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November 13, 1942 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-13

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mailnmatter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff



'From the I gnorant'

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz .
Will Sapp.
George W. Sallad6
Charles Thatcher
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
Myron Dann
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .
James Daniels .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
S. .City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
. * Associate Sports Editor
:Business Staff
Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Sales Analyst

(From PM)
closed at his press conference
that a second front in Africa has
been on the drawing board almost
since Pearl Harbor.
He and Prime Minister Churchill
determined last Winter to open a
second front this year either across
the English Channel in France or in
Africa. They chose Africa last Sum-
mer when it became apparent to
them that a cross-channel thrust
could not be made until 1943. The
African campaign to date, of course,
is not itself a full blown second
front, but it inevitably will become
Ever since their choice was made,
the President observed, he and
Churchill have had to sit back and
take it on the chin from their crit-
ics. They could not reply without
giving away the African show while
it was still in rehearsal.
They did indeed take it. They
took it from those who said we and
the English had lost our guts, that
a second front was being postponed
deliberately by Machiavellian cap-
italists who wanted to give German
Nazism and Russian Bolshevism
time to kill each other, that Wash-
ington and London were entangled
so completely in the red tape of
futile democratic muddling that
they never would be able to move.
The President very charitably'ex-
cused his critics on the ground that
they were ignorant-for the most
part through no fault of their own.
They simply couldn't know what
the American and British High
Commands were cooking up and
they therefore were understandably
ROOSEVELT'S attitude becomes
still more charitable when it is
realized that his self-imposed si-
lence-the silence that perpetuated
the ignorance--helped materially to
win an election for the Republicans.
For now it is apparent that the
President threw the election away
rather than jeopardize the success
of his military plans.
Many newspapers and many poli-
ticians now should be thoroughly
ashamed of some of their charges
against the President and his Ad-
ministration. But they probably

won't be. We only hope that their
readers and their constituents will
remember some of the things they
were-saying as recently as a week
ago. But they probably won't either.
For ourselves, we gladly plead
guilty to ignorance and injustice to
the Administration in the second
degree. Our crimes weren't very
much compared with those of most
of our 'contemporaries, but they
were something and we hereby ac-
knowledge them.
We, too, became impatient for
offensive action. We, too, became
impatient with what we considered,
unjustified softness in our relations
with Vichy, Madrid & Co.
(How successful the State Dept.'s
so-called appeasement policy was
cannot be finally judged until the
final score from North Africa is in.)
But we did not, thank God, hail
the Churchill-Roosevelt pledge of
second front action in 1942 as a
bold-faced lie. We did not assume
that the High Command was devot-
ing itself solely to development of
waffle tails .in Washington and
London offices. We could see, as
could anyone with eyes and the will
to use them, that the High Com-
mand was working and to good ef-
fect in gathering the man power
and weapons for attack.
Moreover, we were at no time
tempted to put President Roosevelt
down as a liar and a bumbler. We
have been watching him in opera-
tion for 10 years and we don't make
that mistake.
Some of our readers have damned
us to hell for our failure to join in
the second front claque. We may
now explain that we didn't join be-
cause, although we had no more
definite information than anyone
else, we did have faith in the word
of the President and in his ability
to make it good. We also observed
and reported, as any .other news-
paper could have, that Washington
was devoting itself to no other pur-
pose in the world than a second
front to be opened the first minute
it could be opened.
O THE PRESIDENT we say, and
many should say it louder: We,
the ignorant, salute you.
-Kenneth G. Crawford

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staffc.
and represent the views of the writers only.

Slow Readers Benefit
From Special Classes
THE SCHOOL of Education is giving students a
valuable wartime service by offering slow
readers an opportunity to do their work in half
the usual time.
Through the speed-reading classes starting
next week, Joe Grind can learn to do long library
assignments twice as fast and with a gain in
accuracy. By attending training classes two hours
a week for a month or more, students can increase
their efficiency by 50% and tackle the accelerated
program with greater ease.
The education school is to be congratulated
for this contribution to war work. It is a patri-
otic duty, every bit as much as nutrition courses
and PEM, for all students who are not satisfied
with their ability to meet the intensive work
ahead to meet this opportunity. If you are one
of these, (and there are few who cannot im-
prove) attend the preliminary meeting tonight
and start to streamline your efficiency in a war-
world that demands the best of everyone at the
greatest speed. - Charlotte Conover
'Mine Is Mine' Attitude
Is Wrong Propaganda
A RECENT issue of the Detroit Free Press car-
ried a column by Malcom Bingay which might
serve as a fertile source for students of propa-
ganda and public opinion.
In his column Mr. Bingay tells his readers how
"Joe Smith, American" thinks. He says, "I'm Joe
Smith, American ... I think my state is the most
beautiful because it is my state . . . We sprang
from all the races of the earth, therefore we have
no quarrel with any other people (remember
Pearl Harbor, Mr. Bingay?) I'm for the ideals of
Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln. They
are mine. Those of Marx and Engels and Lenin
may be all right. I do not know... I am not will-
ing to trade my country into some world federa-
tion where my country will lose the thing that
has made it unique in the history of the world,
the beacon light of liberty for all mankind every-
where. I'm just plain Joe Smith, American."
NO, MR. BINGAY you are not Joe Smith,
American, you are an unwitting opponent of
one of the things Joe holds dearest-an enduring
No, Mr. Bingay, Joe isn't as illogical as you
make him out to be. He doesn't follow you when
you say in effect ... "mine is mine and therefore
it is the best, change be hanged." You are giving
Joe a narrow-minded outlook that he doesn't de-
serve. He is willing to look at the other person's
viewpoint. He doesn't ignore others' ideas with
a shrug and say "they can't be any good-they're
not mine."
But worse than that, you are not only misinter-
preting Joe, you are pulling an elephant hide
over his eyes. You bring in Marx and the Inter-
nationale. Ah, that's bound to scare him. You
tell him that his father and mother were the
finest old couple ever. That will appeal to his
emotions. You tell him he has no quarrel with
other people (even if they do want to maim him)
That glittering generality ought to slip by un-
noticed but have the right effect.
A LITTLE FORESIGHT and-an open mind will
save the things worth saving, Mr. Bingay,
.,. , «...:.., ;r w i A aravn #clAr n b a n

I'31 Rather
Be LRight_
NEW YORK- Let's try to remember how we
felt before the election. If you listen to the Re-
publicans, there was a good, clean debate; the
Republicans mounted the platform, stated cer-
tain arguments against Mr. Roosevelt; the people
listened; they then decided the Republicans were
I am going to put it to you that what really
happened was considerably more complicated.
First, remember that liberals, and Democrats,
and the little boy who lives down the lane, were
all shouting at Mr. Roosevelt, along with the
Republicans. You were shouting. I was shouting.
The Chicago Tribune was shouting, but so was
the New Republic.
Sometimes, when the noise gets high, it is hard
to distinguish whether it is an isolationist, saying
that the New Deal is destroying our liberties, or
an interventionist, saying why don't we have a
second front.
I want you to remember those noises, because
I don't think we can understand this election
without remembering them.
They were not Republican noises, exclu-
sively. We know Republican noises when we
hear them. Forty-hour week? That was not
the big noise of the campaign. A business-like
administration? That melody could be heard,
but it was not the dominant theme during
the campaign months. Can you reniember the
sound of America during the election struggle?
It was the bitter, characteristic lament of a
people sensing themselves to be on the defen-
sive and hating it.
Why can't we hit Hitler? That was one of the
popular election-month statements. But it was
not a Republican statement; it was a Democratic
statement, and a non-partisan expression, too.
How long, oh Lord, how long? That was another
campaign-month theme. Again, it was not ex-
clusively Republican. The Republicans have not
been especially for the offensive. That was Amer-
ica speaking.
This late summer was the worst part of the
long waiting period the democracies have been
Russia had gladdened us, and then came late
summer, early fall, marked by ominous signs of
disintegration of our relations with Russia.
And nothing going right, India, Vichy. And the
country hating it, and waiting, and hating the
And America showing the ill-temper of too-
long waiting, the reaction of irritation under
I suggest to you that the election result is one
small aspect of this whole, big picture; that in it
some of the stresses of this period are made visi-
ble; but that it has little specific importance;
tat its importance is general
Under the two-party system, how can you vote
for a hotter war without voting Republican, even
though, on the cold, count-it-on-your-fingers
record of Congressional action on foreign policy,
the Republican Party was much less hot than the
You vote hot by voting cold; for you have no
choice. Where there was another choice, as in
New York, the American Labor Party (during a
"swing to the right," or it is to laugh) rolled up
an incredible 410,000, almost scaring its own

WASHINGTON- The railroads have been ne-
gotiating with the schools and colleges to
extend their Christmas holiday period so that it
will begin before the usual Christmas home-going
dates and extend beyond the usual returning
dates. The purpose was to get rid of the school
and college traffic before taking on the burden
of the furlough movement of soldiers,
This longer vacation would be okay with a lot
of girls and boys, but most of the schools and col-
leges have turned thumbs down.'
Result is that the American railroads will
carry the greatest burden in history during the
period from December 15 to January 5. The
peak will come between December 20 and 24,
when the railroads will have to carry:
(1) Home-going students; (2) the usual heavy
civilian Christmas travel; (3) soldiers on fur.
lough; (4) soldiers on week-end passes; (5) the
normal troop movement, which will not be sus-
pended for Christmas.
Relations With France
REAL FACT about Anglo-American relations
with the French before the African landings
was that the job was divided equally between'
London and Washington.-
Because the British were not on speaking
terms with Vichy, after the naval clashes off
Oran and Dakar, the United States handled re-
lations with Vichy. In return, the British han-
dled relations with General de Gaulle.
Both Allies, however, acted for each other and
kept each other well informed. It was good diplo-
matic teamwork.
THE BRITISH, although financing de Gaulle
and giving him headquarters in London, found
he had a lot of definite ideas of his own about
running the French part of the war. In egypt,
last summer, he had such an argument with Win-
ston Churchill that Churchill afterward dropped
the wisecrack:
"The Cross of Lorraine is the hardest one I
have to bear." (The Cross of Lorraine is the sym-
bol of the Free French.)
Later, when Churchill returned to London,
he wired de Gaulle to join him. Nothing hap-
pened. Foreign Minister Eden then telegraphed.
Finally de Gaulle replied that he would come
to London at his own convenience; that he was
going to Central Africa first; that when he 're-
turned he would take up the problems of Mada-
gascar, not before..
Finally, when de Gaulle did arrive in London,
he received a reprimand such as only the brusque
Prime Minister of England can give.
"I had hoped," Churchill said, "that you would
be a help to me. Instead you have been an obsta-
(Copyright, 1942, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Though handicapped by slow-moving action
which makes it seem overlong, "Nght of the
Mayas," prize Mexican film now playing atthe


9i 27/e Cldor
Eventual Destiny
To the Editor,
THE CURRENT discussion rn the
problem of India and the role the
United States should play in regard
to the destiny of that country, omits
one very important factor. This is the
question as to the eventual destiny of
relations between the United States
and Great Britain.
Winston Churchill made an im-
portant statement in the House of
Commons (Tuesday, November 10)
in which he emphasized that this
war meant that Great Britain
would never give up the British
Empire. The Prime Minister shade
this statement is connection with
the Anglo-American invasion of
northern Africa. In view of the de-
bate over India, I think it most im-
portant that we confine our atten-
tion to this statement and its im-
One thing which our policy to date
in regard to India has done is to
leave us totally dissatisfied as to the
eventual status of India. I suppose
this has been due to a reluctance on
the part of the United States to force
the hand of the British in regard to
India. We have also been reluctant to
force the hand of Britain in regard
to the status of Hong Kong. It has
been printed out that the recent sur-
render of extra-territorial privileges
and rights by the United States and
Britain did not mean to include a set-
tlement of the eventual status of
Hong Kong once we win the war in
the Far East. In a sense, both India,
and China seem to be in for more
than disappointments.
On the surface, all seems peaceful
and calm in Anglo-American rela-
tions. That calm is being disrupted
to some extent as we debate the fu-
ture of India and, if we remember
Hong Kong, the future of China
itself. Wendell Willkie certainly
realizes that the Anglo-Saxon peo-
ples are not winning the sincere co-
.operation and affection of our allies
in the Far East as long as India and
Hong Kong remain moot questions
to be decided in the future.
sume the leadership in the Mnglo-
Saxon world for the "liberation" of
India and (in a sense) of China, it
will have undergone the rtellet&1
transformation pleaded for by aul
Lim-Yuen. But, we have not even es-
sayed to analyze the cost. That cost
may well be the loss of Britain as our
friend and ally. The failure of the
Cripp's mission coupled with our ig-
nominious background role in the
formofsthe Johnson mission, the
doubtful future of a "free" (i. e., Chi-
nese) Hong Kong and our failie to
back up Nehru and other leaders for
a free India has indicated to date'that
we follow the line of least resistance
at'the moment in regard to India and
British Asia in :general..
We have not demanded that Biitain
take the decisive steps which so'many
of us feel she must take. And Church-
ill's statement-incompatible as it'is
with the Four Freedms-has not
aroused us. Perhaps there is mnore
wisdom in begging the question is to
the Far East at this moment in view
of our current successes in Northern
Africa than we can imagine. Only
time can give us the answer.
So, let a consideration of the re-
alities of this hour motivate our
thinking. The question for the
United States is not so much one
of Free India or Free China. The
question for thinking Americans Is
whether or not the day will ever
come when we must definitely make

a choice. Shall we be the friend and
ally of Great Britain and maitain
Churchill's avowed ideal to save the
Empire as of 1942 or shall we be-
come the true, friend of Free jndia
and Free China and incur the en-
mity of Great Britain?
O ARGUE for the complete an
real independence of India an
China without seriously considerin
the British point of view and presen
statements as to war aims, is to mis
the point. The issue lies, first, gs
what the eventual status of Anglo
American relations will be in terms o
our hopes for Free India and Fre
China and the issue is only secondar
in regard to the realization of a Fr'
India and a Free China. Frankly, w
are between the Devil and the Dee
Blue Sea. - Tomas E. Hawse
of the Dean of Students will oe con
sidered unapproved:
Abe Lincoln Cooperative House
Alpha Kappa Delta
Am. Society of Mechanical Engineer
Armenian Club
Cercle Francais
Christian Science Organization
Congress Cooperative House
e Delta Omega
r Disciples Guild
e Engineering Council
Episcopal Student Guild
o Gamma Delta
a Graduate Student Council
+ .. .

FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 1942c
All notices for the DailyOfficial Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President, in typewritten form. by 3.30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on Monday,
November 16, at 4:00 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Election of Members for the Sen-
ate Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs.
Leaves of absence by Provopt E.
B. Stason.
Report of University War Board,
by Secretary Clark Tibbitts.'
Some Problems of the Health Serv-
ice, by Dr. W. E. Forsythe.
Hospitalization Insurance, by Dr.
Harley Haynes.
Payroll Difficulties, by Vice-Presi-
dent Shirley W. Smith.
Army Air Forces Training in Me-
teorology: The Army Air Forces are
in great need of men to apply for
training as meteorology officers, and
are seeking candidates for advanced
training in meteorology beginning
early in January. Those chosen for
the course will enter military service
as aviation cadets on a non-flying
status. They will receive free tuition
and in addition the regular pay and
allowances. To qualify for the
course, the prospective candidate
must have completed his sophomore
year in college and have taken
courses in mathematics, including
differential and integral calculus,
and a year of general physics. He
must be a citizen of the United States
between the ages of eighteen and
thirty, and meet the physical re-
quirements for ground officers. Fur-
ther details and application blanks
may be obtained at 1009 Angell Hall.
B. D. 'Thuma
Enlisted Reserve Program: All stu-
dents who have enlisted in any En-
listed Reserve program at another
village, spurred by a jealous young
sorceress, attempts to end a pro-
longed drouth by punishing the girl.
It is this connection of the love story
with the superstitions of the village
which raises the former above the
level of a Dottie Lamour jungle epic.
Far outstripping the stars in dram-
atic ability is Isabella Corona, who

college and have transferred to the
University of Michigan this fall,.
please report to 1508 Rackham Bldg.
as soon as possible B. D. Thuma,
If you wish to finance the purchase
of a home, or if you have purchased
improved property on a land contract
and owe a balance of approximately
60 per cent of the. value of the prop-
er'ty, the, Investmnent Office, 100
South Wing of UniversityHall, would
be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such'
financing may effect a substantial
saving in interest.
Public Health Assembly: An assem-
bly for students in the School of Pub-
lic Health willabe held on Monday,
November 16, at 4:00 p. m. in the,
Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg
Foundation Institute. Dr. Haven Em-'
erson of Columbia University will ad-
dress the assembly on the subject,
"Units of Local Health Administra-
tion in the United States."
Foreign Journals on Microfilm:
Fifteen hundred issues of about three
hundred and fifty scientific and tech-
nical journals are now available on
microfilm in the General Library.
Most of this material was originally
published within the last year in 'Ger-
many or in some part of occupied
Euiope. It is hoped that use will be
made of it by members of University
faculties and qualified graduate stu-
This microfilm is in charge of Miss
Agnes Tysse in Graduate Reading
Room Number 4 on the top floor of
the General'Library. Miss Tysse will
answer reference questions and assist
readers in using the reading machines
in themicrofilm room. In case itis
necessary to use the film in other
buildings it may be charged out by
departmental and collegiate librari-
ans and read in their libraries. A
portable reader is available for this
purpose. Lists of the periodicals avail-
able may be seen in the General Li-
brary and in Departmental and Col-
legiate Libraries.
Warner G. Rice, 'Director
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German.
Value $32.00. Open to all under-
graduate students in German -of dis-
tinctly American training. Will be
awarded on the results of a three-
hour essay competition to be held in
March, 1943 (exact date to be an-
nounced two weeks in advance). Th
essay may be written in English or
German. Each contestant will be
free to choose his own subject from
a list of 30 offered. Students wh(
wish to compete must be takinga

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