?!AG1 FOURJ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, XOCaT, ,1g42 __ _ .. . . Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the, Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning exceptMon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or otherwisecredited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. gntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. $ubscriptions during the regular school year by carries $4.25, by nail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942.43, REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING WY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pubbisbers Represetahte 'i 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOs ANGELES * SA FRANCISCO Editorial Staff WANTED: A LIGHT FOR ASIA )~ -*V * F(~ VACWIC elm -Willkie Smu !Grafton's P'd Rl1ater Bfe Right A KIND OF PENITENCE: Race HatredBreeds War Homer Swander Morton Mintz Will Sapp George W. Sallade Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann Bu Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg. James Daniels. Managing Editor . . Editorial Director « , . .City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Women's Editor Associate Sports Editor siness Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1~ NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ISOLATIONISM: 38% Of Students Think India Isn't Our Affair SOME PEOPLE, including about 38% of the student body here, still don't know that iso- lationism doesn't pay. That 38%, despite a World War, the fall of Spain to the fascists, the tragic mistake of send- ing 100,000,000 tons of scrap to Japan to be used against China and ourselves, and the immensely costly results of the Munich farce, still doesn't realize that what happens all over this world is very much our business. A POLL of 700 students revealed recently that about Z65 were in favor of a hands-off poli- cy in India. About another 10% had no opinion on the subject at all, abot a third thought we should mediate, and the rest were in favor of asking England to give India immediate civil independence. Now this isn't a criticism of people for not wanting to ask England for Indian freedom. It is not a criticism of students because they don't believe that India has a long overdue right to its liberty. But Wendell Wilkie came back to tell us that bykeeping quiet on the Indian question "we have alre'adyldrawn heavily on our reser- voir of good-will in the East." It is considerations like this one that should make even those who are not concerned with justice or freedom for other peoples realize that the Indian problem is our problem. - Robert Preiskel MAN ON SPOT: Shouldn't Jeer Masker At Harvard Game Here LAST SATURDAY the Wolverines got a tough break. It is now known that a few disputed seconds in the closing moment of the first half of the Minnesota game probably cost thiem a victory. On the spot as a result of the disputed seconds has been one James Masker who refereed the battle. Masker is known as oneof the fmost com- petent officials in the country, and for years.has been giving his best in officiating the top games in the nation. Last Saturdaylhe apparentlymade a mistake, but we must realize that the man is only himan. The best of men make blunders on occasions. IN CASE you haven't heard yet, James Masker has been assigned to referee the Michigan- Harvard'game November 7 On that day all eyes will be turned upon the Michigan campus. Every- one will be interested in knowing just how the people in the stands will receive him. Our campus is known throughout the nation for its -fine sportsmanship. We can't lose our reputation because of a mistake on an official's part. SO let's have no booing or anything like it. It is up-to us to display the sportsmanship that this campus has been known to show in the past. The game is over now. Let's not beef about spilt milk.'- 41 Steinman VOLUNTEERS: Student Labor Shouldn't Defray Legitimate Costs HAKS to Mary Lou Andrews for "sticking her neck out" and writing that letter to the MICHENER: His Voting Could Lose The War - Yours Can Win TO APPEAL to an almost dyed-in-the-wool Re- publican Congressional district to reject the 1942 Republican nominee for United States rep- resentative may seem futile, but it must be done. It is time that the 2nd Congressional District located in a state that claims the proud compli- ment of the "arsenal of democracy" awoke from its slumber. Next Tuesday voters of this district will go to the polls and place a cross before the name of either Earl C. Michener, the present incumbent in Congress and Republican, or Redmond M. Burr, veteran of public life and the Democratic candidate. When casting his ballot, every voter should have before him the record of Earl C. Michener's last four years in the House of Rep- resentatives. It is a record that is outstanding, along with those of men like Clare Hoffman and Ham Fish, for its consistency of opposition to both a far sighted foreign policy and a progressive domestic program. His stubborn opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt is almost legendary. Representative Michener must at least be ad- mired for the tenacity with which he sticks to a belief. His isolationism began with a vote against a Guam Naval Base in February of 1939. This was followed by votes against repealing the arms embargo, neutrality revision, conscription, lend- lease, draft extension and repealing the ban against arming ships. As late as three weeks be- fore Pearl Harbor Representative Michener took a firmer stand in the isolationist camp with a vote against the lifting of the belligerent port and combat-zone bans so that lease-lend ship- ments to the nations then fighting the Axis might be made more easily. On the home front Michener's past record is almost as disheartening. He has refused to accept the WPA Bill, the Public Works Bill and two important measures necessary for a suc- cessful conduct of the war, the property seizure bill and the Power Bill that appropriated money for developments on the White River in Mis- souri that had been recommended by the war agencies. And lest the farmers of this area think he will protect their interests let them look to his negative vote on the Food Stamp Plan for farm parity payments. This vote de- scribes"his attitude toward both the problem of farm relief and unemployment. Credit must be given where credit is due, of course. Michener should be commended for his rejections of the Smith amendments to the Wag- ner Act, the Wolcott amendment that attempted to replace Leon $,enderson with a five-man board, and the extension of the Dies Committee. THE VOTER might well ponder these facts and compare them with the democratic principles upon which Redmond M. Burr bases his candi- dacy. An alderman for ten years and a state legislator for one term, Burr has had a dis- tinguished career in public life. A firm believer in the democratic processes, he has been a labor leader and once headed a movement to electrify rural farms. He advocates abolition of the poll tax and unemployment insurance and social se- curity for all workers. He is determined to see that victory in war is followed by an equal victory in peace. His career and beliefs are deserving of the high office for which he attains. But one more admonition, voters of the 2nd rlvti~tpcPnhpr v-mi n q adttousans DREW PEARSON'S- MERRY-GO-ROUND Mail Day For A Washington Colunniso: Harry Harrison, Chicago- Congressmen re- turning from an inspection of the Alaskan area have been bluntly critical of Army-Navy lack of unified command. One report has recommended that the entire Alaskan front be placed under one officer. Here is how the command is divided at pres- ent: When U.S. forces take the offensive against small islands in the Aleutians, the Navy com- mands at sea but gives over command to the Army as soon as the land is seized. However, there may be difficulty in convincing the Naval com- mander that his command has ended, though the Army chief may be convinced that the time has come for him to take over. Or again the Army commander might not think it wise to abandon or weaken the defense of an island, whereas the Naval commander might want to move on to another island. Confusion is even more possible when an offensive is undertaken by air. At present the Navy is primarily in command in Alaska, though the Army has larger forces, provides most of the planes and most of the men in the anti-aircraft. Congressmen returning from Alaska are urging that the system be simplified. Major Sy Bartlett, Somewhere in England- Washington has not changed much since you left. There is still the glitter and tinsel, the crowded cocktail lounges, the lines of people waiting impatiently for the privilege of buying a meal. Gen. Art Wilson, returning from Australia, was so shocked at the crowd in the lounge of the Mayflower, that he wondered whether we were really at war. But up above, the men who are really running the war, don't have time for this sort of thing. They are working night and day. There is little drinking, little relaxation. Out among the lobby- ists, the war contractors, the run-of-the-mine Dollar-a-Year men, however, who are flush with the excitement of just coming to Washington, it is different. There is where Senator Lee's pro- hibition amendment might be applied to advan- tage. cii~terto t4, &tditoI To The Editor. I AM UNDOUBTEDLY "sticking my neck out" for a great deal of criticism, but I know that what I feel is representative of a number of other women of the class of '45. As you know, the Sophomore Project this year is devoted to organizing and carrying out a plan for volunteer work at the University Hospital. This, in itself, is without a doubt a praiseworthy undertaking and I have no criti- cism to offer in this respect. I, along with approximately 175-200 girls, will be working at least four hours a week at the hos- pital. This will represent around 800 hours of volun- teer work per week. The tasks the girls will under- take are those ordinarily done by ward-helpers, without, I might add, any strenuous physical work. l- aw -. --,r w a PTrC_.wth az enein the NEW YORK- END OF THE SILLY SEASON: I am so delighted with the reaction of the British press to the Willkie speech that I could sing. Where did we get the thought, anyway, that if one Ameri- can spoke a sincere criticism, the entire British press and people would burst into tears, members of Parliament would refuse their por- ridge, and the officers of the British general staff would drop the fight against the enemy and spend the day in bed, to a man? That is an American, not British, conception, it turns out. It does not flatter our allies to suppose they can take Hitler's bombs for many months, but will be knocked flat by a comment. Come! They are not so tender. It is a profound miscon- ception of the organic bond be- tween the American and British people, and all good people every- where in the world, to view our al- liance as a kind of formal tea, whose participants can be set on their beam-ends by a faux pas, a sneeze or an overheard whisper. Their Own Words But Mr. Willkie has uttered the word "India," loud and clear, and, so far as I can learn, no Englishman has called for his hiat, stick and car. If we are going to speak about the British reaction, we ought to look at it: The London Daily Tele- graph calls Mr. Willkie a "'candid friend." It regrets he did not visit India. But it says no one can resent his advice. The Times of London, in an editorial obviously written by a quite cahn editor, agrees that world-wide expansion of economic opportunity and security are need- ed. Those may be empty words, in the context of lack of action, but they are not hostile ones. The Manchester Guardian says evenly: "Let us hope the British government will read between the lines and see in Mr. Willkie's care- ful phrases how badly our failure in India reacts on the common cause." Isn't that odd? I could have sworn, from reading some Ameri- can comment, that the Guardian would say: "See here, we are a proud people and won't stand for any mention of India." The World Is Round If our war can't be talked about, it can't be fought. I will oppose the Emily Post conception of our strug- gle to the death. If we are going to make not in- juring people's feelings a part of our strategy, then we must extend the principle to Indian feelings, and to Chinese feelings as well as to English feelings; and I am very tired of those voices which describe the war as global When they want it to be global, and non-global when it suits their convenience for it to be non-global. If we are concerned about Eng- lish-American relations, let us ask ourselves frankly what the effect wiliFbe on those relations if India is lost. One who raises that question now, while it is still possible to rouse the Indians from their sul- lenness and apathy, is, in the high- est sense, a friend of better British- American relations. He is willing to go to some trouble about them, which is rather more than can be said about those who pursue the brittle policy of not mentioning it. The War Grows Up Actually there is a new manliness and maturity in British-American relations, precisely because of Mr. Willkie's speech, and the self-re- specting but friendly British press reaction. The whole incident is on a much higher level than its critics. We are wiggling our way out of the silly season of the war's infan- cy. Our own State Department has had to mention the word "India," directly because of Mr. Willkie's talk. True, it has not said anything important about India, or even comprehensible, but it has at least used the word. In this improved atmosphere, it is possible and necessary to say that no Englishman now alive has had anything to do with the acqui- sition of India by England; that no Englishman now alive is responsi- ble for the last hundred and fifty years; that it is asking a great thing of any regime to terminate a long national story during its own brief chapter. Very well, let us pay our allies the compliment of asking great things of them. That is better than the insult of sparing their feelings. (Copyright, 1942, N. Y. Post Syndicate) 1 i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) (Continued from Page 2) By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Prize-winning and other drawings by professional architects in the competition for the new cam- pus plan and for a Student Activities Building for Wayne University. Shown through November 3, thir flo~r exhibition room, Architecture Building, daily 9 to 5 except Sunday. The public is invited. Events Today The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public, 8:00-10:00 tonight, if it is a clear eve- ning. (If the sky is covered or nearly covered with clouds, the Ob- servatory will not be open.) Children must be accompanied by adults. League Houses: All girls who peti- tioned forpositions on Assembly Board as League House representa- tives will be interviewed today, 3:00- 5:00 p.m., in the Undergraduate Of- fice of the League. Mortarboard will meet today at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the League Wesley Foundation : A class. in "Through the Old Testament" with Dr. C. W. Brashares in Room 214 at 7:30 p.m. The group will leave for a hayride at 9:00 p.m. Reservations should be made by calling 6881 by noon today. (Editor's Note: Three weeks ago Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick delivered a ser- mon in Riverside Church, New York, entitled "A Kind of Penitence That Does Some ' Good." we reprint PM's excerpts from that sermon because they suggest an answer to many an indi- vidual's worries-both about himself and about democracy.) One of the emotions most preva- lent in the hearts of intelligent and sensitive people today is the sense of shame. Beneath all this noise and tumult every decent person feels ashamed of this appalling spectacle. During the last war Dr. L. P. Jacks, of Oxford University, wrote, "I cannot get away from the feeling that I am in the presence of some colossal stupidity." Moreover, we blame ourselves for it. We, the democracies that won, the last war -and sat in places of dominant control, if orily we had beeni resolute when we should have been, and internationally coopera- tive when we had the chance to'be, could have prevented all this... I wonder if ever before great nations have been so ashamed of them- selves as we have been. Mr. Wendell Willkie, speaking in Chungking, said that in the 13 lands he had lately visited he found four major facts, and one of them was this:-"They all doubt," he said, "the readiness of the leading de- - mocracies . . . to stand up and be counted upon for the freedom of others after the war is over:" Well, they have reason to doubt. Today one of Japan's mightiest resources, that may turn out to be stronger even than her armies, is the deep- seated conviction among the teeh- ing millions'of Asia that the white race cannot be trusted to treat the colored races with equity. Why should they think otherwise? . The whole world knows how little democracy means to us when it comes to the racial line within our own nation. I get letters from people in this city, filled with anti- Semitic hatred so dreadful that Hitler himself could hardly i'mprove upon it. We ought to be ashamed-- ashamed of ourselves but not of the basic ideas of democracy. This time of reproach can be the most awak- ening era democracy ever had. It had better be! Those extra-ter- ritorial rights in China had better go. That wretched insult to all O4- entals, our exclusion act, had better be repealed. We had better take in earnest Secretary Welles' resound- ing words that the era of imperial- ism is past. We had better do away with the poll tax. And we had bet- ter make up our minds that if we are going to enjoy democracy we must practice it, even in areas where that is difficult. There were, last night, wonderfuls patches in which Miss Swarthout was in perfect accord with her music anda sang it with a full, clear voice, intelli- t gence, musicianship, and color. This was notably so in the Spanish and Latin-American numbers which cls- ed the first half of the program. Theo slight and exotic songs of Mignone,c Granados, and Pittaluga were easily the high point of her recital. Miss Swarthout was the belle of Iberia. The opening group, consisting of Handel and Dowland did not fareI quite so well. The latter's "Come Again Sweet Love" is conceived in too direct a vein to be delivered with archness and romantic shadings. Limpidity would have been much more in order. Of the Handel, the selection from "Rinaldo came off best, aside from an occasional dryness' of tone and slight breathiness? It was1 sung, however, with a much greater grasp of the style it demanded than the Dowland. I was surprised, though, at Misst Swarthouts rendition of "Connais-tor le Pays," since this"is a field she is quite familiar with. This aria was taken at a tempo that would have made Mr. Pelletier's orchestra at the Metropolitan end at least five min- utes before their doting Mignon. Nos- talgia is nostalgia, but, enough 'is enough-especially in French opera. The "Gavotte" from the same opera, sung as an encore immediately after, was much better done and entirely in keeping with the breathless adoles- cent who is supposed to sing it.r " The two "Songs of the 'Auvergne"1 are extremely lovely and were nicely done. For those who would like to know how well they really can be sung, though, I suggest the recordings of Madelaine Grey. Miss Swarthout rendered them; Miss Grey makes them an experience. The second half of the program was, I believe, all American. Rich- ard Hageman's "Miranda" (not to be confused with Gordon and Revel's "I Want To Meander With Ditto"), Griffes' "Linden- Tree," Clara Ed- wards' "Into the Night," etc. A fea- ture of this section was the first per- formance of Clarence Olmstead's Suite for Voice and Piano, "Time" which took seven minutes. It was a mixture of Romberg, Debussy, corn, and a great deal of water. I suggest it be sent to Brazil in exchange for a minute and a half of Villa-Lobos and a pound of coffee. All these selections were sung far, far better Episcopal Students: Tea will be served 'for' Episcopal students and heir friends by the Canterbury Cl at Harris Hall this afternoon, 4:00 o 5;30. Presbyterian Student Guild: Spe- cial Hallowe'en Party tonight at 9 o'clock in the Social Hall of the church. League Dance Class Committee Meeting at 5:00 p.m. today in the Undergraduate Office of the League. If you cannot attend, call Audrey Johnson at 2-4561. Coming Events Junior Research Club: The meet- ing of November 3 will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Election of new mnembers will precede the following program: "Natural Rubber Supplies and Pro- duction,"-Carl D. LdRue, Depart- ment of Botany. "Fermentation Processes m the Production of Synthetic Rubber."- I. N. Mickelson, Department of $ac- teriology. Sunday Evening Program at the International Center: Professor Ar- thur *Aitoni will speak on "The Span- ish Influence within the Borders of the Present-Day United States" at 8 o'clock Sunday evening at the In- tern ational Center.Thisalecture fol- lows' the "Snack Hour" at 6:30 and the "Sing" at 7:30. Moving pictures of Mexico will also be shown. Public invited. The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, Nov. 2, at 7:30 p.Ml. in the West Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. Dr. Alice H. Kempf will speak on "An Experimental Study of Skin Disinfection." Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sunday, November 1, at 6:00 p.m., for supper and games in the Outing Club Room. Come to the door at the northwest corner of the Rack- ham Building. Discussion of future activities. All faculty members and graduate students are welcome. Small charge. Michigan Outing Club will have a supper hike on Sunday, November 1, starting from Hill Auditorium at 5:00 p.m. Those who wish to attend increase in volunteer help, even though unskilled, would-save money for the Hospital? This sum could then be given to the Bomber-Scholar- shin Fund or to any needy war or-