TH E ICfL~ . r Tam ID--?X, OCT. 29, 194Z CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED TO BUY WAN ED-A used tux, size 38. Call 5989 petweep 4 and 5. TRAMSPORTATION DRIVING to Buffalo, N. Y., Friday afternoon, returning Sunday night. Can take 1-2 passengers. Call 2-3868. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. S.ox darned, Careful work at low price. FOR SALE CANARIES, California Linnets, Zebra Finches, Parakeets, bird foods and cages. 5162,S. Seventh. Phone 5330. CHRISTMAS CARIS-The largest selection in town All imiprited CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word. insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) $1.00 per 15-word insertion for 3 or more days. (Increase of $,25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request Our Want-Ad Department will be happy to assist you in composing your ad. Stop at the Micl.igan Daily Business Of- specialCourse To Speed Navy JV-7 Programi Navy V-7-speeding up its program -will enlist 1,800 men within the next few weeks for a special midship- men's, training curriculum beginning about Jan. 1. Married or unmarried men not over 27 years of age who have received a college degree or will receive one by Jan. 1 are eligible to enlist. In addi- tion a year of college mathematics or its equivalent after graduation is re- quired. The enrolled men will enlist as apprentice seamen for the first month of training. If they successfully pass the first part of the program, they will become midshipmen for the next three months. At the end of the program they will be commissioned ensigns in the United States Naval Reserve. After a year of service, reserve ensigns may apply for regular commissions. If the applicant is unable to pass the midshipmen's school he is given the option of returning to civilian life or enlisting in the Navy in a branch of his own choice. Political Science Teachers Are For Wayne County Home Rule Vote "yes" on proposal No. 2 in next week's election is the advice of an overwhelming .majority of the members of the University of Michi- gan Political Science Department. "Without a doubt, Wayne County should be allowed to adopt a charter," says Dr. Jdhn Perkins. "The recent revelation of the corruption in that government brought to public atten- tion the long standing need for this amendment. By passing the Wayne County Hcme Rule proposal graft will be reduced and governmental efficien- cy increased." Continuing he explains that much .of the fault of the present system lies in the State Constitution which specifically designates that the coun- ty governments of Michigan must all follow a set pattern regardless of the size or population. Further discrepancies under the present government, according to Per- kins are the lack of a responsible executive, partisan elections, and an enormous administrative body of 161 quite useless members. "I give my unquestionable support to Proposal No. 2," emphatically de- txu Ffi,..rficec .420 Maynard. Street. . with your name. From 50 for $1.00 up. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St. FOR RENT H ELP WANTED FOR RENT: Half of large front suite STUDENTS for part-time employ- to girl student. One-half block ,Ment. Beer Vault, 303 North Fifth from campus. AIrs. Wood, 725 Avenue. Phone 8200. Haven Ave., phone 5938. E WD MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Student waitresses for MIMEQGRAPHING-Thesis binding. main dining room. Apply to man- Brumgfield and Brunfield, 3 8 S. ager, Michigan Union. State. _4_4P___KLP WANTED--MALE . WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- P-ART TIME WORK, morning or aft- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. ernoon. Chester Roberts Gifts, 312 Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112. S. State. LOST Pnd 4O1UNP YOUNG MAN WANTED with bicycle - _ _ _ _for messenger and inside work, 6 LOST: Qlasses; dark horn; rimmed to 10 p.m. Apply Postal Telegraph, in black: Iealth Service case.II12East Huron. lares Professor Arthur Bromage. "The county governments are in a constitutional strait-jacket and the only way in which Wayne County can get the complete overhauling it so obviously requires is by passing the proposed- amendment." He also feels that the administra- tive body can be streamlined by es- tablishing a responsible executive, Civil Service, and a County Board of 21 elected officials. 'Give Wayne County the chance to elect a commission to work out a suit- able charter," he advises, "then let them decide the . final acceptance themselves." The opinions expressed by Dr. Per- kins and Prof. Bromage are those held by most of their colleagues in their department. Wolverines Meet In Union Tonight All Wolverines are asked to attend an important business meeting to- night at 7:30 p. m. in the Michigan Union Room 316, according to Bunny Crawford, '44, president. Crawford stated that members must bring their athletics coupons to the meeting in order to receive their spe- cial cheering section seats for the Illnois football game. At this meeting plans will be com- pleted for the Wolverines' participa- tion in the scrap drive now in pro- gress. Second senester freshmen and sophomores interested in joining the Wolverines may obtain application blanks this afternoon and Friday af- ternoon from 3 to 5 p. m. in the Stu- dent Offices of the Michigan Union. SWARTHOUT "Has everything- Voice, beauty, brains and industry." I Call 2-4514. LOST: Little cream-colored pup in vicinity of Phi GamMa Delta house. Please call 2-3101. REWARD OFFERED for copy Shaf- tesbury's Characteristics lost in Angell Hall. English Office, 3221. WILL PERSON who took Season .kipper coat from ladies' Ilunge of Michigan League Friday evening, by mistake, please return to League Desk and take their own. - "r AFTER THE SHOW Try AUT'S III snack, 4 0 d a a t m o s p h e r e 122 WIsT WAS-INGTON A Complete Selection Now! DESK PEN SETS DESK PADS PEN & PENCIL SETS ELECTRIC RAZORS LIST FINDERS ZIPPER CASES Ball & Thrasher "Everything for thke Office' 205 South 4th :110 UNION [DAILY OFFICIAL[ BUXLETIN THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1942 VOL. LIi No. 22 All notices i-or the ;Daily Official Buil- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. SNatices To All Departnents: The entry. of the United States in the war has of necessity changed the habits of all people. The University of -Michigan is not an exception to this change. The procurement problems of the' University have increased in propor- tion to the increase of governmental restrictions, and in proportion to the shortages of critical materials. The University must adhere to the Pri- ority Regulations, the Conservation Orders. and the Limitation Orders issued by the War Production Board. The habits of the University must change to conform to the times. We cannot have all of the materials, or, the conveniences and services in the future that we have been accustomed to in the past. It is the intent of the War Production Board to keep edu-I cational institutions operating with their existing facilities and at their existing level, and this only so far as it does not impede the war effort. This means that the University shall not expand its facilities, make im- provements or alterations, or reha-, bilitate any building, structure, or project without specific approval ,of the War Production Bi ard, unless there are no critical materials in- volved. We have been advised as follows: "Most educational institutions which have a satisfactory standing and are expected to carry out war training programs have adequate equipment for such purposes, and requests for expansion have to be reviewed very critically." This means that members of the University of Michigan staff must, in most cases, get along with whatj they have. In this wfay they will contribute most toward winning the war. Walter L. Bulbick, Purchasing Agent To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science. and The Arts: The second regular meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature. Science, and The Arts for the aca- demic session of 1942-43 will be held MICHIGAN in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Monday, November 2, at 4:10 p.m. AGENDA : 1. Consideration of the minutes of the October meeting. 2. Introduction of new member. 3. Consideration of reports sub- nutted with the call to this mneeting. a. Executive Committee-Profes- sor I. L. Pharfman. b. Executive Board of the Grad- uate School-Professor Z. C..- Dick- inson. c. Deans' Conference-Dean E. H. Kraus. 4. Oral report. a. The General Library and its services-Director W. G. Rice. 5. General procedure for the prep- aration of the College budget-Pro- fessor J. K. Pollock. ,6. New business. 7. Announcements. Choral Union Men bers: Members of the Choral Union in good standing (without absences from rehearsals) may call for pass tickets for the Gladys Swarthout concert today between the hours of 10 and 12, and 1 and F4. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be given out. Charies A. Sink, President Seniors in Xechallical, InustrWIl, Chemical, Metallurgical & Aeronau- tcal ,Engineering: Mr. Stacy R. Black, of Thompson Aircraft Products Company, Cleve- land, will interview seniors of the above groups on Friday, October 30. Interviews for Friday morning may be arranged in the Mechanical Engi- neering Department and for the aft- ernoon in the Chemical & Metallurgi- cal Engineering Department. Senior Engineers in Aeronautical, Meehanical, Civil, Chemical and Metallurgical, Electrical, Industrial Engineering, and Physics: Mr. B. G. Andrews of Curtiss-Wright Corpora- tion (all divisions) will interview men graduating in January and May, 1943, on November 4 and 5, in Room 3205 East Engineering Building. Ap- plication forms and descriptive ma- terial may be obtained in Room B-47 East Engineering Building. Interested students will please sign the inter- view schedule posted on the Aero- nautical Engineering Bulletin Board. January and May 1943 Graduates In Aeronautical Engineeriag: Mr. D. W. Lee- of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and a member of the U.S. Civil Service Commission, will interview men for Junior Engineer positions in its lab- oratories at Langley Field, Virginia, Cleveland, Ohio, and Moffett Field, California, on Tuesday, November 3, in Room 3205 East Engineering Building. Please sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board. The Eastman Kodak Company rep- resentative will be staying over at .the Bureau of Appointments today. Mr. Lauterbach will interview the following: Mechanical engineers, industrial engineers, chemical engineers, chem- ists, and physicists. Also, both men and women majoring in business ad- ministration, accounting, statistics, mathematics, and women for any in- dustrial. employment. Call Ext. 371 for appointments. Interviews will be scheduled at fif- teen-minute intervals. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall Academic Notices Preirmipary Ph.D. Examipations in Economics: Students qualified to write these examinations and wish- ing to do so this fall should leave their names in the Department Of- fice. 10.6 Economics Bldg., by No- vember 3. Shorthand and Typewriting Classes for University students are being or- ganized for the current year under the auspices of the University War' Board. The classes will begin on No- vember 3, and will be offered on a non-credit basis. A small fee will be charged which will be refunded upon completion of the course. Registra- tions are now being received at the University High School office. Shorthand, 2021 UHS, 1:00 TWThF. Typewriting, 2022 UHS, 4:00-5:30, TTh. Section 1 Typewriting, 2022 UHS, 4:00-5:30, WF. Section 2 (Fee for typewriting, $3.50; for typewriting and shorthand, $5.00) German 159 will meet at 5 o'clock today. Doctoral Examination for Lloyd Lyman Smith, Jr., Zoology; thesis: "A Fisheries Management Program for the Waters of the Huron Moun- tain Club," will be held on Friday, October 30, in 3089 Natural Science, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, C. L. Hubbs. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Cover$ Choral Union Concert: Gladys Swarthout, distinguished Metropoli- tan Opera singer, will give the sec- ond program in the- Choral Union Series this evening at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. A limited number of tickets are still available. Charles A. Sink, President Carillon Concert: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present another program in his fall series of recitals from 7:15 to 8:00 tonight. Printed programs of the entire series are available at the League and Union Desks, the lobby of Burton Memorial (Continued on Page 4) TONIGT 8:30 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM A limited number of tickets for the season or for single concerts, on sale at offices of the University Musical Soceky, Charles A. Sink, President, Burton Memorial Tower. CHORAL UNION SERIES BEFORE YOU MOVE make surd you can get at your new location WPB Order . the Pors it out Ants Affects Cooking Available Facilities Must Be Utilized r L OMA [*to* ment ent. done Lthe Families or persons planning to change their residence were urged Saturday by the War Production? Board to investigate thoroughly! the utilities available for cooking! in prospective living quarters. This precautionary advice was: given by James E. Wilson, WPB's' deputy regional director in charge; of the priorities division, in ex- plaining a WPB order which pro-E hibits connection of an electric range where complete gas facili- ties are available and the connec- tion of a gas range where com- plete electric facilities are already installed. He added, however, that in cases where neither complete gas nor electric facilities are available on the premises, and the premises are not equipped with ranges of any kind, service extensions may be made for either gas or electric connections. tion gove &ing lb been, for t nati its added of a fou in th ca i Ing c subsi ones she of oan ide ot Wh to gove ton mac mac shaf the war. and range are as t produ worth brane was t but of for chim Sar- Eevers itren Et is 7 W MKLL DULiKf * RITA HAY ORT * GINGER ROGERS * HENRY FONDA * CHARLES LAUGHTON * EDWARD G.ROBINSON * PAUL ROBESON Call Any <. I 11111