PAGE MiX THE MICHIGAN DAILY -JI-DAYT NOV. G, 1942 British RetaliateAgainst fNfil?)lnJ Q 4 i4cQ Iin, ,vn -- . - Norris 'at the End of the Road' I COHAN WAS A GRAND OLD NAME 4 Curtain Falls On Career of Cohan . l L / ~t77 t-iv e7 / L/'4 Q "We have captured a hell of a lot of prisoners," he added, "and will take more." He said the merciless slashing of the Axis forces was at once an answer to those who said Britain couldn't fight on land and to those who said British and American equipment was inferior. He said the Allied intention was to turn desert tracks into streets of death. Roimmnel in Desert Marshal Rommel, he said, is known to be in the desert. Beside the United States and Brit- ish air forces, and the British land troops now engaged, the official said, some of Britain's finest regiments are waiting in reserve for their turn. He said that the Germans were believed to have their main supplies in the forward lines and that they would find t impossible to escape this time. "We've got Rommel where we want him;" The British from King George VI to the lowliest cockney in Picadilly Circus exulted in the growing defeat of the Axis desert army. (The London Daily Express estimated Axis casual- ties already at 40,000. Sir Stafford Cripps, the former am- .F . High lights ROTC Guards Travel The 50-odd cadets of Michigan's barrack - dwelling- Steuben ROTC gards will make a time of it today when they go to Detroit as guests of "I Will Do My Best" war ser-vice organization. Higlight of the evening's enter- tainment will be attendance at a per- forinance of "Life of the Party," mu- sical comedy now appearing in De- troit as guests of. Dorothy Stone and Charles Collins, stars of the produc- tion. - ,Led by Capt. Roland Kolb, of the ROTC fculty, and most of the Uni- versity's cadet staff officers, the guards will finish off the evening with anfter-theatre party given for them atIWDMB headquarters. * * * Delegates Go to Chicago In an effort to determine how the war will effect campus cooperatives, 25'University delegates will leave for Chicago today to attend the Midwest Federation of Cooperatives. Held at the University of Chicago, representatives from colleges all over the niidwest will attend the three-day conference. The purpose of the meet- ings is to consider the problems con- fronting their organizations during the war emergency and such topics as "The Student and the War" and "What Cooperatives Can Mean to Students" will be discussed. * * * WaynAvukah Meets Here Members of the Wayne University Avukah, student Zionist organization, will be the guests of the Michigan chapter at a communal supper and party starting at 6:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Hillel Foundation. bassador to Russia, told workers in a war factory that the eighth army was "destroying German and Italian land and air forces which might otherwise be joining in the attack on Soviet armies."' "This is not the only diversion we can or shall make to help our Russian allies," Sir Stafford said. "As our strength and that of our American allies builds up, other offensives will be started in other areas." Exiled Allied governments in Lon- don expressed confidence that the Egyptian victory was a prelude to imminent offensives in Europe. It was a great tonic to the governments of Norway, Poland, Belgium, Yugoslavia and The Netherlands. The exiled governments' views that the offensive would snowball into a drive into Europe itself found con- currence in German radio statements that the British aim in north Africa was to set up a "base for a second front." Berlin broadcasters sugared the pill by calling Marshal Erwin Rommel's retreat a normal defense move under heavy assault pressure. "Rommel still had plenty of room on his chessboard and can move as he'likes," one broadcast said, "behind him there is excellent terrain. The master of desert strategy has often in critical situations dealt dangerous blows at the enemy." The Berlin radio was preoccupied also with reports of a concentration of Allied warships and transports at Gibraltar. - ,, Justice Murphy Is Optimistic of Production BOSTON, Nov. .- (')- Associate Justice Frank Murphyof the U.S. Supreme Court declared here today that Michigan plants which formerly supplied,; the far east with automo- biles could now "clutter the streets of Japanese controlled cities withAmer- ican tanks." "Let our people not be discouraged about production," Justice Murphy, who underwent four months of train- ing as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army last summer, stated at a press conference. The United States is building "an unbeatable Army," he said. Commenting on his- experience in the Army,, he said: "Never have I seen soldiers look so fit, so athletic. Our Army, when you see them at close range, when you sleep with them in barracks, or on the ground, when you march with them, train with them, work with them-you can't help be- lieving that our boys, who conquered all the nations of the world in the Olympic games, can conquer anybody when they are trained and equipped."{ STATE'S VACATION CANCELLED EAST LANSING, Oct. 28- (P)- The traditional Thanksgiving recess has been cancelled at Michigan State3 College to ease the transportation; problem, but classes will not be held Thanksgiving Day, November 26, President John A. Hannah announced today.- Veteran Senator George W. Norris (Ind.-Neb.) returned to Wash- ington from a fruitless campaign trip home, read election returns which told of his defeat for another term and then stood outside the Senate office building, looking over the Capitol grounds. With tears in his eyes, he said: "I'm at the end of the road." Four Michigan Students Brave Only Thai Course in Country. By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Nov. 5.- Broadway was aquiet'street today as producers, playwrights, actors and others who frequent that noisy lane of entertain- ment mourned the death of one of the greatest showmen of our times. Just at daybreak, at 5 a. in., George, M. Cohan died peacefully in his Fifth Avenue apartment after a serious ill- ness that had kept him more or less incapacitated for about a year. He was 64 years old, and only a few weeks ago he said that he was recovered enough to take another of his long habitual walks in Central Park and a'lso said that he soon was planning another appearance on Broadway both as actor and produ- cer. With him when he died were his wife, Mrs. Agnes Cohan, his daugh- ters, Mrs. George Ronkin, and Helen and Georgette Cohan, and his first friend, Gene Buck. The son of a family act that was famous in vaudeville, Cohan, who was born at Providence, R. I., on July 4, 1878, was an actor since the age of 7. One of his first roles was in "Peck's Bad Boy." As a boy he wrote one-act Fall Cam paig;n I s Started b y Bomber Fund The Bomber Scholarship Plan, which was initiated here last Febru- ary, is starting -its fall campaign for funds to boost its present total of $9,000 worth of war bonds. The plan originated at the Abe Lincoln Cooperative House when a party was held for some members leaving for active service, and the house members wished to do some- thing for them. Out of that begin- ning arose, the plan intended for the assistance of students who leave their education uncompleted to enter the armed forces of the United States. The expressed " purpose of the Bomber Scholarship Fund is the util- izationtofsocial functions as a 'source of contributions to a war bond fund. The money will ultimately be issued in scholarship form to students re- turning after the war to -finish their schooling. The goal of the plan is the pur- chase of $100,000 worth of war bonds. The- name Bomber> Scholarship indi- cates the purpose for which the gov- ernment may use the money invested in bonds, but eventually, after the war, the fund will be used for the rehabilitation of war Veterans who otherwise might not be able to come back to the University. The Student Committee consists of the presidents of the following cam- pus organizations: Inter-Cooperative Council, Interfraternity Council, the Student Senate, the Women's League, the Michigan Union, the Student Re- ligious Association, Congress, and the president of the Abe Lincoln Coop- erative House, Coral DePriester, '43E, chairman of the Committee. TO WOLVERINES Wolverine members may obtain their .special cheering ,section seats for the Harvard game this afternoon from.3 to 5 p. m. in the Student Offi- ces of the Michigan Union. I plays for his family, the four Cohans, and he also wrote songs for Lottie Gilson and Maggie Cline, two out- standing variety stars of those days. Cohan, a quiet spoken man who always said that his office was in his hat, wrote more than forty plays, about 100 songs and scores of vaude- ville sketches. He was awarded the congressional medal for his "out- staneling contributions to the Ameri- can spirit" which included many pa- triotic songs including the famous "Over There." He was a man who was the personi- fication of Broadway, and he never liked Hollywood although he went west a few times to make some mov- ies. In addition to his play and song writing, he became a producer when he met Sam H. Harris, who had been interested in some amateur theatri- cals in Philadelphia. Because of his walks in Central Park, Cohan liked people, the kind who ask you for a dime for a cup of coffee, and he liked pigeons, the kind which swooped down on the park walk for a peanut. So in 1933, he produced a play called "Pigeons and People" which fictionized that philosophy. In his real life, he carried it on, for there were many actors and actresses who remained on his payroll long af- ter they had ceased appearing in his shows. Before he died Cohan had, among the thousands of other tributes paid him, the privilege of seeing his own life in pictures. This was in the movie of "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and Co- han picked James Cagney to play the role of Cohan. Too, in the picture, he heard some of his best known songs including "Over There;" "It's a Grand Old Flag" and "Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway.'' When "Yankee Doodle Dandy" had its premiere on Broadway the tickets of admission were War savings bonds, some of the seats selling for as much as $25,000 and when the gross was added bond sales totaled $5,500,000. So Mr. Cohan died with the com- fort of knowing that he had achieved the largest box office business in the- atrical history and that he had done it for his country. Qne of Cohan's last roles on Broad- way was one that he particularly liked, that being his impersonation of President Roosevelt in the musical show, "I'd Rather Be Right." Cohan, when he put on eye glasses and did a little make-up on his face, looked re- markably like a twin brother to the President. Another of his family at his bedside was his son, Pvt. George M. Cohan, Jr., who had been recently transferred 'from a Texas Army camp to one in New Jersey. "In his passing a part of our nation has died," Gene Buck, president of the American Society of Composers, Au- thors and Publishers said today of his intimate friend. "He was a great American. He stood for the best in the theatre by way of entertainment and taste." Buck spoke of Cohan as "the great- est single figure the American thea- tre ever produced-as a player, play- wright, actor, composer and pro- ducer." Cohan's song, "Over There," was called by Buck "a song that still is regarded as the greatest war song ever produced." Showgirl Tells New Facts in Flynn Hearing. LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5.-(P)-Vita- min pills, the name of Pat Di Cicco and Errol Flynn's orange colored con- vertible roadster figured today in testimony at Flynn's preliminary hearing on three counts of statutory rape against two 'teen-aged girls. One of his accusers was Peggy ILa Rue Satterlee, actress and Hollywood showgirl who described on cross-ex- amihation her two-weeks' acquain- tance with Flynn before a week-end yacht trip in August, 1941, during which she charges she was twice raped. She was 15 at the time. A telephone introduction in mid- July led, she testified, to a Sunday cruise on the yacht three days later. She was with her sister, Mickey June Satterlee, alsoan entertainer, "and a lot'of other people." They met again at a night club, Peggy continued. She and her sis- ter left the party, she added, and went to an apartment with Di Cicco, man-about-Hollywood and now hus- band of heiress Gloria Vanderbilt, and Johnny Myers, a movie publicist. A few night later, the girl testified, she met Flynn somewhere - she couldn't remember where-and that night he drove her home in his orange convertible. He left her at. the door'of her apartment house. Flynn's attorney, Jerry Giesler, asked whether she or her sister signed the lease on the apartment. Miss Satterlee said neither did-that it was signed by a friend, whom she did not identify. By GEORGE R. CLARK Up in Rdom' 200 South :Wing, Uni- versity Hall, there are foir students taking a course in Thai-and bro- ther, maybe they're not lonely-for they hold the depressing distinction of being the only four siudents in the only Thai course in the U.S.A. A: year. ago, the American Council of. Learned. Societies called in.Dr. Mary Haas, and asked her to teach a course in Thai, a language which she had never studied, at the University of' Michigai. Dr. Haas' only back- ground fori such a course was a ten year experience in setting down the languages of the American Indian, which, like Thai, had no written Eng. lish grammar. Native Associate Dr. Haas came here for the simple reason that there were more natives of Thailand at the University than any other in. the country; within eight months she was speaking the language well enough to teach it- with the aid of her Thai associates. One of them, an affable 23 year old Thailander, Heng Subhanke has re- mained to act as Dr. Haas' assistant and see that the Castilian Thai accent is preserved. Thai, like every other Eastern language has its difficulties for Wes- terners. For instance the word 'ma' in Thai means either horse or dog, de- pending on your tone of voice. On the other hand, the word 'kah,' (not to be confused with 'ma') means either to get stuck to, the name of a plant, to kill, to trade or leg. Dr. Haas advises every young man to watch his 'kas' and 'mas.' Staunch Supporter When war came, barely a half dozen people in this country were able to speak Thai. Among these, however, not our own ministerial staff to Thai- land. Dr. Haas has been teaching the language only eight months and yet she is one of its staunchest suppor- ters. One of her pet peeves, incidentally, is that the Germans have taught courses in Thai for a long time now, getting a tremendous head start on the British and Americans. "After the war is over. I feel sure the need for translators and interpre- ters will continue," she 'claims. "I am "convinced ' that we cannot° win anad hold the friendship of Thailand and other countries unless we train stu- dents to speak their languages and deal with them on terms of friendship and equality. We, must get over our idea of the 'Quaint Orient,' and meet the people of the East half-way." Definite- Interest The members of the class all have a definite interest in the language. One of them , a Mr. Walsh; besides taking the course in Thai is also tak- ing a government correspondence course in cryptanalysis (decoding). Another, Mrs. Arthur Smithies, wife of the economics professor, in tends to translate source material for economics. Still another, Mr. Haydn, the only undergrad of the four, wants to trans- late Thai poetry. The fourth, a Mr. Winkelman, ap- parently just likes the language. University Band Will Broadcast Tomorrow The .University Marching Band, under the leadership of Professor William Revelli, will broadcast a program of patriotic music tomorrow morning from 10:00 to 10:30 a. m. over station WJR. Selections representative of all branches of the service forces will be performed, in addition to University songs. In the course of the program, Professor Revelli will sneak on the subject, "Music in Wartime." The an- nouncer will be George Irwin, Band business manager. YOUTH ACTS UP Four .young students of Whitmore Lake School at Whitmore Lake were shamefully sent home yesterday from their classes when they attended their morning classes in an intoxicated condition. County police are investigating the source of the boys' liquor purchase. Fischer Calls' for Freedom (Continued from Page 1) be permanent-peace, and only'during' war can we prepare the way for the winning of the peace." M. W. Fodor, who accompanied Fischer in the joint lecture, dealt pri- marily with the possible collapse of Germany and declared that the next six to ten months will be decisive ones for the United Nations to launch a new offensive. "The peace and prosperity of our country are dependent on the peace and prosperity of other countries, and we must be thinking now of forms of reconstruction after the war." Stating that the collapse of Ger- many, which may come sooner than any of us suppose, hinges on the ex- haustion of her industries, he pointed out that already she is experiencing a terrific breakdown in her communi- cations system and that the morale of the people has not benefited by the recent lack of victories. "We must think now about post- war reconstruction in order that we will not again lose the peace and must prepare for the establishment of the democratic regime and educational system in all the countries of the world." 71ew £tfle4 rtIit t ilQ'6 4 WEM J I hk. MacGregor LOU NGER KNOCKABOUT All-around relaxer of all- wool fluorescent cloth. Lined with cheerful McGregor plaid. With new saddle-bag pockets. $15.00 Plaid cord vest . . . . . $3.95 Sp 4 4 N'1 . ' :5 ... ... 11