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November 07, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-07

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SATURDAY, NOV. 7, 041.


Three-Count Errol
Is Held for High
Court f T Irony
SOS ANGELES. Nov. 6.-(R)-Errol
Flynn was held today for Superior
Court trial on three counts of statu-
tory rape, after a preliminary hearing
which ended with a photographer's
testimony that the actor had told
him he was being made the victim of
an attempted shakedown.
Flynn, looking little like the dash-
ing hero of a movie drama, was or-
dered to appear in Superior Court
Nov. 23 for assignment of a trial date.
At liberty on $1,000 bond, he is ac-
cused of twice violating Peggy La Rue
Satterlee, Hollywood showgirl, on a
yacht trip when she was 15 years old,
and of once raping Betty Hansen,
17, of Lincoln, Neb., at a party in a
Hollywood mansion.
Flynn did not take the stand, and
the defense concerned itself entirely
with cross-examination. The men-
tion of shakedown came from Peter
Stackpole, photographer for Life
magazine, who took pictures on the
yacht trip in August, 1941, when Miss
Satterlee claims she was raped.

USO-commdnity Fund Campaign
Will Begirt With RaNll Tomoirrow

Stalin Predicts

Pledges for the *77,500 whir~fvind
USO-Community Fund Drive that
starts, tomorrow, in Hill Auditorium
already have struck a heartening
note, campaign headquarters reported
When this intensive one-week drivej
begins with a mass meeting at 3:30k
Sunday, agvance pledges are expected
to yield almost 60% of the quota, ac-
cording to Earl H. Cress, general
chairman. Funds from the drive will
be pro-rated among Ann Arbor Com-
munity Fund, USO and War Priso-
ner 's Relief organizations.
More than 200 faculty solicitors,
working under Prof. Richard C. Ful-
ler, chairman of University division,
will carlvass 2,000 teachers and staff
members before the campaign ends,
according to present plans.
The University's handling of the
drive will have two aspects Professor
Fuller indicated. One division is tak-
ing charge of advance gifts, and ano-
ther will solicit the balance Monday
morning. Campaign headquarters em-
phasized that such gifts, regardless
of which way they are contributed,
will be included in the University's
The Hill Auditorium rally Sunday,
Chief Petty Officer George Jen-
pings, formerly connected with the
University's athletic department, left
tcday for active duty with the U.S.
Navy after receiving a rank of Lieu-
tenant Junior grade.

Moving into attie: Allied Armor in Egypt Accounting Conference
w ~~To Be Held in Detroit
# The Michigan 'Accounting Confer-
ence will get under way today with a
luncheon at the Rackham Memorial
f Building in Detroit. It is sponsored
jointly, by the University of Michi-
f ~gah 's School of Business Administra-
tioan and the Michigan Association of
1 s Certified Accountants.

that will fire off the week's drive,! lym rm11LU mm rsoth m
nwill bring two wsell known foreign
ccrrespondenis to the stage as well as' (Continued from Page 1)
music by the Ann Arbor Civic Oarches-
tra and the University Men's Glee In his speech yesterday Stalin spoke
'Club. Richard Wilson. former mana-
geI fteMnl ueuo h only to Moscow members of the com-,
United Press will share speaking hon- munist party and other special orga-I
ors with Glen Stadler, newspaperman nizations in a secret meeting place.
who watched the German occupation "In their hunt for oil and for Mos-j
of France. cow, the German strategists have got
. -into difficulties," he said amidst
Violin, Piano Programs cheers. "Their summer plans appear
to have failed."
Planned for November The Premier offered "facts to prove
Gilbert Ross, violinist, and Mabel the strengthening" of the coalition
Ross Rhead, pianist, who appeared in between Russia, the United States
and Great Britain, and added:
the Beethoven Sonata series during;aTheanglo-Soietame c
the past summer term, have planned "The Aniglo-Soviet -American cah-j
anther astumeprrmmhaveoplantien has all the possibilities for vic-
another group of programs to be tory and they will win."
given at 8:30 p. m. on the Mondays He said "no sane man" would at-
of Nov. 9, 16 and 23 in the Lydia tempt to destroy Germany, "but we
Mendelssohn Theatre. j will destroy the Hitlerites' military
Mr. Ross as visiting professor of power." Germany, he said, was al-
Mr.Ros asvistig pofesorofready weakening as attested by its
music from Smith College and Mrs. reay wean as attkis
inability to launch general attacks
Rhead as professor of piano, are along the entire Russian front.
members of the faculty of the Uni- He said the Russian home front was
vers:ty School of Music which spon- stronger and better organized than
sors these programs. ever before, and that the people of
----Europe under Hitler domination were
REPORTS ON SURVEY seething in revolt. The transport
LANSING, Nov. 6.- (P)- Acting problem was Russia's major hurdle,
Budget Director C. J. McNeill said he said. but he added that Russia had
today a survey of typewriters owned been able to build new factories and
by all state agencies showed a total supply the Red Army with tanks,
of about 3,475 were in use among planes and guns, and furnish it with
Michigan's 17,000 state employes. food.



Last Day --
Daily 1-11:30 P.M.

.. ,...


Under heavy shellfire from Rommel's re-reamn g aiiiiery forces,
hard-hitting British armored cars move up in the Battle of Egypt. This
is an official British photo sent by radio from Cairo.
Women Eligible for ESMWT
Aircraft Inspecti-on Pirogram -_
Women as well as men are eligible
to receive training as aircraft inspec- inspector trainees at $1,440 per year
tors for the Army Air Forces, Prof. While learning.
R. H. Sherlock, coordinator of the Prerequisites for appointment, Pro-
Engineering Science and Manage- fessor Sherlockexplained, are high
ment War Training program, said eool graduation, including,,two
yesterday in explaining this new years of high school mathematics, or
course which will be started Nov. 16 equivalent experience and study. In
at the University. the case of women and older men,
Prof. A. M. Kuethe, chairman of some of the requireients in mathe-
the Department of Aeronautical En- matics may be waived and the defi-
gineering, will be the supervisor of ciency made up during the course.
the course. Upon the successful completion of
Professor Sherlock also said that the course, trainees will be eligible
most of the applicants are expected for assignment as junior procurement
to be women. The course is being inspectors at $1,620 per year with an
sponsored under the ESMWT pro- opportunity for advancement to posi-
gram, and a class of 50 is expected. ticns of higher grades based upon
The purpose of the course is to individual efficiency and ability.
train people qualified to determine
the acceptability of aircraft material PIONEERS WIN, 32-13
in accordance with government spe- Ann Arbor High School defeated'
cifications. Training will last 10 Ypsilanti Central, 32-13, in a night
weeks, with eight hours of study per football game at Wines Field yester-
day, five days a week. Persons selec- day. It was the Pioneers' fifth victory
ted for employment by the air forces this season as against one tie and one
will be appointed junior procurement defeat.




-., Every Foat-
hA'aTI p
" Courage {iUgllold!
Thrills Unsirpassed!.

SATURDAY,.-NOV. 7, 1942
VOL. LIII No. 30
All notices. for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President In typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
Noveinber 9, at 4:15 p. m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. All regular
meetings of the University Council
are open to the members of the Uni-
versity Senate.
Approval of the Minutes of May
11, 1942.
Report of Nominating Committee
and Election of Vice-Chairman and
Announcement o'f Standing Com-
Report of Nominating Committee
and Election of Senate Membership
on the Bodid of the Michigan Union.
Report of Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications-L. E. Densmore.
Report of Committee on Coopera-
tion with Educational Institutions-
J. B. Edmonson.
Report of the Counselor to Foreign
Stuidents-J. R. Nelson.
The General Library and its Serv-
ices-W. G. Rice.
Subjects Offered by Members of
the Council.
All-Faculty Buffet Supper at the
Michigan Union Ballroom on Mon-
day, November 9, at 6:00 p.m., spon-
sored by the .local chapter of the
A.A.U.P. Following the supper there
will be a discussion on "Education
During the War." All faculty people
should be present.

Faculty of the College of Literature, January and May, 1943, pn Wednes-
Science, and the Arts: The five-week day, November 11, in Room 3205 East
freshman reports are due today in Engineering Building. Interested men
the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 will please sign the interview schedule
Mason Hall. pasted on the Aeronautical Engineer-
Arthur Van Duren, ing Bulletin Board. Application forms
Chairman, Academic Counselor may be obtained in Room B-47 East
------Engineering Building.
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
are reminded that membersnip lists Seniors in Chemistry, Chemical,
for the month of October -are now Mechanical and Industrial Engineer-
due at the Office of the Dean of Stu- ing: Firestone Tire & Rubber Con-
dents. pany representative, Mr. E. W. Old-
ham, will interview Seniors on Mon-
Seniors in Aeronautical, Metallurgi- day, Nov. 9. in Room 218 West Engi-
cal, Electrical (Communications and neering Bldg.
Interview. schedule is posted on the
Radio) Engineering, and Engineering Bulletin Board at Room 221 West
Mechanics: Representatives of the
Stinson Aircraft Division of the Vul- Engineering Bldg.
tee Company, located at Wayne,
Michigan, will interview men grad- A cademic Notices
uating in January and May, 1943, on Navy V-I. or V-5 Enlisted Men:
Monday, November 9, in Room 3205 There is one opening in the Civilian
East Engineering Building. Those in- Pilot Training program for the extra-
terested will please sign the inter- curricular program. You must be
view schedule posted on the Aero- enlisted and attending the Univer-
nautical Engineesing BulletinBoard sity. Program will start as soon as
near Room B-47 East Engineering vacancy in quota is filled. Further
Building. details may be had in room B-47 E,
Engineering, or call 4121, Ext. 2113.

Mats. 25c CARTOON
Eves. 40c -
cinl. tax NEWS
Su., 'Springtitme in the Rockies'

r I _







A 1n the stirrin~g Wrner Bros. Scess)
~oii 'ix

Seniors in Aeronautical, Mechanical
and Industrial and Electrical Engi-
neering: A representative of The
Glenn L. Martin-Nebraska Company,;
located at Omaha, Nebraska, will in-
terview seniors graduating in January
-nd May, 1943, on Thursday and Fri-
day, November 12 and 13, in Room
3205 East Engineering Building. ln-
terested men will please sign the in-
terview schedule posted on 'he Aero-
nautical Engineering Bulletin Board,
near Room B-47 East Engineering
Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil and
Mechanical Engineering: Dr. Newman
A. Hall of Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft
will interview seniors graduating in

School of Education Students, oth-
er than freshmen: Courses dropped
after today will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordi-
nary circumstances. No course is
considered officially dropped unless
it has been reported in the office
of the Registrar, Room 4, University
Choral Union Concert: The Cleve-
land Orchestra concert will take
place Sunday evening in Hill Audi-
torium at 8:30 o'clock instead of in
(Continued on Page 4)

Nancy Coleman - Raymond Massey

e. ..


A RTUR RODZINSKI, Conductor of the
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra which
will give a concert Sunday, November

,suNDAYNoviEMBER a at 8:30 P. M.

sponsored jointly by the
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church-
East Washington Street at South Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon:
"Your Biography."
Trinity Lutheran Church-
East William Street at South Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon:
"Calmness and Faith Amid Confusion and
Fears" by Rev. H. O. Yoder.
Lutheran Student Association-
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall,
309 East Washington Street.
5: 30 P.M. Social and fellowship hour.
6:00 P.M. Supper with program following.
Speaker: Dr. Carolus P. Harry, Secretary of
the Board of Education of the United Luth-
eran Church.,
512 East Huron
C. H. Loucks, Pastoi
Mrs. Geil Orcutt, Associate Student Coun-
10:00 A.M. The Church School. The Undergrad-
uate Class will meet in the Guild House to
study 1 Corinthians.
The Graduate Class will meet in the balcony
of the church to discuss "What Can We Be-
lieve about the Bible".
11:00 A.M. The Church Worship. Sermon: "Lest
We Forget." An activity program is pro-
vided for the children during this period.
7:00 P.M. The Roger Williams Guild will meet
in the Guild House. A representative of the
Friends Service Committee will speak on
"The Church at Work in Monroe."
Church-306 N. Division
Harris Hall, State and Huron Streets
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
10:00 A.M. High Schol Class, Tatlock Hall.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Rt. Rev. Herman R. Page, Bishop of the
Diocese of Northern Michigan. Dedication
of Page Hall.
5:00 P.M. H-Square Club, Page Hall.
at Harris Hall)
Sunday, 6:45 P.M. Freshman Discussion Group.

(Evangelical and Reformed )
423 South Fourth Avenue,
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship.
"Almost a Christian."
6:00 P.M. Studenth Guild.
7:00 P.M. Youth Fellowship.

409 South Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 7:30.
Sunday .morning service at 10:30. Subject:
"Adam and Fallen Man."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington
St., open every day except Sundays and holi-
days from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays
until 9 p.m.
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and Ralph
G. Dunlop,
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director; Mary
McCall Stubbins, organist.
9:30 A.M. Class for University Students. Wesley
Foundation Lounge.
10:40 A.M. Church School for Nursery, Begin-
ners, and Primary Departments where young
children .may be left during worship service.
10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares' sub-
ject is "Our CommUnity."
6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild Meeting for Univer-
sity Students. "Why Enemies of Christian-
ity?" Fellowship hour and supper.
7:30 P.M. Newly-Weds Discussion Group meets
in Parlors. Subject "Willow Run," James
Sturxner, speaker.
8:00 P.M. Evening Worship Service in the
Ministers: William P. Lemon, D.D.,
Willard V. Lampe
Mark W. bills, Director of Music
Franklin Mitchell, Organist.
9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age
groups. University Student Bible Study Class
directed by Messrs. Malan and Lampe. The
class will study the "Harmony of the Gos-
10:45 A.M. Nursery is conducted during the
hour of Morning Worship with Miss Giles
in charge.
6:00 P.M. Tuxis Society devotionals will be led
by Bob Perrin. The vice-nresident. Nancy

Sermon topic:

8 at 8:30 p.m.

in the Choral


Series, Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor,
%heN Iluiversity MRiiEiRI Soekety,
Birtou Tiver.



C i

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