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November 13, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-13

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German Demands French Fleet In P





~Asks' It

To Go

'To Africa


* * *

* * *

Christmas Vacation
to Be from Dec. 18 to 30
Regents' Calendar Change Means Students
Will Spend New Year's Eve in Ann Arbor
It'll be the merriest New Year's Eve Ann Arbor ever saw.
The Regents changed the calendar yesterday ,and the University will be
in full session on the last day of 1942 and the first day of 1943.
Vacation will begin with the last class on Dec. 18 and will end with
the first class on Dec. 30.
Railroad associations, overtaxed with soldiers on furlough, asked the
University tp help them out by moving the vacation away from the terrific
rush around Christmas and resulting
war move.
This last Christmas at home for Tibbitts To Head
many of the University's men will
come in a full length vacation even T ' a Br
though the expected ten-day period ' a o rd
between holidays will be cut short.
Still unsettled is the problem of Former Secretary
women's hours on New Year's Eve.
Officials have not yet had time to Succeeds Heneman
meet, Assistant Dean of Women
Jeanette Perry said last night. Clark. Tibbitts was named Director
Another tough one is how the cele- of the University War Board yester-
braters will make the first New Year's day by the Board of Regents.
Day eight o'clocks in history. Tibbitts, formerly secretary to the
The list of war-time changes got War Board, will assume'the task of
another item yesterday as the Regents
announced that seniors eligible for ocmplete coordination of the Uni-
their degrees at the end of this semes- versity's war functions.
ter will graduate Jan. 23-before final The agency which he will' direct is
examinations. the supreme administrative .body of
-They will be presented on the Hill the University; in any'affairs: which
Auditorium stage in a special pro- concern the war and the chief war
gram. Diplomas will be granted in the planning body.
usual manner at the end of the second Tibbitts, before accepting his'sec-
semester of the year. retaryship with the War.Board, was
Complete details will be announced director of the Institute for Human
later, University officials said. Adjustment and lecturer in sociology.

Senate O.K.'s
18-19 Draft
Pre-Combat Training
Demand Withdrawn
As Bill Goes to White
House for Approval
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-(P)--The
Senate approved the 'teen-age draft
bill late today ahd sent it to the White
House. Signature of the measure by
President Roosevelt will make an esti-
mated 1,500,000 youths of 18 and 19
immediately liable for service in the
armed forces.
The bill lowers the minimum induc-
tion age from 20 to 18 in response to
General George C. Marshall's plea
for "combat units of vigorous, aggres-
sive soldiers." Senators reluctantly
receded from their demand that the
'teen-agers be trained at least a year
in this country before being sent into
combat overseas.
Stormy Debate
There were nearly five hours of de-
bate, however, before the Senate ap-
proved the bill on a voice vote. It had
previously been revised by a joint
Senate-House conference committee
and accepted by the House.
Much of the argument centered on
a provision directing local draft
boards to defer necessary farm work-
ers as long as they remain on the
fanr and until satisfactory replace-
ments can be trained. The farm pro-
vision'was retained in the bill without
No Training Clause
Senator after senator took the floor
to advocate a mandatory one-year
training clause and to explain he was
agreeing to its elimination only be-
cause of the strongly expressed will
of the House and because the general
staff had asked for a free .hand in
training and using the young fighting
Selective Service Director Hershey
has estimated that about 800,000 of
the 1,500,000 youths from 18 and 19
already registered can be taken into
service this winter. Many of the
youngsters have already enlisted in
the Army or Navy or are in reserve
classifications. Some, of course, will
be found physically unfit.
Local USO Drive
Enters Last Day
Ann Arbor's whirlwind $77,500
USO-Community Fund drive enters
its last day today with $57,938.24 in
pledges already received, campaign
headquarters announced last night.
Pro-rating a greatly increased war
quota among city Community Fund,
USO and War Prisoner's Relief orga-
nizations, the city-wide drive has in-
cluded 200 faculty solicitors under
Prof. Richard C. Fuller, leader of the
University section.

Report Laval
Taking Offer
Back to Vichy
Restoration of 1939
Territory, Except
for Alsace-Lorraine
Planned at Munith
CAIRO, Nov. 13. (Friday)- (P-
The Germans are rushing supplies
westward out of Tobruk, indicating
they plan to abandon the famous
coastal stronghold, an Associated
Press message from the Libyan-
Egyptian frontier said this morn-
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Nov. 12.- Adolf Hitler's
terms for immediate peace with
Vichy, restoring to France all her 1939
continental territory except Alsace
and Lorraine, were carried to Vichy
by arch-collaborationist Pierre Laval
from his Munich meeting with the
fuehrer, it was reported tonight in re-
liable continental circles w.ith. close
Vichy connections.
The report was not confirmed.
The reported provisions, especially
that involving the loss to the French
of the two provinces, would prove de-
cidedly distasteful and unacceptable
to the whole French nation.
.The cardinal terms of the proposed
peace as reported by these informed
sources, which, of course-, could not be
further identified, were:
1. France would regain all her
continental area except the provin-
ces of Alsace and Lorraine.
2. Alsace and Lorraine would be-
come autonomous. (They have been
incorporated into the reich).
3. France would keep her empire
(virtually all of which now is con-
trolled or allied with the United
4. The French fleet would co-
operate with the Germans to regain
the empire.
5. Italy wouldrenounce territor-
ial claims on France.
The Italians in the past have yelled
loudly for "Nice, Tunisia and Cor-
sica," but an Italian spokesman in
Rome yesterday said Italy's share in
the occupation was not intended in
the interests of territory.

. * * * * * * * *

Vichy Admiral Broadcasts Request
to His Commanders at Toulion Base


* * *

" i

Regents Reaffirm Committee's
'Power of Recommendation'
The Regential War Activities Committee, restating the resolution which
recently created it, yesterday emphasized its "power of recommendation
only" and gave a four-fold recapitulation of its activities hi its first report
to the Board of Regents.
(The Regential resolution forming the committee is reprinted on page
two of today's Daily.)
Four specific reports and recommendations were made to the Regents.

by the War Activities Committee: <
1. Study of the relationship of the
University to the war effort was be-
gun. The committee received a "com-
prehensive and detailed report" com-
piled by the University War Board
which will be used in recommending
specific policy.
2. Endorsement of the Manpower
Mobilization Corps and the Student
War Board's action was given.
3. Recommendations approving the
appointment of Clark Tibbitts as Di4
rector of the University War Board
and Profs. Burton Thuma and Arthur
Boak as its members were made and
passed by the Regents. Tibbitts is now
secretary of the War Board and Prof.
Thuma is a member.
4. Expense account recommenda-
tions for Regent J. Joseph Herbert's
work on the Committee of the Asso-
ciation of Governing Boards of State
Universities and Allied institutions
and the Regential War Activities
Committee were made.
Frosh Gridders
Face State Here
Teams Battle Today
At Ferry Field at 3 p.m.
An eager, well balanced Michigan
freshman football team will assemble
on the Ferry Field gridiron at 3 p. m.
today to pit its strength against a
heavier frosh squad from Michigan
Today's game is the first for the
freshmen since 1917, and the first of
a two-game schedule that the Wol-
verine yearlings will play this fall.
The other fray will be played against
Ohio State next Friday afternoon.
Stars in Lineup
Coach Wally Weber will have a
lineup well packed with high school
stars out to show what they can do in
stiffer college competition. Michigan
State has one of the strongest fresh-

Behind Closed Doors...
The Board of Regents met yes-
terday again behind closed doors
after.two Daily reporters had been
ordered from the room by Dr.
Alexander G. Ruthven, the Board's
presiding officer.
The meeting had not yet been
called to order.
Dr. Ruthven told the reporters
that "there is a rule" against their
staying and that "the Regents
never allow outsiders in their
When asked for a copy of the
rule, he said that there is such a
thing as common law as well as
written law.
After the doors closed behind the
reporters, the Regents held their

Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Nov. 12.-The voice of,
its longtime commander was added
tonight to the radio chorus urging
the French Fleet to steam away from
Toulon where it is lying strangely or-
phoned-the last bit of unoccupied;
From Algiers, where he is a pris-
oner of the Americans, Admiral Jean
Darlan broadcast a "request" that the
commanders at Toulon bring their
ships to North Africa.nThe former
collaborationist and one-time cam-
mander of all Vichy French armed
forces did not order the ships to sail
but merely suggested that they join
the Allies or at least flee the German
Follows Other Appeals
This message followed similar ap-
peals by British and American mili-
tary and naval leaders which have
been beamed toward the silent
French Mediterranean port for days.
The broadcast by the Admiral ap-
parently combined rumors that his
J ap Solomons
Base Blasted
Bombers Hit Troop
Ships at Buin-Faisi
MacARTHUR, Australia, Nov. 13.
(Friday)- (P)- Allied bombers have
dealt a heavy blow at the Japanese
base of Buin-Faisi in the north Solo-
mons, the high command said today.
The raid was the second in as many
days on a base where recently the
Allied bombers sank or damaged more
than a score of ships, including an
aircraft carrier.
Today's raid, made at dawn, caught
Jap ships in the harbor loaded with
troops and equipment. The bombers,
supporting the defense of Guadalca-
nal in the Solomons to the southeast
of Buin-Faisi, hit four of the loaded
ships and losses inflicted were be-
lieved heavy.
The ships were of the cargo type,
used for transports, and their total
tonnage was estimated at 37,000. One
ship appeared to be of 12,000 ton type,
another 10,000, a third 8,000 and the
fourth 7,000.
Noon Deadline Set
for Engine Petitions
The final deadline for handing in
candidacy netitions for the Engi-

swift capture at Algiers presaged his
return to the Allied side after years
of work in the collaborationist camp
in Vichy France,
It was he who gave the cease-fir-
ing order at Algiers and who yester-
day directed an end to all French re-
sistance in North Africa-an injunc-
tion that was heeded despite the fact
Senior Women
Start Surgical
Dressing Work
Production on the senior women's
surgical dressing and bandages pro-
ject will begin at 1 p. m. today in the
game room of the League.
"Because this work renders front-
line assistance to soldiers all over
the world, and because the number
of available instructors is limited,
it is of the utmost importance that
we have the fullest cooperation
from senior women," Marjorie Stor-
kan, '43, chairman of the project,
asserted today.
At the mass meeting, held yesterday
at the League, for which 40 women
reported out of the number of 250
who had signed up the type of work
and general procedure were explained.
All of the women who have pre-
viously signed up, will be held respon-
sible for a minimum of two hours a
week, unless Miss Storkan is notified
otherwise. If any other women are
interested, whether seniors or not,,
they can still volunteer their services
by reporting to Sally Walsh, '43,
chairman of attendance, between 1
p. in. and 5'p. m. today.
The standard uniforms to be worn
are cotton dresses. If wool skirts are
Turn to Page 5, Col.A

that he had been officially removed
as Vichy generalissimo by Marshal
Petain after the Algiers surrender.
Swinging to Allies
But both of these actions were dic-
tated by military necessity and to-
day's broadcast seemed to be the first
positive evidence that he was swing-
ing his weight to the Allied side in
spite of his known dislike for the
Naval authorities were convinced
that the French warships still were
in Toulon, ready for any eventuality,
but sources on the continent with
close connections in France persisted
in the belief that at least some ves-
sels had detached themselves from
the fleet in the last several days
to join the Allies.
Against a background of threats,
promises and intrigue in overrun
France, three German armored divi-
sions slashed through the hitherto
unoccupied zone to the Mediterran-
ean coast.
Hitler Treads Lightly
But Hitler, treading lightly lest he
frighten the French ships into flight,
pulled up his forces at Marseilles, 30
miles short of Toulon, and the Ger-
man-controlled Vichy radio said this
concession was ordered because the
French Navy chiefs had pledged
themselves to resist "any aggression."
British naval authorities shrugged
off as worthless Hitler's promise to
"safeguard' the fleet.
At the showdown, they believe, the
feelings of the French officers and
sailors-now men with power butj
without a chosen ally-will determine
on which side they will fight.
. The big prize at stake, with the
Axis standing on the near side of the
Mediterranean and the Allies tri-
umphantly on the other, consisted of
62 warships, including three of the
capital class.

Beet Workers Return after Mud
and Blizzards Hamper Harvest'

Speeding Americans
Advance in Tunisia
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 13.- A powerful
Allied striking force advancing at a
75-mile-a-day clip early today was
nearing the frontier of Tunisia where
reports said the Nazis had landed at
least 2,000 men by air in an expanding
effort to hold that strategic Mediter-
ranean corner now under RAF assault
from the opposite direction.
RAF twin-engined bombers based
on Malta aided the Allied land forces
by heavily attacking the Axis-infil-
trated region of Tunis, capital of Tu-
nisia, yesterday, and these blows were
expected to increase in coordination
with the U.S.-British advance from
the west.
The Vichy radio said the Tunis area
was again attacked last night and
that anti-aircraft guns in the French
protectorate were in action during an
alert lasting from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Assault Gains Speed
Continuously fed from the sea and
gathering momentum by land, the
combined assault armies had reached
and occupied Bone, eastern Algeria,
only 60 miles from the Tunisian fron-
tier, yesterday morning, according to
Vichy reports.
By now it was believed here, the
Americans and battle veterans of the
British first army might have plunged
across the frontier.
In France meanwhile the Axis divi-
sions that overran the remainder of
that country placed the naval station
of Toulon in a strange zone of quar-
antine, mysteriously failing to occupy
that port or to lay hands on the battle
fleet which so long has lain offshore.
No matter what the French feeling

Special to The Daily
CARO, Nov. 12.-Their three-day
labor on the sugar fields over, stu-
dents from the University of Michigan
filed wearily into buses at 9 p.m. to-
day after they had pulled and topped
enough beets to make 137,500 pounds
of sugar for Uncle Sam.
Lee Stewart, manager of the Mich-
igan Sugar Company said that the
volunteers were the "finest bunch of
fellows you could ask for. They
worked hard and did awonderful job
considering bad weather." He said
that if the weather had been half
way decent students could easily have
harvested 300 acres of beets instead
of the 50 they finished, without work-
ing nearly as hard. "But if this kind

snow-storm blinded the workers and
froze beets in the ground.
There was no beet-pulling today.
Students had all they could do to
top the beets they had pulled yester-
day. They did not go out in the af-
ternoon for the most part.
Ironically enough just as waiting
students stamped their feet and
shouted when the buses pulled up in
front of the Montague Hotel late to-
night, the weather seemed to be
clearing and it was warmer. The stu-
dents won't get much cash out of this
trip, but they had all gained weight
from good farm cooking, and they
all feel pretty good about helping
their country in the crisis. The hos-
pitality of all the farmers here won't
be forgotten quickly either. Every
one of the students, while they were
here, got all the comforts of home.

War Activities Reports Are Due
To Manpower Corps by Monday

All men's student war activities,
either proposed or now being under-
taken, must be reported to the Man-
power Corps and Student War Board
by the various campus organizations
not later than Monday, Manpower
Boss Mary Borman announced yes-
Reason of this activity decree was
cited as being that of coordinating,
regulating and integrating campus
Borman explained that the Student
War Board doesn't mean to dictate

pared each week of approved war
Organizations failing to cooperate
with the Corps will be reported to
the Committee on Student Affairs,
Borman added. Also, The Michigan
Daily has voluntarily agreed to pub-
licize only those projects for men
which are on the approved list. Ap-
peal may be made to the Student
War Board on any decisions of the
Manpower Director regarding stu-
dent organizations and their war ac-
Th . Al . A

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