Tftr ,AMY . Ts..; a:: r .. TT _._: ' - lip }: Petitions Due for Engwie Council Posts Elections to Be Held 1 Nov. 17, 18; Pictures of Each Applicant to Be Taken Friday Politically-minded engineers desir- ing positions as freshman, sophomore and junior class representatives on the Engineering Council must submit their petitions before next Friday, Bud Burgess, '44E, the Council chair- man of elections, announced yester- day.' These petitions, which are due be-1 fore noon Nov. 13 at the Dean's of-, fice, 255 West Engineering Building,, must contain 15 signatures of the candidate's classmates, a list of the candidate's qualifications for offices, and a list of proposed activities for the Engineering Council during 1942- 43. Another stipulation placed upon the candidates, Burgess said, is that they must have their pictures taken at 7:15 p. m., Friday, Nov. 13 in the sig- nal corps room of the West Engi- neering Annex. These pictures will then be posted on the Council's bulle- tin board in the Engineering college, so that the engineer-voters may be- come acquainted with the candidates. A charge of 25c will be made to de- fray the cost of the pictures. Burgess said that sophomores and juniors must also present their eligibility cards at that time. As has been the custom in the engi- neering college, no campaigning ma- terial is to be posted by any candidate. Burgess emphasized that any posters or campaign "propaganda" on the part of a candidate will be considered grounds for his disqualification.from the 'election. Two representatives will be selected from each class, the one receiving the highest vote serving for the remain- der of his college career. Candidates receiving the second highest number of votes will serve for one year. Vot- ing, which will be preferential, will take place Nov. 17 and 18, at polls located above the Arch and in the East Engineering Building. tU' War Policy Supported by Ruthven Speech (Continued from Page 1) TRIALS OF TEACHING TO BE REVEALED:j Michigan Graduates to Address Teachers' Conference Today en Michigan teachers, fresh from their first few weeks in 'the little red school house,' will give a series of talks at 10:00 p. m. today in the University High School auditorium at the main session of the Conference for Beginning Teachers. The sevent, meeting of its kind to be held in Ann Arbor, the conference is sponsored annually by the School of Education to straighten out prob- lems of adjustment which will con- front student teachers next year. Through five-minute talks followed by an open discussion,' difficulties in teacher adaptation to the community and school situation will be brought to light. Classes which are particularly difficult to teach, especially those in crowded defense areas, will be looked into, and personal problems will be related. The assembly is only one part of a three-fold program planned by edu- cation school faculty and supervising teachers in the University High School. The conference will also con- sist of individual meetings arranged with special members of the staff so that returning teachers may talk over their problems. Following the main assembly, group conferences will be held. The three sessions are: "Prob- lems of Adjustment," Odina Olson, chairman; "Curriculum and Instruc- tional Problems," Katherine Hill, chairman; and "Problems of the Ele- mentary School Teacher," Edith Dow- ley, chairman. The purpose of the conference, in addition to providing beginning teachers with information and prob- lem solutions, is to keep the education school in touch with the changing picture of Michigan schools and to provide the faculty with additional knowledge of the practical school situation throughout the state. Union Ticket Resale Desk Open Today The football Ticket Resale Desk will operate from 9:00 a. m. to 2:15 p. m. today in the lobby of the Michi- gan Union, according to Dave Striff- ler, '44, of the Union staff. The Desk, located at the Union Tra- vel Desk, works for the purpose of aiding students and faculty members in buying and selling tickets for Michigan home football games. Since student tickets are non- transferable, they cannot be accep- ted by the Desk. Only general admis- sion tickets are handled. Operating the Resale Desk as a public service, the Union realizes n profit on its transactions. All unsold tickets are returned to their owners. There is also available a block of general' admission tickets for public sale provided by the ticket office. CWACS REACH BRITAIN A BRITISH PORT, Nov. 6.-(P)--A great mass of Canadian fighting for- ces, including the first detachment of the Cana~dian Women's Army Corps, called CWACS, and the largest air force contingent yet to arrive, has reach this port after a safe crossing of the Atlantic. Thousands of reinforcements, for the field army, including armored, infantry, artillery-regiments and lum- bermen-soldiers for the forestry corps;' were in the convoy. Swap Drivers Will Receive Additional Gas Local Driving Poo18 To Be Benefited By Extra Rations Good news for Michigan swap-rid- ers and car drivers came yesterday from Ann Arbor's War Transportation Administrator William Strickland, who announced that drivers who se- cure written agreements with three or more persons in need\ of rides will receive supplementary gasoline ra- tioning cards. Already forty-two local industrial plants have set up special transporta- tion committees to handle share-ride agreements. An order from the Fed- eral Government has made it neces- sary for all industrial establishments with more than a hundred workers to certify whether they are carrying on share-riding for their employes. Last summer, in the early days of share - ride schemes, the average share-riders for every ten cars was thirteen. Today, the average has soared to thirty persons for every, ten cars. In Delhi a novel swap-ride plan has been initiated. The transportation committee there has voluntarily com- piled a list of all drivers traveling in the direction of Ann Arbor. Persons desiring rides to school, to Ann Arbor stores, or to the Ypsilanti bomber plant have been assured of "lifts" from any of the forty families on thg driver list. Swap-ride agreements muit signed by all concerned-driver and riders. Applications for B and C gas rationing cards 'are submitted to Wl- liam Strickland's committee. Uni- versity students are also include in the share-ride bargain. All student drivers with three or more riders will submit applications. STATE GRADUATE $II~gP EAST LANSING,- Nov. 6. - (R) - Dayton E. Brock, 26, Detroit, recent graduate -of, the ,Civilian Air" Pilot t1'aining course^ at Milhigan State Colege,' was, injured, fatally today :when his ,auto' left Highway M-78 near here. PR TU RENEWS. ASSOCIATED PRESS PRIME MINISTER IlN S P E CT S HOME FLEET-Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspects men aboard H.M.S. Scylla of British home fleet during recent convoy operations to Russia. War Speakers Group Planned Student Bureau to Hold Organization Meeting Students interested in doing their part in the war effort are urged by the Student Speakers Bureau to come to a mass organization mneeting at 5 p.m. next Thursday, November 12, in Room 4003 Angell Hall. Working through Prof. Kenneth G. Hance of the speech department and the Office of Civilian Defense, the Bureau plans to make a file of every person on campus who is willing to give speeches before campus and Ann Arbor organizations. All types of speeches are wanted: long, short, formal, informal, panel discussions, and leaders 'for panel discussions. Informed speakers are urged to come, but Nancy Filstrup states that lack of subject material should not keep prospective speakers away as the Bureau will furnish ma- terial to those who want to speak. but do not have the material. Speeches are to stress' topics' of, war interest such as the sugar, cof- fee, and tire rationings. They are to be designed to tell the general public why this is necessary and to inform them of how the system works. The Student Speakers Bureau is backed by the Student Senate and the speech department, as well as by speech classes and speech honor- aries. RECAPS AVAILABLE DETROIT, Nov. 6.- (A')- "We are now in a position to provide recaps or retreads for every tire that needs it," John R. Richards, Chief of the Office of Price Administration's gas ration- ing division, told Michigan retail and wholesale gasoline dealers today. MIDWAY CHIEF- Col. Harold, D.' Shannon (above) is commandant of the Marine Corps ground forces at Midway Island,. U.. S. outpost in the Pacific, which he says we will hold. OnCampusThi W ee Sundown' to Close * 'Directories oing If democracy is the goal of educa- tors, Ruthven added, they should in- sist that liberal education is not a luxury to be enjoyed in peace times. "The chief business of schools in a democracy . . . is the forming of creative minds, the study of human problems and the preparation of cit- izens to govern themselves intelli- gently." Dr.Ruthven defended the arts and cultural education by reading from a letter written by President Roosevelt and quoting an article by Columnist Walter Lippman which extolled lib- eral education in the arts as the final answer to the problem of actually winning the world peace. To destroy the activity of teachers teaching and students learning, he said, would be "national suicide." Speaking to those who doubt "the appreciation of the nature and con- sequences of the war by university professors," Ruthven asserted. that "any unprejudiced and informed ob- server . . . must conclude that uni- versities are now rendering their pro- per service in the emergency as fully as is any other type of institution ..." The job of the educator is to main- tain or restore civilization, Ruthven said. They should hold the standards of education at high levels in the hope that when the storm is over there will be someone to recover our freedoms and reorganize a society of free men. "If our teachers cannot or will not do these things, even at the risk of misunderstandings, the victory will be of little avail." Band Will Play Yoder March An original march, written by Paul Yoder, based on the "V" theme of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, will be featured by the University Band at their performance this afternoon in a program designed to bring home the message of tire conservation. The pre-game formations will do honor to our visitors from Harvard with a large block "H" and block "FDR" for President Roosevelt, who graduated from that university. In addition, in recognition of the new draft act, a large 18-19 will be formed to the playing of, "You're in the Army- Now." During the halves the band will move from a block "SAVE" into a revolving tire, -which will after a fig- ure "RIDE" turn into a moving bi- cycle. A performance of, "The Yellow and the Blue." in a block "M" shape Play Production of the speech de- parement will close its presentation- of' its first bill of the current season, the new war play "Sundown," at 8:30 p. m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.' Written by Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism department and di- rected by Prof. Valentine B. Windt of the speech department, "Sundown" features the performances of Betty Alice Brown as Fay Gordon, John Babington as Brad Sullins and Philip Swander as Rex Holt. * * * Professor Robert B. Hall of the geography department left yesterday for service with the Government's Office of Strategic Service, the de- partment announced. He will report for an assignment in the Pacific area. Professor Hall, who has been a member of the geography department since'1921, has just feturned from a' year's stay in Latin America where he studied Japanese settlements. "We're nearly sold out" is the 'En- sian staff's warning to prospective buyers of Student Directories. There are no more copies left for campus sale, but a few are left at the book stores. The price is still 75 cents. Professor H. Harlan Bloomer, di- rector of the Speedh' Clinic, and Mr. J. N. Clancy of the staff examined 175 students of the Jackson Public Schools for speech defects Thursday. While in Jackson, Professor Bloomer addressed the members of the Jack- son Child Study Club on the "Preven- tion of Speech Defects." S U N S E E K E R--Basking in the sun beside a pool in Califor- nia is Marguerite Chapman, motion picture actress. SCORED H I T -Lt. Harold ,(Swede) Larsen, 31 (above), dive bombed a Japanese cruiser amidships with a "terrific wal- lop" oft the Solomon Islands in a Navy attack. i ... snce f1904.._r THE HOME OF OUTSTANDING FURS AT OUTSTANDING VALUES Choose of these superb new fur coats by ZWERDLING . . . with all the superior quality, style and workmanship that fam- ous name implies . . . and besides being delightfully smart and warm, you'll con- gratulate yourself on your sound business sense for seasons to come. Hundreds of Lovely Fur Coats fron $89 to $2000 Liberal Allowance for your old fur coat. Terms and insured storage free. Z- ""' H E L P I N G U N C L E S A M-These Cocker spaniel puppies were sold by Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kinsman of Seattle, Wash., to buy war bonds. Ii / /' E ~1 i I U ...'_I'ti _