WAG FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Veteran News Men To Speak Here Thursday Fischer, Fodor Will Talk About Post-War Peace Plan At Hill Auditorium Two veteran newspaper correspon- dents will discuss "The Shape.of the Peace to Come" when Louis Fischer and M. W. Fodor meet in the second lecture of the 1942-43 Oratorical As- sociation Series at 8:15 p. m. Thurs- day in Hill Auditorium. Fischer, recently returned from an extensive tour through India and the Par East, will be prepared to discuss the way in which India will be affec- ted by the peace. Fodor, on the other hand, has just returned from Mid- Europe where he acted as roving cor- respondent for the Chicago Daily Nevs Syndicate and will report on the part it will play in the peace after the war.. Fodor To Replace Allen Fodor, replacing Jay Allen, who was originally scheduled to appear Thurs- day, has lectured with Fischer on the same topic on previous occasions and is well prepared to report on the prob- lems to be encountered in the after- math of the war. Both men are foreign correspon- dents of no little reknown and have published many books on current af- fairs. Fischer is the author of "Dawn of Victory," "Men and Politics," "Oil Imperialism" and many others and is recognized as the foremost American authority on Russia, while Fodor has to his credit such best-sellers as "The World Revolution" and "South of Hit- ler." Much-Traveled Fischer For eighteen years Chief European Correspondent of The Nation, Fischer has travelled constantly from one European capital to another follow- ing "breaks" in the news. He lived for many years'in Moscow and spent much time in Berlin in pre-Hitler days. Fodor, Hungarian by birth, an Englishman by training and now, by choice, fast becoming an American, is a legend among journalists the world overand includes among his pupils such celebrated luminaries as Dorothy Thonpson and John Gun- ther. The two men, one emphasizing con- ditions in India andthe Far East, the others dealing with. Mid-Europe; will bring to Ann Arborites a first-hand view of'probleins involved in the mak- ing f 't peace. EDUCATORS RETURN FROM TRIP Dean George E. Carothers, Educa- tion consultant, and Ira M. Smith, registrar, returned from the Upper Peninsula after three weeks of help- ing secondary schools establish pre- flight training courses. Play Production Opens Season With Prof. Brum m's Sundown' A new war play, "Sundown," writ- ten by Prof. John L. Brumm of the; journalism qepartment will be pre- sented by Play Production of the. speech department as their initial performance of the year at 8:30 p. m., Wednesday to Saturday, in. the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. - Professor Brumm has written plays for the newspapermen of the state for the past ten years. These works have been presented by various cam- pus organizations, but this is the first time that any of his plays have been produced by Play Production. The presentations of former years have been opened to the general public only once, when an extra performance was sponsored by the League of Wo- men Voters last year. "Sundown" was written by Profes- sor Brumm to commemorate the 25th annual convention of the University Press Club of Michigan, the member- ship of which includes the editors and publishers of this state. A sufficient number of seats to accommodate the Houses To Hold Dances Houses having activities scheduled for today are: Acacia, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Phi, Del- ta Delta Delta, Delta Upsilon, Fletcher Hall, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Nu, Kappa Sigma, Madison house, Palmer house, Phi Delta -Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Signa Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi,. Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Trigon, and Zeta Psi. editors and their wives will be re- served at the Friday performaice, the remaining. seats being available, for sale to the public.' This serio-comedy is the ninth play Professor Brumm has produced for the club and the campus. The others include "Scrambled Ego," produced in 1933; "Puppets," 1939, a symbolic play that caused much speculation as well as consternation of the campus and "The Straight Jacket," a serious tragedy, produced in 1932 which won second place in the National Play- writing Contest sponsored by the Drama League of America in that year. Land Conference Will End Today The two-day Land Utilization Con- ference of the forestry school ends with a meeting at 9:30 a. m. today in Room 316 of the Union. Senator George P. McCallum will lead the discussion of his bill for the proposed legislation for state regula- tion of cutting on privately owned forest lands in Michigan at the meet- ing. "This legislation, which is spon- sored by aggressive timberland own- ers, the state conservation depart- ment and the forestry schools 'of the University and Michigan State has caused great 'controversy among the property owners in Michigan," Prof. W. F. Ramsdell of 'the forestry schobl said yesterday. Union T icket desk To Be Open Today The Union Ticket Resale Desk will remain open today from 9 a. ". to 2:15 p. m. to accommodate all persons wishing to take advantage of its facil- ities,, according to Bunny Crawford, '44, Union publicity chairman.' The Desk accepts non-student tick- ets for turn-over and in addition has a block of seats for general sale. Op- erations are carried on at the Travel Desk in the lobby of The Michigan Union. All 'persons who turned in tickets for the Northwestern game and who have.not yet received their money are asked to call at the desk. Doc Spracklin To Play For Hallowe'en Dance Doc Spracklin invites students to celebrate All-Hallows Eve at the Hal- lowe'en Hop tR be held from 9-12 p.m. today in the League ballroom when lbe swings the baton for Gordon Har- dy's orchestra. No reservations are necessary. The cabaret dance instituted yes- terday will continue " for the rest of the semester. Essay Contest Announced The Bronson-Thomas awards, pre- sented annually to the undergraduate wticing the best essay dealing with some phase in the development of German literature' from 1750-1900, will this year amount to $32, Dr. H.W. Nordmeyer, chairman 'of the German department -announced yesterday. Hillel Program. To Celebrate House Opening' Abram Sachar Will Give Address At Dedication; Rabbi Cohen To Speak The Michigan Hillel Foundation will dedicate its new house at the corner of Haven and Hill streets in a program starting at 1 p. m. tomorrow. Dr. Abram L. Sachar, National Di- rector of B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda- tions, will deliver the principal ad- dress at the formal dedication. The day's program has been ar- ranged as follows: Open House, 1 p, in.; dedication of the new home, 3 p. i.; tour of the campus for out-of- town guests, 5 p. mn.; student program, 7:30 p. m.; and a social hour, 9 p. m. Following the singing of the na- tional anthem, Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, Director of the Michigan Hil- lel Foundation, will open the formal dedication by welcoming the guests. Other speakers are Mrs. Saul Ros- enmen, Chairman of the Hillel Com- mittee, Women's District Grand Lodge No. 6; Mrs. Albert Schneider, president of the Women's District Grand Lodge No. 6; Rabi J. D. Folk- man, President of the District Grand Lodge No. 6; Dean Alice C. Lloyd; Samuel Rosen, President of the Hillel Student Council; and Louis H. Schos- tak, Chairman of the Hillel Commit- tee, Michigan B'nai B'rith Council. The new Michigan Hillel Founda- tion was acquired under the auspices of the Michigan B'nai B'rith Council. It was furnished by the Women's Dis- trict Grand Lodge No. 6. Bard To Feature Formations A "battle of the letters" willbe the. feature attraction of the performance noon's football game. The pre-gaMne display will be marked by a Red Cross formation as a tribute to this organization. Be- tween the halves the band in the form of the Burton Memorial Tower will sing "College Days," and it is re- quested that the entire audience join in 'the 'singing of this number. fiaddition to a Red Cross, the Band will also form a church cross to the playing of "Onward Christian Soldiers." An Indian tepee and a large block I will be used to honor our visi- tors from Illinois. The drum major for the game will be Pat MacNaugh- ton. MEMNON Ntew tyde4 3ip6t at W1144 McGREGOR CAMELVEE PULLOVER Camel's hair from China, blended 50% Australian wool. With Sleeves . Sleeveless :.. $5.00 $2.95 I, State Street on the Campus i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Literature, Science, and the Arts, "1210 Angell Hall, on 'or before No- vember 2', 1942.'After this date appli- cations will be accepted only upoxi the presentation of a sati tory excuse for the 'delay and the payment of' a fee 'of $5.00. ' Concerts Cleveland Orchestra nCert: The attention of the public, is called to the change in hour necessitated by trans- portation difficulties. The concert will be, giyen at ,;30 o'clock on .the eve- ning of Sunday, November 8, instead of in the afternoon as'previously an- nounced.,A limited numberof tickets are available at the .offices of .the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. ' Charles A. Sink The Carillon recital for Sunday evening, November 1, wi be devoted to religious music 'and will be pre- sented at 7:15-8:00 by Professor Price, University Carillonneur. Printed pro- grams .of the eitire, series are avail-' able at the desks at the ,Lague and Union, in the lobby 'of '5urton ToWer and the office of the School of Music. Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, wili open the season's series of Wecnesday, after- noon organ recitals at 4:15 p. m., November 4, in Hill Auditorium. ,In- PRETTY! A gay little hat adds jauntiness to a cos- tume. Let Anya. help you with your se- lection. HAToBOX 719 N. University eluded in his program will be a suite' conmpose by Eric.DeLamarter, Visit- ing Profpssor of r1usic, now on. the campus. The public is cordially in- vited. -Exhibitions Exhibition, College of'Architecture and Desikn:' Prize=Winnin a id other drawings:; by iprofessional atehitects in the competition' for. the new cam- pus plan and-for a Student Activities' Building for Wayne University. ,Shown 'through November 3, third. floor ~exhibition room, Architecture Building, daily 9 to '5 except-Suinday. The public is invited. Events Today Lutheran Student Association:. Scavenger' Hant. tonight. Meet. at Zion. Lutheran Parish 'Hall, corner Washington and Fifth streets, at 7:30 p. m. Refreshments. All members and friends welcome. . Post-War Council will meet today at 12:30' p. m. in the Union. Michigan Christian Fellowship will sponsor a Hallowe'en Party tonight in Lane Hall at 8 o'clock. All' students invited. Coming Events -The Women's Research Club will' meet: Monday, Nov. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr. Alice H. Kempf will speak on "An Experimeital {Study of Skin Disinfection." Ch urches Memorial Christian Church (Disci- ples): 10:45 a. m., Morning Worship. The Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister, 6:30 p. m., Guild Sunday Evening Hour. The Rev. Chester H. Loucks, pastor of the Baptist Church, will speak on="Distinctive Qualities of the Christian-Religion." The meeting will b'ed at the Guild House, 438 May- nard°. Street: 'A social 'hour and tea will follow the discussion. Lutheran Student Chapel: Sunday Service at '11:00 a. m. Divine Service iM 1ichigan'League Ch'apel. Sermon by Rev.' Alfred Scheips on "The. Source of the Apostles' Creed." No evening, meeting ofGamma Delta. First Methodist Church and Wesley F'oundation: Student Class at 9:30 a. 'im. Morning Worship Service at 10:40. Dr. C'. W. Brashares will preach on "The Pied Piper of Tarsus." Wes- leyan -Guild meeting at 6:00 p. m. with. supper and fellowship hour. Unitarian Church: Sunday, 11:00 a. m., Rev. Alred Schenkman of Chi- cago Will speak. 8:00 p. m. Professor Mentor L. Williams' will discuss Will- kie's 'report' to' the people. First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing Worship-10:45 "TheSalvation of the Educated," subject df the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. Presbyterian Student Guild: Stu- dent discussion on the subject, "The Catholic Pattern," at 7:00 'p. m. This follows the 6 o'clock luncheon and' fellowship hour. First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Everlasting Punishment." Sunday School 'at .11:45 a. in. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash- ington St., open' every day except Sundays .and'-holidays, from 11:30 a.,m..unti; 5:00' p. m., Saturdays until 9:00 p. m.' St. Andrew's Episcopal Church- 8:00 a. m. 'Holy Communion; 10:00 a. m. High School Class, Tatlock Hall; 11:00 a. M. Junior Church: 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.; 6:45 p. m. Freshman Discussion Group, Harris Hall; 7:00-9:00 p. m. H-Square Club Hallowe'en Party, Page Hall;. 7:30 p. m. Canterbury Club for Episcopal Students, Harris Hall. Meeting fol- lowed by Compline and Choral Group. First Congregational Church: At morning worship,'Dr. L. A. Parr's sub- ject will be "Our Lamps Are Going Out." Ariston League, 5:15 p. m. Pro- fessor A. K. Stevens will present a discussion on, "How Shall We Think of God?" Student Fellowship, 6:00 p. m. Supper will be served at 7:15. Following supper, Professor John. L. Brumm of the Department of Jour- nalism will speak on, "Living Toward the Future." Zion Lutheran Church Services will be held Sunday at 10:30 a. M. Rev. Stelihorn will preach on "Loyalty." Trinity Lutheran Church Services will be Sunday at 10:30 a. im. with Rev. H. C. Yoder speaking on "The Charter of Privileges of the Reforma- tion." The Lutheran Student Association will meet at 5:30 p. m. for their fel- lowship dinner and a round-table dis- cussion on the "Believing Church." hi 7. HUTZEL's Main at Liberty 09 THE NAME YOU KNOW :. THE STOCKING YOU LOVE' ID 14 4 4d NOLDE 'MESH RAYONS FOR THESE to Michigan Students. * WORKMANSHIP * SMARTNESS *tQUALITY * REPUTATION If it's wear you want -- as well as beauty - look at our great selection of fur coats, whether it's mink or muskrat, its Zwerdling label is the symbol of style, quality, craftsmanship and value . . . . . four definite characteristics of ZWERDLING'S. We don't know when the opportunity of our present values will occur again. WE DO know it will not be until after the present hostilities are over. The time to buy is NOW! Liberal Allowance for your old fur coat. Terms and Insured Storage Free. NON-STOP DAYS I: .. Friday and No time to waste! The C'm. potent, silek look of crsp efficiency is the vogue: Nolde "1¢ .. f r 1 1 r- .. ii I I 1 -I. I