0 PAG4E ro Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * Los ANGEL6B * SAN FRANCISCO Editoral Staff TE H_ MIChiGAN DAILY TIUMSDfAY, NO V. 2, 1942 i __ ONE THEATRE, TWO DIRECTORS FROM THE ARMED FORCES: Letter To A Student' Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp George W. Sallad6 Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . City Editor Associate Editor . . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor S. . Women's, Editor . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg, James Daniels . . . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst rt. ' , 4 1 ' 1i~ "J wo Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN ERLEWINE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ELECTION DAY: ';.; r...yf .. rj''y*' Patriotic Citizens Must Cast Votes Intelligently TODAY is election day. Americans are once again privileged to exer- cise the historic right of selecting their own gov- ernment. They are one of the few peoples in the world today, and the only one of the principal participants in the war, that still have that op- portunity. It is indeed a priceless heritage. It is the heri- tage for which our earliest ancestors crossed the then unchartered Atlantic Ocean. It is the same heritage for which they fought and died during the perilous years when this great Republic was being molded. This very hour the greatest strug- gle of all is being waged to preserve and insure elections for future generations of Americans. Yet, today some Americans will sit at home. Through inertia, laziness or lack of interest they will not cast their ballots in this first wartime election of the Second World War. Regardless of political affiliation, it is the duty of every patri- otic citizen of a great Democracy to vote. Intelli- gent voting is the essence of any democracy. At a time when democracy is being threatened, we must demonstrate that freedom does not mean apathy and disinterest. It's up to you, John Q. Citizen. Get out and vote! - George W. Sallade PROFS IN POLITICS: Hatch Act Bans Faculty Action In Government EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE in some obscure corner of the newspaper we read of a senator or representative in Washington who utters a few words in behalf of a proposed amendment to the Hatch "clean politics" act which would exempt college professors and instructors from the clause forbidding them to participate in politics. No big issue is made of the proposal. Just a few words are said and then it is put back into the files to gather more dust. Maybe the Con- gressmen speak in favor of the amendment peri- odically only to insure the votes of faculty men. Maybe they are too busy at present with war issues to fool around with the Hatch act. Whatever the case may be in Washington, throughout the country there is a shortage of "good men" in politics just as there is a shortage of skilled labor, of nurses, doctors, machinists and farm laborers. Just as the administration of foreign affairs is important during wartime so is the administration of state and local govern- ments important. It goes without saying that allprofessors and instructors are not necessarily good politicians or even fair administrators but there are among the faculties of universities and schools men and women who would be a great asset to national, state and city governments; men and women who have specialized training in economics, political science, business administration and various oth- er fields. A law prohibiting these educators from taking an active part in the orientation of our govern- ments is "political sabotage" not only to our present war effort but to the future of our country. The Hatch Act clause bans from politics only those educators who are employed by institutions I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK- THE DEMON EXECUTIVE: There is slight revival of the drive to bring Gen- eral MacArthur back to Washington and place him at the center of the war effort. There is also a demand that some genius be appointed to make a study of the manpower situ- ation, and tell us, once and for all, how to use our people. All this is like that request, mentioned here yesterday, that still another miracle man be put in charge of food production and distribution. We are still looking for those wonderful, wonderful men, who will conduct a better war effort for us than our present officials are doing, simply be- pause their gifts are greater, their talents are higher, their eyes are brighter. No Room for Miracles But if it is against official policy for us to give more than 12 per cent of our production to our allies, how is the best executive in the world going to improve the position of our allies? He can be the greatest fist-pounder-on-desks ever seen on earth, but unless that plan is changed, just what will he accomplish? If it continues to be our policy not to heed the Russian request that we divert thirty or forty divisions of Nazi troops, what miracle can the miracle worker work?I He may have a terrible glare, his eyes may burn like living coals, his voice may be a legend of the anterooms where secretaries cower,' but if he is not free to detail a specific number of men and a specific number of ships to a specific task, knowing specifically how much work-and- metal is needed on the home front to cover that specific operation, just how will he be able to perform significantly better than a weak execu- tive? The search for a man has become a substitute for the search for a policy. They've Done Their Job It is a very curious thing that so varied a group of executives as we now have in Washington, suc- cessful Americans almost to a man, should have "failed," as is sometimes said. I submit the extra- ordinary thought that they have not failed at all, but have, by and large, succeeded, in the sense that they have carried out the policy given to them. They have been asked to scatter our production around the world, in little, dispersed, defensive heaps. They have done so. They have not been world, for every variety of service, simultaneous- ly. They have, by and large, done so. It is sometimes asked why they were not able to back up our men in Bataan better, or on Guad- alcanal. That was not the job assigned to them. The job assigned to them was to provide equip- ment for the biggest and most ambitious train- ing program ever seen on earth, plus a little extra for action here and there, and driblets to allies. They have more or less done so. If the results are inconclusive, that can only be because the underlying policy is inconclusive. Even the most beetle-browed executive ever seen out of Hollywood, a veritable Edward G. Arnold, could not back the boys at Guadalcanal, if the official policy is to hoard equipment at home for training a force of almost unlimited size for hypothetical action in some future years. Where Genius Doesn't Help If the official policy is to build an enormous army, but not for immediate use, then a better executive will only build a still more enormous army not for immediate use. He will widen out the initial error, but he will, not necessarily win the war. If the task before him is indefinite in extent, and defensive in philosophy, how can any amount of executive genius make it more definite, or more offensive? If a current official is not allowed to drop enough material to China, or Russia, to enable our allies to give the enemy a definitive bang, how will a new hot-shot in the job do any better? The search for new faces is the other side of our ancient refusal to commit ourselves to a plan. It is the old search for a miracle, this time one in trousers. (Copyright, 1942, N. Y. Post Syndicate) a Mlaking the Peace To the Editor: THE TORQ wants to know what the students of Social Studies 93 and others interested in the same problems think they are- going to do when they finish their cqurse. He wants to know if these people think they are going to make the peace. And just in case they think they are, he destroys their pretty little mirage. No, the Torq says, the peace will be made by the "Chambers of Commerce" and not by the people who know how to make it just. Well, there it is, the omnipotent Torq ha's spoken. Let's all go out and drop Social Studies 93 and get a dose of the Torq's prescription, Anti-Social Studies 94. But then, there might be a different answer. Maybe the post-war councils don't think they are going to write the peace treaties by them- selves. Maybe they only think they are going to add to an intelligent electorate that will give the liberals something more to do than "publish the New Republic." Someone has to start the ball rolling. Some- one has to place some barriers in the path. of the "Chambers of Commerce" and the NAMs. Someone has to do something constructive. They might start by thinking and saying some- thing constructive. Even though we are so disillusioned and cyni- (Editor's Note: written to a student on campus, this letter from a Univer- sity graduate in the armed forces has a message of interest to all of us who are wondering about education in wartime.) Dear Bud: I have been reflecting back on my college experience to try and distill out those guideposts that might be of some aid to you. Ordi- narily, the only, way one really can learn these things is through his own experience, but since your own Reserve status is precarious, and" you will be wanting to make the most out of every moment you are permitted to have in college, I thought something of this sort might have some value for you. I finally came to the conclusion that there were at least these three faculties you should try to develop in the next year: 1. The first is intellectual energy. By this I mean that you should be curious. "I want to know why!" Your mind should be exercised and developed, always growing, always eager to know more. This is like physical energy in that it can be developed. At first you may have to kick yourself in the behind when your mind is lazy and wants to be satisfied with inadequate explana- tions, and tries to beg off: "Oh, why bother? you'll never be ex- pected to know how or why. They'll never ask it in a test." You'll find many of your classmates-perhaps most-satisfied with that kind of mediocre performance-but don't you be. Remember: "I want to know why!" 2. But energy alone isn't enough. I hope you'll also learn to channel- lize that energy with intellectual discipline. This is also a matter of practice-and it is the one greatest single lack you and I have. Disci- pline simply means training your mind to do one thing at a time, and to keep on doing it until that job is done. There is no trick sys- tem for learning this, you learn to do it by starting in and doing it, and each time you get off the track, go right back. Your intellectual en- ergy is in many ways like light: if it is diffused in a thousand direc- tions, it dazzles and blinds; when focussed in a beam, it genuinely illuminates. I have known men who can do a surprising amount of work, study or thinking in a short time; and others who seem to have an un- usual clarity of reasoning: their ability stems from the fact that they can make their mind work for them just as easily as they move the fingers of their hand, and both are the result of practice. When you have work to do for school, bring all your faculties to bear on it, and take the toughest first; do not allow yourself to be interrupted or distracted, until you have fin- ished the job well enough to sat- isfy your own highest standards. In this too, do not let others in DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1942 VOL. LIII No. 26 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices To the :Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, November 9, at 4:15 p. m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. All regular meetings of the University Council are open to the members of theUni- versity Senate. To the Members of the University Senate: There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Monday, No- vember 16, at 4:00 p. m. in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Group Hospitalization and Surgical Service Enrollments: The final date for acceptance of new enrollments and reenrollments of all present sub- scribers is November 5. After that date the University group will be closed to enrollments until May 5. Please give this matter prompt atten- tion. Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The five-week freshman reports will be due Sat- urday, November 7, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselor Continued room shortage makes it necessary for the Department of Journalism to appeal again to mem- bers of the Faculty and any others who have rooms which will be unoc- cupied for the nights of Thursday and Friday, November 5 and 6, and ..,..t ,,r,.,, .o f,, la tr+- +o +h your dormitory sway you from learning intellectual discipline- most of the college students never do acquire this faculty. 3. The third, and perhaps the most important faculty one should strive to develop, is his moral sensibili- ties. Every educated man has a per- sonal sense of what is right and wrong, to his way of think- ing, in this complicated world; also, though he may not be completely articulate about it, he has at least a pretty clear feeling what his own values are. Particularly for people of our generation-yours and mine -it is important to do some heavy thinking about our fundamental values, because we are unfortun- ately obliged to put them to the acid test. Reaching out to discover what is for one the important values in life is a job which requires the ac- tivity of all the. faculties-emo- tional as well as intellectual. More- over, it is a personal job-it cannot be done for one, and the values of another person may never precisely coincide with your own in all par- ticulars. It is also a job that is never finished; and the more in- sight and experience one can bring to bear in this constant searching- out, the more adequately one is likely to be able to formulate his own Justinian Code. All these things are to no avail, however, if, after developing one's moral sensibilities, one lacksthe integrity to act accordingly. This is the highest peak of the highest mountain-learn to be absolutely and uncompromisingly honest with yourself, and with all others-in small things and large. Of course it is much easier to say these things than to do them. I wish I could say that I learned these in myt college career. But it's something to shoot for. My first year in college was the most exciting and revolutionaryj year of my life, and though you'veJ already had a year, in many re- spects this coming year may be thei same for you. I hope you'll have a feeling of eagerness for the many new experiences you can have; per-1 haps you'll find it interesting to1 keep a journal, as I did, and still do. If you have any choice between the various branches of the Army, I have no hesitation in recommend- ing the Air Forces. The training in the Air branch consists less of learning to hike 25 miles with a full pack than of learning a hosti of new skills. Of course there are the mental jobs in all branches- while awaiting the start of our flying course (it has been post-z poned from day to day) we have been shoveling gravel, picking up rocks, spreading manure, etc. But these are fewer in the Air Forces. You might inquire if there is a; Civilian Pilot Training program at Michigan; many of these boys in9 bership status, year of election, and chapter where initiated. Mentor Reports: Reports on stand- ings of all Engineering freshmen will be expected from faculty mem- bers during the 6th week and again during the 11th week of the semes- ter. These two reports will be due1 about November 14 and December 16. Report blanks will be furnished by campus mail. Please refer routine questions to Miss Mason, Extension 744, afternoons, who will handle the reports; otherwise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor, Extension 2136. The Atlantic Refining Company representatives will continue inter- viewing the following: Chemical en- gineers and chemists with bachelor's, master's or doctor's degrees. The' company is also interested in junior students in these fields whetheror not they plan to work during the summer or to remain in school until graduation. Interviews are open for this afternoon, and will be scheduled at fifteen minute intervals. Call Ext. 371. Bureau of Apppintments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Lectures American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Professor Paul Gross, Chairman of the Chemistry Department of Duke University, will speak on "Recent Di- pole Moment Measurements on Hy- drogen Fluoride and on Carboxylic Acids" at 4:15 ,p. m., Thursday, No- vember 5, in Room 303 Chemistry. The public is invited. Lectures for Food Handlers: A course of instruction consisting of four lectures for Food Handlers will be given during November,on Tues- day evenings at 8:00 p. m. in the W. K. Kellogg Auditorium. All per- sons concerned with food service to University students are urged to at- tend this series. The second lecture in the series on Marriage Relations will be given in the Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:00 this evening. Identification cards are "an*. , a,, n~c'nrami rin my outfit learned to fly in CPT programs. If you are interested in learning to fly, and if you are eli- gible for the CPT program, it is a wonderful opportunity to learn to fly, and it will also stand you in good stead when you are called into active Army service. I had a lot of fun learning to drive a jeep over a rough course the other day. Reports are, we start gliding tomorrow, and I hope they're true. Ground school con- tinues interesting-even at times absorbing. I enjoyed your letter, Bud, and I do hope you will find time each week to write, even though you will be terribly busy soon. Love and kisses, Marsh Chemistry Building at 4:15 p. m. Mr. John Treanor, Smith will speak on "Preparation of Pure Metallic Sur- faces and Study of their Wetting Properties." Shorthand and Typewriting Classes for University students are being or- ganized for the current year under the auspices of the University. War Board. The classes will begin today and will be offered on a non-credit basis. A small fee will be charged which will be refunded upon comple- tion of the course. Registrations are now being received at the University High School office. Shorthand, 2021 UHS, 1:00 TWThF Typewriting, 2022 UHS, 4:00-5:30, TTh. Section 1 Typewriting, 2022 UHS, 4:00-5:30, WF. Section 2 (Fee for typewriting, $3.50; for typewriting and shorthand, $5.00) Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Cleve- land Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Con- ductor, will play Beethoven's Sym- phony, No. II, Morton Gould's "Spir- ituals" for String Choir and. Orches- tra, and Tschaikowsky's "Pathetique" Symphony at their concert in the Choral Union Series on Sunday eve- ning, November 8, at 8:30 o'clock, in- stead of in the afternoon as previous- ly announced. A limited number of tickets are still available at the of- fice of the University Musical Society, Burton MemorialTower. Charles A. Sink, President An Organ Recital will be given Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 4, at 4:15 in Hill Auditorium. Palmer Christian, University Organist, will present a programyof compositions by Handel, Stanley, Bach, Franck, Sowerby, Pen- ick, DeLamarter, Debussy and Bon- net. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Prize-winning and other drawings by professional architects in the competition for the new cam- pus plan and for a Student Activities Building for Wayne University. Shown through today, third floor ex- hibition room, Architecture Building, daily 9 to 5 except Sunday. The pub- lic is invited. Junior Research Club will meet to- night at 7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Election of new members will precede the fol- lowing program: "Natural Rubber Supplies and Pro- duction,"-Carl D. LaRue, Depart- ment of Botany. "Fermentation Processes in the Production of Synthetic Rubber."- M. N. Mickelson, Department of Bac- teriology. Cercle Francais will meet tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan League. Pro- gram: informal discussion and sing- ing. Theme: "Get Acquainted." Senior Society will meet tonight at 7:10 in the League. The Oriental Religious Seminar will meet this evening at 8:00 in Lane Hall. Mr. Gerald Tien of the Depart- ment of Oriental Languages and Lit- erature will lead a discussion on Con- fucianism. All students are invited. Disciples Guild weekly tea will be held this afternoon, 5:00-6:00 at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St., for Guild members and their friends. Episcopal Students: Tea will be served for Episcopal students and their friends this afternoon by the Canterbury Club, 4:00 to 5:15, in Har- ris Hall. Evening Prayer will be said at 5:15 in Bishop Williams Chapel. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and E of the Michigan League. Coming Events Phi Delta Kappa Coffee Hour will be held in the West Conference Room of the .Rackham Building Thursday, November 5, at 4:15 p. m. Dean J. B. Edmonson will speak. Phi Delta Kap- na memhers nf nther rhanter gae asked for a asked, to equip one moderate-sized striking force specific offensive action; they have been instead, to try to build everything in the L fl Sc", - ( Ike Pointed Pen. N =/1 To the Editor: You recently had an editorial in The Daily which smeared the so-called "Dunderheads." I know that it was not written by one of your men, but, nevertheless, you approved it. May I ask you, under what evidence are you able to slander