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November 08, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-08

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Fifty-Third Year
ed and managed by students of the University of
gan under the authority of the Board in Control
uident Publications.
lished every morning except Monday during the
r University year, and every morning except Mon-
n1d Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
>r republication of all news dispatches credited to
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ublication of all other matters herein also reserved.
ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
d-class mail, matter.
script ons during the regular school year by carrier
by mail $5.25.
iber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff

M..'' .y . .+k~ .r R P l + i. f x . "a '' ^'.en.. . L""l ' °

to e

Daily Edits Attacked . .
To the Editor:
T HE READERS of Thursday's
Daily were made "pretty pain-
fully aware" of not one or two, but
three editorializing columnists who
harped in a rather sour key about
Tuesday's election. In short, many

er Swander
ton Mintz .
LSapp .
rge W. Sallad6
ries Thatcher
hard Hendel
bara deFries
on Dann.

. Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
* . City Editor
. -Associate Editor
- - Associate Editor
*. Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Associate Sports Editor
* Business Manager

Business St

'ard J. Perlberg
3 M. Ginsberg
y Lou Curran
e Lindberg .
es Daniels .

. Associate Business Manager
* Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Publications Sales Analyst

Telephone 23-24-1:
Ptorials published in The Michigan Daily
e written by members of The Daily staff -
d represent the views of the writers only.

White Man's Burden
[s Post-War Solution

(OR MANY YEARS Americans and Europeans
have heard only that India is a nation of
ithy illiterates, that India is a dark-age feudal
heocracy. We have heard that India is a smold-
ring hotbed of racial hatred. We have heard
>nly of unspeakable beastiality, and deplorably
ricious sex practices, of everything which makes
he Indians an object of mixed pity and disgust.
We have heard of Gandhi, who has a fairly
absolute religious control over some Hindus,
and of a fascist landlord Moslem League.
We have heard that where the British policy
has not been selfish it has been stupid.
We know that when you speak of India you
speak of 400 million of the most degraded
people in the world.
To prove otherwise is the task of anyone
calling for Indian freedom on the ground that
India is one of the crucial points of the Far
Eastern campaign, and that the Indians have
contributed little or nothing to the war for
world democracy.
Mr. Fischer says that the Indian contribution
as been negligible because the Indians hate the
iritish; that when you ask an Indian what he
,7inks of Britain, he says, "I'm hungry." He
ays that the situation in terms of the war could
Lot possibly be worse in India, and that the
nly way in which we could gain any measure
f support from them is to grant freedom now.
'here will be no Moslem problem, he says; Brit-
in will suffer no diminution of military control.
&s Mr. Fischer sees it, we must win the war, and
ie Indians will not help unless they are free.
SND TO GET' India free the American people
are to write their Congressmen, and America
to pressure Britain for this policy.
The situation must be looked at from two
oints of view, war and post-war. In terms of .
the war, we agree that the situation could not
be' worse. No one has proved that it could
be much better. Mr. Fischer used an Indian
amily as indication that the Indian people
ao follow Gandhi. We think that is largely
rue. But they follow Gandhi not as a political
eader, and they follow Gandhi now, because
hey want bread. f
No one has shown that freedom means
uch to the Indian people, and no one has
own that they share Gandhi's long-felt and
acere nationalistic idealism. Until this is
'oven of the India which we have known, we
nnot see that freedom will mean much more
pport of the British. Add to this the fact that
e Congress party comprises some two millions,
very potent and vociferous group, but not a
rge fraction of the 400 million Indian people.
'HEN, in terms of the war, the best for which
we can hope from India is the support of
o millions of the Congress party, and what-
er other, Indians are in the Gandhi political
bit.i We have no idea how many there are;
til someone proves otherwise we canot but
lieve that there aye few.
Assume we have freed India at a small bene-
t to the war, and we have won the war. How
ien will we be able to adjust India to a demo-
ratic world?
[ndia will be free, and British forces will no
Lger keep order; the India we have known will
ak into the most vicious internecine warfare
seen. The India we have yet known is not
Gable of social progress. The dominance of a
graded religion demands a white man's burden.
cept that we think that after the war a white
n's burden will mean more than the trouble
shipping raw materials hom.e. If the United
tes can force the British to grant India free-
n, then the United States could force the

WASHINGTON- Very slowly, naval airmen
are coming into important battle positions
in the Navy. But it has been a long pull and they
still have a long way to go.
Illustrative of the tough row they have had to
hoe is the fact that airman A. E. Montgomery,
recently promoted to be an admiral; and Capt.
Miles R. Browning, now chief o staff of Admiral
Halsey's fleet around the Solomons, only a few
years ago were slated for retirement.
The baftleship boys in the Navy had passed
them over, and they were headed for the naval
dump-heap. Now, however, they are doing some
of the best work in the Pacific.
On Feb. 25, 1939, THE WASHINGTON MER-
RY-GO-ROUND disclosed that about 50 aviators,
most of them World War fliers, but not Annapo-
lis graduates, were on the purge list, because
they had reached the dangerous age for flying
and were unskilled at commanding a battleship.
Publicity on this proposed purge, plus a bill intro-
duced by Senator Walsh of Massachusetts, finally
saved these fliers. Otherwise they might not be
in the Navy today.
Here is the list, published by THE MERRY-
GO-ROUND in 1939, and showing what became
of the fliers after publicity halted the purge:
Captain John H. Towers, now vice admiral for
air in the Pacific.
Commander A. E. Montgomery, formerly execu-
tive officer for air at San Diego, now a comman-
dant at Corpus Christi, Texas.
Lt. Comdr. David Rittenhouse, winner of the
Schneider Cup, who got fed up with the battle-
ship boys and resigned to turn out torpedo
planes for Grumman.
Lt. Comdr. Howard Brow, winner world speed
record 1922, now inspector of naval aircraft at
Voight factory, Bridgeport, Conn.
Lt. Comdr. Andrew Crinkley, now naval atta-
che in Mexico. ,
Lt. Comdr. R. D. Lyons, wprld war ace, now
executive officer at Corpus Christi.
Lt. Comdr. Henry Stanley, racing pilot, now
executive officer Floyd Bennett field.
Another important naval ace, Comdr. Eugene
Wilson, resigned some time ago and is now head
of United Aircraft and the guiding genius of
Alaskan Oil Scandal . ..
MOST interesting fact behind the whole thing,
however, is that more than a year ago, Ickes
proposed to Secretary of the Navy Knox that the
Navy, in cooperation with the Interior Depart-
ment, finance an independent oil operator in
drilling for oil in Alaska.
The plan was proposed to Ickes by famous
Brain Truster Tom Corcoran, who pointed out
that geological surveys showed oil just north of
the Anchorage naval base. This could be tapped,
and in case of war with Japan, would supply.
oil to the Navy without a dangerous haul by tank-
Corcoran also proposed to Ickes, who in turn,
passed the proposal on to Secretary Knox, that
oil could be sent by barge down the Yukon
River, through Bering Strait, and up the Lena
River in Siberia to the Trans-Siberian Railway.
Then, in case of war with Japan, the United
States would be able to supply gasoline to its cer-
tain ally, Russia, for bombing operations against

I'd Rather
L Be Right_
NEW YORK-I note that some are asking for
a national Food Director. It is a thoughtless re-
quest. That is the way a democracy cries for
mother. Find the nice man, and he will fill your
coffee cup.
it will not work. A Food Director cannot ob-
tain men to work on farms, unless the Manpower
Director lets him have it. He cannot fill ships
with coffee unless the war shipping directors
permit it. He can direct from before breakfast
until late at night, but he cannot increase our
food supply significantly unless he is made
superior to all other directors, including the gen-
eral staffs of Army and Navy.
Each Must Be Boss
Each of our national directors is in somewhat
the same peculiar fix.
Let the armed forces yank too many potential
workers, and there goes Rubber Director Jeffers'
program. To be absolutely sure of his ability to
make rubber, Mr. Jeffers would have to have the
power to tell the Army when to stop inductions.
Obviously, he cannot be given that power.
* Economic Stabilization Director Byrnes can be
knocked higher than a kite, if the armed services
take too many men from high-pay jobs, and if
low-pay workers flow into those jobs, altering
the wage average.
The metal directors were able to stop the oil
director from directing oil last year by refusing
to give him steel for a pipe line. (They have just
loosened up on poor Mr. Ickes, after a year.) It
didn't really matter, on this issue, whether Mr.
Ickes was a good oil director, or a bad one, a
demon executive or a sleepyhead. The net result
would have been the same, no pipe line.
Just a Way-Station
Actually, the cry for more and more Directors,
Czars and Administrators is a cry for miracles,
a cry against planning. I think the sudden new
emphasis on executive ability as the way out is
not a final stage in our war effort, but only a
way-station. It may waste much time for us.
For if each director cannot really direct unless
he can curb all the others, we are forced back to
the one director who is in that position, the Pres-
ident. He, or one single delegate, must, with
heavy but impartial hand, ordain that so many
men will go into the Army and Navy; so many
others will be reserved for industry and agri-
culture; so much metal will go to the Navy, and
not an ounce more;so much of our steel will go
to war,, and so much will stay home; so much
petroleum will be used for rubber, and so much
Once we had such an over-all pln, handed
down from above, we would finally be able to
test our executives, and tell whether they are
good fpr something or good for nothing. In the
absence of plan, it is impossible to tell good exec-
utives from bad ones.
How can we judge them now? They are not
carrying out specific tasks. Each is a broker for
his own section of the war effort. The Navy's
job is to get as much steel for the Navy as pos-
sible. It does so. That is good. But that meant
no pipe line last year, and we lost enough steel,
in the shape of sunken tankers, to have built
more than a third of the line. That is bad. Are
our Navy executives good executives? How can
We tell? If someone upstairs had said to the
Navy: "You get so much steel, take it and see
what you can do with it," we would have a way
of judging.

students feel that such an attitude
as displayed by Morton Mintz, "Tor-
quemada," and Homer Swander does
not represent or even approach the
majority thought on our campus.
Mr. Mintz cynically doubts the
capabilities of American voters. He
speaks of the Americans who are
ready to die "rather than sit down
and honestly reason out an issue"-
Mr. Mintz's style. Mr. Swander won-
ders at "the complete stupidity, the
blind, disgusting, unreasoning ignor-
ance of the American people." Those
are flattering words to you and me.
I've heard a mild tale of woe from
some Republicans, in the last ten
years, but never have I heard such
an out and out statement of lack of
faith in America and democracy! And
from .a self-styled liberal of the
stripes of Homer Swander! Can it be
possible that Homer Swander is a
liberal and a believer in democracy
and free elections just so long as
they go his way?
The Republicans have complained
of vice, machines. macing, and the
vote Democratic-or-else-relief vote.
But Homer Swander does better than
that. "Liberal" Mr. Swander says
Americans are blind, stupid, disgust-
Domie Sa
home and family as well as the
education of youth in the meaning
of life associations comes within the
domain of religion. But parents and
pastors, apparently being isolated
from available knowledge and slow to
adapt the findings of medical and
social science, have often allowed
themselves to be restricted to the final
ceremonies and the formal aspects of
marriage. Every youth should secure,
for himself the thought of a clergy-
man on these basic social issues.
In the interpretation of the church,
marriage is entered into to establish
a home, to rear one's own children,
to perpetuate spiritual values and to
continue the virility of the culture.
Marriage is a sacrament celebrated
under guidance of the priest, rabbi,
or pastor, and is not to be entered
into unadvisedly, but "reverently, dis-
creetly and in the worship of God."
This view presupposes an education in
religion and morals, a disciplined be-
havior as to soul, mind and body, and
a definite dedication of the self to
high religious purpose.
ROMANTIC marriage in American
life, moving far from the parental
system of mating, prevails in the mind
of many families and self expression
takes the place of reverent search for
the Divine Will. The results are faulty
selection of mates, frequent divorce,
growing juvenile delinquency, experi-
mentation where consecration should
hold sway, and a vulgar attitude bred
by well-meaning persons who are re-
ligiously illiterate. Not only does this
lack of appreciation of spiritual values
and a failure to understand the beau-
ties of a romantic loyalty injure fam-
ily life; it discolors all group experi-
ence, for the family patterns tend to
determine all other patterns.
Unless we can arrest the movemenf
toward freedom for its own sake, halt
the present trend of war marriages,
and challenge youth to commit them-
selves to the ideal of the church, the
present emergency, speeding up every
social trend, may bring America out
of the war with family life depleted,
education retarded and our national
fiber ruined. Religion, whether viewed
as the morality of God running be-
neath all other reality and forming
the basis for human behavior or as
the ideal toward which men, by trial

and error plus scientific experimenta-
tion, grope their way in faith, would
seem to have the true perspective for
marriage in a democratic society.
-Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor
in Religious Education

ing, ignorant, and without powers
of reason. Truly, the "Pointed Pen"
jabbed America in the heart in
Thursday's Daily.
Then Mr. Mintz bemoans the
loss of 81-year-old Senator Norris
of Nebraska. Everyone will agree
that the nation will miss Senator
Norris, but weare also missing
Abraham Lincoln and Thomas
Jefferson due to the ravages of
time. The good senator had de-
cided to retire. A friend, one Fos-
'ter May, then aspired to his seat;
but then Senator Norris changed
his mind at the last moment. By
this time it was difficult for Mr.
May to back out of the contest.
The result was a three-way race
won by Mr. Wherry; whose only
sin known to Mr. Mintz and me
is that he happens to be a Re-
Mr. Mintz should also remember
that Mr. Norris is the senator from
Nebraska, and as such he is responsi-
ble only to the voters of that state.
Nebraskans have in the past ex-
hibited excellent ability to choose
the best man. Let's reserve our judg-
ment and see if Mr. Wherry is a bet-
ter or poorer senator. Surely Mr.
Mintz will agree that an election is
not always a choice between a scoun-
drel and a statesman. Too often
both candidates are scoundrels, and
too rarely both are honest and capa-
ble men. Michigan voters had the
unusual opportunity of choosing be-
tween Senator Brown and Homer
Ferguson, both of whom are ex-
tremely well qualified for the post.
Perhaps the petter man did ; win.
At least Mr. Mintz should grant him
the opportunity (already given by
the Michigan electorate) to prove or
disprove his value. And if Senator
Brown is such a fine man (and I be-
lieve he is), +then there Are other
posts in democracy's fence which he
can fill.
I agree with Mr. Mintz that
"Congress itself, by its recalci-
trance and stupidity, has increased
the danger of a dictatorship." Yet
Congress is still' run by the ma-
jority party. What party was dom-
inant in the 77th Congress? That
was 'the Congress that Raymond
Clapper and others were condemn-
ing. That was the Congress that
the American people criticized and
nearly condemned in the election
Tuesday! How Mr. Mintz can
blame such stupidity and inertia
of a Congress on the minority
party is beyond comprehension.
ils arguments are almost laugh-
able, yet typical of the arguments
of your editorial staff.
Mr. Mintz then deplores the en-
trance of the racket-busters into
the American political scene, such
awful men as Homer Ferguson and
Tom Dewey. Why, Mr. Mintz, are
racket-busters gaining favor? Sim-
ply because the public is sick and
tired of rackets and political ma-
chines like Mayor Hague's of Jersey
City (Vice-chairman of Democratic
National Committee), -the . Kelly-
Nash steamroller, and the now re-
cently defunct Pendergast machine
in Kansas City. And there are many
more. Detroit and Pittsburgh are
nearly a's notorious in this respect.
Mr. Mintz deplores the fact that
"Greece (N.Y.) is always Republi-
can." Ah yes, and does he forget
that Jersey City and Chicago and
Detroit and Pittsburgh and the "Sol-
id South" are ALWAYS Democratic?
And those of us who do not tol-
erate such machines, who did not
favor war until we were attacked;
but - who are the most vigorous
supporters of the war now that
we are in it until victory-we are
"Dunderheads." That is known as
emotional name-calling. Now we'll
stoop ,to his level and do some
naming of our own.' Let's call his
"recalcitrant (Democratic) Con-
gress" and the various stumbling
czars of production who require

nine months of war to make up
their minds what ought-to be done
to get rubber and oil and raw ma-
terials, let's name them Fumble-
America is doing a magnificent
job in the war when you consider
the bureaucratic Fumblebugs in
Washington who dictate rather than
.ead the people. Homer Swander and
Morton Mintz should read the hand-
writing on the pow scribbled wall.
-- ohn A. Adams, '43

To the Editor:
"HEROIC and heartbreaking," "The
effect is as honest as it is over-
whelming," "Touched with the eter-
nal magnificence of great tragedy,"
"It is a drama without doubts. It
celebrates, vigorously, our cause and
our men. It celebrates the lasting
virtues of fidelity and courage. It
makes these qualities exciting, as es-
sentially they always are," "a warm
and human document."
No, these phrases were not writ-
ten of John Lewis Bumm's "Sun-
down" as performed last night at
the Mendelssohn but by New York
critics of Maxwell Anderson's "The
Eve of St. Mark," which might have
opened the season for Play Pro-
duction of the Department of
The Eve of St. Mark was offered Uni-
versity theatres all over the country.
Dozens have either played it or an-
nounced it for production simultane-
ously with the New York production
and with the production announced
to open soon for a long tour. Play
Production of the Department of
Speech, having a choice between the
excellent and the worse-than-medi-
ocre, chose the latter.
IN TIMES of great crisis the theatre
has two choices-to dramatize
pertinent material in terms of the
magic of which the theatre is so
capable, or to present plays which
shall give us pause from our prob-
lems. Sundown does neither.
On the banality, the cheap sac-
charine sentimentality, the lack of
realistic characterizations, the neg-
lect of climax as a dramatic devise,
your reviewers have already com-
mented. They might, reasonably,
have mentioned its defeatist atti-
tude. For when the author rushes
into the future he succeeds only
in' projecting present-day youth
into the 1910 world of Galsworthy.
Especially regrettable was 'the
wasted effort of sincere actors who
did their best with Mr. Brumm'sem-
barrassing Variorum edition of cli-
- ches from every second-to-tenth
rate play and novel of the last few
decades. The same efforts applied to a
more honest script would not, surely,
have made a theatre experience be-'
low the standard of Play Production's
WE MAY perhaps expect to see The
Eve of St. Mark on Play Produc-
tion's program. next semester-the
program for the rest of the semester
having already been annunced. But
events move so fast that what is
pertinent today may have only his-
torical significance tomorrow. Play
Production of the Department, of
Speech has so far muffed its chance
to show the value of the theatre in a
world at war.
It has chosen Sundown instead of
the play of which Howard Barnes of
The New York Herald-Tribune has
said: "Maxwell Anderson has writ-
ten straight from the heart in The
Eve of St. Mark. The result is a war
drama of emotional intensity, humor
and poetic splendor. "It is simple in
design. It is sternly tragic in themfie.
These very qualities make it a play
which does the stage proud . . . Here
is something more than a fine war
play, I think. It is touched with the
eternal magnificence of great trag-
rug of Gamma Delta, Lltheran Stu-
dent Club, at St. Paul's Church,. W.
-Liberty at Third. Discussion, "What
About the Wartime Marriage?"
Trinity Lutheran Church services
will be held at 10:30 a.m. Suday,
Rev. H. O. Yoder speaking on "Calm-
ness and Faith Amid Confusion an
Zion Luthera. Chliurch services will
be held at 10:30, Vicar Elmer Chris-
tiansen speaking on "Your Biogra-

The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, at the
Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington.
Dr. C. P. Harry, Secretary of the
Board of Education of the United
Lutheran Church, will be the guest
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation. Student Class at 9:30
a.m. Morning Worship Service at
10:40. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach
on "CommUNITY."' Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 6:00 p.m. WillianrMuehl,
'44L, will speak on "Enemies of Chris-
tianity." Fellowship hour and, sup-
per following the meeting.
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will meet this afternoon at 4:30
in the Fi eside Room of Lane Hall.
Topic for the program: "Is Christi-
anity Thinkable?" Mr. Leonard Ver-
duin will speak. Faculty and stu-
dents are welcome. -
Unity: Sunday service at 11:00 a.m.
led by Frances Way Newton, Young
Peoples (student) Group at 6 o'clock.
Regular Monday night Study Group
at 8 o'clock Monday. All meetings are
held in the Unity Reading' Rooms,

(Continued from Page 3)

metal he could have. We could then
see, in time, how good Wickard is.
But Wickard has to wrestle with -Se-
lective Service ; Selective Service has
to wrestle with Manpower Director
McNutt. In the context of these
struggles the quest for demon execu-
tives and boy wonders is a pious
prayer for miracles.
But upstairs, they would have to
know what kind of war we are going
to fight.
It all goes back to that. Ten thou-
sand farms may be abandoned in,
Minnesotabnext year, for lack of
workers, because no decision was

Bible Class for University Students
at 8:30 a.m. under the direction of
Mr. Malan and Mr. Lampe. "A Har-
mony of the Gospels" is the topic for
study. This is a beginning session.
Westminster Student Guild-6:00
p.m. luncheon and fellowship hour.
professor Preston W. Slosson speales
at 7:00 p.m. on "The Various Types
of Protestantism."
Unitarian C(~i'm,,v h. d4ii11."hv 1 1




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