-- - -- w It 43UU 43ait!1 Weather Colder VOL. LHI No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Attack Smashes Casablanca Defc nses I Huge Parade Will Mark Armistice Today American Troops 25 Units To March kinReview I Outdoor Community Singing Will Conclude Impressive Program at Rackham Building Almost forgotten in a world agai torn by a globe-encircling war, the Armistice which ended the last wa will receive due commemoration a 10:10 a.m. today when more than 2 marching units, comprising some 3,900 students and townspeople, step off in Ann Arbor's most impressive Parade since 1918. Spectators to Sing After pausing momentarily or Main Street for a simple ceremon consisting of a moment of silence fol lowed by "Taps" and a three-volley salute, the mile-long procession wil parade past the reviewing stand, tc be located at the Allenel Hotel, and on to the steps of the Rackhan Building, where participants and spectators will mass their voices in ai outdoor community sing. Marching directly behind the par- ade - leading University Marching Band, an American Legion color To permit full student partici- pation, all University classes, with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed between 10 a.m. and noon today. Parade participants will be excused from clinics indi-- vidually. guard and members of the Veterans of Fbtegn Wars, representing units which sprarg out of the last war, will occupy the position of honor at the head of the parade. University students will have ample opportunity t view the procession, as the leading units -will form at State and Liberty streets and move to Main Street via State and Hill streets. The return will be made on Huron Street. Conceived and planned by student members of the ROTC cadet regi- mental staff, the parade is intended to give recognition to student and civic organizations participating ac- tively in the war effort, as well as to observe Armistice Day. Large ROTO Unit Largest of the participating' units will be the 1,200-man ROTC unit, which will be preceded on the march by a unit of Army men from the Judge-Advocate General school now being conducted in the Law Quad. Other marching ,units, in order of march, will be the NROTC, Michigan State Troops, Civilian Air Patrol, Ci- vilian Volunteer Defense Organiza- tion, Boy Scouts of America, Women's Rifle Club, Girl Scouts of America, Girls' Reserve, Ann Arbor High School Band; Ann Arbor High School physi- cal training group, Junior Chamber of Commerce, a mounted detachment, auxiliary policemen, auxiliary fire- Turn to Page 7, Col. 1 Ganoe Predicts Long War in Talkat IFC Banquet "All mathematical calculations point to a longer war-probably as long as 15 years, if we can rely on the value of logistics as against strategy and tactics," Col. William A. Ganoe, campus ROTC head, told nearly 7,50 fraternity men and pledges who as- sembled yesterday at the Union for the largest Interfraternity Council Pledge Banquet ever held. In a vigorous address he empha- sized the great number of island pos- sessions, particularly in the Pacific, to be regained .by the United States, and he told of how landing operations are the hardest and slowest of all. Citing only approximate figures, the colonel asked his audience, "If Ger- many, when she had a strength of 10 to 1 against England, had only a 15 per cent chance of crossing the Eng- lish Channel, how enormous are the Manpower Aid Hailed by Ruthven President Alexander G. Ruthven yesterday personally commended and congratulated the Manpower Mobilization Corps in an Armistice Day message. The text of Dr. Ruthven's mes- sage follows: 1 s"I take this opportunity to con- gratulate the Manpower Mobiliza- r ton Corps on its activities. The Corps is naturally working under difficulties. The acceleration in the programs of instruction and in phy- sical education makes unusual de- mands on the time of the students. That the Corps has directed sev- eral projects with success speaks both for the energy and enthusiasm of its members and the interest and . determination of the student work- ers." The University, calling the Corps "the Minutemen of the Campus," praised the Corps in a full-page advertisement that is on page eight of today's Daily. Midw est Gas Ban Postponed Dec. 1 Is New Date; Rations May Be Cut WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.- (A')- Gasoline rationing in the 31 states not now under ration control will be postponed from Nov. 22 to Dec. 1, OPA spokesman said today, while Secretary of the Interior Ickes warned that a .cut in the four-gallon value of ration coupons in the East may be necessary. The postponement of rationing in the West and Midwest is necessary because of hitches in the distribution of coupon books and forms over the country, OPA said. Ickes issued an extraordinary appeal to Eastern mo- torists, stating that unless civilian consumption is cut voluntarily to the irreducible minimum, he could "see no way in' which we can supply -enough gasoline to maintain the present value of coupons." AEF Requirements 'Enormous' Oil requirements of the American Expeditionary Force in North Africa will be "enormous," Ickes said in his capacity as Petroleum Coordinator for War, and the country's ability to keep supplies flowing to that war front and to Great Britain is "largely dependent upon cutting down our consumption here." An OPA official whose name must be withheld said one of the prime rea- sons for the general postponement of rationing was the fact that 20 tons of coupon books were held up at the airport in Oakland, Calif., having been denied cargo space priority over shipments of other goods. Some of these books, it was stated, still are waiting in Oakland, a primary distri- bution point for western states. Registration Dates Delayed In addition to the postponement of actual rationing in the West and Midwest, some states have announced delay in the dates of registration at public school houses. OPA regional offices were authorized to order de- lays from Nov. 12-14 inclusive to Nov. 18-20 in areas where books and forms were not being received in time to meet the earlier registration dates. * * * Where U.S. Forces Push Second Front '' < STATUTE MILES, FRANCE 'IId4 osLAVIA TOULON : .ITALY PORTUGAL :: b- ALBE S PAINediterranean ARLBNI S PA IN * i s SARDINIA 1 Sea GIBRALTAR SICILY SPANISH:..~..ALGIERS TUNIS. .MOROCCOM ORANALTA: TUNISIA RABAT CASABLANCA% ... SAFI + MOGADOR *TRIPOLI MARRAKECH f L ERABENGASI VV {IC HY * Major developments in French North Africa in cluded: On the west coast of Morocco losses were inflicted on the Vichy Navy at Casablanca (1), with U.S. landings at Adadir, Mogador and Safi; Tunis (3) granted the U.S. forces permission to pass through French Tunisia (dotted arrow), apparently to strike eastward toward the Axis force retreating from Egypt; North Coast of Algeria (2), Algiers and Oran, captured. Beet Workers La bornMud, Icy Wind - - - - -- - Advancing Forces Seize 500 Miles of Coastline as Offensive Continues LONDON, Nov. 10.-k)-United States Expeditionary Armies wiped out effective resistance along 500 miles of Africa's western Mediterranean coast today with conquest of Oran, Algeria's second city, and a German report said the Bey of Tunis had granted President Roosevelt's request. for the passage of American troops to Axis Libya. On the Atlantic coast the resistance of Casablanca, chief city of Mor- occo, was fast crumbling under all-out naval and air assault by U.S. Rear Admiral H. K. Hewitt's heavy warships and dive-bombers and from Ameri- can armored columns which had infiltrated the city's eastern suburbs with tanks. Rabat, the normal seat of French power in Morocco, on the coast above Casablanca, evidently was isolated and evacuated by the Vichy com- mander, Gen. Auguste Nogues. . , Hence it appeared that in a matter of hours the United States Armies would be in effective control of all French North Africa, save for Eastern Algeria and Tunisia. American contingents evidently were well on their way to Libya, either through Tunis or around it, although the report of the Bey's acquiescence was received with some reservetihere, lest it be merely an attempt to justify the movement of Axis troops into Tunisia. Time and time again today, Vichy's radio insisted that "all is calm" in eastern and central Algeria and Tunisia.- Some broadcasts, however, re- ported fighting at Blida, 25 miles in- land from Algiers. r To S d Deep in the desert from conquered Algiers, American columns were re- En isted M enported strikingsoutheast on a Enuste i M enstraight line toward Axis Tripoli, in- S. tending to by-pass the main defenses to U niverstiesof Tunisia and deal finally with the German-Italian enemy -in Africa, Darlan Is Prisoner War Department Plan The chief of all the Vichy armed To Open about Feb. 1 forces, Admiral Jean Darlan, was def- initely a prisoner of Gen. Dwight D. WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.- (M)- A Eisenhower at Algiers, receiving, in War Department plan for sending the words of an Allied spokesman, thousands of uniformed soldiers to "all the consideration due his rank." college, with an active duty status, to Old Marshal Petain, stubbornly re- meet Army and possibly civilian re- peating his order for resistance, took quirements for specialists and other over the disorganized and melancholy college trained men was announced defense of all French North Africa on the House floor today by Repre- that is left to the Vichy elements. sentative Sparkman (Dem. - Ala.), There were rumors that Germany military committee member. 5 had loaned him Field Marshal Erwin The men would be under military von Witzleben, one-time attacker of control, the Army would prescribe the Maginot Line, and that the Ger- their courses and pay the costs of man Marshal had reached North Af- their schooling, Sparkman said. rica to act as Vichy Field Coi- This program is expected to be ini- mander. tiated about Feb. 1, 1943. Principal Americans Infiltrate Outskirts courses would include medical train- Official Allied headquarters ac- ing, engineering and science. counts of the fall of Oran said that No estimate was given by the army the American forces, with tanks, field of the number of men to be affected, artillery and mortars, had begun to but one educator privately "guessed" infiltrate the outskirts at 7:30 a.m. at 100,000. in a general attack. Turn to Page 6, Col. 1 By ROBERT PREISKEL and ROBERT MANTHO Special to The Daily CARO, Mich., Nov. 10.- Student beet pickers backed up a "no, we're here to work" answer made to farmers who wanted to keep them indoors to- day by pulling and topping beets for 'eight hours in weather "that would have chased ordinary hired hands out of the fields." And because bad wea- ther slowed them down almost a day, most of the beet workers intend to take advantage of the University's offer "to stay another day and clean up the sugar beets." Plenty of Rain It rained all night here and early this morning the rain turned to sleet. But students got up before daylight "to do a bang up job" of harvesting beets that would have rotted in the ground before two more weeks. 143 of them worked in ankle deep mud on 27 farms here, piling white sugar beets in neat stacks while an icy wind from Saginaw Bay whipped sleet around their ears, mud, thick and sticky and heavy, covered work pants and windbreakers, slopped over ankles, clung tight to rubbers, and] made "slewfooted" students wish they had snowshoes on. Farmer Harry Rohlfs said of the Manpower volunteers that "they were all green but the spirit was good enough to do a real swell job here," and that opinon was seconded by ev- ery farmer who reported to Bob John- son, Manpower field man stationed here. For many of the students it was their first contact with farm work. At Joe Knepper's farm near Cass City, students refused to call it a day after their hours and Farmer ,Knepper had to plead with them to a fit. Weary Manpower Corps workers now harvesting sugar beets in the Thumb area can stay there through Thursday, instead of Wednesday as previously planned, University offi- cials decided yesterday. The day's extension was granted to make up for time lost by Monday's heavy rain. students said afterwards that the "work is pretty tough but it's our best chance so far to help win the war- and we mean to do a good job." For farmers here this spirit is some- tMing new. Usually they have to argue with their men and "keep pushing them" every day, in one farmer's words.I At Farmer Gray's farm near here, most of University volunteers are from New York. One of them had never seen a farm before in his life and when the day's work in the field was over he led the rest of the gang down to the barn to "help with chores." In the process, he dropped a bag of grain and spilling its contents all over floor, muttered: "The farmers House P asse 18-19 Draft Bill, WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.- ()- Backing up the War Department, the House overwhelmingly gave its final approval today to teen-age draft legislation stripped of a proposal that would have required at least a year of training before 18 and 19-year-old draftees could be sent into combat. On a voice vote it approved and sent to the Senate for expected accep- tance Thursday a compromise worked out by a Senate-House committee after the two branches had split on the training requirement originally written into the legislation by the Senate. The compromise, intended to break a deadlock of almost a month's dura- tion, left in the legislation provisions for the deferment of essential farm workers and high school students and for the exemption from the draft of men who have passed their 45th. birthday, provided they do not wish to be drafted. Original Proposal Out It eliminated an original House pro- posal that would have put drafting on a statewide instead of a local board basis. This section had been written into the bill by the House to prevent married men within the jurisdiction of one board from being drafted while there were available single men in the reserve pools of other boards in the same state. The conferees struck it deserve 110 per cent parity after this one." Out to protect students all the way, the Manpower Corps caused the transfer of six workers from one -farm to another today after they com- plained of "potatoes for breakfast, for lunch, for supper, all the time pota- toes." Six men working at Lounsbury farm just out of Cass City liked the work well enough to offer their pay to Mr. Lounsbury. Good Work by All- Hack Kellner, field man at Cros- well, reported that conditions there are the same as here. He said that the "fellows worked well although they were hampered by the weather." In St. Louis the weather is even worse. Field man Dick Dick reported, "It was so bad here, that the men had to quit after a couple of hours." Bob Wendling's report from Lan- sing was more favorable. There stu- dent laborers put in a full day. Mounting, Jap Setbacks Seen WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.-(R)-The Japanese will have an increasingly difficult time from now on in rein- forcing their troops on Guadalcanal Island, Lieutenant General Thomas Holcomb, Marine Corps Commandant, predicted today upon his return from an inspection trip to that distant Pacific battleground. American Army and Marine forces defending the Guadalcanal airfield already outnumber the enemy on the island, Holcomb said, but the Japs have been sending in reinforcements totalling about 900 men every other day. "Trying to stop their reinforce- ments is like punching a feather bed," the General said, "as they just send in more. But I think things are shaping up. so that there will be more inter- ruptions to these reinforcements in the future." He did not say how the "interrup- tions" would be brought about-whe- ther by heavier air or naval action or a combination of both. New Guinea Battle A pproaches Climax HEADQUARTERS OF GENERAL MacARTHUR, Australia, Nov. 11.' (Wednesday)- (A)- The battle for Oivi, 55 miles from the northeastern New Guinea coast, between Japanese and Allied ground forces now is ap- proaching the decisive stage, the High r m a ri Aa ,,nr . tviv, t nr a ' British 'Pound at Axis Armies , African Corps Faces Annihilation in Libya CAIRO, Nov. 10. - ()- Britain's grimly pursuing Eighth Army poun- ded on at the tattered remnants of the Axis Africa Corps inside the Lib- yan border today, threatening to wipe out the last of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's forces even before the Americans could close in on them from the west. British armor racing to cut off the wildly fleeing Nazis was expected to skirt Halfaya Pass in an effort to pin the survivors against the coast, and tonight it was thought probable the pursuing tanks were roaring along in the vicinity of Tobruk, whence the British were ousted ignominiously in Rommel's push last June. One body of Nazis, caught perhaps by road blocks as their, comrades plunged across into Libya, was being engaged along the coastal road inside Egypt, between Sidi Barrani and the border outpost of Salum. The Allied Air Force operating from new advance fields has been giving the enemy no peace as he flees along the coast road." Men's Congress Plans Bomber Scholarship Aid Twenty-three house presidents of campus cooperatives and dormitories met yesterday in the Men's Congress offices to consider plans for raising Bomber Scholarship money by asses- sing house social functions. Representing upwards of 2,000 un- affiliated men the presidents met at the suggestion of the Student War Board to hear Norton Norris, presi- New Allied Armada Grows at Gibraltar By The Associated Press LONDON, Nov. 10.- Reports from France tonight said anotherpowerful fleet of United Nations warships and a great number of merchantmen are gathering at Gibraltar, -while throughout European waters and in the Atlantic Naval activities were re- ported on a vast scale. Off 'Casablanca h avyweights of the United States Navy were maneu- vering, pounding short batteries, cov- ering landing operations and enga- ging units of the French ieet. Reports from the continent said some of the vessels of that portion of the French fleetstationed at Toulon had slipped off into the Mediterra- nean. There was speculation as to whether they were heading for the vicinity of Bizerte in Tunisia, through which American land forces proposed to advance on what is left of Field Marshal Rommel's force in Libya. Axis Heads Confer with Laval in Rome LONDON, Nov. 10.- (P)- Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were re- ported in a huddle with Pierre Laval in Rome tonight, urgently pondering some desperate counter-stroke to off- set the smashing American coup in North Africa which exposed all south- ern Europe to Allied attack. The desperation of the situation facing the Axis chieftains and their puppet was emphasized by Prime Minister Churchill's outspoken decla- ration today that the North African action was only the preliminary to a grand assault upon them. Offieial confirmation of the re- ported Rome meeting was lacking, but the so-called architects of the Michigan Motorists To Register Nov.18 DETROIT, Nov. 10.- (A)- Regis- tration of Michigan motorists for gas- oline ration books was postponed to- day until Nov. 18, a few hours before the Office of Price Administration at Washington announced nationwide rationing of gasoline would not start until Dec. 1. Originally, registration had been scheduled to begin Thursday, with actual rationing set for Nov. 22. Under the revised plans, motorists will register on Nov. 18, 19 and 20, a delay of six days from the previous date, while actual start of rationing New Action Is Seen on Russo-Nazi Front MOSCOW, Nov. 11. (Wednesday)- (A)- Military operations along the, Russian front dwindled almost to skirmish level today and foreign ob- servers speculated that the Germans might be re-grouping for a new major blow at the Red lines now holding firmly from the Baltic to the Black Sea. The heaviest engagement yesterday was fought along the Black Sea coast northeast of Tuapse but there the invaders struck with relatively light forces and were promptly hurled back, the Russians said. In Stalingrad there was sharp fighting but in comparison with the masses of troops the Germans were throwing against the Volga strong- hold a few weeks ago today's clashes