THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Third Year td and managed by students of the University of gan under the authority of the Board in Control udent Publications. lished every morning except Monday during th'e r University year, and every morning except Mon- ad Tuesday during the summer session. Member 'of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the >r republication of all news dispatches credited to otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights ublication of all other matters herein also reserved. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as d-class mail matter. scriptions during the regular school year by carrier by mail $5.25. iber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIJINd BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON - LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO "What if the Russians celebrate their 52nd anniversary, mein Fueh- rer? Be thankful we're still in Berlin." - ' f y.,r f ( Q3 AMA £teri to the (clittor t Editorial Staff, I er Swander on Mintz . Sapp ge W. Sallad6 . les Thatcher ard Hendel ara deFries cm Dann. ard J. Perlberg M. Ginsberg y Lou Curran Lindberg . es Daniels . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor * . Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Sports Editor Business Stafff . . . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . Women's Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager . . Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RONAY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily re writteg by members of The Daily staff nd represent the views of the writers only. CHINESE STUDENT ON INDIA:, Can This Be A People's War' If The East Is Merely To Serve The Western World?. (Editdr's Note: Paul Lim-Yuen has written this guest editorialion the Indian situation. It brilliantly " presents not only a Chinese viewpoint but one Which is held by millions of people of the United ations.) [THINK I share with my Indian friends, who must have been deep2ly pained at what had seemed a most imposing display of pernicious ab- surdities in Mr. Axelrod's editorial last Sunday, the sadness and despair at seeing such ideas ap- pear, not in any reactionary popular press, but 1ri the editorial pages of an American university newspaper. May I offer my opinion, born of the sensi- tivities that belong to one who is a youth of one of the other United Nations involved in this ;etical controversy? I do not hesitate to say, with bitter directness, that I am trying to play my part to destroy precisely the kind of think- ing that Mr. Axelrod appears to support. How happy the students of China would be, who have wrested, out of the last vestiges of life and hope in Free China the right and opportu- nity to struggle for a nobler, freer world regard- less of color or creed, to hear that even one among millions of his American colleagues has declared thdt there are peoples chronically unfit for that hoped-for kind of world, that the highest post- war aim for Asia must be to maintain the white man's burden in India, even though it meant the "trouble of shipping raw materials home." ONE MIGHT almost be mildly surprised at Mr. Axelrod's munificence toward the "deplora- bly bestial," etc. etc. Indians, for he concludes by saying that India must not be given freedom be- tause "it will be the dirtiest thing yet done to the dian people." Tragically enough, these 400 million "dis- united, poor creatures," are equally convinced, 'Whether Moslem or Hindu, that not to give them that freedom would-be the dirtiest thing yet done in this war while the "United" Nations go on professing to fight for a "people's cen- tury" everywhere. The dirtist deal to them was that the only crime in this fight against tyran- ny was the crime of directing it against the "wrong" master! Probably Mr. A. finds himself sufficiently well- nformed to justify -his looking haughtily upon he 400 million "filthy illiterates" with "mixed Aity and disgust," but perhaps he has not seen fit o compare his cultural heritage with that of the ionumental contribution of Mother India, from Vhom has sprung much of what he considers now o be "his" civilization. ERHAPS, too, when Mr. A. declares that "no ~ one has shown that freedom means much to he Indian people," (beyond identifying it with conomic betterment-did not too the American eople in 1776?) he should be prepared to answer ny intelligent Indian's pointed rejoinder, "What o your people know they are fighting for in this 'a*?" I trust it will not be too happy for Mr. A. to undertake to explain why it is not easy for him to answer that question as no one has yet defi- 0itely told him the answer, but he may venture to say that he at any rate, is in to "get it over Oith," that he has none of the perverted ense )f revolution that the Indian possesses, or ihat he sees fit only to fight for a world as he saw it, not as an Indian or any other "back- yard" people saw it. No, it isn't just Mr. A's specious argument that .sheartens me. It is more than that. It lies deep the fervent longing on my part to see in Ameri- others of my American friends. YOU HAVE NOT YET REVOLUTIONIZED YOUR THINKING AND THAT IS WHY YOU ARE NOT YET FIGHTING A REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Youstill think, among other things, that by some curious alchemy of Almighty God, He has made Indians and Burmese and Malayans to serve the purpose of the mighty West to win a struggle which you still like to call a "world" war and a "people's" war. It would do no good to remind you that there are in numbers twice as many Indian human beings as there are American and British human beings combined. If your position is entirely contrary to your whole ethical tradition, that doesn't seem to matter. When your Under-Secretary of State said that this is a war "to assure the sovereign equality of peoples throughout the world," he was merely, you surmise cynically, trying to gain the momen- tary needed support of other peoples for winning what you really think to be YOUR war alone. India is a great watchdog on the leash in your hands, to whom liberty is meted out according to whether you think the soulless creature will remain somnolent, bite its master, or bite its enemy. And you still talk of pitting Christian morali- ty in this war against Japanese and German paganism. SOMETIMES some of us must feel driven to the dark confusion that must have pervaded Jean- Christophe's mind when he decided that "every race has its hypocrisy. The world is fed with a little truth and many lies . . . truth is the same for all of us, but every nation has itsown lie, which it calls its idealism ..." My plea is simple. Please do not forget that the bitterest cries are the cries of crucified faith. Such are the cries coming to you from your allies in the East today. Mr. WIlkie's "reservoir of goodwill" cannot, indeed, last forever, and there is a new East to be built, crucial to the kind of world in which Mr. Axel- rod and all his compatriots may find it neces- sary to live. As for me, I shall keep on trying-and hoping. - Paul Lim-Yuen PERHAPS The U.S., Like India, Needs British Order' ALLAN AXELROD stated blandly in Sunday's Daily that India should not have its freedom, because they are "poor, hungry, filthy, illiterate, beastly and have vicious sex practices, racial ha- tred, and feudal theocracy after over a century of British rule. He also doesn't believe they are united although all first hand reports from India ' show that they are; in fact the British govern- ment thinks so much of their unity that they put all the strong leaders in jail and have killed hundreds of protesting citizens. He says that the situation could not be worse but that he can't see how any change would be an improvement. He likes things just the way they are ... Britain with a gun in India's back 'and revolution about to take place any minute. "British forces will no longer keep order," he cries. India has seen British order for over a cen- tury and we saw it too until we revolted and did exactly what India is doing today. We were a I'd Rather Be Right ByISAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK-This is not the time for, and I am no longer interested in, any quarrel with Secretary of State Hull as to whether he was right in continuing relations with Vichy so long. We shall take that up later, perhaps after the war, when we shall be able to marshal testimony from patriots inside France on this point. But please consider that the argument is not closed, that we old-time anti-Vichyites have not run shame-facedly to cover. We utter, with dignity, the word "Exception!" to Mr. Hull's boasting, and we leave the issue to the court of historical ap- peals. But I will say this: the wrong policy died the moment we took the offensive. In other words strategy has revised diplomacy. Looked at in the large, when we had no offensive strategy, we either chose to have, or (if Mr. Hull is right in claiming slyness before the fact) found it best to have, an ambiguous diplomacy. This tells us volumes about the single greatest truth of our time, which is that you either fight fascism or make friends with it. On Making Friends Whether you have something up your sleeve or not in making friends with fascism is almost beside the point. Slyness is niothing you can build a long-range foreign policy upon. Objec- tively, when we were not fighting Vichy France, we were attending Vichy French fetes, and beam- ing upon the celebration of the anniversary of Petain's "Legion," his one-party fascist organiz- ation, and we were propping Petain up from be- hind, and wiping his nose for him, and persuad- ing Frenchmen, in contradiction to fact, that he was not a cynical enemy of republicanism. Now, we may have meant none of this. Mr. Hull's case is that we didn't mean it. If no of- fensive had come along, we would still have to do it. If it had never come along, we'd always have had to do it. So, objectively, and taking out the doubtful element of slyness, the situation is exactly what we old-time anti-Vichyites said; you either fight Vichy fascism, or you support it; there is no middle course. Mr. Hull says we had to support Vichy France until we were ready to fight it, which is exactly what we have been saying, only we said: fight it. Who's Ashamed? So, if it is a question of who backed the mili- tant course, which has led to today's great events, we old-time anti-Vichyites will take no back seat in comparison with those who sought to throw the Fighting French out of St. Pierre and Miquelon. Anybody who thinks he is going to make us ashamed is over-excited, and too easily thrilled, and will be disappointed. Because, again looking at things in the large, it turns out that, so long as we did not take the offensive against Vichy fascism, we not only had to support Vichy fas- cism, but we had, actively, to oppose French anti-fascism. When things become so clear as that, we old-time anti-Vichyites can claim that the basic truths of our position were deeper truths, ,6nd truer truths, and more lasting truths than the basic truth on the other side, namely he assertion of slyness. I do not, as I say, want to go into all this too deeply right now, but when the suggestion is made that Americans who hated Vichy fascism not be a great help or hindrance to the British forces? Indian Students Protest To the Editor: T HE Editorial on India in The Mich- igan Daily of Sunday, Nov. 8th, 1942, disparaging and maligning In- dia's people and their culture displays either gross ignorance or distortion. Mr. Axelrod is apparently influenced by the type of information with which Catherine Mayo attempted to mis- guide the West about India. Every civilization has its faults, parallels to those he has meritioned against India being found in any other country, but it is only the most unfair mind that would take l y D RE W PEARSON WASHINGTON-Mrs. Roosevelt, talking to a friend some time ago, remarked that she didn't mind criticism of herself, regarding May- ris Chaney, the dancing girl, or anything else. But she said she did get depressed over the flood of anonymous letters she had receiv- ,ed about Franklin Jr., being "a slacker." Franklin Jr., had had an ap- pendicitis operation and was laid up for a while, but apparently the public did not realize what had happened. Mr. Roosevelt went on to say that her eldest son Jimmy had seen some very dangerous service with the Marine Corps commandos in Eng- land, and that Elliott had taken 18,000 photos flying low over the Libyan desert at great risk. Actually she could have gone much further with justifiable pride in reviewing the war record of her sons, for Franklin Jr., has seen more service in a field of danger than most men. He has been on a destroyer in the north Atlantic for a total of 18 months convoying ships to England and Iceland. Franklin is now a gunnery officer, lieutenant junior grade, age 28. John Roosevelt, the youngest son, age 26, is an ensign with a division of destroyers at San Diego, some- times at sea, sometimes ashore. Jimmy, age 34, is a major in the Marine Corps, having served with great bravery in the Solomon Is- lands, and had he not been the son of the President, undoubtedly would have been decorated. Un- fortunately his stomach ulcers have returned, he has lost 15 pounds, is as thin as Mahatma Gandhi and is confined to a West' Coast hos- pital. Don't Tell the Enemy Washington newspapers the other day carried a story about the death of Lt. Col. Philip N. Bush, an air corps officer, who died "in line of duty" while cleaning a .45 caliber automatic. However, here is the real story behind Col. Bush's death. Col. Bush was in the Yale Club in New York where he had a drink at the bar with one or two casual acquaintances. During the bourse of the conversation he expressed enthusiasm over the fact that he was leaving shortly for Africa, giv- ing the date of his departure. Friends say that while he was in- discreet he did not reveal any mili- tary secrets. At any rate, his conversation was reported to the Army by those who believed he had been indiscreet. Col. Bush was ordered confined to quarters at Bolling Field, Washing- ton. The next morning he was found dead, shot through the ab- domen. Note: Col. Bush came from an old, distinguished family. He had served with distinction in the last war, was a member of the famed Lafayette Escadnille. (Copyright, 1942, United Features Synd.) them as an index of a civilization. We would like to refer the writer to U.S.A. Representative to India, Col. Louis Johnson's, recent remark on India: "It is impossible for an. American like myself to come into your great country even for a short time without being at once im- pressed by the dignity and value of your venerable civilization." At a time when good will and re- sources of countries should be mobil- ized we feel that such a column as the one contributed by Mr. Axelrod is ill-advised and can engender only bitterness. His deliberate effort to discredit and minimize the import- ance of India in the war strategy does not serve the cause of the Allied Na- tions. The fact that Sir Stafford Cripps was sent to India on a special mission is itself a clear recognition of India being indispensible. Further, we would like to quote from the column. "Willkie demands Global Thinking" in the New York Times of Nov. 7, 1942, "One of the significant facts of the world today is the renaissance of the East. Not to recognize the possibili- ties of the awakened East is to accept Hitler's philosophy of a superior race." We would request the writer of'the editorial in a question to be better informed before attempting wittingly or unwittingly to use his influence over the student body in matters as vital as the Allied Cause or World Peace. It is deplorable that an article based on ignorance and written in coarse language should appear in The Daily. -Mercy Cornelius Francesca Thivy * * * Sun down To the Editor: SINCE my letter was published last Sunday concerning The Eve of St. Mark and Sundown, certain facts have been 1iresented to me 4y the au- thorities responsible for the choice of the play. Although The Eve of St. Mark, as I said, was released to this and other university and community theatre groups during September, an agreement had been made to produce Sundown before a reading copy of the Maxwell Anderson play was available to Play-Production of the Department of Speech as the copy was sent here during the absence in New York of the director of Play Production. --James Doll * * * Bitter-Sweet To the Editor: I CONGRATULATE YOU upon win- ning the Pacemaker Award again. Am surprised repeatedly at the range the vigor, and the cordiality you dis- play in the fast-moving schedule you all must keep. The sincerity you put into a cam- paign, while having its merit and in- fluence, must also bring you defeat occasionally, but that is part of a public education. Read Governor Van Wagoner's note congratulating the man who defeated him, writtenabout 5 a.m. on the fatal "morning after"- a classic in diplomacy. W The campus needs, at its heart, stu- dents who have conviction, courage and social passion. Give us those qualities and we will all learn togeth- er. These make a University respon- sive. I am proud of your attitude. Even when I differ radically on some given editorial, I appreciate your high purpose and like The Daily. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor 4n Religious Education * * * DAR Prodded To The Editor: HOWEVER one may interpret the past, we are certainly at the pres- ent moment living in a period of world history when the road of ideal- ism is the only practical road to travel. And unfortunately letter writer John Timms (Michigan Daily, Nov. 7) with his preference for "common sense" as contrasted with idealism, is not the only American to be unaware that such is the case. There is some prospect that the grinding force of events wil in time bring Americans generally to the real- ization that the Golden Rule is the only safe rule to live by if one chances to be interested in survival. If and when, for example, the ladies of the D.A.R. awaken to the fact that race discrimination serves to lengthenthe war, thus to increase the number of their own sons and grandsons who must die in the war, they can hardly consider their unidealistic treatment of Marian Anderson to have been characterized by common sense. Human brotherhood may make its way more rapidly than we now imag- ine through being seen as something not merely "nice" or "good" but as,a most practical policy for the sake of human survival. -Roy H. Holmes * * * The Yellow Plane To the Editor: WILL SOMEONE kindly stop that comic in the little yellow 'plane that flies over the stadium and pulls all sorts of .tricks over the heads of the spectators thus endangering the lives of , perhaps hundreds of them? Those that, would not be touched by the crash would be trampled by others. Can't you see the headlines that can be avoided: "Plane Crashes into Crowded Football Stadium Kill- ing Fifty, Injuring Scores"? Won't someone please inform the proper authorities? -Ruth Bennett * * * lDiscriminati*on At Princeton To the Editor: (of the Daily Princetonian) INFORMED of-the controversy over the admittance of Negro students to Princeton University, I deem it imperative that you weigh the views of a Negro youth whose choice of a college was decidedly affected by racial barriers. I was born and bred in Princeton. The events of your university during the past elecade are among the most'intimate of any childhood memories. I saw your Bill Bonthron challenge Glenn Cunning- ham. I cheered for Le Van, Fairman, and Ceppi when the Bengals were in- vincible. I feel that I am just as much a son of Old Nassau as many of you are. My plea is not the sob story of an irresponsible person who has committed a crime; although I may be considered criminal for destroy- ' ing, your fallacies and corrupting your illusions concerning \ the Ne- gro and "his place." I am making no appeal to your emotions; my only purpose is to authentically de- fine the desires of Negro youth and to eradicate any ideas concerning his complacenpy. If you discriminate against me be- cause I am uncouth, I can becme mannerly. If you ostracize me be- cause I am unclean, I can cleanse myself. If you segregate me because I lack knowledge, I can become ed- ucated. But if you discriminate against me because of my color! I can do nothing. God gave me my color. I have no possible protection against race prejudice but to take refuge in cynicism, bitterness, and hatred. Think on these things. -Andrew T. Hatcher DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) were in "error," that suggestion has to be answered, and promptly, and hard; for we are not going to admit it has ever been wrong to oppose fas- cism, anywhere, any time, any place . The truths which will win this war are on our side. We're Satisfied I give you, for example, Spain, which is led by a fascist named Fran- co. Because we have no policy for the liberation of Spain, we have just had to give Franco a guarantee that we will not touch his possessions. Such a guarantee, from democrats, is a handy thing for a fascist to have, and the old pattern begins to roll out again. We say (and Mr. Hull really says) that the issue, as 'regards Vichy f as- cism, was terribly confused and that it cleared up only when we decided. to give Vichy fascism a bust in the nose. In other words, if the offensive had never come along, the situation would never have been cleared up. We say that the basic issue in France was clear to us months and n~ras neaorsefoare it culd leve Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Ca- reers. These contests are both open to Seniors. Vogue's 8th Prix de ?'aris: First prize-a year's job on the editorial staff of Vogue. Second prize-$500 War Bond.: Cash prizes-for the five best con- test articles to be purchased and pub- lished in Vogue. Honorable mentions-the open ses.: ame to jobs with stores, publications and other firms. Entry blanks must be mailed not later than November 30th. Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Ca- reers: .Each of the 5 Fashion Fellowships is for the entire tuition for the year 1943-1944. The, Fellowships are. awarded competitively and judged by two papers to be written, as well as intelligence tests and your college record. Registration blanks and the First Paper are due December 5th. Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours Photographers-Wet plate, process and microfilm particularly needed; $1,440 to $3,800 a year. Motion Picture Technicians-Cam- eramen, film technicians, sound tech- nicians, projectionists - $1,440 to $3,800 a year. Aerial Photo Interpreters; $2,000 to $2,600. Safety Auditor Aides (open to wom- en only): Senior High Explosive Safety Audi- tor; $2,300. High Explosive Safety Auditor; $2,000. 4ssociate High Explosive Safety Auditor; $1,800. Graduate Nurses-Anesthesia, Gen- eral Staff Duty, Psychiatry: For the Panama Canal; $168.75 per month. For other Federal agencies; $1,800 a year. Agricultural Warehouse Managers (Cold & Dry Storage); $2,000 to $4,600 a year. Further information may be had from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and i