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September 29, 1942 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-09-29

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U ~

University Aids
Students Seeking
Vocational Help
Bureau Of Appointments,
Directed By Purdom,
Serves Vital Purpose
Seeking to help the student deter-
mine what vocation he should pre-
pare himself for and to help graduat-
ing seniors contact prospective' em-
ployers, the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation serves a vital purpose on cam-
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, director of
the Bureau announces that over 1500
persons took advantage of the voca-
tional guidance tests during the past
Both students and employers make
demands upon the Bureau for well-
trained people for summer employ-
ment. Many times summer work of-
fers an opportunity for the candi-
dates to establish permanent rela-
tionships for their later careers.
Placement of teachers takes in a
large part of the Bureau's work, but
vocational and guidance services are
intended for the student body. Advice
regarding the selection of courses to
prepare for certain fields in demand
and the techniques of interviewing
and writing letters of application is
freely given.
A complete testing program has
been developed to answer the de-
mands of students in helping them to
select their vocations and settle some
of their personal problems. These
tests are given to prospective fresh-
men as well as students.
Credentials gathered from each ap-
plicant include full information re-
garding school training, working ex-
perience both in school and out, out-
side activities and personal interests.
All of this information is requested
by employers.
Acquaintance Bureau
To Assure Dates . .
The problem of the dateless
freshman is solved!
"Everybody does it' is the motto
of the campus Acquaintance Bu-
reau, designed to make happynthe
men and women new to the Uni-
versity, who would like to become
acquainted and make new friends.
Located in the League near the
information desk with other
booths in Mosher-Jordan Halls,
West Quad and the Union lobby,
the Bureau files information about
dateless hopefuls and arranges
meetings, taking care to match up
couples who will be best suited
and have similar interests.
The League and Union staff
which sponsors the bureau proudly
reports a record of 365 "mix 'em
and match 'ems" of last years.

Is Main Study
Of NewGroup
An organization to awake student
minds to problems of reconstruction,
the Michigan Post-War Council was
founded in April to stimulate dis-
cussion and study of post-war needs.
Plans for this semester include
seminar groups to discuss post-war
affairs, the organization of Michigan
college groups into a state-wide Post-
War Council and the adoption of a
set of principles.
Throughout the summer the Post-
War Council held weekly meetings
conducted by authoritative speakers.
After short introductory talks the
group, through questions and opin-
ions, analyzed such problems as the
future of capitalism in the post-war
world and the settlement of the In-
dian problem.
A New Aim
A new aim is the proposed state-
wide collegiate Post-War Council.
Leaders of the Council have to com-
plete the organization of 29 colleges
by December. After the initial organ-
ization is completed a state-wide
meeting of delegates will be held.
Adoption of a set of principles is
an attempt to formulate some policy
resulting from general agreements at
the long series of meetings since the
Council's inception.
The principles which are expected
to be approved are: that diligent
planning for a peaceful post-war
world is necessary in addition to win-
ning the military war; that there
should be rational social, political
and economic reconstruction to rend-
er war unnecessary; that every hu-
man being should have the right to
free personal development; that all
1productive work be rewarded on the
basis of work accomplished; and that
the Post-War Council will hold itself
morally obliged to act on these prin-
Open To Any Person
The Post-War Council's meetings
are open to any person wishing to at-
tend them. Membership on the Coun-
cil itself is open to any interested
person and to the delegates of cam-
pus organizations.
The initial program at the time of
the Council's formation in April was
a three-day post-war conference.
Featured speakers were President
Alexander G. Ruthven, Dr. Francis
McMahon of Notre Dame University
and Prof. J. Donald Kingsley of Anti-
och College.
The meeting was attended by hun-
dreds of students, both in the lectures
and the discussion panels following
the speeches. The Post-War Council
organized itself into a permanent
group at that time to continue work
which had already won nation-wide
Large attendance to the meetings
continued through the summer term
when studentsand faculty members
spoke to furnish subjects of discus-

Student Publications Buildin g Is One Of Country's Finest

Student Groipu
Studies Housing
Race Problem Is Topic
For Association
The Minorities Committee of the
Inter-Racial Association, first Uni-
versity-recognized student body ere-1
ated to study and alleviate race prob-
lems, is endeavoring to find housing
and employment for students who
are discrminated against because of
race or religion.'
The committee, under the chair-
manship of Mary Constable and Ho-
bart Taylor, has compiled a list of
rooms available to Negroes and Ori-
entals, inspected them, and evaluated
them. Students who are unable to
find rooms are urged to contact the
Originated in the spring of this
year, the association has as its pur-
pose the elimination of racial ill will
by a better understanding of the sci-
entific, economic and social causes of
To this end, the group has had
speeches by colored and white ex-
perts on race problems, parleys on
important questions, and plans to
start a library and circulate petitions
in favor of the anti-lynching bill.

Monthly Magazine
Presents Current
Engineering Datq
Technic. a mgazine put out by
engineers and for engineers and-lit
students with a scientific interest,
will be published monthly during the
coming fall and spring terms with
Bill Hutcherson. '43E, as editor-in-
Hutcherson will be assisted by
Keith Smith, '43, managing editor;
Sidney Shell, '43E, editorial director
and Freeman Alexander, '44E, bus-
iness manager.
The purpose cf Technic is to pre-
sent an account of current technical
data in a popular fashion. The arti-
cles are contributed on the whole by
engineering students and faculty and
leading men of industry. Because of
the nature of this magazine, it has a
wide off-campus circulation and is
sent to technical schools throughout
the state and to other such organiza-
Students will be able to purchase
Technic in the local engineering arch.
It has been planned to bring out
Technic the first part of every month,
and contributions for the magazine
from both engineering students and
members of other schools will be con-
sidered for publication.

The University of Michigan's modern Student Publications Building, one -of the finest in the nation,
houses all of the campus publications .. . The Mich igan Daily, student newspaper, The Michiganensian,
campus yearbook, Gargoyle, humor magazine, and P erspectives, literary magazine.

Hillel Group
Moves To New
Local Quarters
Climaxing fifteen years of activity
on campus, the Michigan chapter of
Hillel Foundation has moved into new
quarters at the corner of Haven and
Hill streets.
The new house is now open to stu-
dents, Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, di-
rector, announced.
Considerably closer to campus than
the old Foundation, the new house is
also much larger and has spacious
grounds. It has a large chapel in the
basement, and full kitchen facilities
will be provided. Rooms will be avail-
able for classes and meetings.
Completely Remodeled
The house was completely remod-
eled, redecorated and relandscaped
through the efforts of the Women's
Auxiliary of the R'nai B'rith District
Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge is
also responsible for its purchase.
The Michigan chapter of Hillel was
founded in 1927. When it moved into
its present quarter at 1102 Oakland,
it was the first Foundation in the
country to have its own building.
Sincethatstime it hasagrown until
the house is unable to accommodate
the numbers of students who attend
services on the High Holy Days and1
Friday evening discussions.
Hillel, with a membership of about
900 last year, is the largest sectarian
organization- on the Michigan cam-
pus. It is largely student governed
by a Student Council elected by pro-
portional representation and an ap-
pointed student director. Last year's
co-directors Robert Warner, '43, and
David Crohn, '43, will probably be
back to serve this year.
Conservative Services
In addition to Holy Day services,
the Foundation holds regular con-
servative services on Friday nights
and reform services Sunday morning.
Friday evening services are regularly
followed by lectures or forum discus-
sions on current affairs.
Hillel's collection of classical rec-
ords is one of the largest on campus.
The new house contains a music
room, as well as a large room to
house its extensive library.
The Foundation annually sponsors
a Fall Dance, a Spring Play, and a
Spring Formal. Last year, in line with
its all-out participation in defense
activities, a stunt show, Hillelzapop-
pin, was substituted for the play, and
gross proceeds were donated to relief
organizations and the Bomber Schol-
arship Fund. The formal also con-
tributed to the fund, while fifty sol-
diers from Fort Custer were special
guests at the Fall Dance.
Oakes To Leave Union
Frank Oakes, for the past five years
assistant manager and social direc-
tor of the Union, leaves next week to
take up a new position as personnel
officer in the Wolverine Tube divi-
sion of the Calumet and Hecla Cop-
per Company. Oakes, who graduated
from the University in 1922, was a
member of Delta Tau Delta frater-

Michigan NROTC Provides
Special Deferment Program

Providing essential training in
naval subjects this year for 250 Mich-
igan men, including 80 freshmen, the
Naval Reserve Officers' Training
Corps will operate under a special
wartime NROTC V-1 deferment pro-
Constituting a classification dis-
tinct from the V-1 college deferment
class, this special program is designedj
to insure the graduation of NROTC
cadets otherwise subject to selective
Cassidy Commands
Commanded by Capt. Richard E.
Cassidy, USN, the University unit of-
fers four years of instruction which
are divided into two years each of
basic and advanced course. The basic
course, admission to which is granted
only to freshmen, includes two peri-
ods of classroom work and one of drill
per week, while the advanced course
requires one more hour of classroom
work. Successful completion of the
entire course includes also a four-
weekcruise on a Naval vessel.
Instruction in seamanship, ord-
nance, gunnery, communications,
military law, and navigation plus drill
and Naval discipline is designed to
Union, League Head
Exchange Of Books
In Non-Profit Plan
Enabling the student to sell his
used books at his own price, the Stu-
dent Book Exchange will open in the
Union on Saturday, Oct. 3.
Conducted on a non-profit basis,
the Exchange will be operated on the
third floor of the Union under the
joint sponsorship of the League and
the Union. It will be open from 8
a. m. to 8 p. m. for a full week. Books
for all campus courses are accepted
and up-to-date book lists are avail-
able to help buyers choose the right
books for various courses.
The book exchange works as fol-
lows: .Students bring their books in
and fix a price on them. After the
book is sold, the student is paid by
check a few days later. A 10 per cent
charge is levied for operational ex-
penses. If any book is not sold, the
owner is notified by card and he may
pick it up any time within the two
weeks following the close of the ex-
Navy To Organize Club
For Reserve Members
The U.S. Navy soon will organize
on this campus a Navy Club for men
enrolled in its V-1, V-5 and V-7 pro-
To prepare enrollees for future
service, the Navy will provide club
members with speakers and pamphlet
material about naval history, cus-
toms; seamanship and ordnance.

qualify the cadet on graduation for a E
commission as a Line Officer in the
Navy after a year's active service at
sea or as an officer in the U.S. Marine
Admission to the Unit depends
upon the results of a physical exami-
nation by the Navy examining board
of physicians and the Navy Depart-
ment Selective Examination. Physi-
cal checkups for freshmen will be held
today and tomorrow at NROTC head-
quarters in North Hall, while the se-
lective examination, which is a gen-
eral information and intelligence test,
will take place at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the Natural Science Auditorium. A
list of accepted candidates will be
posted next Saturday in the Union
and the men's dormitories.
Open To Freshmen
Enrollment in the basic course is
open to any freshman student be-
tween the ages of fourteen and twen-
ty-four who is not a candidate for a
1 degree in medicine or dentistry and
who can qualify physically and men-
tally. Fingerprinting and immuniza-
Stion from typhoid and smallpox is
also required..
Upon nomination by the president
of the University, three NROTC ca-
dets are allowed to take a competitive
examination for entrance into the
United States Naval Academy each
year. The examination is taken in
competition with nominees from all
other NROTC Units and honor
Other Benefits
Other benefits from membership in
the Unit are the familiar black and
white midshipman's uniforms which
are furnished by the government,
textbooks and equipment used in
training, and a commutation of sub-
sistence paid to advanced course
Competition in small-bore rifle fir-
ing for the Naval ROTC Trophy, the
Hearst Trophy, and for the Veterans
for Foreign Wars Trophy is one of
the Unit activities which garners
most interest among the cadets.
Other campus activities include the
Unit publication, Pelorus, intramural
sports teams, and Unit record dances
held at North Hall.

Good Drafting Comes Easier
...:. to the man who uses MICROTOMIC
"VAN DYKE" Drawing Pencils with their
HI-DENSITY LEAD.... For school work they
have the notable advantage of drawing lines
that are easy to erase, and are more gener-
ally smudge proof .... At your supply store.

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Notice to
WE REQUEST every customer who brings
lamps into our office for renewal to pre-
identification. Lamps will then be ex-
changed in the usual way. In order to
properly control the distribution of
lamps, and prevent abuse of the privi-
lege, it is necessary for us to have some
means of identification of our customers.
The Detroit Edison Company furnishes
replacements of burned-out Mazda
lamps (in the usual sizes) without extra
charge to customers paying lighting
rates. Remember to bring your latest
electric bill with you when you wish
to renew lamps. It will; save time and

508 East Williams St.

Try some




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339 South Main




I Got A Gal In Kalamazoo
At Last
Glenn Miller
Victor 27934................. 53c
Manhattan Serenade
Blue Blazes
Tommy Dorsey
victor 27962 .................. 53c
Strip Polka
The Major and The Minor
Alvino Rey
Bluebird 11573.................37c
Deliver Me To Tennessee
Woody Herman
Decca 18346 .................. 53c
Knock Me A Kiss
Strictly Instrumental
Jimmie Lunceford
Decca 18463..................53c
He Wears A Pair Of Silver Wings
Jingle, Jangle, Jingle

Serenade In Blue
That's Sabotage
Glenn Miller
Victor 27935 ..................
Manhattan Serenade
At The Crossroads
Jimmy Dorsey
Decca 18467 ..................
Strip Polka
Mister Five by Five
Andrew Sisters
Decca 18470...............
My Devotion
Sorghum Switch
Jimmy Dorsey
Decca 18372 ...............
I Left My Heart At A Stage
Door Canteen
My Devotion
Charlie Spivak
Columbia 36620 .<...........

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