x THE MIChIGAN DAILY , .,_ 4. __ Wayne County's Votes Hold Iey To Close Race Hofman Again IAep. Clare E. Hoffman-widely known for his violent opposition to .the Administration's foreign and domestic policy-swept into office yesterday. Hoffman's speeches were widely distributed by the America First Committee under Congres- sional frank =mail, Nazis Downed m First Round of Tank Battle (Continued from Page 1) tank battle that could decide the course of the whole campaign. (The German News Agency DNB quick ly described the battle as the biggest tank engagement yet fought in the desert and said fighting con- tinued on a vast scale despite Allied losses of a third of their 500 tanks.) SA brilliant slash by Australian in- fantry set the scene for the tank melee which began yesterday at Tel El Akakir-"Hill of the Wicked Men" -a height miles west of what had been the front line stretching from the Mediterranean to the Qattara De- pression when the British, 12 days ago, opened their offensive with heavy and continuing Allied air sup- port. The Australians cut through the minefields, swung right toward the coast and pocketed a considerable German force in a narrow corridor between the coastal railroad and the shore. Major Farm Heads Saggest a 4-Point Manpower Program WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. - (T) - Heads of three major farm organi- zations recommended tonight a four- point manpower program in place of what they , called "misdirected ef - forts" of government agencies to fasten "far - reaching bureaucratic controls and restrictions" on farmers and farm workers.' Albert S. Goss, master of the Na- tional Giange, Edward A. O'Neal, president, of the American Farm Bu- reau Federation, and Ezra I. Benson, executive secretary of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, said in a joint statement: "Under the guise of the war effort, a social revolution is being perpe- trated upon the American people. We are convinced that unless these poli- cies are immediately abandoned, we face a disastrous shortage of food." GOP Goes Ahead in Light Vote Republicans Lead in 17 Senate Contests, Gubernatorial Races Throughout NAtion (Continued from Page 1) publican on the basis of early returns. In the Senatorial contest, Senator Clyde L. Herring, Democrat, trailed George A. Wilson, now the state's governor. In Massachusetts, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Republican, won re-election and a second term in the seat his famous grandfather held in World War I. A handsome New Deal- er, Rep. Joseph E. Casey, sent him a message of congratulations. The Bay State also was the scene of a breathtaking guberiatorial tus- sle between Governor Leverett Sal- tonstall, Republican *a'ndmember of one of old New England's first fami- lies, and Democratic Mayor Roger Lowell Putnam of Springfield, but Salstonstall won out for another term. Stassen Leads Thirty - five - year - old Republican Harold E. Stassen of MWinnesota, who is soon to join the Navy, enjoyed a substantial lead over Farmer-Labor and Democratic opponents. So also did the Republican senatorial nomi- nee, Senator Joseph H. Ball. Orland S. Loomis, Progressive, was virtually assured of election to the governorship today with unofficial returns from the Wisconsin election five-sixths complete. He had a lead of 57,293'and was gaining with each batch of reports.. With only strongly + Republican towns remaining to be counted, Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce (Re .) led 'Rep. Leroy D. Downs (Dem.) by 2,721 votes in the fourth congressional district. The vote for 11 towns, inclding all normally Democratic strongholds 'in the district, gave Downs 45,062; Mrs. Luce 47,783., Bricker Ahead Ohio's voters gave Republican Gov- ernor John W. Bricker an avalanche of votes over former Representative John McSweeney and a third term. Bricker men had been hoping that he would make a good showing, thus in- creasing his stature as favorite son presidential timber in 1944. In New Jersey, Albert W. Hawkes, linoleum manufacturer and former president of the United States Cham- ber of Commerce, defeated U.S. Sena- tor William H. Smathers in the Dem- ocrat's campaign for reelection on the basis of unofficial returns. Hamilton Fish, the' Republican rep- resentative from New York whom both President Roosevelt and Wendell L., Willkie tried to retire to private life, had a slim margin over Ferdi- nand A. Hoyt, Democratic and Ameri- can-Labor nominee. Bridges Selected . Up in New Hampshire's granite hills, Senator Styles Bridges, Republi- can, took a reelection lead over Fran- cis P. Murphy, long a Republican but now a Democrat. The free state of Maryland caught a bit of national interest when incom- plete returns indicated Democratic Governor Herbert R. O'Conor had an unexpectedly small edge in Balti- more over his Republican foe, Theo- dore Roosevelt McKeldin. O'Conor had figured to carry the normally Democratic metropolis by a wide mar- gin. Sticker Stuck Gerald L. K. Smith-the late Huey Long's campaign lieutenant- was badly marred in the Michigan senatorial elections. He ran as an Independent Republican, a sticker candidate. He heads the nebulous "Committee of One Million" which has headquarters somewhere in De- troit. Dewey Wins Governorship Of New York (Continued from Page 1) opposition of President Roosevelt, also declared Dewey the winner. Shortly before 11 p.m., a tabulation from 3,896 of the state's 9,327 dis- tricts gave Dewey, 937,039; Bennett, 575,237 and Dean Alfange, American Labor Party candidate, 122,360. Dewey issued a statement calling for united and unswerving loyalty to President Roosevelt as "our Com- mander-in-Chief" and asserted "we are all Americans together." He urged Americans to redouble the nation's efforts to bring about "total,, uncompromising, crushing vic- tory over our country's enemies." Dewey's conceded election broke a 20-year span of Democratic governors in the pivotal Empire State and put the 40-year-old former racket-buster prominently into the 1944 Presi- dential picture. Dewey's victory came on his second try for . the, gubernatorial seat. In 1938 he lost to Governor Herbert H. Lehman by a narrow margin. Dewey, 40 years old, short, stocky and energetic as a tugboat, is ac- customed to pushing successfully across his goal. Temporarily defeated n various ventures, he has bounced back, reassembledihis forces and plunged ahead to win. At the age of 31, Dewey took over as chief assistant U.S. Attorney in New York City when his boss, George Z. Medalie, resigned. Slosson, MicClusk y to Discuss Phases of Post-War Plan Prof. Preston Slosson and Prof. Howard McClusky will address the first open meeting of the Post-War Council at 8 p. m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. The program will revolve around the general theme "Why Plan Now?" Included in this topic will be a dis- cussion of the need for post-war plan- ning and what is being done about it. In his talk Professor Slosson will deal with that phase of the problem relating to the necessity of planning now. What the national government has done and what it intends to do in the way of planning for a post-war world will be dealt with by Professor McClusky who has just returned from Washington where he studied youth movements. Clifford Straehley, '44, will preside over the meeting. Following the spee- ches there will be an open question and discussion period. New under-arm Cream Deodorant safey Stops Perspiration 1. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3. Instantly stops perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Prevents odor. 4. A pure, white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. City, County Go Republican by Huge Majority (Continued from Page 1) Butler for the state senatorial post. Republican candidate for state rep- resentative Joseph E. Warner with 4,685 votes also nosed out opponent James C. Hendley who had 2,483. For the State Treasurer's office Republican D. Hale Brake with 4,392 led Theodore I. Fry who had 2,787, and Republican Vernon J. Brown with 4,717 votes passed Carl Bran- denburg's 2,323 for the Auditor Gen- eral job. Candidates for county positions who led in the final tabulations of Ann Arbor votes were: for Prosecut- ing Attorney, Republican George Meader with 4,798; for Sheriff, John Osborn with 5,133; for County Clerk, Luella M. Smith with 5,099; for Coun- ty Treasurer Clyde D. Fleming with 5,011; for Registrar of Deeds Kather- ine W. Skau with 5,071; and for Drain Commissioner Cornelius W. Tuomy led his Democratic opponent Otto Laubengayer, 4,803 to 2,387. For the two Coroner posts to be filled Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn, Re- publican, led with 4,842, followed by Democrat Dr. Samuel F. Clark who had 2,497. The other Democrat can- didate, Dr. Oscar W. Carison tallied 2,431 votes. ~ At press time this morning final election results were available from only 29 of the 36 precincts in Wash- tenaw County (including Ann Arbor). Townships still unrecorded are Bridgewater, Pittsfield, Sylvan (two precincts) and Ypsilanti (wards 1, 2 and 3). In every one of the recorded county precincts outside Ann Arbor the Re- publicans led with a two-to-one mar- gin. Final totals from the 29 pre- cincts show 7,544 votes for Kelly against 4,561 for Van Wagoner; 7,838 for Keyes to 4,088 for Murphy; and 7,012 for Ferguson against Brown's 4,711. Other totals of the 29 precincts are 7,990 votes for Dignan against 3,950 for Eveland; 8,085 for Rushton to 3,801 for Babcock; Brake 7,703 and Fry 4,204; Brown 8,082 and Branden- burg 3,641; Michener 7,603 against 4,317 for Burr; 8,244 for McCallum against. 3,639 for Butler; and 8,085 for Warner to 3,755 for Hendley. Results were received from only 21 precincts of th e three referendum proposals. The proposal for revision of the Michigan constitution received 3,080 "yes" votes and 3,761 "no" votes. War Drama 'Sundown' Opens at League Today Pat Meikle, playing the rple of Rosa Klein, is one of the featured players in "Sundown," a new war play which will open the 1942-43 season of Play Production of the speech department at 8:30 p.m. to- day in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre.- "Sundown," the first modern play to present a girl at a battlefront will run for four days, today through Sat- urday. Tickets may be purchased from 10 a.m. until curtain time at the box office of the Mendelssohn Theatre. The play is in three acts, with three distinct groups of characters, except for the three principal char- acters. These parts will be taken by Betty Alice Brown as Fay Gordon, John Babington as Brad Sullins (ali- as Dan Ramer) and Philip Swander as Rex Holt. Written by John L. Brumm, head of the journalism department, for the 25th annual convention of the Uni- versity Press Club, "Sundown" will be presented on Friday before mem- bers which include state editors and publishers. The public is also invited to this performance. "Sundown" is under the direction of Prof. Valentine B. Windt of the Department of Speech. The settings and all the effects .are under the supervision of Robert Mellencamp, and the costume arrangements were planned by Emma Hirsh. As an expression of our times, White to Probe Race Conflicts Prof. Leslie White, of the anthro- pology department, will discuss prob- lems connected with race at 8 p. m. today in the Michigan Union. The lecture is the first large meet- ing of the Inter-Racial Association this semester. Professor White will consider some of the popular misconceptions regard- ing racial differences and then ana- lyze the real reasons for racial preju- dice. The Inter-Racial Association is an University - approved organization whose aim is to eliminate discrimina- tion against members of minorities. Professor White spoke before the group this summer. PAT MEIKLE "Sundown" deals with a mistaken notion of cowardice ana a young man's psychological reaction to its influence. It is concerned with youth's relation to the war and its subsequent effect toward the im- provement of a post-war society. Faculty Men Active in War. History Professors Join Armed Forces Three members of the history de- partment are now serving in the ac- tive war effort. Professor Howard M. Ehrmann has now been commissioned as a Lieuten- ant Second Grade in the U.S. Naval Reserves and is now receiving inten- sive training at one of the naval cen- ters in New York City. Professor S. M. Scott has gone to the Canadian government,. Depart- ment of Foreign Affairs. He is serv- ing in the capacity of a liaison officer in charge of problems arising in con- nection with the internment in Can- ada of Axis prisoners of war and Axis nationals. Professor R. H. McDowell has been commissioned a captain in the U.S. Army and is serving overseas in the Intelligence Corps. Prof. Christian Begins Organ Recitals Today Series to Be Given at Hill Auditorium; Noted Men to Play Palmer Christian, University organ- ist, will open the annual weekly series of organ recitals at 4:15 today in Hill Auditorium with a program which will feature compositions of Eric De- Lamarter, visiting professor of music. Professor Christian will present De- Lamarter's "Suite" in three parts: Nocturne, The Fountain, and Legend. It has been said of this selection by PROGRAM Concerto in B-flat major, No. 2 . . ...... ..... . .......Handel Largo (Concerto Grosso No. 12 .................. ......Handel Gavotte with Variations... Stanley Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C ..Bach Fantalsie in A...........Frank Choral Prelude: "Rejoice, Ye. Pure in Heart" ............ Sowerby Choral ]prelude: "O God in Heaven, Look Down on Me" .... Penick Suite ............... DeLamarter Prelude to "The Blessed Damozel" .............Debussy-Christian Rhapsody Catalane ......Bonnet critics that it embodies "an unusually sensitive feeling for nicety of effect and a masteily finesse in composi- tion." Recitals on successive Wednesdays will be performed by George Faxon, organist and choir master at St. An- drew's Church, on Nov. 11; Walter Blodgett, Curator of Music Arts of the Cleveland Museum of Art, on Nov. 18, and Professor Christian again on Nov. 25. Hope Voters Forsake Ballots for Ducks HOPE, Ark., Nov. 3.-()--"Be- tween the war and duck hunting, the election perished." Editor Alex H. Washburn of the Hope Star thus summed up the situa- tion at Hope today where by noon only two out of this city's five boxes had been opened and only 57 votes had been cast in the general election. In 1938 the same five boxes polled 530 votes by noon. i - I _r , That IRLS I IhW theW YOU BELIEVE: /olverine is strictly a men's club? v~ 1 That only members are served at the Wolverine? That individual meals cannot be purchased at the 1 1010 Wolverine? .'1 c, ti" " ''" ti 1 'y. ti v- 'c'.t;: . "'"4 yti'r }Y' s ALL SET for the FORMAL THIS FRIDAY \V That members must purchase .. These are FALSE IMPRESSIONS that we wish to correct! .. . I Come in, try this evening's steak dinner a meal ticket each week? and see for yourself. GUEST PRICE... 58c 1The Students' Own Dining Club" z I II I ii I I