THE MICHIGAN DAILY RAC; BA4Y, NOV: 7, Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 YOUR SCRAP ! ...-.. t 4'4 4 t 'N"' 4. + 1" d',vi ~ r J ^ #,. l te 'rfr.. _: ''C d .; - }"2 ., ,+, > y , c - Ca . , '- 9M ._ . ~d. itm1tI r. fr' " 7 a t s~rt 'U~r r r r rIr4 4 cr ab a ' tsc l e ,. 4,.t° -^/.. P .. i_ r ". t' r'= S f ,,.,,~ .c . 1 ~.,. . .. p. .r _ s,' ' r ,- K~ r:, t^/l s y a . ¢r_ t" 'f.A, n . S 1 '* . 1 ....: F 't.'Y . Ky d~r ". , \ X? .z. }itr t C .. !iLrir v t" ,; ', , .1 .f _ s . Y I . jr a.1t4._..... ._... Zieterito th e (-.ditor AS REPRE9ENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT3ING Sy National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pjblishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz . . Will Sapp. George W. Sallad .. Charles Thatcher . Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Miron Dann . . . . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director S . . A City Editor Associate Editor * . .Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg James Daniels . * . . Business Manager A Associate Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: BUD BRIMMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. DAR REACTS: Marian Anderson Gets The Usual Reaction APPARENTLY encouraged by election day's Great American Reaction, the DAR have de- cided that there is still plenty of room in the U.S. for racial discrimination. Thus Marian Anderson's contract stipulation that there be no segregation of races when she sings in Constitution Hall and that she be al- lowed to bse the hall on further occasions have been rejected by the DAR. So again Marian Anderson won't sing in Constitution Hall-this time for the relief of soldiers fighting for democracy. That name Constitution Hall is ironic. - Henry Petersen FISCHER PROVES: Roosevelt Should Urge Indian Freedom Now THERE is one American who is not afraid to go where Willkie fears to tread. He is Louis Fischer. Speaking here Thursday he told us facts that the British government has been trying to keep from us for months .. . the Indian people are united, not divided, in their fight for home rule . . . the people in a body want British and American military power to continue their opera- tions in India. How united are the United Nations when one member is afraid to speak up when she sees injustice in another? Haven't we learned the folly of isolationism yet? Now is the time for our leaders to speak or in the future they will have to forever hold their peace. Mr. President ... people of America . . . by your silence you shall be known. - Charles Bernstein GALS AND WAR: Compulsory Physical Education for Coeds EVERY Friday afternoon at WAB there is a class in body conditioning sponsored by the physical education department for the special benefit of all women who are not enrolled in regular physical education classes. This special class stresses exercises for the general building up of the body, similar to the type of thing being done in PEM, and is intended to be used as a springboard to more individual practice of healthful exercise, one of the most important health habits. So far there has been an average attendance of 11 at these classes, which is certainly an insignificant number when you think of the number of women on campus who have ful- filled their one year requirement and are en- rolled in no physical education class. The men on this campus are now spending an average of four and a half hours a week in PEM, which is essentially a physical preparation for service in our armed forces. But it would be a mistake to forget that the women of this country also' are going to need a high degree of physical fitness to take over the work on the Home Front, as they are and will be doing. F THE MICHIGAN women won't realize how vital it is to keep their bodies in top notch DREW h . PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON-Economic Stabilizer Jimmy Byrnes isn't advertising it, but there was a wild- and woolly wrangle over farm wages when his Board met behind closer doors at the White House last week. Manpower Chief Paul McNutt pounced all over American Farm Bureau chieftain Ed O'Neal for opposing higher farm wages. And after Mc- Nutt finished with O'Neal, Secretary of Agri- culture Wickard picked up the cudgels and gave him an even more vigorous verbal spanking. "When you say that farm prices aren't high enough to warrant higher wages on the farm," McNutt told the Farm Bureau chief, "you simply are not stating facts. The real fact is that farm wages have not advanced in proportion to farm prices." O'Neal countered with a sheaf of Farm Bureau statistics on wages and parity prices, but McNutt impatiently demanded, "Let's hear the views of the Secretary of Agriculture on the subject." Wickard was already irked at O'Neal for hav- ing stated in an interview to the Washington Post that Arizona cotton growers may strike and refuse to plant any cotton next year rather than pay 30 cents an hour to Mexican labor. This higher wage had been agreed upon between the Mexican Government and the Farm Security Administration, but Arizona long staple growers have refused to pay it. Cotton for Parachutes "Don't you know," demanded Wickard hotly, "that statements like yours may cost the lives of American boys? When you say that cotton farmers in Arizona may strike, you are endang- ering our supply of long-staple cotton, vitally needed for parachutes and balloons" O'Neal said he meant to bring out that if the government hiked farm wages beyond the ability of farmers to make a profit, the Arizona cotton growers couldn't afford to plant next year. He did not mean to harm the war effort. "Well, you do harm the war effort by saying things like that, whether you mean them or not," shot back Wickard. "A man in your responsible position should exercise some caution in his remarks to the press." "It's my job to protect the farmers, and I'm going to do it to the best of my ability," O'Neal snapped angrily. Director Byrnes, who stepped down recently from a tranquil life on the Supreme Court, lis- tened gravely to the verbal fireworks. He said nothing, but turned his head back and forth from Wickard to O'Neal like a man following a tennis ball. Socializing Farners Wickard also censured the farm leader for publicly stating that the Farm Security Admin- istration was "trying to force farmers to provide toilets, baths, hot and cold water, and all that red tape. stuff". To this Secretary Wickard replied: "You're going around trying to create the impression that the government is guaranteeing migrant farm workers a life of luxury at the expense of the farmer. We have to give the workers some inducements to accept jobs in agriculture. Certainly the 30-cents-an-hour pay minimum we are proposing isn't too much when you consider that the workers can make much I'd Rather Be Right_ By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK-A large number of voters seemed to say, dimly, on Tuesday, that we are fighting only because we were attacked. We are fighting only because of Pearl Harbor. No Pearl Harbor, and there would have been no war. The voters certainly seemed to say that in Illinois, where a majority accepted Senator Brooks' dreary explanations that it didn't mat- ter what you thought of the war before Pearl Harbor, so long as you were against the Japan- 'ese after it. The voters seemed to accept that story in Ham Fish's district in New York; and, in a sense, even in the state-wide governorship campaign, for by choosing Mr. Dewey they declared them- selves indifferent to their candidate's long in- difference to the war issue. The 'We Were Hit' Theory It is not that they don't want to beat the Germans and the +Japanese. They certainly do, except for a fringe of rabble which certainly doesn't. But how can one deny, after Tuesday, that to large numbers of Americans we are in this war only to hit back at somebody who hit us? A certain primitive quality in our approach to the war seems to show up in the election. It is no service to hide it. To majorities (though smaller majorities than ever before) in certain districts, a candidate's lack of concern over the rise of fascism is a matter of indifference. All that matters is that he got good and sore (oh, well, pretty sore) at Pearl Harbor. The shortness of Brooks' majority, the extreme short- ness of Fish's majority, smallest he ever had, indicate that there are many thousands who are newly aware of what is going on in the world and know what time it is. But there are many thousands of others who, with an incred- ible kind of nineteenth century simplicity, looked upon the war strictly as a who-pushed-whom proposition. Nobody's allowed to hit us, is about as far as their personal foreign policies go. Anybody who resents a shove is, to these, a gentleman and a scholar, and the fact that he may, in advance of the shove, have propagandiz- ed us into a false sense of security against being shoved, that he may even have been an apologist for those who intended to shove us, is a matter of small concern. k Is It Bad Luck? I don't mind the votes for Mr. Brooks and Mr. Fish nearly so much as I mind the fact that these are votes for the theory that the war is an accident; that it could have come or could not have come; that we have sort of hit a mess of bad luck, and isn't it a shame. That's worrisome. For these bland, blank votes show that we are perhaps not ready to write a meaningful peace, should we win tomorrow, and perhaps will have some difficulties in fighting a meaningful war.' These votes are, in part, the fruit of that damaging Chicago Tribune and New York Daily News kind of propaganda, which is not propa- ganda against fighting the war, but propaganda against the values involved in the war, propa- ganda against the issues wrapped up in the war; not propaganda against the struggle itself so much as propaganda against everything that makes the struggle worthwhile and meaningful. Cynical Swander? Mr. Homer Swander, Daily Managing Editor:+ BOTH on and off the campus of the University for the last three years, I have defended the staff and the policies of The Michigan Daily, even though I did not always agree with them, because I felt they were fair, open-minded, sincere, and above all, showed good sportsmanship. There- fore, it was with a great deal of sur- prise and wonder that I read your little-boyish remarks in Tuesday's is- sue. I doubt very much that you will want to keep this as an example of good journalism. No matter what your views are, publishing them as editor of a paper demands that they be fair, avoid mud-slinging, and show conclusive proof of error on the other party's part. Do you in all honesty think your four paragraphs do that? You call the American people, whom some day you hope to lead or advise, stupid, blind, disgusting, and speak of their "unreasoning -ignorance." You have sat down at your typewriter and pecked out all the bitterness and anger you have felt because things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to. You condemn a man in one paragraph for being an isolationist and in the next breath show praise for a man who preached isolation, and then changed his view publicly only when it was obvious that the people he was supposed to be representing didn't exactly agree with him. You failed to mention that Ham Fish did not have the backing of his own' party members nor the approval or Dewey. If the men you mentioned are so harmful to our country's fu- ture, why didn't you run front-page editorials, as seems to be your habit lately, about them instead of little editorial notes that had a "we know more but we haven't space to prove it" attitude? The fact that students questioned and replied to your edi- torials about these men showed they were interested and not "blind" to what was going on. But did you fol- low up these signs of interest? No! That, gentlemen, I might add, is a Michigan Daily weakness-failure to follow a story through. JUST BECAUSE, Mr. Swander, you were once a typical collegiate man from a conservative home and com- munity, it doesn't mean you have to turn into a bitter, cynical, worldly young man simply because you have interviewed a few liberals and taken political science courses! I can't un derstand how you desire to help the American people when, even before you really get going, you called them names and act as if you didn't be- lieve in anyone or anything. If you fell so disillusioned concerning your country's people already, what are you going to be like ten years from now? The fact remains, Mr. Swander, whether you seem to like it or not, that this is a two-party form of politics that we live by, where the people from every walk of life have a right to express what they think. You, instead of pledging support in a crisis, sit back in your corner and predict "continued war and mis- ery." What a babyish way of mak- ing the best of what the majority agreed to! I'm not saying that you have no grounds, in some cases, to express your concern in good journalistic style, but it doesn't mean that you're all right and that millions of other people are all wrong, without grounds for their beliefs, and possessing "un- reasoning ignorance." If I were you, Homer, I wouldn't be proud of this editorial. It shows your bitter, unforgiving, cynical side that you must put aside if you are to be the great leader that so many predict you will be some day. [N CLOSING, may I ask for pub- lished proof that these men alone, just elected, care more for "loyal op- position than for real victory and real peace?" Gloria Jeane McVittie COLLEGIATE AIR POWER ... WASHINGTON- Tens of thous- ands of men are learning to fly at some 600 of the nation's colleges this year, preparing to serve in Army and Navy aviation. However, not all the pilot trainees are regular students-college facili- ties have been opened to all who can meet requirements of the Civil Aero- nautics Administration. Any man who can pass the mental and physical examinations is eligible, although all trainees must enlist in the reserve of the Army or Navy air forces. ' Most Navy reservists are slated to be combat pilots and must meet the standard requirements of Naval Avia- tion Cadet Selection Boards. They may be college students taking train- ing under the V-1 or V-5 plans. Frustrated Statesmen' To the Editor: T HAT was a pretty picture of frus- trated statesmen and chaotic con- ditions that you painted on Thurs- day's edit page. You cry against party voters and party lines. Did it ever occur to you that you may show just a little par- ty prejudice yourselves when you suppose that the new Republican congressmen will hinder the Ad- ministration's war effort? Some Democrats or Godknowswhat just can't imagine a Republican doing anything for his country. There are two points in particular that we would like to bring to your attention. The first is about this man Ferguson who did nothing but clean up some petty graft case in a town called Detroit and defeated Prentiss Brown, the greatest statesman since Henry Clay-or so it would seem to Daily readers. Who knows? By some outside chance, missed by the emi- nent leaders of democracy at this University, Senator Ferguson may turn out better than you expect. HESECOND POINT is that Illinois retained her Republican in the gubernatorial chair in open defiance of the Kelly-Nash machine. This will probably throw the entire Allied war effort out of kilter, and is without a doubt the greatest news Hitler has had since The Daily editorials on President Ruthyen stopped appearing. In closing, we honestly hope that the Manpower Corps continues to function. But what will you do if the Republicans in the state offices hear about it? -James B. Jackson Willard A. Heard L. R. Burnett Howard Halstead Mr. Homer Swander Daily Managing Editor: YOUR editorial of Nov. 4 reminde me of a little boy who was weepin because someone had nearly take his candy from him. Just because ove half of the American voting publi who of course could not have yot intelligence, voted in opposition I the New Deal and its candidates, yo feel justified in calling the voters Att pid, blind, and unreasoningly ignoi ant. This, sir, is a gross mistake. The past election was not only a victory for the Republican Party but was the first sign that the peo- ple are awakening to the faults 1 the New Deal. If this is not the rea son for the 'up-set' in the. eleetion how else can the defeat of Senatoa Clyde Herring of Iowa, a New Dea- ler from the Vice-President's hooa state, be accounted for? You speak of the stupidity of ti voters, but in my opinion the stup dity was in Washington before tk election. It has not been the Repubi cans who have held up and muddl the war program, because they ha not had a majority in either house Congress since .1932. It has been r ther the -Democrats who have do the muddling, as seen by Josh Le Prohibition Amendment. YOU SEEMED to be terribly worri about the Republicans making other peace treaty. I feel free to p sume that your worries come fr your lack of faith in the intelligen of the American voters, which course includes the Republicans. would like to impress on you, s that even if your 'stupid Americ people' lack as good an education you are offered, I personally feel th they have something which you nev will have - common sense. The 'stupid people' are certainly not ides ists as we have in Washington tod They are practical, sound, hard won ers who want that same practc soundness in their government. -John Tim Common Sense r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI (Continued from Page 2) the afternoon as previously an- nounced. The Hill Auditorium box office will be open from 3 to 5 in the afternoon, and after 7 o'clock in the evening. Charles A. Sink, President The Carillon Recital to be given 7:15-8:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 8, by Professor Price, will include well-known arias by Handel, Verdi and Wagner, as well as other music for the theatre. Faculty Concert: The first in a series of three recitals by Gilbert Ross, violinist, and Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, will be given at 8:30 p.m. Monday, November 9, in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre, with the presenta- tion of music by Mozart, Schubert and Faure. Open to the public. Organ Recital: George Faxon, In- structor of Organ in the School of Music, has arranged ahprogram of the works of Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, Brahms and Jongen, as well as mod- ern American composers for 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, November 11, in Hill Auditorium. The public is invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Two sequences of colored multiple wood block prints by Harry Bartoia, Cranbrook Academy of art; glass cases, ground fluor corridor, Architecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5 except Sunday through Nov. 14. The pu.b;c is invited. Events Today The Post-War Council will meet at 12:30 p.m. today in the Union. Coming Events Varsity Glee Club: All members will meet backstage on the second floor, West Rehearsal Hall of Hill Auditorium at 3:00 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 8. Informal dress. Women's Glee Club will meet at Morris Hall on Sunday, Nbv. 8, at 8:00 a.m. Be on time. Michigan Outing Club will have a hike on Sunday, November 8, leaving Hill Auditorium at 9:00 a. m. All stu- dents are welcome. For further infor- mation call Dorothy Lundstrom (2- 4471) or Dan Saulson (2-3776). Churches First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Dedication of Page Hall; 5:00 pr H-Square Club, Page Hall; 6:45 p. Freshman Discussion Group, Harm Hall; 7:30-8:15 p.m. Canterbu Club, Harris Hall. Speaker: The Re Robt. L. DeWitt, of Christ Churc Cranbrook. Subject: "What Maki Christianity Distinctive?" Memorial Christian Church (Di, ciples) : 10:45 a.m. Morning worship. T Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 7:00 p.m. Guild Sunday Even Hour. The Disciples and the Co' gregational students will hold a jo meeting at the Congregation Church. Dr. H. C. Colburn of Yp lanti will speak on, "The Church the Pilgrims Today." A social ho and tea will follow. First Congregational Church: At the 10:45 morning service L. A. Parr's subject will be "Takia Things Lightly." 7:00 p.m. A joint meeting of t Congregational Student Fellowsb and the Disciples' Guild. Dr. Har Colburn of Ypsilanti, speaker. T theme "The Church of the Pilgrl Today." Monday at 3:30 p.m. Dr. Parr begin a new series "Fortnightly Bo Lectures" with reviews of rec books. First Presbyterian Church: Morning Worship-10:45. Leading Questions'-subject "Lif of t sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. Bible Class for University Stude at 8:30 a.m. under the direction Mr. Malan and Mr. Lampe. "A H mony of the Gospels" is the topic study. This is a beginning session Westminster Student Guild-6 p.m. luncheon and fellowship h Professor Preston W. Slosson spe at 7:00 p.m. on "The Various Ty of Protestantism." Unitarian Church: Sunday 11 Dr. Curtis Reese, Dean of Ab' ham Lincoln Centre, Chicago, speak. Lutheran Student Chapel: Alfred Scheips, Pastor. Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Divine Se ice in Michigan League Cha "Christian Faith." Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Supper m ing of Gamma Delta, Lutheran S dent Club, at St. Paul's Church, Liberty at Third. Discussion, " About the Wartime Marriage? Trinity Lutheran Church serv will be held at 10:30 a.m. Sung Rev. H. 0. Yoder speaking on "Ca ness and Faith Amid Confusion Fears." meaning aside from the fact we were hit. There could be no more danger- ous approach; for, if the war is es- sentially meaningless, then a mean- ingless settlement might someday be