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November 12, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-12

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Axis ]
British Army
Axis Forces
Allied Air Corps Units
Aid Ground Troops
in Move To Destroy
Fleeing Nazi Soldiers
CAIRO, Nov. 11.- RP)-- While the
rampant British Eighth Army con-
tinued to hack away at the fleeing
Axis Africa Corps both inside Egypt
and across the Libyan border today,
Allied bomber squadrons and sub-
marines roamed the Mediterranean
and struck repeated blows at enemy
surface forces that might have hoped
to assist Marshal Erwin Rommel in
his painful retreat westward.
A British submarine under com-
mand of Lieut. J. W. D. Coombe re-
ported scoring two torpedo hits on a
force of three cruisers and three de-
stroyers east of Sicily, while torpedo
planes operating from Malta reported
two hits on a cruiser south of Cape
Spartavento. Afterward, fighter
planes on a broad sweep from Malta
declared there was not an Italian ves-
sel in sight.
No Word of Progress
Although there was no word here
as to the progress of the battle within
Libya, where General B. L. Montgom-
ery's advance forces were attempting
to head off and destroy the Nazi army
to the last man and machine, it was
indicated that operations were pro-
ceeding satisfactorily. There was no
suggestion that the British had been
delayed or had lost contact with the
remnants of German armor.
A joint British headquarters-RAF
communique said that a Nazi rear
guard was driven from Sidi Barrani
yesterday and that another Axis de-
laying force had been engaged at
Buqbuq, 25 miles further west and
about 30 miles from the Libyan fron-
Continue Attack
Allied bombers continued to attack
retreating Axis transport columns
throughout the battle area, piling up
destruction, while single - motored
fighters swept the skies in thorough
protection of the bombers and the
pursuing Eighth Army on the ground.
RAF fighters were reported to have
shot down one Messerschmitt and an
Italian Macchi out of six enemy
planes encounteredyesterday.
Cold Weather
Lessens Reds'






Churchill Says Allies
Will Invade Germany
Demoralized Enemy To Be Struck Death Blow;
Invasion Preparations Are Already Completed

Axis Prisoners March to Rear in Egypt

LONDON, Nov. 11.- (')- The mo-
ment Germany becomes "demora-
lized" by Allied pressure in Europe
and Africa she will be struck by inva-
sion across the English Channel or
North Sea, Prime Minister Winston
Churchill promised the House of Com-
mons today, while the Nazis were
over-running all of France.
"An attack which will be made in
due course across the Channel or the
North Sea requires an immense de-
gree of preparation," the Prime Min-
ister told the electrified chamber.
"All this is proceeding, but it takes
Departs from Set Speech
"Of course, should the enemy be-
come demoralized at any moment the
same careful preparations will not be
needed. Risks could be run on a large
In a message ringing with optimism,
Churchill told the House it could be
sure "that many things are going to
happen in the next few days," and
sounded an ominous warning to the
Nazis' nervous ally when he said "we
shall shortly have far greater facili-
ties for bombing italy."
Risks Could Be Run
It was necessary at times for the
Prime Minister to depart from his
set speech, as news of important
events continued to reach him even
as he addressed the opening session
of Parliament. He told Commons that
the news of the fall of Casablanca to
American forces was given him just
as he entered the chamber..
"Today news reaches us that Hitler
has decided to overrun all of France,"
he said, "thus breaking the armistice
FDR Declares
Allied Victory
Is Inevitable
President Lauds Free
French Fighters in
Armistice Day Talk
Asserting that victory was inevitable,
President Roosevelt today expressed
gratification that on this Armistice
Day Frenchmen were rallying to their
allies of 24 years ago and joining the
battle against the Axis.
Standing before the tomb of the
Unknown Soldier, he spoke of "great
events" occurring in France and Af-
rica. The "forces of liberation are ad-
vancing," he said, and the "opponents
of decency and justice have passed
their peak."
A few hours before he spoke all
French North Africa had capitulated
to the Anglo-American Expeditionary
Force and United Nations armored
troops were driving into the French
colony of Tunisia.
Meanwhile, too, German forces
were driving through hitherto unoc-
cupied France-in violation of the
1940 armistice terms-in a desperate
effort to -protect southern France
from an Allied invasion by way of
Africa and Corsica.
"On this day of all days," Mr.
Roosevelt said, "it is heartening for
us to know that soldiers of France
go forward with the United Nations.
"American soldiers are giving their
lives today in all the continents and
on all the seas in order that the dream
of the Unknown Soldier may at last
come true.

to which the Vichy government had
kept such pitiful and perverted fideli-
ty at the horrible cost even of sacri-
ficing their ships and sailors in firing
on American rescue ships.
Describing Axis losses in the Battle
of Egypt as "mortal," he said that the
wide encircling movement of British
and American forces in North Africa
had as its primary object the "expo-
sure of the underbelly of the Axis,
especially Italy, to heavy attacks."
McNair Claims
Soldiers Must
Kill or BeKilled
Says Americans Must
Be Fighting Devils
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.- ()-
Lt. Gen. Lesley J. McNair told the
Army ground forces tonight that the
prospect before them was to "kill or
be killed.".
In a radio address, McNair, com-
manding general of the ground forces,
said that "our soldiers must have the
fighting spirit."
"If you call that hating our ene-
mies, then we must hate with every
fiber of our being," he asserted. "We
must lust for battle; our object in life
must be to kill; we must scheme and
plan night and day to kill.
"There need be no pangs of con-
science, for our enemies have lighted
the way to faster, surer, and crueler
killing; they. are past masters. We
must hurry to catch up with them if
we are to survive. Since killing is the
object of our efforts, the sooner we
get in the killing mood, the better and
more skillful we shall be when the
real test comes.
"The struggle is for survival-kill
or be killed."
Turn to Page 6, Co 4
League Donates
Dance Profits
Bomber Scholarship
Committee Announced
Twelve University students yester-
day were named members of an ad-
ministrative committee to take
charge of the new Bomber Scholar-
ship dances, which will be held each
The committee, composed of six
week-end in the League Ballroom.
women and six men, will control
week-end activities in the ballroom,
the profits of which will be turned
over to the Bomber Scholarship. Free
use of the ballroom was given the
students last week.
Appointed by the University War
Board, the committee will be chaired
by Frances Capps, '43.
Others appointed were Elizabeth
Bunnell, '44, Dorothy Schloss, '43,
Don Boor, '44, and Chuck Dotterer,
'44E, entertainment; Sally Weinhart,
'44E, and Steve Selby, '45E, publicity;
June Nieboer, '45, and Donald Dar-
roch, '44, hostesses and door keepers;
and Jean Conway, '43, and John Fra-
zier, '43, tickets.
Members of the advisory board to
work in conjunction with the new
committee are Dean Walter B. Rea,
Miss Ethel McCormick, . Charlotte
Thompson, '43, and Robert Matthews,

Petain Protests Hitler's Attacks;
Darlan Orders French To Cease Firing
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 11.-German and Italian troops swept through I Vichy
France to the Mediterranean shore tonight, ipvading Corsica and infiltrating
Tunisia by air, while the United States armies clinched their vast North
African position by getting a cease-fire order from Admiral Jean Darlan
to all French forces on the continent.
American columns reinforced by crack elements of the British First
Army dashed at least one-third of the way from Algiers to the Tunisian bor-
ders in a determined effort to get

A large group of Axis prisoners moves back to detention camps in
Egypt, passing' a British truck convoy speeding in pursuit of Rommel's
army. (This official British picture was sent by radio from Cairo to
the U.S.)
Report French Fleet Steaming
Out of Toulon To Join Allies

there first with the most men.
Field reports indicated the Ger-
mans had about 1,000 airmen, with
dive-bombers and fighters, in Tu-.
nisia, plus some Italian marines. Ear-
lier reports that German air infantry
had reached Tunisia, it was indicated,
may have been premature.
However, it was believed that Ger-
man Marshal Erwin Rommel was try-
ing to reach Tunisia by land with
what he has left of the army which
was beaten in Egypt.
Petain's Protests Decrease
Back in dismal Vichy, Marshal Pe-
tain's first shocked protestations
against the occupation of the "un-
occupied" zone diminished in direct
ratio to the general advance of the
German divisions to "all objectives"
in France.
With high German officers all'
around him, Petain and his cabinet
issued a communique which said the
Marshal was "counting on" the
French Army in Africa "to continue
the struggle to the limit of its forces."
With Petain was Pierre Laval, just


LONDON, Nov. 12. (Thursday)-
(A)- Whereabouts of the bulk of the
French fleet, who controls it and what
they are going to do with it provided
a tense mystery today, 24 hours after
Hitler's legions started marching
across France toward its base at Tou-
The Daily Express published a re-
port from a staff correspondent "on
the French frontier" this morning
that "several units" of the French
Navy, including a number of subma-
rines, steamed ot of Toulon early
Wednesday morning .with the inten-
tion of joining the Allies in Africa.
British Silent
Authoritative British sources re-
mained silent on the fleet's location,
but some usually well informed ob-
servers said "there is every reason to
believe" that at least a "substantial
part" of it is joining the forces of the
United Nations, due to the influence
of Admiral Jean Darlan, erstwhile
commander of all Vichy French
armed forces who now is being held
by the Americans at Algiers.
These reports on the departure of
parts of the fleet from Toulon first
began appearing almost as soon as
the invasion of France was begun, and
Vichy sources denied them. A Vichy
radio broadcast late yesterday said
the warships remained at the Medi-
terranean port. ,
While these conflicting reports cir-
culated about Europe, the Vichy radio
quoting a Havas news agency dispatch
also reported that the Germans had
reached all their objectives in their
march through France. If this report
was accurate, it would mean that
German forces were in Toulon today.
Strength of Force
In all a considerable force is at
stake, at Toulon and Alexandria.
Three battleships are believed based
at Toulon, the 26,500-ton Strasbourg
and Dunkerque and the 22,189-ton
Provence, while the 22,189-ton bat-
tleship Lorraine is demilitarized at
Alexandria. All told, the Allies stand
to gain in the Mediterranean, if all
French ships should come over, an
undetermined number of cruisers, a
seaplane carrier, 25 destroyers and 27
submarines. Immobilized at Marti-
nique, in the French West Indies, are,

the aircraft carrier Bearn and two
There was no immediate indication
of how the cessation of the French
fight in all North Africa would affect
the fleet at home, but it was note-'
worthy that the order to cease resis-
tance came from Admiral Jean Dar-
lan, a powerful force in French naval
circles and, until this week, comman-
der-in-chief of all Vichy armed for-
Gen. Charles De Gaulle, leader of
the Fighting French, appealed to the
French sailors and officers and other
French forces to come over to the
Allied side and join the fight against
Germany and Italy. His plea was
broadcast by the British radio.
The Toulon ships presumably are
in shape for immediate action, but
the British threw cold water on any,
idea that the Allies would benefit
immediately from French ships in-
terned at Alexandria if they should
decide to help the Allies.
Japs Are Routed
at Oivi; Enemies
Face Entrapment
MacARTHUR, Australia, Nov. 12.
(Thursday)- ()- Japanese forces
have been routed at Oivi and face en-
trapment while another enemy group
at Gorari has been enveloped and de-
stroyed in battles for control of north-
eastern New Guinea, the high com-
mand announced today.
As the climax of a week-long battle
at Oivi, 55 miles southeast of the
coastal base of Buna, Australian
troops which have been battling their
way across the Owen Stanley Moun-
tains, forced the Japs from their posi-
tions, inflicting heavy losses.
But the Japs' only course of retreat
is into the hands of American troops
which were flown by aerial transport
to the vicinity of Buna.
Allied planes bombed Jap coastal
bases at Lae and Salamaua on the
North New Guinea coast above Buna
and also attacked supplies and troop
concentrations between Oivi and

Defense Tasks


MOSCOW, Nov. 12. (Thursday)-
(P)- Cold weather and a bold para-
chute fire raid on a German airdrome
cheered Russians today while their
lines held firmly all along the front.
The broad picture was one of lim-
ited activity and increasing cold that
is counted on to simplify the Reds'
defense problems, particularly at Sta-
lingrad, and multiply the hardships
of the German invaders.
Dramatic spot of the high com-
mand's midnight communique was
the brief account of a parachute raid
on a Nazi Black Sea airport which
told how 23 enemy planes were put to
the torch, 13 of them being destroyed
and the others damaged.
Soviet bombers flew over this target
several times to bring on the lights
and start the anti-aircraft guns to
banging and then attack planes dived
in to smash the lights and silence the
Immediately after this' "parachu-
tists jumped from transport planes
and when landed set fire to planes
on the airdrome and then made their
The high command said several at-
tacks were repelled ,in the Stalingrad
sector but reported only 200 Germans
killed, indicating that these thrusts
were in relatively light force.
Ice Skaters: Coliseum
Rink To Open Saturday
With Burton Tower fairly shiver-
ing its timbers in icy, wintry winds,
student thoughts of the cold season

Teen-Age .Draft
Bill APProyal Is
Expected Today
Full Year's Training
Request Is Deleted
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.-M)-The.
bill lowering the selective service in-
duction age from 20 to 18 appears
headed for final congressional appro-
val tomorrow, exactly four weeks after
it was reported favorably to the
The last impediment to enactment
of the sharply debated measure seem-
ingly was removed today when a
group of senators decided not to press
their attempt to require a full year's
training for the 18 and 19-year-olds
before they could be sent into combat
service overseas.
Senator McKellar (Dem.-Tenn.),
one of those who discussed the matter'
at a morning strategy meeting, said
that War Department officials had
given assurance that the youngsters
would receive "adequate" training be-
fore going into battle.
Senator Chavez (Dem. - N. M.)
thought it would be "foolish" to argue
the matter further after the record
had been made. The Senate had in-
serted the provision by a 39 to 31 vote
last month, but it was removed yes-1
terday by a joint conference commit-
tee and the'House promptly shouted
its approval of that decision.
Turn to Page 2, Col. 3
AP Gets Its Party, or,
Don't Phone, Invade
LISBON, Portugal, Nov. 11.--(P)
-One telephone operator on the
Vichy switchboard saw- a red, white
and blue lining in the German oc-
On a call from Lisbon to the
Vichy office of the Associated Press
this afternoon she replied:
"I regret more than I can say
that the American Press is not able
to reply. But perhaps in a few
days or a few weeks you will not
need to use the telephone. We all
expect to see you here soon-the
sooner the better."
This conversation was interrup-
ted by an irate Spanish operator
shouting "Have you reached your
party? Have you reached your
To which the Vichy operator re-
plied, laughing, "No deare, but
they will-they will."

back from conference with Hitler in
The "cease-fire" order from Ad-
miral Darlan, however, was clear rec-
ognition that after 77 hours, the
American-Vichy "war" across more
than 1,000 miles of Atlantic and Med-
iterranean coast was at an end. U.S.
troops, by then, had possession of ev-
ery important center of resistance.
Darlan, who as commander-in-
chief of all Vichy armed forces fell
into American hands in Algeria, or-
dered all resistance to cease after
conducting secret negotiations with
U.S. Maj.-Gen. Mark W. Clark.
Hitler Turns Clock Back
In the early hours of this dramatic
day, Adolf 'Hitler had turned the
clock back to. 4une, 1940, destroying
his aroistice with France on the
grounds it was immediately threaten-
ed by Allied invasion from the North
African coast.
His divisions were moving rapidly
through the so-called unoccupied
zone of France to the great port of
Marseille and the naval station of
Toulon, by way of the Rhone Valley
and the Midi.
They also were spreading out along
the Pyrenees border between France
and Spain.
Italian troops, doing Hitler's bid-
ding, advanced eastward along the
French Riviera to Nice, and others
were reported to have landed at Bas-
tia, on the northeastern coast of
This island home of Napoleon, 100
miles from Nice, is being taken under
Axis "protection," Hitler announced.
Petain Urges,
French To Fight
By The Associated Press
Nov. 11.- Hitler's sudden new march
into France was protested today by
Marshal Petain, but, after the return
of Pierre Laval from Munich confer-
ences with Hitler, the aged Vichy
chief of state tonight was reported
urging continued French resistance
to the American occupation of North
Africa. - . ..._.
After a day long barrage of con-
flicting reports, the Vichy radio an-
nounced that both Petain and his
cabinet called upon the Colonials in
North Africa to fight the Allies "to
the limit . . . in the interests of
France and the Empire."
The call to the Colonials came soon
after Laval stepped out of a plane
bringing him back from conferences
begun last Monday with Hitler in
Munich and it came almost simultan-
eously with theannouncement from
North Africa that the "captive" Ad-
miral Jean Darlan had ordered all the
French Colonials to lay down their
arms and return to barracks.
Turn to Page 6, Col. 1
War Geography
Fr. North Africa
French North Africa's pre-war pro-
duction of exotic fruits and tropical
foodstuffs is unlikely to lead anyone
to the conclusion that American ham-
mer blows against the area are being
dealt in the hope of adding greatly
to Allied stocks of strategic war ma-
Possessing Mediterranean agricul-
ture somewhat like that of southern
Spain, the oasts of -Algeria, Tunis,
and of Morocco are fairly lush lands
hoMeki h,' an1d esrts The area nro-


Tired Manpower Volunteers 'Working Heads Off'

Special to The Daily
CARO, Mich., Nov. 11.- Tired
Manpower Corps minutemen from
the University of Michigan have
won the hearts of tough, weather-
beaten farmers here by their cock-
sure "we'll finish the job before we
go" spirit.
All of the farmers know they
won't, of course, because there are
3,000 acres of sugar beets to be har-

kept the farmer himself and his 4
regular hands indoors.
A good day's work stiffens wrists,
tugs at back muscles and makes
finger joints ache. But when a far-
mer grins and asks if they are tired,
they refuse to admit it.
One thing every student isn't
afraid to admit, however, is that
he's hungry. The usual meal time
procedure here doesn't observe
Emily Post. It's boarding house

willingness to help out with the
dishes after supper, don't mind the
extra work at all. Mrs. Tom Smith
likes her boys so well that she
"wants to adopt all six of them."
And she wishes she had more. This
group is part of Sigma Alpha Mu
fraternity which sent all but three
of its members to tug sugar beets
Among other things, this trip has
proved that there are two kinds of

thin layers of ice into ankle-deep
mud that they had sloshed through
for two days. In spite of the mud
and cold, nine Pi Lams knocked
off an acre apiece in the two and
one-half days they worked.
This afternoon copies of The
Daily arrived here and were placed
in the lobby of Hotel Montague and
were quickly snatched up by the
beet pickers.
About 58 of the 143 volunteers in
tha r .nr nran. t.fnr Lw a nf 0

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