didn't give op-
portunity to enough of our people!"
Or, "England as we knew it was not
adequate; we shall have to remake
And our own American debate,
so long, so loud, and so useful.
Predictions as to the course of
popular thinking are the safest
of all predictions; they rarely let
you down, if they are based on
faith that the people do think,
and that the people are not fools.
Thus we can say, with absolute
certainty, that Germans will
think, even if they must hide in
closets to do so: "We cannot
buildenough equipment to de-
fend every beach in Europe for-
ever. Defense will not win the
war. It gives all the advantage to
the enemy. He can attack wher-
ever he decides, and we must be
ready everywhere, simultaneous-
ly." We know the Germans will
think these thoughts, because we
thought them ourselves; and it is
no good to consider the Germans
as faceless people who do not
think; that merely makes the
war needlessly harder.
In a profound sense, we have
struck a blow for the liberation of
the German people by taking
French North Africa. We have new
bases, and they have new questions
to answer, and questions are the
beginning of wisdom. If the history
of popular action has any meaning,
the period of obedience in Germany
is drawing to its end.
Valhalla is shut down for repairs,
and from now on history is going
to take place for the Germans in
their own streets and houses.
SOME CHANGE, of some kind, is
also certain to take place in the
relationship between the ordinary
people of Germany and the ordi-
nary people of the conquered coun-
tries. My crystal ball isn't very
clear on it, but, with Europe ringed,
for Germans to keep thumping
these people will be empty victory
in a jailyard brawl during exercise
It will lose meaning, and savor.
The conquered people are strong-
er because of what we have re-
cently done. France fights again,

from Africa, as Reynaud pro-
posed two years ago. The French-
man in France, is, curiously, a
freer man than the disaffected
German in Germany; he doesn't
have to pretend to like it. If
things become bad enough, some
Germans (remember that Hitler
never had a majority) may come
to look upon such Frenchmen,
oddly enough, as fighters in their
own fight.
We tend to yield to the Hitler
theory that all Germans are be-
hind him; this, the most fantastic
item in his propaganda, has been
the most successfully sold to us.

Staff, U.S. Treasury, will lecture on
the subject, "Our Schools and Col-
leges in the War Effort" on Tuesday,
Nov. 17, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, under the auspices of
the Department of Sociology. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Talbot Ham-
lin, Avery Librarian and Professor of
the History of Architecture, Columbia
University, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Greek Revival Architecture in
the Early West" (illus.), under the
auspices of the College of Architec-
ture and Design in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. on Thurs-
day, Nov. 19. The public is invited.
French Lecture: Professor Eugene
Rovillain, of the Romance Language
Department, will open the series of
French lectures for 1942-1943, spon-
sored by the Cercle Francais, on
Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 4:15.p. m. in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Title: "Un concours academique fran-
cais sur 'Amerique au 8eme siecle."
Tickets for the series of lectures may
be procured from the Secretary of
the Department of Romance Lang-
uages (Room 112, Romance Language
Building) or at the door at the time
of the lecture for a small sum. Holders
of these tickets are entitled to admis-
sion to all lectures, a small additional
charge being made for the annual
French play. These lectures are open
to the general public.I
Ruth Mitchell Lecture Postponed:
Due to illness, Miss Mitchell will be
unale to appear here Tuesdayeve-
ning as scheduled by the Oratorical
Association Lecture Course. A date
for her appearance will be announced
Graduate Students in Chemistry,
Biological Chemistry, Pharmacy, and
Chemical Engineering: The first of
a group of lectures on "War Gases
and Civilian Defense" for graduate.
students and faculty in the above
departments will be given Tuesday,
Nov. 17, at 4:30 p.m. in 151 Chemistry
Building. Prof. C. S. Schoepfle will
present a history of toxic gases and
Prof. L. C. Anderson will discuss civil-
ian gas defense.
Lecture on Glass: Mr. J. J. Moran
of the Technical Department of the
Kimble Glass Co., Vineland, N. J.,;will
deliver an illustrated lecture on the
subject, "Glass - Its Uses in Labora-
tory and Medical Practice" on Friday,
Nov. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
The lecture is sponsored by the Clin-
ical Laboratories of the University
Hospital and by the Departments of
Chemistry and of Chemical Engineer-
ing of the University.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Novem-
ber 17, in Room 319 West Medical
Building. The Metabolism of Aro-
matic Compounds" will be discussed.
All interested are invited.
Graduate Students in Zoology who
wish to declare their intention of be-
coming applicants for the doctorate
in Zoology should secure the proper
blanks .at the Zoology Office, 3089,/
N.S. and return them filled out be-
fore Nov. 20.
George R. La Rue
Public Health Students will have
an organization meeting following
Dr. Haven Emerson's lecture Mon-
day afternoon, November 16.
Physical Education for Women:
All students in riding classes
should come to Barbour Gymnasium
for the first class this week.
Doctoral Examination for Jacob
Marvin Beckerman, Public Health;
thesis: "The Epidemiology of Tu-
berculosis among Student Nurses
at University Hospital, Ann Arbor,

Michigan, 1932-1940," will be held
on Tuesday, November 17, in East
Council Room, Rackham, at 3:00
p.m. Chairman, M. F. Hall.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Carillon Concert: Professor Per-
cival Price, University Carillonneur,
will include instrumental selections
in his recital at 7:15-8:00 tonight.
In addition to compositions for lute,
organ and orchestra, Professor Price
will play Mozart's Violin Sonata No.
Faculty Concert: Gilbert Ross and
Mabel Ross Rhead will appear in
their second recital of music for vio-
lin and piano at 8:30 p.m. Monday,
November 16, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. The program will consist
of works by Mozart, Schubert' and
Debussy, and will be open to the
general public.

Organ Recital: Walter Blodgett,
Curator of Musical Arts at the Cleve-
land Museum of Art, will appear as
guest organist at 4:15 p.m. Wednes-
day, November 18, in Hill Auditorium,
His program will include works by
Franck, Bach and Delius, and will
be open to the public.
Events Today
International Center Sunday Pro-
gram: Four foreign students will
present a symposium on "How I Got
Here: Or Coming to College Under
Difficulties," this evening at 8
o'clock. This follows the "Snack
Hour" at 6:30 and the sing at 7:30
p.m. The public is invited.
A Hymn Sing, sponsored by Inter-
Guild, will be held this evening at
8:30 in the Bethlehem Evangelical
and Reformed Church. All students
are invited.
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 7:45 p.m. in
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Mr. Robert
Haugh will speak on "Sentimental-
ism in the Proletarian Novel."
Botanical Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, November 17, at 7:30
p.m. in Room N. S. 1139. Reports by
Carmen Guadalupe, "The Occur-
rence of vessels in mofocotyledon";
Mary Riner, "A Multiple entry per-
forated key card for use with hard-
woods," "Identification of conifer-
ous woods by their microscopic
structure"; Eleanor Garthwai.te,
"Coal Paleonbotany";. C. A. Arnold,
"Practical Plant Anatomy."
The Acolytes Club will meet Mon-
day, November 16, at 7:45 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Mr. Morris Weitz
will present a paper on "Bertrand
Russell's Metaphysics." Anyone in-
terested is welcome.
Tryouts for Athena Literary So-
ciety will be held Monday and Ties-
day, 3:00-5:90, p.m in the Rehearsal
Room of the League. Women inter-
ested may try out by giving a two-
minute speech. If unable to come,
call Josephine Fitzpatrick,
The 1University of Michigan Flying
Club 'will meet Tuesday, Nov. 17, at
7:30 p.m. at the . Michigan Union.
Those interested in membership are
Faculty Women's Club: The Play
Reading Section will meet Tuesday,
Nov. 17, at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B.
Henderson Room of the Michigan
The Bibliophiles section of the
Women's Faculty Club will meet at
the home of Mrs. Ralph Curtiss,
1106 S. Forest, on Tuesday, Nov. 17,
at 2:30 p.m.
Michigan Dames -Bridge group
will meet Tuesday, November 17, at
8:00 p.m. in the Michigan League.
The Women's Rifle Club will meet
on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 5:00 p.m. in
the lounge of the Women's Athletic
Building. Everyone welcome. No ex-
perience necessary.
First Congregational Church:
Morning Worship at 10:45.
Dr. L. A. Parr will speak on "You
Men of Little Faith."
7:00 p.m.-Joint meeting of the
Congregational Student Fellowship
and Disciples' Guild. Dr. E. H. Long-
man of Flint will speak on "Our In-
terpretation of the Disciples." Re-
freshments and a social hour.
Zion Lutheran Church Services
will be held Sunday morning at 10:30

with Rev. Stellhorn speaking on
"Showers of Blessing."
Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
services tt 10:30. a.m. on Sunday,
Rev. H. 0. Yoder speaking "on
"Thankful for Our Blessings."
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold its fellowship dinner and
forum Sunday evening at 5:30 at'the
Zion Parish Hall. Rev. Stellhorn will
lead the discussion on "A Witnessing
Unitarian Church:
11:00 a.m. Mr. Tom Downs of De-
troit will speak on "Mechanics for
7:00 p.m. Student supper.
8:00 p.m. History of American Folk
Songs in recordings.
9:00 p.m. Dancing.
First Church of, Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Mortals and Immortals."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
Free public Reading Room at 106
E. Washington St., open every day
except Sundays and holidays from
11:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Saturdays
until 9:00 p.m.
First Methodist Church and Wes-




- I _p7h,

r a
The Pen points today at The Benchcomber,
Daily Sports Editor, who claims that the only
people arguing for less football-as-usual are "the
same athletics-haters who have been crying for
the banishment of football for the last decade
and more." Which takes in a lot of us.
Personally, I am an "athletics-hater" who
L... 1... . J . L. . . . ._ .. . L,._ .. ,. . 7 .

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