Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise credited in this newspaper. AUlrights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 'RePRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AVE. , NEW YORK. N.Y. cHicaO * BosTon - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff E ,.T NICHIGAN ]DAILY. 7RSIDA- . (>rT. 29,,-1942 THE MICHIGAN DAILY T~RSD'A~, %X~T. 29. ~1942 THFE UNCONQUERED FRENCH WORKERS. THE ROLL CALL IllustriousDunderheads "a 'ii ht. Y. z+' _ l3omer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp George W.:Sallad6 Charles Thatcher .ernard Mendel Barbara deFries Myron Dann . . . Managing Editor S . Editorial Irector . . . . City Editor Associate Editor * . .Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager Mary Lou Curran. . Women's Business Manager Jane Lindberg . Women's Advertising Manager James Daniels . Publications Sales Analyst (Editor's Note: W. K. Kelsey, "The Commentator" in The Detroit News, wrote this review of "The Illustrious Dunderheads," We believe it's one of the best to be found anywhere.) A book has been published which may make voters do some thinking before Nov. 3, the day on which the people elect one-third of the Sen- ate and the entire House for the two years to come., Its title is "The Illustrious Dun- derheads;" its publisher, Alfred A. Knopf. It was written for the most part by the Dunderheads them- selves, through their votes and speeches in Congress. Therefore Rex Stout claims to be merely its editor, although he probably wrote the opening essay, on the aims and nature of Nazi propaganda i the United States, and drawing com- parisons between Hitler's desires and the acts of the Dunderheads. There is also a brilliant introduc- tion by Frank Sullivan. The book contains the voting record of 145 members of the House and 28 Senators on the important bills for the defense of the United States since February, 1939. That was the month in which the House, by a vote of 205 to 168, struck out an appropriation of $5,000,000 for converting the island of Guam from a naval station into a naval base. The request for the money was made by President Roosevelt; op- ponents argued that the, works would offend Japan. In June, how- ever, the Naval Public Works Act included money to improve the naval station. That inadequate work was undertaken; it proved insufficient, and inDecember, 1941, Guam fell to the Japs. Among the 145 "Dunderheads" listed in this book are no less than 13 of Michigan's delegation of 17. They are Reps. Blackney, Bradley, Crawford, Dondero, Engel, Hoff- man, Jonkman, Michener, Rabaut, Shafer, Tenerowicz, Wolcott, and Woodruff. That leaves Reps. Ding- ell, Hook, Lesinski, and O'Brien; and how Rep. O'Brien escaped is a mystery to the Commentator, un- less Mr. Stout never heard of him. The Test Measures Mr. Stout lists 12 bills as the test of Dunderheadism. On the Guam appropriation bill, the following are listed as opposed: Blackney, Brad- ley, . Crawford, Dondero, Engel, Hoffman, Michener, Shafer, Wol- cott, Woodruff. Let's leave Rep. Tenerowicz out; he .voted for the Guam naval base, but his defeat in the primary makes. his subsequent record as a "Dunderhead" unim- portant. In November, 1939, the :embargo on the shipment of arms to belliger- ent nations was repealed, on the ground that it deprived them of their rights under international law. In favor of maintaining the embargo, and thus in effect favor- ing Germany, the book lists Black- ney, Bradley, Crawford, Dondero, Engel, Hoffman, Michener, Rabaut, Shafer, Wolcott, Woodruff. In the same month, the House voted further modifications of the neutrality law, requested by the President. The Michigan vote was the same as it was on the embargo- lifting bill. June 22, 1939, an attempt was mane to cut 1,283 planes and $37,- 000,000 out of the Army Appropria- tion Bill. Here Rep. Jonkman added himself to the above list, and Rep. Rabaut took himself off it. Sept., 1940, the House voted for conscription, nearly three months after the fall of France. The entire Michigan delegation voted against that bill . Feb. 6, 1941, the Lend-Lease Bill was voted. Rep. O'Brien had been elected, and voted against it. So did Rep. Rabaut. So did all the Repub- licans. On the ensuing measure to provide for an appropriation for lend,-lease purposes, Blackney, Michener and Rabaut switched to the "yes" column; the other "Dn- derheads" voted no. A istoric Vote On Aug. 12, 1941, occurred the 203-202 vote to extend the service period of draftees-a vote so close that it shocked the country. All the Michigan "Dunderheads" voted against the bill. So did O'Brien, and so did Hodk. Only Dingell and Les- inski, of the Michigan delegation, voted for the measure; and this was almost two months after Ger- many's attack on Russia! Exactly the same line-up oc- curred Oct. 17, on the measure for arming American merchant ships for defense. Two for, 15 against! Nov. 13, only 32 weeks before Pearl Harbor, the House voted pow- er to the President to modify the belligerent zone restrictions, to fa- cilitate deliveries under the Lease- Lend Act. Michigan's "Dunder- heads" voted solidly against it. Previously, in May, the House voted power to take over ships in our ports belonging to countries which had been occupied by Ger- many. Blackney, Bradley, Dondero Telephone 23.24-1 ) NIGHT EDITOR: EUGENE MANDEBERG Editorials published in The Michigan Daily~ are written by members of The Daily stdff and represent the views of the writers only. , PEOPLE'S CHOICE? Wendell Willkie Looms As Presidential Thredt IYTENDELL WILLKIE is putting himself in an extremely strong position for the 1944 campaign by establishing himself as leader of the pro-action sentiment in this coun- try. His pleas for the immediate establishment of a Western Front and decisive, aggressive use of the "considerable force in India" to take back Burma have caught the imagination of the peo- ple. Despite the efforts of the President and all the editorial advocates of military caution, his views have evoked the sympathy and approval of large sections of the population who regard the masterful retreats of the Allies with much appre- ciation but little enthusiasm. THE SEEMING RELUCTANCE of the President and other Allied leaders to assume responsibil- ity for the enormous losses which would un- doubtly result from vigorous action now is mak- ing them all look extremely bad in the face of overwhelming Russian and Chinese sacrifices and demands for active aid. Willkie as the Ameri- can proponent of action seems to be embarrassing the Administration considerably and, by making the President appear a military conservative, might very well attempt to supersede him in 1944. By all this we do not mean to imply that Mr. Willkie has any such cynical attitude as would accompany a deliberate, dangerous attempt to discredit Roosevelt. On the contrary we think he is entirely sincere. He has done a remarkable job as a goodwill embassador and collector of infor- mation. Certainly the embattled Russians and Chinese agree with him. We think the Adminis- tration, in this country and Allied leaders in others would do well to agree also with him and stop listening to General "It-can't-be-done." - Dick Collins HOME FRONT: Civil Liberties Denied U.S. Minority Groups OT SO LONG AGO a column by Sam- uel Grafton appeared in The Daily in which Mr. Grafton pointed out that despite all the talk of how we were going to lose our civil liberties by entering the war, we have not lost appreciably any of those freedoms. He went through the Bill of Rights, and aside from the restrictions imposed by military censorship, he did show that dictatorship has not taken over the United States. Now we have no quarrel with Mr. Grafton on that score. The vast majority of our civil rights have been untouched insofar as they do not run counter to military necessity. And that, the most vociferous proponents of civil liberties expected, for fighting a war puts military needs above civil- ian needs and liberties. BUT while there has been no great restricting of civil liberties, neither has there been any ex- pansion in fields where there is a crying need for that expansion. There are certain civil liberties which war has not touched, and will not touch. And these liberties are still denied portions of our population, They are the same liberties that we are fighting for. They are the moral grounds for our opposition to Nazi German and the phi- losophy of Naziism. But in this great citadel of freedom, minority groups are still being denied MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Something will have to be done soon regarding the strained relations be- tween the Russians and the British, or the en- tire war effort may be impaired. This is one of the chief pieces of advice which Willkie and his party brought back to Washing- ton from Moscow. How bitterly Josef Stalin feels toward theBritish over failure to estab- lish a second front was revealed very clearly at a banquet in Moscow in the presence of the British Ambassador. With the Ambassador seated at the same table, Stalin remarked that although the United States had tried to send Russia some excellent equipment, it was stopped in Scot- land, and inferior equipment sent on instead. Stalin expressed the blunt hope that the United States would not send war goods via Scotland or England anymore. Stalin ap- parently did not care very much that the British Ambassador heard his remarks - probably because he already had told the British Ambassador a thing or two in no uncertain terms. The Russians also appeared to resent the fact that the United States had sent no one of major political or diplomatic stature as Ambassador to Russia or on an official mission. W. Averell Harriman, who accompanied Chur- chill as the representative of the United States last summer, apparently was not considered of major stature. The Russians did not give him too much attention. Also they did not seem particularly impressed with Harry Hopkins when he flew to Moscow. They knew, of course, that Hopkins was. close to the President. But they did not regard him as of the same stature as Foreign Minister Mo- lotov, who visited Washington on an official mission last summer, or as Ex-Foreign Minister Litvinov, now permanently established in Wash- ington as Ambassador and one of the most dis- tinguished figures in the history of the Soviet. Men comparable to Litvinov and Molotov would be Cordell Hull and Secretary of War Stimson, and in their absence the Russians have felt slighted at having Harriman and Hopkins sent to them. (Copyright, 1942, United Features Syndicate) Klux Klan stop burning fiery crosses and beating and murdering Negroes? In Germany a man can be shot for going against the will of the state. In the United States, a Negro can be shot for exer- cising his constitutional rights. PATRIOTIC meetings are fine. But let a group of men get together to discuss their problems in the tenant farm areas of the country and depu- tized gunmen will be called out to break up the meeting, and later bury the bodies. Men have been shot in Germany for union activities, but men have also been shot or beaten for those same activities in the United States where that right is "guaranteed" and where every man is free to decide whether he wants a union or not. There is time enough even during a war to di- rect a part of our interests towards our own civil liberties, and our own welfare. But there is no time, during war or peace, to bow to the will of minority pressure groups, backed up with sec- jlh AXE to fqrind By TORQUEMADA T HIS is just a little thought presented for what it is worth to Social Studies 93, and to the Post-War Council, both of which organizations are studying the causes of war, and the principles of a just and durable peace. After the course of study, the students will be sufficiently prepared in the subject to formu- late adequate hypotheses concerning the pro- per course of action. Then what are they going to do? I should like to know just exactly how the just principles learned are going to be effectuated. I should like to know whether these people think they are going to make the peace. And at the risk of being called names, I should like to suggest a concurrent course of study for them. THINK perhaps there should be a course called Anti-Social Studies 94, a course to study the works of Machiavelli, and Darwin, and Disraeli, and to check on the Hitler pro- gram, and in general to learn all the ways to dupe and deceive and win people. Because the peace will be made by the people who make it, not by the people who know how to make it just. And the liberals will still be pub- lishing the "New Republic," and having forums,' while the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Senior Chamber of Commerce sit down and de- cide that the Germans have been such filthy peo- ple that we ought to crush them completely, and then take care of, the Japs, and even the Finns, if the war debt memory wears off. And then the peace will be made by the Chambers of Commerce who will reinstitute tariffs, and all the things that people in Social Studies 93 know are terrible and war-breeding. All this of course will happen when the people react against the Democrats and vote in the Republicans again, and the Re- publicans will still be Republicans, not as bad as they were before, but worse, because after this war stupidity will be criminal. S® I THINK maybe the people in Social Stu- dies 93 should learn how to prevent the country from going Republican, and should learn how to get on Chambers of Commerce, and run these people so that we will get a just and equitable peace. and Michener voted for it, leaving eight "Dunderheads" opposed. The second Lend-Lease Bill was passed in October, with only 61 votes against it, and nine of these came from Michigan; the excep- tions on Mr. Stout's "Dunderhead" list being Blackney, Michener and Rabaut. What Is A Representative? Well, there's the record. The "Dunderheads" defense takes several forms. "I voted the way the people of my district wanted me to vote." That's the rubber-stamp theory-the the- ory that a representative is sent to Congress not to have a mind of his own, but to register the will of the majority of his constituents. Now the only constituents whose will he takes seriously are his per- sonal partisan friends, and the edi- tors of his party newspapers; and they are all quite as likely to take their cues from him as he to take his from them. A newspaper editor may try to guide public opinion, but he does not represent it--unless he 'is a shifty, truckling man with .a wet finger always in the air to discover how the wind is blowing. Under our t-eory of government, a Congress- man is supposed to be a highly in- telligent man who votes for the best interests of the people ss he figures them to be, not as they,with far less knowledpe of .the quejstion at issue, and without responsibility, may casually think. "I voted the way my people want- ed me to vote" is the explanation of a nit-wit and a place-seeker, of a man without convictions and there- fore without courage. Keeping Out Of War "I voted as I did because I want- ed to keep the country out of war." So to keep the country out of war they voted not to strengthen Guam, not to strengthen the Army air arm, not to raise a vast army by conscription, not to, aid the coun- tries that, by fighting Hitler, were keeping the war distant from our shores. A singular ,argument, that the best way to avoid war was not to make the country strong, but to keep it weak! A peculiar argument that w en a conflagration is raging next door, the worst thing to do is to take out fire insurance! But that was the argument and excuse of the "Ihun- derheads," and it was not because of anything they did, BUJT IN SPITE OF THEIR OPPOSITON, that when the blow came at Pearl Harber we had a huge Army in the making, and that our arms and mitLions industry was wellad- vanced because we were manufac- turing under the lend-lease ar- rangement. After Pearl Harbor, the "Duder- heads" pleaded that bygones were bygones, and that they would be good thenceforward. But when it came to the parity amendment de- manded by the farm bloc boys, an inflationary measure, there were Crawford, Dondero, Engel, Hoff- man, Jonkman, Michener, chafer and Woodruff in their usual col- umn, against the Administration; Blackney and Bradley not recorded; and only O'Brien, Rabaut and Wol- cott voting for the national intrest with DingeplHook and. sin ki. It might be a pertinent question to ask the "Dunderheads"-"Whom do you hate most? Hitler or Roose- velt?" * (Chicago gaily News.) THE ILLUSTRIOUS DUNDER- HEADS: Here they are without their red, wliite and blue wrappings-as hnd- some a gang of subversive citizens as ever graced a gallows or the front pages of the Hearst-McCormick-Pat- terson newspapers. This rogues' gallery of "wrong guessers" are actually running for re- election. they voted wrong on prac- tically every bill designed to defend the country. They hated Roosevelt worse than Hitler. They said Amer- ica would never be touched by aggres- sion. They predicted Russia would fall in 30 days. They screamed in- sults at our British allies. And not a few of them used their congres- sional franks to send out Nazi propa- ganda. A vote for a dunderhead is a vote for Hitler. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Tower and in the office of the school of Music. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Prize-winning and other drawings by professional architects e SAMUEL GRAFTON'S Pd Rather Be Right NEW YORK,- Almost everybody. agrees with Wendell Willkie. If you read the better newspapers, you will find they are solidly for him. Newspapers which have been for freeing India agree with Willkie. Newspapers which have been against freeing India agree-with Willkie. Newspapers which have talked second front think Willkie made a fine speech, and newspa- pers which have deprecated second front talk also think he was rather wonderful. And behind this apparent agree- ment there is almost no agreement at all.4 The most important thing Mr. Willkie said was "Now!" It is the now-ishness of his speech which gives it its quality. If you take the "Now!" out of it, it is not a good speech; it becomes the usual bun- die of bumble, about how we must sometime take the offensive and of course distribute freedom. They Take The 'Now!' Out Many who have praised the speech have, slyly or innocently, consciously or unconsciously, taken the "Now!" out. They have praised Mr. Willkie's fundamental ideas, and have dropped out of their discussion the point that he wants them put into effect right away. But Mr. Willkie's speech was not only a speech about India and the second front and the end of colonialism and aid to allies. It was a speech about the calendar. It- was a speech, about time. If we have learned anything in Senate, publicly has denounced gas rationing and the 35 m.p.h. speed limit as "some sort of trick". So Mr. Smith stepped into his car last week and drove lickety-split from Detroit to Kalamazoo. "I drove 70 m.p.h. sometimes," Smith beamed, "and I didn't see a cop!" - Senator Prentkss M. Brown, Dem- ocratic candidate for re-election, has upheld the 35 m.p.h. speed lim- it "as the bridge between our pres- ent tires and the production of syn- thetics." Yesterday the Senator was arrested for speeding in Pon- tiac. this war, we have learned that the promise to act tomorrow is a refusal to act today. The slogan: "Cake Next Week" is a sentence of hunger for this -week, perfumed with a whiff of vanilla. It is the profound- est kind of refusal, because it seeks to stop the argument without per- mitting action..It is the word "No!" plus a certificate of good intentions. We have been freeing India next century for two centuries;hwe have 'been promising to make the world glad after a war for two wars. We are all against colonies a hundred years from now. Yes, But ... Means No But the man who is merely against colonialism tomorrow is actually for colonialism today. The man who is for a second front next year is against a second front this year. There is no way out of it. The man who desires freedom for India in 1945, no matter how ardently, how passionately, will be equally guilty with the worst imperialist on earth if a sudden Japanese attack on India succeeds because of Indian impatience with us and apathy to- ward us. The road to Tokyo cannot be paved with good intentions. The history of the last ten years can be told in the words "not now." Stop Hitler in the Rhineland? Not now. In Czechoslovakia? Not now. Help China? Not now. Embargo Japan? Not now. You can sum- marize Willkie's speech in the words: "Well, when the hell?" And if you read the history of the past ten years closely, you will see that a long series of democratic agreements in principle has actu- ally been a long series of refusals in fact. We did not stop Hitler and we did not help China and we did not halt Japan, although most of us agreed profoundly on the impor- tance of doing something about all these things sorkie time. Not While Sitting Down Mr. Willkie's speech is the crux of a process of self-questioning that has been going on for ten years and has finally reached its peak. Hard words about good taste, unity, and the decency of silence among part- ners in mistakes cannot rebuke it, and the soft words of yesterday with it The Lrrv of s The (4'iN ted eeOt , ql. 1. 19, LI PERHAPS the Betas have found the best solu- tion to this Minnesota game mess. Accord- ing to a custom nearly as old as the Minnesota- Michigan rivalry itself, the two fraternity chap- ters wagered a large woolen blanket on the out- come of the game. So right now the Michigan chapter is having the score sewn into the blanket which will then be sent to Minneapolis. It's going to read like this: Michigan 14, Minnesota 13, Referee 3. ti