WAGEY01I~ THE. 1MICHIGAX D4AILY 1__ Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 THE VACANT NINTH CHAIR SAMUEL GRAFTON'S I'd RXather Be Right REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERT13ING 8Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE.' NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON . Los AGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mints Will Sapp George W. Sallad6 Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann . a . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor Women's Editor Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . James Daniels Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MVANTHO "'rrr;:' 9Jr+ - ' r' Editorials published in The Michigan Daily ' are written byhmembers of The Daily staff. and represent the views of the writers only. .. NEW YORK- I always try to understand what the opposition to the Administration is saying. That is my duty. The opposition, accord- ing to theory, should be a shaft of light. It should show the way through dark places. It should re- charge my batteries. But I leave it to you. That's Good, That's Bad As I understand the opposition (and I mean the tight, hard core of opposition to Roosevelt that ov- erlaps party lines) it believes that American business has made a fine record in the war, but that the government's production program is in a muddled and chaotic state. As to how the opposition can entertain both beliefs simultane- ously, no explanation is given. Thus I read in one organ that Washing- ton piles "confusion on confusion," and in the same issue that Detroit has pushed its war production to $6,000,000,000 a year, 70 per cent above peacetime highs. What goes one here? Isn't Detroit in the United States? Isn't it connected in some way with the Administra- tion's program? But the problem of giving De- troit credit without letting a little spill over on Donald Nelson and Mr. Roosevelt seems insuperable; and it is merely shucked. Yes, But Also No We next come to the opposition's stand on the delicious question of individual freedom. I have heard the opposition say that we have to watch this Administration lest it kill all personal liberty under ex- cuse of the war. I have also heard it remark bitterly that the Admin- istration refuses to draft workers for necessary war jobs, and that it refuses to wipe out overtime pay clauses in labor contracts. This curious ambivalence, these tendencies to schizophrenia, had better be watched. They show up on the dual proposition that this Ad- ministration invariably plays poli- tics with pressure groups, and also that it tries to reduce Congress to a rubber stamp. Both theories sim- ply can't be true. Another pert dualism is that this Administra- tion goes much too far in the di- rection of. national planning, and that it is much too concerned about what happens to the food supply (mostly coffee supply) of the aver- age citizen. This particular dichotomy has quite a history. It is precisely those publications which for years have tried to picture all government as a clown, all administration as a cross between the idiotic and the sinis- ter, which now want to know why government can't plan things a lit- tle better so that no coffee cup may go empty without Washing- ton knowing of it. They have for years fought to unsell their readers on the merits of government planning; they have conducted an expensive education- al drive to create distrust of plan- ning. Now they want to know why administrators upon whom they havedeliberately inflicted shell- 'shock, aren't keener, more dashing, pinker in the cheek and brighter in the eye. What Do They Want? We hear tell that the Adminis- tration ought to listen more defer- entially when the opposition speaks, and pay more attention to its the- ories. Yet two major opposition lines are that the Administration ought to put a single military figure in charge of the war effort, and that it ought, also, to get more war goods to the fighting fronts. Now it is quite obvious to Washington observers that most of our military figures want to keep as much goods within the United States for train- ing purposes as possible; that the Administration has to fight every step of the way to get war goods out of the country, particularly to our allies. If the Administration surrendered control to the military, lease-lend would almost certainly be affected. When, therefore, the opposition suggests turning the war effort over to a non-elected, professional mili- tary head, is it thinking of the fighting fronts, or is it thinking of getting that man out of there? A good part of the opposition is either amazingly innocent, or amazingly unconcerned. That is certainly not true of all opposition spokesmen. There has been fine' and thoughtful oppositional work done, by such as the Truman Com- mittee and Mr. Willkie. The odd thing is that the best oppositional showing comes from those who. rarely label themselves the opposi- tion. The best and hardest blows, oddly enough, are delivered by men who never seem to be in need of explaining that they are really sincerely behind the leaders of our effort. (Copyright, 1942, N. Y. Post Syndicate) DAILY OFFICIAL1 BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) LT. HOWARD: 'M' Men Given All Facts About Reserves WHEN the armed forces Joint Procurement Committee was here last month, it told Clark Tibbetts, secretary to the War Board, that the turnout was fine and that they considered the University's informational services and attitude very fine. At Michigan State College Sunday Naval Lieut. John Howard of the connittee com- plained that Michigan students did not know "a war is going on." But Lieutenant Howard himself was one of those who complimented the War Board last month. This contradiction reveals the complete job the War Board is doing in keeping students in- formed of the reserve programs and the changes that even the Navy does not understand. MICHIGAN students understood all they needed to about the Procurement Committee, be- cause they had been told all about reserves in the War Board's comprehensive bulletins and inter- views.-- Leon Gordenker FLAG-WAVING: Work, Not Words, Is Student Demand Now FAGS AND BANNERS have been discarded for the most part for this war, and the accent has been placed on actual work: What are you doing to aid the war effort is the question, not how many flags have you waved from your window during the past week? War rallies and mass meetings are suspicious enterprises to students these days. And it has become the general con- sensus of opinion that cheering men on platforms is a poor substitute for getting your hands dirty by working. So we can't become too excited over the charges that University of Michigan students don't know there is a war going on because they didn't turn out en masse for war rally, as Lieut. John Howard charged. Facts and figures quoted by Mr. Clark Tibbetts also seem to cut Lieutenant Howard's adcusations down further than their original face value. As far as we are concerned, we have had our share of war rallies BUT LIEUTENANT HOWARD is right indeed in his demands that students be made to realize that there is a war going on, and that all students have a duty to participate in it as actively as they can while they are in school. We have, however, dismissed the rally as a signifi- cant form of "war spirit." It is necessary, then, to find and use a capable substitute. At Michigan, that has been largely in the form of scrap col- lecting and other work which the Student Man- power Commission has assigned to willing stu- dents. In other words, without benefit of flags and bonfires Michigan students have actually proved their consciousness of the war by doing war work. YET, there is still another angle to this business. Lieutenant Howard said we need several weeks of indoctrination in war spirit. That, we do not believe to be strictly true. But what we do need here, as well as every other campus in the nation,' is a method of corrolatingnot only our work, but our "war thinking." There is an explainable pur- pose to the War Manpower Commission. And there is an entire new realm of thinking open to students which has not yet been satis- factorily explored or explained. It is a field of mind which does not work best under "indoc- 1 AXEta 9 at 4 By TORQUEMADA SOME DAYS BACK I wrote a column describ- ing certain courses in the University as pipes and attacking them as such, while recognizing their subject value. Among the courses was the geology department's Organic Evolution, taught by Professor Hussey. I hear that Monday morning Organic Evolution was attended by a rich fifty per cent of the class, and that Professor Hussey began his"rIecture: "Well, I'm glad to see we have such a good turnout after that nasty column in The Daily. I'm glad to see what my students think of the course, after that nasty person. And inciden- tally, before I show my slides for today, I'd like you all to realize that I know the person. who wrote that column. I've known him for a long time. In fact I was right there when he wrote it, and I even took a picture of him. Here it is." And he flashed a slide of a sweet- looking baboon. I really don't know Professor Hussey, but I once took Geology 12, and I've heard some stories about him that make him out as one of the most humorful profs in this school, as well as a very high class geologist. All the kids in his recitation section used to crowd around the desk after class and listen for gags. Like one time one stu- dent had a Poli. Sci. book lying on the desk; Hus- sey picked it up, leafed through, "Well, there's almost as much junk in here as there is in my syllabus." Or another time, when a Shakespeare text was on the deck, "Shakespeare, yes, yes,' I know him well. Where's 'Shootin' of Dan Mc- Grew?'" One day in Geology lecture we were shown some beautiful slides of rock faults, and in one slide there was a huge mountain formation topped by an Indian wigwam. The lecture went on: "The Indians of the region are very pictur- esque people, who lead a quiet simple life of blanket weaving and tourist scalping. I knew one of those Indians once; he was ' a Swede from Minneapolis." All these gags delivered with a throaty chuckle matched only by Bob Benchley. BEYOND DOUBT Professor Hussey is one of the most funny men in this school. I hope his attendance picks up. lie leiento i/c cilctro Lonely Sports Editor To the Editor: THE MEMBERS of The Daily editorial staff have refrained from commenting extensively on the disputed decision in the Minnesota game, doubtless because they feel that-especially at the present time-the matter 'is too trivial for comment, and perhaps also because it is their policy to leave discussion of athletic matters to the sports editor. However, such disputes some- times create ill feeling which lasts for years; and, since The Daily has in the past had a very credi- table record 'for decrying attempts, made all too frequently by writers on various college publica- tions, to magnify minor disputes into major grievances, two points should be put on record: FIRST;for the benefit of any Michigan students who read no sports page except The Daily's: DREW PEARSON S MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON- With elections over, both political parties face a major problem of over- hauling their high command. This will not be easy-especially for the Democrats. Here is the dilemma they face. 1.-The President isn't particularly interested in politics, shouldn't be interested, needs to de- vote his whole time to the war. Yet he knows, and his party leaders know, that elections are not won in the last five minutes, but during months and years.-of advance preparation. 2.-Meanwhile the President is building up no No. 2 man to take his place; the party mchinery is running down; patronage on which a party feeds has vanished; and most people believe Roosevelt could not be elected for a fourth term, even if he wants one, which close friends say he doesn't. Most immediate of the reorganization prob- lems is the selection of a new Democratic Na- tional Chairman. Ed Flynn, ex-boss of the Bronx, is notgin good health, hasthe shadow of Belgian paving blocks over his shoulder, definitely will resign whether he becomes U.S. Ambassador to Mexico or not. To replace Flynn there has been some back- stage talk of bringing back the old Jim Farley- Chip Robert crowd, which saw its hey-day around 1936. But that seems out of the question. Actually, Jim is too sore at the President, and vice versa, for them to function together in any manner, shape or form-even though Jim was the most efficient politico ever around the White House. Furthermore, Farley will be askedby New York Young Democratic leader Harold Moskovit to step out of the chairmanship of the Democratic Party in New York State, and give the state organization a chance to be revamped from the top down. A lot of people are urging a similar organization for the Democratic Party nationally. Republican Splits Meanwhile, the Republicans are in slightly better shape-but not much. Titular leader Wen- dell Willkie is becoming more and more inde- pendent. Tom Dewey, who will demand and se- cure more and more leadership, is completely on the outs with Willkie. And Willkie more than re- ciprocates. Chairman Joe Martin has been keeping the party machinery together, but cash donations have been meager and the job is not easy. More difficult than anything else, however, has been the problem of setting up an over-all Republican policy which will satisfy the conflict- ing views of "isolationist" and "interventionist" leaders. This applies, too, to other matters. In Kansas, for instance Alf Landon was all set to make a speech just before the election urging the return of prohibition, and it was only last- minute wire-pulling by Alf's close friends that persuaded him to forget it. They argued that a forecast of prohibition raised by a one-time leader of the GOP would throw a lot of votes to Demo- crats. Result of all this conflict is the likelihood that even wider schisms will develop inside both Dem- ocratic and Republican ranks. So it would sur- prise no one in the Capital to see a non-partisan Was tefu l Scrapp ing . i Criticized r To the Editor:s Is it not about time to call for af little judgment before the enthusiasm1 of the scrap collectors runs completelyN amuck? One hears of the sacrifice off a fine antique copper kettle-a mu- seum piece, or a serviceable iron bed. One reads of patriots destroying a grand piano, when music students must do without or rent inferior in- struments. If one urges that the cost of sucht articles is far in excess of what they would bring as scrap, he is met byj the argument that the money is not1 needed, but the material. This is per-t fectly true, and in the last extremitya sucharticles and many more should, be sacrificed. But that last extremity is not yet, while 'the unornamental fence still surrounds the Martha Cook yard. Nor has the last extremity .arrived while there are still miles of old trolley track lying in the fields, and while there are still junk piles. on farms too far away to "make it pay," to bring in the me- tal. One.man on a leisurely week- end automobile trip collected over 150 pounds along Michigan high- ways. It would be more intelligent and more productive of results to sell ar- ticles of value that are no longer needed by their owners, and use the money to bring in enormously greater amount of scrap metal. A fraternity buys a second-hand car to scrap. A more intelligent pro- cedure would be to put the car to Senior Engineering Students: Fred n C. Betzhold, Senior Class PresidentS of the Engineering College, requests I all seniors who wish to have their t pictures appear in this year's 'Ensianf to make appointments to have theirf pictures taken with the local photog- raphers as soon as possible. The University Bureau of Appoint- rments has received notice of the fol- t lowing United States Civil Servicet Examinations. Applications will be s accepted until the needs of the serv-c ice have been met. Physiotherapy Aide, $1,800. Jr. Physiotherapy Aide, $1,620. Student Physiotherapy Aide, $420. Apprentice Physiotherapy Aide, $1,440. Library Assistant, $1,260 to $1,620. Assistant Materials Inspectors k (Paints; Textiles, General) -$2,600.C Further information may be had5 from the notices which are on file in the office of the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Owing to the fact that Play Pro-t luction has adopted "Sundown," orig-1 inally written for the annual news-1 papermen's convention as its first regular offering of the season; the usual complimentary tickets cannotx be reserved for the faculty. Profes- sor Brumm wishes to urge faculty friends to patronize this offering 'byI Play - Production and incidentally witness the ,play originally intended for their entertainment. "Sundown"I will be presented tonight through Saturday, Nov. 7. Lectures American Chemical Society Le-a ture: Professor Paul Gross, Chairman. of the Chemistry Department of Duke University, will speak on "Recent Di- pole Moment Measurements on Hy- drogen Fluoride and on Carboxylic Acids" at 4:15 p. m;, Thursday, No- vember 5, in Room 303 Chemistry. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. L. T. Hal- lett, Eastman Kodak Company, will speak on the subject, "Industrial Ap- plications of Micro-analysis'" (llus- trated with slides and colored mov- ies), under the auspices of the De- partment of Chemistry on Wednes- day, Nov. 11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 151, Chemistry Building. The public is invited. 'Oratorical Association Lecture: Louis Fischer and M. W. Fodor, au- thors and journalists, will be pre- sented 'Thursday at 8:15 pm. at Hill Auditorium by the 'Oratorical Asso- ciation in a joint discussion "'The, Shape'of the Peace to Come." Tick- ets may be purchased today and Thursday at the Auditorium box of- fice, which will be open from 10-1 ad 2-5 todaiv and ifrom 10 a.m. until WErNESD.AY. NOV 4, 194S Ing at 4:15 p.m. Mr. John Treanor Smith will speak on "Preparation of Pure Metallic Surfaces and Study of heir Wetting Properties." Navy V-1 or V-5 Enlisted Men: [here is one opening in the Civilian Pilot Training program for the extra- urricular program. You must be nlisted and attending the Univer- ity. Program will start as soon as vacancy in quota is filled. Further letails may be had in room B-47 E. Engineering, or call 4121, Ext. 2113. Doctoral Examination for Fakhri B. Ma'luf; Philosophy; thesis: "The a priori in ScienceAccording to the Philosophy of Meyerson," will be held n Thursday, November 5, in 204 Mason Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman D. H. Parker. By actionrof the Executive Board, he Chairman. may invite members >f the faculties and advanced doc- oral candidates to attend the exam- [nation and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason night wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum School of Education Students, oth- r than freshmen: Courses dropped after Saturday, November 7, will.be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported In the office of the Registrar, Room , University Hall. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores- try, Music, and Public Health: St- lents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance Will receive a grade of E in the course or ourses unless this work is made up by November 5. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in rder to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appro- priate official in their school with Room 4 U. H. where it will be trans- nitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Cleve- and Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Con- ductor, will play Beethoven's Sym- hony, No. II, Morton Gould's "Spir- tuals" for String Choir and Orches- ra, and Tschaikowsky's "Pathetique" Symphony at their concert in the ;horal Union Series on Sunday eve- ning, November 8, at 8:30 o'clock, in- tead of in the afternoon as previous- y announced. A limited number of ickets are still available at the of- 'ice of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President An Organ Recital will be given this afternoon at 4:15 in Hill Audi- torium. Palmer Christian, Univer- sity Organist, will present a program Af compositions by Handel, Stanley, 3ach, Franck, Sowerby,.Penick, De- Lamarter, Debussy and Bonnet. The public is cordially invited. Carillon Concert: Professor Perci- val Price, University Carillonneir,; has planned a program of Canadia carillon compositions for his recital at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday, November 5. Programs for the entire series are available in the office of the School of Music. Events Today The Faculty Woman's Club annual reception will be held today at 3:0 p.m. in the ballroom of the Michigan League. Classical Music Hour: At the Inter- national Center the following pro- gram will be played tonight at 7:30: J. S. Bach: G Minor Fugue, Sto- kowski and Philadelphia Orchestra. Beethoven: Overture to Leanore. Mozart: Symphony No. 40 in G Minor. The Post-War Council will meet tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan League. Professor P. W.Slosson and Professor H. Y. McClusky will talk on "Why Plan Now." The public is invited. The Central Committee of Assem- bly Banquet will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Undergraduate Office of the League. "Sundown," a modern war drama by John Lewis Brumm, will be pre- sented by Play Production of the Department of Speech tonight through Saturday at£8:30 at the Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets may be purchased at the theatre box of- fice from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily. Coming Events La Sociedad Hispanic& will have a program meeting Thursday, Nov. 5, at 8:00 p.m. at the Michigan League. Phi Ielta Kapa Coffee Dour will be held in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building Thursday, November 5, at 4:15 p. m. Dean J. B. Edmonson will speak. Phi Delta Kap- pa members of other chapters are invited.