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November 14, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-14

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ngine Council
Elections Will
Fill 6 Positions
16 Engineer-Politicos'
Petitions Accepted
for Tuesday's Voting
Engineering election chairman Bud
Burgess, '44E, announced yesterday
that no less than 16 engineer-politi-
cos' petitions for candidacy to next
Tuesday's Engine Council elections
have been accepted.
These petitions are for six fresh-
man, sophomore and junior positions
on the Engineering Council.
In the freshman class, Burgess re-
ported, 7 petitions were accepted. The
'46 candidates will be: Keith Trace,.
Arthur D. Moore, John Gardner, Orin
J.. Ahlstrom, Edward Ladd, Russel
Youngdahl, and Stuart Finlayson.
Candidates for the two sophomore
positions will be Joseph Linker, Peter
Klaphaak, Bob Smallman, Carl Ot-
jen, and William Ruzicka. In the
junior class four men will be in the
running. They are Karl Reed, Wen-
dell Racette, Alvin A. Jacobson, Jr.,
and John Riopelle.
Freshmen will vote on these candi-
dates in their assemblies on Wednes-
day, Nov. 18, while sophomores and
juniors will cast their ballots Tues-
day and Wednesday, Nov. 17 and 18.
Polls will be located above the Arch
and in the East Engineering Building.
Burgess also pointed out that for
the first time in engineering college
election history, voting will only take
place in the morning from 7:40 a.m.
to 12:15 p.m. All candidates who
have not yet handed in their pictures
to Burgess, -or were not able to have'
them taken yesterday, must do so be-
fore Monday. These pictures will
then be posted.on the Engineering
Council bulletin so that voters may
become familiar with the candidates.
December 5 Is Deadline
for Yearbook Pictures
All seniors are urged by the Michi-
'ganensian editors to make appoint-
ments for their pictures immediately.
Al photographs to appear in the sen-
ior section of the yearbook must be
taken by December 5.

Here's How to Blast a U-Boat Nest

This picture"of destruction on an Axis U-Boat base was made dur-
ing a raid on the German submarine shelter at Lorient, France, by U.S.
Army Flying Fortresses, escorted by Allied fighter planes. The numbers
locating bomb hits are (1 and 2) bomb hits on buildings; (3) U-boat
shelter hit; (4) hit at shelter entrance, and (5 and 6) hits on camou-
flaged floating dock. (Picture by cable from London.)
Principal-Freshman Conferenee
Will Convene Here Thursday

Clarity of War
Issues Needed,
Says McCIusky
"Clarification of war issues is a
positive contribution towards the win-
ning of the war and a lack of clarity
as to basic aims makes us vulnerable
to division and conquest."
"This is one of the prime reasons
for planning now," declared Prof.
Howard McClusky, consultant to the
OWI and OCD, in an interview yester-
Stressing the fact that though Hit-
ler's aims are base, they are definite,
Prof. McClusky indicated that we are
at a severe psychological disadvantage
if we attempt to oppose Hitler with
undefined goals in mind.
We have a level of enlightenment
higher than any other in the world,
Professor McClusky continued. "The
American people want to know where
we are going. The fighting men them-
selves are preoccupied with war issues.
The time to act is now so that we will
be in a position to move ,wisely when
thetime comes."
Warning that the desire to return
to normalcy will be so great follow-
ing the armistice that nothing con-
structive will, be done unless it is pre-
pared for now, Professor McCluky
said that, "the planning must be
done in the terms of the common man
if it is to have its full psychological
effect during the war and the neces-
sary support following th war."
In closing the interview, Professor
McClusky suggested this motto for
serious' consideration . . . "How Can
We Prevent World War III?"
Socilogists Discuss
T heir Rolea in War-
atStat e Convention
"The Role of the Sociologist in the
War and in Post-war Planning" was
the theme of the sixth annual meet-
ing of the Michigan Sociological Soci-
ety held inthe Rackham Educational
Memorial Building .in 'Detroit yester-
The majority of the members of
the University of Michigan depart-
ment of sociology attended the four
sessions of the state convention, and
four' professors were included on the
day's program of speakers.
Professor Ralph Fletcher and Pro-
fessor'Arthur E. Wood spoke on the
panel 'discussion of the conference
Professor Roy H. Holmes spoke in
the morning session on the subject,
"The Farm Family and :the War,"
and PrfessorLowell J Carr gave a
report of the Committee in Crimino-
logicalResearch in the business meet-
ing: "
One of the highlights of the day's
program was the luncheon at which
the Hon. 'George Edwards, Detroit
Councilman;...addressed the sociolo-
gists from Michigan universities and
colleges on -the subject, "Labor and
the War for Democracy."
Youth Draft
Bill Signed
(Continued from Page 1)

OnCampus ...
Thomas to Speak
Dr. George F. Thomas, Professor
of Religious Thought at Princeton
University, will lead the annual fall
Interguild Conference on the sub-
ject, "What Makes Christianity Dis-
tinctive?" Saturday, Nov. 21, and
Sunday, Nov. 22, at Lane Hall.
Contrary to custom, an address at
7:45 p.m. Saturday, followed by dis-
cussion, will be open to the campus.
German Contest Open
All students interested in compet-
ing for the Bronson-Thomas prize
in German should register immedi-
ately and obtain further information
at the office of the German Depart-
ment, 204 University Hall, an-
nounced Dr. H. W. Nordmeyer.
This award, amounting to $32, is
presented annually to the undergrad-
uate writing the best essay dealing
with some phase of German litera-
ture from 1750 to 1900.
S* *
Debate to be Held
"Resolved that a federal world gov-
ernment be established," will be the
subject of the unusual debate be-
tween the University squad and Jack-
son High School at the annual
Southern Michigan Debating Speech
Clinic 10 a.m. today in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Six Dances Scheduled
Deciding to avoid the traditional
jinx of Friday the 13th; six houses
have scheduled their week-end activi-
ties for today. They include Allen-
Rumsey, Alpha Delta Pi, Betsy Bar-
bour, Delta Gamma, Helen Newberry
and Kappa Nu.
Naval Affairs Club
A debate on "Should there be a
Unified Command?" will be held at
the next meeting of the Michigan
Naval Affairs Club at 7:30 p.m. Mon-
day in Room 231 Angell Hall.
- -i-

LAJDbRTY-2..1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
selection in town. All imprinted
with your name. From' 50 for $1.00
up. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.
LOST: Small silver evening bag with
valuable contents. Reward. Nancy
Filstrup. Phone 2-3279.
LOST: Pearl link bracelet at Union
last Friday. Finder please call Jean
Campbell, 2-5618. Reward:
LOST: Brown zipper notebook. J. N.
Donhaiser embossed on it.. Return
to 415 Chicago House. Reward.

You can "Bank" on us

TIESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.
Brumfield and" Brumfield, 308 S.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
STUDENTS for board. 16 hours for
20 meals-13 hours for lunches and
dinners. Michigan Wolverine, 209
S. State. Phone 2-1124.
Are you free from 3 to 5:30 week-
day afternoons? Business woman,
2. blocks from campus, needs some
household help--hourly wage. Call
6087 or 8887.

to be Patriotic!
IN THIS TIME OF WAR, we wish to offer our friends
a time- and tire-saving method of depositing
money. This plan is to send your money by mail.
Drop into the bank and ask about this new con-
venient way of depositing money. We'll be glad
to assist you.
Member Federal Reserve System
and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
4nn >ArtoP /San

There will be plenty of new faces
on campus Thursday when more than
160 high school principals and teach-.
ers invade Ann Arbor for the six-
teenth annual Principal-Freshman
Conference to be held in the Rackham
Building and the League.
Eighty-four Michigan, Ohio, Illi-
nois, and Indiana secondary schools
and several Michigan Junior colleges
will be represented at the Conference.
More than 750 freshman and transfer
students will meet their individual
high school principals and deans from
8:30 a. m. to noon Thursday in the
Rackham Building-.
The conferences will be followed by
a luncheon in the Michigan League

,; ;


Ballroom at which PresidentAlexan-
der G. Ruthven will welcome the dele-
Immediately after the luncheon
there will be a conference on "Admis-
sion and Retention of College ,Fresh-
men during This Wartime Emergen-
cy" under the direction of Dr. Harold
M. Dorr, of the political science de-'
partment. The conference will be a
forum discussing educational, prob-
lems brought into existence; by the
Attended by virtually 100 per cent
of the freshmen invited in past years,
the student-principal conferences are
designed to aid new students who are
having scholastic or environmental
;difficnlties, as -well *as. to 'help .the
secondary schools in future plans for
preparing. students for' entrance to
the University.
Begun in:1926, the conferences are.
being copied this- year by.the Uni-
versity of California at Los Angeles
despite transportational and other,
difficulties interposed by the war. The.
UCLA conferences are the result of
the visit here last year of Harrison
M. Karr, director- of relations with
schools for the California institution.
Avukah to Hold W ork
Holiday Tomorrow .
Avukah, student Zionist organiza-
tion,'cooperating with the War Man-
power Board, will hold a work holiday
tomorrow instead of their regular.
Members of the organization, both
men and women, will be prepared to
spend all day harvesting farm crops
in response to whatever call the Man-
power Corps might have for farm la-
bor. All money earned in this way will
be donated to the Jewish National

46 k--



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cation has been interrupted to re-
sume their schooling and afford equal
opportunity for the training and'edu-
cation of other young men of ability
after their service in the armed ser-
vices has come to an end."
"Some useful action along this line
was improvised at the end of the last
war," the President said. "This time
we are planning in advance.
"Finally, we are announcing in the
near future a plan providing for the
utilization during the war of the fa-
cilities of certain colleges and univer-
sities for the training of a limited
number of men of the armed forces
for 'highly specialized duties. These
men will be selected 'solely on the ba-
sis of their ability and without regard.
to whether or not they are now in col-
lege or whether they could otherwise
afford to go to college:.
The drafting of the new age group,
it has been estimated, might supply
more -than 2,000,000 of the 4,500,000
additional men needed in all the
armed forces by January 1, 1944.
Speed Reading Class
to Start Next Week
To help students increase their effi
ciency in an accelerated wartime pro-
gram, 'the School of Education is of-
fering classes in speed reading, start-
ing next week. The course is open to
all who are interested in streamlining
their studies, and will continue as
long as improvement is evident. Past
experiments have shown as much as
50% improvement.
The course is voluntary, non-credi-
tory and open to all who are inter-
ested in improving their efficiency in
these times. Students : interested
should contact Mr. Anderson in Room
4018 University High School imrne-
Art Cinema Present ation8
With the presentation of 'foui.
films, the Art Cinema will present

409 South Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 7:30.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Mortals and Immortals."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washing-
ton St., open every day except Sundays and
holidays from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Satur-
days until 9 p.m.
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Mrs. Geil Orcutt, Associate Student Coun-
9:30 am. The Roger Williams Guild Class will
meet at the Guild House, 502 East Huron, to
study 11 Corinthians.
The Graduate Class will meet at the church
to consider "What Can We Believe About.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship:
Dr. David Dai, of Chengtu, China, Dr. C. L.
Pehinabecker, a former missionary, and Mr.
Omer Robbins will speak in the observance
of "Men and Missions Sunday."
7:00 p.m. The Roger Williams Guild evening
meeting at the Guild House, 502 East Huron;
Miss Kay Summers, Michigan graduate acid
former member of the Guild, now of the
Dodge Community Center in Detroit, will lead
a panel discussion on "How Can We Become
Socially Effective Christians?"
Church-306 N. Division
Harris Hall, State and Huron Streets
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion.
10:00 a.m.- High school class, Tatlock Hall.
11:00 a.m. - Junior Church.
11:00 a.m. -Morning Prayer and Sermon by
Dr. Lewis.
5:00 p.m. - H-Square Club, Page Hall.
(at Harris Hall)
Sunday, 6:45 p.m.- Freshman Discussion Group.
7:30 p.m.--Canterbury Club. Program: A sum-
ming up of the topic, "What Makes Christian-
ity Distinctive."
8:30 p.m.-Canterbury Club joins the Inter-


State and William Streets,
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D.,
Director of Music:.Arnold Blackburn.
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Subject of Dr. Parr's
sermon "You Men of Little Faith!"
Ariston League, 5:15 p.m. Mr. Ernest J. Abbott
will speak on "A Christian Attitude Toward
7:00 p.m. Joint meeting of the Congregational
Student Fellowship and the Disciples' Guild.
Speaker of the evening, Dr. E. H. Longman of
Flint. Subject, "Our' Interpretation of the
Disciples." Discussion, refreshments and so-
cial hour.
sponsored jointly by the
- Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church-
East Washington Street at South Fifth Ave.
10:30 a~m. Church Worship Service.
Sermon: "Showers of Blessings."
Trinity Lutheran Church-
East William Street at South Fifth Ave.
10:30 a.m. Church Worship Service.
Sermon: "Thankful for Our Inheritance," by
Rev. H. 0. Yoder.
Lutheran Student Association-
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall,
309 East Washington Street.
5:30 p.m. Social and fellowship hour.
6:00 p.m. Supper 'with program following: "A
Witnessing Church"-Discussion led by Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn.
Ministers: William P. Lemon, D.D.,
Willard V. Lampe
Mark W. Bills, Director of Music
Franklin.Mitchell, Organist.
9:30 a.m. Church School will meet in all depart-
ments. University Student Bible Study Class
under the direction of Mr. Malan and Mr.
Lampe. The class is studying "A Harmony of
the Gospels."
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. "Love and Hate,"
the second of "Life's Leading Questions" is the
subject of the sermon by Dr. Lemon.
10:45 a.m. Nursery during hour of Morning Wor-
4:30 p.m. Vesper Communion Service and Re-
ception of New Members.
6:00 p.m. Tuxis Society devotions led by Janet
Cork. Slides will be shown and explained by
Charles Hansen of the work done among the

The woman who buys her fur coat at
Zwerdling's will tell of her luck for
years to come. So beautiful are these
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ognize the smart fashion concepts in-
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