s __ .. _ =.W_, ,. . , v. ss.=
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled -to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights'
of republication of all other matters herein.also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 'as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by, mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . Managing Editor
'Morton Mintz. . . . Editorial Director
Will Sapp . . . . . City Editor
George W. Sallade . . . . . Associate Editor
Charles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor
Bernard Hendel . . . . Sports Editor
Barbara deFries . . . . . Women's Editor
Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager
Fred M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran. . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Manager
James Daniels . . ' Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
. J ''c ,1 - "-a<. .. h i ,. ~ . w T~c .. BFI 'x (Ca -
(Continued from Page 2)
Honorable mentions-the open ses-
ame to jobs with stores, publications
and other firms.
Entry blanks must be mailed not
later than November 30th.
Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Ca-
Each of the 5 Fashion Fellowships
is for the entire tuition for the year
1943-1944. The Fellowships are
awarded competitively and judged by
two papers to be written, as well as
intelligence tests and your college
Registration blanks and the First
Paper are due December 5th.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the' office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing United States Civil Service
Examinations. Applications will be
accepted until the needs of the serv-
ice have been met.
Photographers-Wet plate, process
and microfilm particularly needed;
$1,440 to $3,800 a year.
Motion Picture Technicians-Cam-
eramen, film technicians, sound tech-
nicians, projectionists - $1,440 to
$3,800 a year.
Aerial Photo Interpreters; $2,000 to
$2,600. %
Safety Auditor Aides (open to wom-
en only):
Senior High Explosive Safety Audi-
tor; $2,300.
High Explosive Safety Auditor;
Associate High Explosive Safety
Auditor; $1,800.
Graduate Nurses-Anesthesia, Gen-
eral Staff Duty, Psychiatry:
For the Panama Canal; $168.75 per
Forother Federal agencies; .$1,800
a year.
Agricultural Warehouse Managers
(Cold & Dry Storage); $2,000 to
$4,600 a year.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file in
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours
9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
French Lecture: Professor Eugene
Rovillain, of the Romance Language
Department, will open the, series of
French lectures for 1942-1943, spon-
sored by the Cercle Francais, on
Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 4:15 p. m. in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Title: "Un concours academique fran-
cats- sur 1'Amerique au 18eme siecle."
Tickets for the series of lectures may
be procured from the Secretary of
the .Department of Romance Lang-
uages (Rodm 112, Romance Language
Building) or at the door at the time
of the lecture for a small sum. Holders
of these tickets are entitled to admis-
sion to all lectures, a small additional
charge being made for the annual
French play. These lectures are open
to the general public.
Academic Notices
Language examinations for can-
didates for the Master's Degree in
History will be held on Friday, No-.
vember 13, at 4:00 p.m. in Room B,
Haven Hall. Those wishing to take
an examination should sign in 119
Haven Hall. Please bring dictionaries
to examination.
History 11, Midsemester, Friday,
Nov. 13, 2:00 p.m. Slosson, Lecture
Section II. Sections of Hansen, Meier,
and Scholes, Natural Science Audi-
torium; Sections of Slosson, Monks,
and DeVries, Room C, Haven Hall.
School of Music courses dropped
after mid-semester (Thanksgiving),
November 26, will be recorded with
the grade of E, save under extra-
ordinary circumstances.
Freshman and Sophomore men
majoring in Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering: There will be a meet-
ing of the Chemistry Club tonight' at
7:30 in Room 151, Chemistryi Bldg.
Dr. D. W. McCready of the Chem-
ical Engineering Department will
speak on plastics. Election of offi-
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and- the Arts may o~i--I
tain their five-week progress reports
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8:30 to
12:00 a. m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. ac-*
cording to the following schedule:
Surnames beginning I through 0,
Thursday, Nov. 12
Surnames beginning P through Z,
Friday, Nov. 13.
Any freshman who cannot meet
his scheduled time may come in on
Saturday morning.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Students, College-of Literature, Sci-;
ence, and the Arts: Course dropped
after Saturday, November 14, by stu-
dents other than freshmen, will be
recorded with the grade of E. Fresh-
men (students with less than 24
hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
Instructors Can Share
Manpower Corps' Job
D EANS.Dana, Kraus and Crawford helped save
a valuable crop of sugar beets which might
have rotted in the ground when they granted an
extension of ileave to volunteer Manpower Corps
members who are working in the Sandusky area.
The students have not had an easy time.
They have worked in icy rain and clinging
mud, weather conditions which drive regula
farmhands indoors. They have done this and
maintained their enthusiasm. They want to
finish their job.
BUT these students need every bit of coopera-
tion that their instructors can give them.
The Deans and students have done their part.
The faculty can contribute its share by seeing
to it that every Manpower volunteer is given a
chance to make up his work without any undue
penalty. - Henry Petersen
Gives Future Education
THE ANNOUNCEMENT in Tuesday's Daily of
this year's $15,000 goal for the Bomber-
Scholarship fund has uncovered the fact that
a large number of students and faculty members
are rather vague as to the purpose and function
of the Fund. Briefly, here's the story:
Money contributed by campus individuals
and organizations is used to purchase War
Bonds. These will be handled by the Univer-
sity until they can be redeemed after the war.
The money gained from redemption of the
bonds will be used to finance and continue the
education of Michigan men who entered the
armed services before receiving a degree from
the University, but who had completed a year
of study here.
Seventy-three campus organizations have al-
ready contributed $9,000,to the Fund, its biggest
single boost this year being the decision of the
Michigan League to turn over profits from its
week-end dances.. Also, the Interfraternity Ball
committee has agreed to donate all proceeds,
while dormitory and cooperative house presidents
have met under the auspices of Men's Congress
to discuss plans for assessing house social func-
tions to contribute to the fund.
REMEMBER, the Bomber-Scholarship makes
it possible for you to help supply American
troops in Africa and the Pacific with needed
weapons while insuring your friends and perhaps
yourself a chance to complete a war-interrupted
education.-- Dick Collins
Political Freedom Must
Precede Other Freedom
SINCE the letters have come in, I have changed
my mind on the central question involved,
but I also have received a profound disillusion-
I was arguing from an absolute viewpoint,
that freedom is not good in itself, but only
when it has some sort of meaning. I was think-
ing of the analogy of the unpreparedness of
both Negro and white for emancipation in
1865, and the resultant problems. Argument
has changed my mind, and though I think
that Negro-white problems were seriously ag-
gravated by the way both reacted to freedom,
I now think also that the only way for any
progress then was to grant political freedom.
I still do not think the Indians are prepared
for freedom, and I doubt if it will mean much to
India. But I think that it is the only way there
could be any progress, and so, I agree.
THIS is an argument of practicality. But I still
object to the entire approach evidenced by
the letters and Mr. Fischer. I object to the
machine-like nature of liberal thinking. "India
is not free; freedom is a good thing; therefore
India should be free." I object to the way the
gentlemen have abstracted the question of Indian
freedom from any consideration whatsoever of
what freedom will mean. For I do not believe
that freedom is anything other than a means to
an end.
I believe that freedom is a means to the
complete development of (he individual. I now
believe that in the Indian and in all other
cases, political freedom must precede other
I sincerely wish that the letters had been to
the point. I wish that everyone had not brought
in the completely irrelevant argument of the
"degraded American way-of-life." Whether or
not America is degraded has nothing to do with
India's situation.
AND I also wish that the letters had answered
the points I then believed important. Be-
cause though my opinion on the question is
changed; I still believe that India is not Heaven-
on-Earth, I still believe that India's contribution
to the war will not increase too much, I still
believe that for a considerable time after the
war, the free Idia would be a chaos with civil
war, and with little or no change in the amount
of religious and caste subjection now prevalent.
And I regret seriously that no one has bothered
to answer any of these points.
I regret that I have been called misinformed
with no valid attempt to inform me. And I re-
gret that none of the letter writers changed my
opinion of the facts in the least.
-- Allan Axelrod
WASHINGTON: Inside intelligence reports
from Italy indicate that the most violent reper-
cussions have taken place as a result of events
in North Africa.
For weeks Mussolini had dangled before the
eyes of the Italian people the juicy reward of
Alexandria and the Suez Canal. At one time he
was so sure Suez was going to fall that he pre-
pared for a triumphal entry into Cairo.
The Italians, discouraged with the war, were
buoyed up chiefly by the thought that Suez would
be theirs and they would rule the great Roman
Empire again.
So news of the retreat in North Africa has
been crushing. Hatred of Mussolini is at a peak.
Dissension in the army is stronger than ever be-
fore. It seems certain that if Nazi troops were
not in Italy the people would have revolted long
At present Hitler has seven divisions or about
100,000 men in Italy, many of them being airmen
on the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Now he is
reported to have about five more divisions en
route from the Russian front to guard against
the Second Front Allied invasion across the
Significant fact .about the first U.S. landing
operations was that no U.S. troops landed very
near Dakar. This has long been considered the
most important French base in Northwest Africa
and the chief menace to the Western Hemi-
However, it was also known that Dakar was
the most formidable fortress the French had in
Africa. It had resisted the British fleet when
they attempted to take it in 1940. It had also
received the benefit of Nazi specialists in in-
creasing its strength.
Particularly it had mounted sixteen-inch guns
on railway cars for use along the African coast.
A sixteen-inch gun is heavier and will shoot
farther than the fourteen-inch guns on many
U.S. battleships, and is the equal of the sixteen-
inch guns on our other battleships.
Therefore, it was significant that while Vichy
reported U.S. troops landing at 1afi, north of
Dakar, no troops were landed in its immediate
vicinity. Also, it had been announced some time
before by the British that American troops were
in Liberia, south of Dakar.
week. Exceptions to these regula
tions' may be made only bleausea
extraordinary circumstances such a
serious illness.
E. A. Walter,
Assistant Dean
Physical - Eduation--Women Stu
dents: Registration for the indoC
season will be held Friday, Novembe
13, from 8:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 t
5:00, and Saturday, November 1l
from 8:00 to 12:00 in Barbour Gym
Doctoral Examination for Leo I
Bicher, Jr.: Chemical Engineering
thesis: "The Viscosity of Light Hy
drocarbon Mixtures under Pressure
will be held today in 3201 East Eng
neering at 2:00 p. m. Chairman, D.
By action of the Executive Boar
the Chairman may invite member
of the faculties and advanced doc
toral candidates to attend the exam
ination and he may grant permissio
to those who for sufficient reaso
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Messiah Concert: The annu
Christmas performance of Handel
"Messiah" will take place Sunda
afternoon, December. 13, at 3 o'clocl
in Hill Auditorium. The followir
will participate: Marjorie McClun
soprano; Eileen Law, contralto; Hat
old Hough, tenor; John MacDonalt
bass; Mabel Rhead, pianist; Palmn
Christian,borganist; the Univers
Symphony Orchestra; Universit
Choral Union; Hardin Van Deursem
conductor. Tickets are now on sa
at the offices of the University 1
sical Society, Burton Memorial Towe
Charles A. Sink, Presidei
Choral Union Concert: Albe
Spalding, violinist, accompanied 1
Andre Benoist at the piano, will g
the fourth concert in the Chor
Union Series on Thursday evenin
Nov. 19, at 8:30 p.m. He will play
program of compositions by Corel
Beethoven, Villa - Lobos, Joachi
Chopin, Chabrier, Debussy an
The carillon recital by Profess
Percival Price tonight at 7:15 wl
consist of compositions for carillon
Americans, two of whom, Tom Kink
-ead- and Hugh Glauser, are wel
known on this campus.
Exhibition, College of Architectu
and&Design: Two sequences of-colore
multiple wood block prints by Harr
Bartoa, Cranbrook Academy of ar
glass cases, -ground floor corricto
.Archtectur-e Building. open daiy,
to 5 except Sunday through NOV. 1
The public is invited.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club- Regular ehe
sal tonight at 7.:304In the Glee Clu
Rooms. Please be prompt.
zoology Seminar will meet tonig
at r7:80 in the Amphitheatre, Rac
ham Building.
Speaker: Mr. Robert T. Nieset
"The primary effect of neutron a
x-ray radiation on the mouse; an
an improved method of tissue d
hydration"at low- temperatures."
Graduate Students in Psyholo
The new Psychology Discussion
Experimental Group will meet tonig
at 8:30 at Observatory Lodge, 14
Washington Heights, Apt. No. 304.
Graduate Student Council will me
at the Rackham Building today
5:00 p.m. for election of a preside1
and organization of the year's activ
ties. All members are urged to atten
La Sociedad Hispnica will have
conversation group meeting tonigl
at 8:00 in the Michigan League.
Slavic Society will meet tonight
8:30 in the International Center.
students of Slavic origin and tho
interested are invited.
The Merit Committee will meet
day at 4:00 p. m. at the Michig
The first meeting of the Advanc
First Aid class-will be held tonight
7:00 in room 58 of the Univers'
Health Service.
The Freshman - Discussion Gro
will meet tonight at 7:30 at Lane H
to discuss the topic, "Sin."
Seminar: Mme. Pargment
speak on "Russian Literature" at
"Invitation to Learning Seminar"
Lane Halle at 4:15 p. m. today. All'
terested students are invited.
Children's Theatre: Tryouts
the 'Children's Theatre of the
partment of Speech will be held to
at 4:00 p. m. in the Garden Room
the- Michigan, League for boys a
girls between the ages of 8 and 12.
boys and girls interested should
tend. Try-outs for adults will be h
at 4:00 p. m. on Friday in the Gar
All girls who wish to usher for
Art Cinema League movies Thursd
Pr.. l nh,,,a. an R,,av
I'd Rxather B,,e RAight
ALL: It has been asked whether
I feel humbled because, after all
my months of singing the praises of
offensive action, and recommend-
ing modestly that we break with
Vichy, both of these4'things have
been done.
It is hard to see why the adop-
tion of policies urged in these es-
says should make these essays feel
So the question narrows down to
whether some of us kicked and
clawed too much and attacked the
Administration too much. After
all, it was thinking much as we
were thinking. Should we have
kept our big mouths shut
The charge against us is not that
we were wrong, but that the Ad-
ministration was right, too, and
that we did not. give it credit for
being right, too. Have I stated the
situation fairly? I think so.
The Sound of the Anvil
But even that oversimplifies. The
point is that this country has gone
through a magnificent process of'
self-education, ending in common
agreement on the principles that
we cannot make friends with fas-
cism, and that we cannot merely
defend ourselves against it, but
must break it.
This common agreement has
been hammered out in public de-
bate. It could not have been ham-
mered out in silence. Had there
been silence, there would have
been no process. Because of the
debate, when the attack on Vi-
chy came, the public understood
it and was ready for it, anxious
for it.
Those of us who spoke most
frankly on the Vichy issue made
,the moral case for the events of
this week.
And so the question again be-
comes the smaller one: Did we
treat the Administration unfairly,
since obviously (obviously now, not
obviously last week) it had for
months agreed with us, and was
l-in ',,ith am .n ,iCi tP Pis..
known to us, to"do exactly what
we were urging?,
When the Moment Came
Objectively, we were, toward the
end, most unfair to the Adminis-
tration. -
We became unfair at the moment
the Administration decided on the
invasion of. French North-Africa.
The moment before that moment,
we were not unfair. The moment
after that moment, we were.
I am perfectly willing to. put
myself on the platformhand
let anyone who so desires heave
baseballs or cabbages at me, if
he will accept, in the spirit in
which it is offered, this explana-
tion: We did our best to hurry
that moment. -
We did our best to hasten that
decision'which obviously was tak-
en and which, quite frankly,
makes us look bad.
Yes, to a certain extent, I do feel
humbled; I feel that I should have
had more confidence in President
We Did Not Stay Aloof
Yet, going back over the last two.
and one-half years, since the fall
of France, I can fint. hardly a line
I should like to withdraw. For there
was a great process of self-educa-
tion going on, and we who spoke
against Vichy were part of that
process, and nothing can talre that
away-from us. If, in the course of
that important argument, I be-
came a kind of frozen attitude,
well, forgive me.
We never argued for anything
that was wrong, or for any pur-
pose that was private.
We spent our time rather bet-
ter than if we had been speaking
about sales taxes and the price
of peanuts. We took part in the
life of our age. A process was
underway and we did not stay
aloof from, we were in it. We
said what had to be said, and we
took the responsibility, and if wea
were out of position toward the
end, it was solely and exclusively
Vichy Resistance Opens Way For U.S. Seizure
Of France's North American Island Holdings
Th e
THE overdue Allied "grand strategy" of World
War II has at last revealed itself. That
strategy is the masterful plan of striking at
French North Africa, thus taking the United
Nations off the defensive and forcing Hitler to
eventually lash out-a counter-blow. In the event
of such an Axis move-either that of occupying
the rest of France or taking over Spain and
storn4ngGibraltar, attacking Tunisia via Sicily,
or even striking the Allies in the Middle East
have been a constant source of friction in Wash-
ington, because they constitute a potential men-
ace to the Panama Canal and a base for sub-
marine operations in the western Atlantic.
THEY first became important news-names in
February, 1941, when a German U-boat en-
tered Martinique's Port de France and dis-
charged its wounded. Also, before the fall of
France many millions of dollars in gold were
spirited out of the country and deposited in Mar-
The Regents meet today and it's on the agenda
for them to decide just when we go home for
Christmas vacation. They will receive a recom-
mendation from the University that vacation be
front Dec. 15 to 29.
That "letter from the government" which
rumors purport to be a suggestion that the
vacation be eliminated, or that it be from Dec.
13 to Jan. 13, depending on how you heard it,
is just an unofficial letter from a railroad