FAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOV. 1, 1942 0 r CLASSIFIED AVETISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- 1 crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) $1.00 per 15-word insertion for 3 or more days. (Increase- of $.25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request Our Want-Ad Department will be happy to assist you in composing your ad. Stop at the Michigan Daily Business Of- fice, 420 Maynard Street. HELP WANTED STUDENT, male, part time, three hours. 1-3. Chester Roberts Gifts. PART TIME.WORK, morning or aft- ernoon. Chester Roberts Gifts, 312 S. State. FOR SALE FULLER BRUSHES. Phone 6835- Dealers wanted. CANARIES, California Linnets, Zebra Finches, Parakeets, bird foods and cages. 562 S. Seventh. Phone5330. PERSONAL STATIONERY. - 100 sheets and envelopes, $1.00. Printed with youi' name and address- The Craft Press, 305 Maynard St. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT for a respectable young couple and in- fant. Call Mr. Chapius; 4447. If not in, please leave your number. LAUNDERING GAUNIJRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. --FOR RENT SINGLE ROOM in private home near campus for business man or grad- uate student. Call 8708. ALTERATIONS STOCKWELL & MOSHER-JORDAN residents-Alterations on women'sj garments promptly done. Opposite Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. b. A The Department of Speech presents PLAY PRODUCTION in SUNDOW° MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MONEY-on your used cloth- ing by phoning Claude H. Brown, 2-2736, 512 S. Main. MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding. Brumfield and. Brumfield, 308 S. State. WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112. LOST and FOUND REVERSIBLE at P-Bell Friday, Oct. 30. Letter to my father in pocket. Geo. Walsh, 2-3297. t the State ... Another of 20th Century-Fox's merry musicals, Iceland,' starts today at the State Theatre for a one-week run. The film is highlighted with romance and comedy. Sonja Henie turns in an excellent performance with John Payne, in his uniform of the U.S. Marines. Jack Oakie, that hilarious zany, adds the laughs with ,the help of Sterling Holloway, Felix Bressart and Fritz Feld. The 'swing and sway' music of the Sammy Kaye band introduces five new songs. The setting for 'Iceland' is Ameri- ca'~s newest outpost, and the opening shows the arrival of our fighting Ma- rines to take ever. An averted auto collision introduces Icelandic Sonja to dashing Payne and his sidekick, Private Oakie. It's romance at first sight between' Sonja and Payne and they ultimately marry, but before that happens there is enough hilarious ac- tion and variance to satisfy the most demanding moviegoer. At the Michigan An all-star program comes to thej Michigan today with "The Affairs of Martha" on the screen and Del Courtney and his band on the stage. Featuring Marsha Hunt, Richard Carlson, Marjorie Main and Virginia Weidler, "The Affairs of Martha" is the story of a gal who came out of the kitchen to drop a bombshell in the drawing room. Carlson is cast as the mansion's heir, whose secret wife (Miss Hunt) first served the soup and then spilled the beans. Not since the Sycamores romped through "You Can't Take It With You," has such a dizzy but delightful tribe hit the screen, the Sommer- fields of Rock Bay. Del Courtney's famous dance or- chestra is also featured on the pro- gram today and Monday FDR Receives Painting From M' Student 'Corregidor' Shows Liberty Figurehead Above Battle Smoke "Corregidor," the painting that Eduardo Salgado, former student of the University of Michigan, sent to the White*House was accepted by the President in a note of acknowledge- ment sent by his personal secretary, Grace C. Tully. The painting portrays the stormed island with the figureheads of liberty rising above the smoke and fire of battle. In the foreground, Philippine citizens are shown watching the bat- tle, ready to do their part for final victory by the Allies. The painting was displayed dur- ing the past month in a local book store. Born in Manila, Salgado has lived' in America for two years. He attended the University of the Philippines and later the University of Michigan. In 1940, an exhibition of his works was shown in the Rackham Building. Since coming to the United States, he has had ten showings of his art. One is being sponsored now by the Philippine Battalion stationed at San Luis Obispo in California. The office of the Filipino Resident Commissioner is arranging an exhibition in Wash- ington, D. C. CREW HITS JACKPOT CAIRO, Oc. 31. -(P)- A British medium bomber crew, bored with the lack of targets, let go one stick of bombs Friday night for luck and hit the jackpot. Their off-chance shot blew up a munitions dump some 5,000 feet below. louis fischer THE ShAPE OF THE PEACE TO COME" Thursday, November5 8:15 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM Prices: $1.10, 83c, 55c including Federal Tax factual, colorful events molding the peace terms. i Records of 'H' Songs Available Recordings of Michigan's favorite scngs that were made by the concert band and glee club may still be pur- chased at Alumni Memorial Hall. There is only a limited supply re- maining and it will be almost impos- sible to obtain any more until after the war. Among the recordings that are available are "The Yellow and Blue," "When Night Falls Dear," "The Fri- ars' Song,'* "MIchigan Men," "'Tis of Michigan," "Want to Go Back to Michigan," "Goddess of the Inland Seas" and "In College Days." Also included in the collection is "Michi- gan Fantasy" played by the concert band. The complete set sells for $2.50; there are a few extra records that may be purchased for $1.00. n wfodor Sunday at the Wolverine 209 SOUTH STATE Dinner hours from 12:15 to 2;00 o'clock (GUESTS INVITED) Price 65c Soup, Cream of Chicken with Rice or Choice of Tomato ,Juice, Grapefruit Juice or Apple Juice Appetizers; Sweet Pickles, Dill Pickles, Ripe Olives, Stuffed Olives, Heart of Celery Entres STUFFED SPRING CHICKEN with Walnut Dressing Mashed Potatoes GRILLED BEEF TENDERLOIN French Fried Potatoes Vegetables; Fresh Green Peas, Hubbard Squash Salads: Head Lettuce, Russian Dressing; Fruit Salad, Russian Dressing Hot Rolls Assorted read Dessert' Ice Cream Try A Michigan Daily Classified Advertisement 1942-43 .LECTURE CO URSE Box Office Open Wednesday and Thursday L. Au Excitin at the Hat Wed through S Nov. 4, U I A NEW PLAY BY jOHN LEWIS BRUMM my Modern wk i Girt ttle Front nt.-8:30 p.m.' 5, 6, 7 I g o 0Ur SkuldsogulegUr means romantic in Iceland where the. temperature' drops down to here -and love soars way up there! And what a ska[dsogUIegUr ice-travaganfZa this iswith Sonia skating;the Marines marching....Sammy Kaye with his swing-and-sway...and romance in those arctic nights. It's the hottest-thing on ice! I/ 0 =Wawa= Prices: 39c-55c-83c (inl. Fed. Tax) Box Office opens tomorrow - 10:00 A.M. ~;f94 1. i l II Pflynf vii Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Phlziuc G 6*1,1; w.. a Two Days Only Sunday and Monday :r NOW TODAY! l ,*'' * * ON THE STAGE! IN PERSON! / . .... Radio and Recording Stars DEL CoU TNEY and His O0 RICHESTRA PRESENTING ROMANTIC MELODIES AND TORRID SWING ,1 i J with . ; {f. " MARY JANE TODD JACK MILTON DICK DILDINE CHARLIE BROAD * Pius Extra Added Acts * f. with JACK QAKIE I I FELIX BRESSART - OSA M JOAN MERRILL. FRITZ STERLING HOLLOW SWAY SAMMYswNKAi AND HIS ORCHEST Directed by BRUCE HUMBER Produced by WILLIAM LeB Original Screen Play by Robert Ellis & H CENTURY-FOX PICTURE ,.: WE SELL ti WA, STAMP, PONDS! *.x R' -STARTS MASSEN Z FE LD 'AY LYE TRA RSTONE ARON efen Logan MACK GORDON HARRY WARREN 'You Can't SayNoToASoldiee "Lovers Knot" . "Let's Bring New Glory To Old Glory" "There'dl Never Be Another ,You" *" " Like A Military Tune" ' / Marsha HUNTo Richard CARLSON MARJRIE MAIN 9 VIRGINIA WEIDLER r ' I DTI 7C T7 N