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October 29, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-29

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By Scrap
Student Volunteers Create
Unexpected Bottleneck
At SalvageDump Pile
More Men Needed
To Clear Out Metal
Hard-working student volunteers,
called by the Manpower Mobilization
Corps to do special salvage work this
week, have done such a good job in
the last two days that an unexpected
bottleneck has developed at Lansky's
junk yard on North Main St.
The University Building and
Grounds department sends most of
its scrap to Lansky's and right now
the yard is so full that it just can't
take any more scrap.
But the trouble will be cleared up
in a jiffy, the Manpower Corps says,
and everybody "keep on hustling so
we can fill our quota.
According to Richard "Double
Dick" Dick, the Manpower scrap and
salvage man, Lansky's hasn't got
enough experienced help to clear the
metal and prepare it for shipment
30 Needed For Junk Yard
"The Manpower Corps can use
about 30 men to work at Lansky's
sorting metal and binding paper,"
Dick said last night. "These men must
be prepared to work-for excellent
wages-at least two consecutive hours
each day because it takes a little time
to teach them what must be done."
Another appeal for special work
came in last night from the Building
and Grounds department. Men are
needed to work-on acetylene torches.
At'present the B & G has only two
men melting metal with torches. "But
students can be taught how to do this
sort of work in. a hurry," Richard
Dick said and asked for help.
Meanwhile, 35 men from The Daily
spent the entire afternoon yesterday
doing salvage work for the Building
and Grounds department.
More Staffs Turn Out
Today four staffs will supply almost
200 more men for salvage work. The
ROTC will turn out 100-strong, the
Union has promised 35 men, the New-
man Club will give an afternoon for
Uncle Sam and 30 dorm men will also
pitch in.
Yesterday the scrap drive finished
its third day and enthusiasm was
all-out, Manpower head Mary Bor-
man reported.
Calling attention to the "Hitler
barometer" put up on the diagonal,
Borman told students to "chart the
progress of the scrap drive by watch-
ing the mercury climb right up to
Hitler's britches."
When that happens, he said, 400
tons of scrap will have been collected
by the students of the University of
Michigan. "And the quota set by the
Manpower Corps will have been
To do what they could about burn-
ing the pants off Hitler, members of
the Phi Psi fraternity yesterday were
seen hauling out all the old bedsprings
in the house and piling them in front.
If you haven't thought about bed-
springs yet, take a hint and get them
out right near your front door. The
trucks will be coming pretty soon.
Allies Strike
At Jap Bases

Nipponese Retreat North
Across New Guinea
MacARTEUR, Australia, Thursday,
Oct. 29.-(4P)-Allied bombers winging
far north of hotly-contested Guadal-
canal in the Solomons hit a Japa-
nese warship and another vessel at
Rabaul, New Britain, and started
fires visible for 80 miles at Buka,
another enemy base, a communique
said today.
Allied-headquarters also announced
that Australian ground troops strik-
ing across the Owen Stanley moun-
tains in New Guinea had "forced the
enemy northward along the main
trail to positions in the vicinity of
Alola," and that stubborn fighting
against isolated Japanese detach-
ments and strong points was contin-
uing. Thus the Allied troops were
within eight miles. of Kokoda, mid-
way point across the waist of the
The night aerial attacks on Rabaul
and Buka were "in enntinunu ssn-

The Memory Still Lingers:




Game Is Still Disputed

Daily Sports Editor
The score stands-Minnesota 16,
Michigan 14.
The dropkick controversy is a dead
issue, but it still has a lot of life.
Major John Griffith, Commissioner
of the Western Conference, and Coach
Fritz Crisler of Michigan both issued
statements last night concerning the
crucial dropkick play, and their state-
ments conflicted on'the most impor-
tant part of the entire dispute-how
much time would have been left if
referee James Masker had penalized
Minnesota for an extra time out.
Griffith charged Masker for failing
to impose a penalty on the Gophers,
but he also said, "If Masker had
stepped off the penalty against-Min-
A Michigan Daily reporter went
through the motions of nicking up
the ball, pacing off five yards, set-
ting down the ball, blowing a whis-
tle and raising his hand. A friend
timed him with a stopwatch. It took
a minimum of ten seconds.
nesota, during which time the clock
would have been circling, the Gophers
would have had considerably less time
to execute their play. But I have no
way of knowing whether Minnesota
still would have had time to kick its
field goal."
Crisler, on the other hand, .-said,
"... . time would have expired before
any play could have been executed."
In his statement, Crisler made it
clear that Michigan had no formal
protest to make. He said:
"So that Michigan's position be
not misunderstood, I want to point
out that Michigan coaches and play-

ers at no time questioned whether it
was a dropkick, whether Minnesota
had 12 men on the field or whether
there were seven men on the line of
scrimmage. The only question that
Captain Ceithaml raised was in re-
gard to a penalty which should have
been assessed with the clock running
and since the kick was made in the
last second, time would have expired
before the play could have been exe-
"It was one of thoseunfortunate
mistakes which was a bad break for
Michigan but any person is human
and likely to.make mistakes. We bear
no ill will; and as far as we are con-
cerned we would be glad to have the
same officials work any of our
Masker and two of the other offi-
cials in the Minnesota game will be
here next week to officiate the Michi-
gan-Harvard contest.
A Matter Of Seconds
The dispute evolved around Bill
Garnaas' last second dropkick field
goal which gave the Gophers their
two point victory. The clock stopped
running when end Jerry Mulready en-
tered the game, and Masker signalled
for it to continue. He should have
penalized the Gophers five yards,
however, with the clock running as
he paced off the penalty. There were
only nine seconds left when Mulready
came in, and since the ball .was
snapped on the winning play with
only one second to go, it seems doubt-
ful that the Gophers would have had
enough time had Masker not erred.
Griffith said, "College games are
never played over and scores not re-
versed . . . once the game is ended.
However, ; there has been so much
public interest manifested in this play
that I present these conclusions."

Russian Armyoncedesew
German GainInStalin ingnrad
Report Slight Nazi Advance In Northern Factory Area
As Reds Smash Into Flank Northwest Of City

U.S. Airmen Have Biggest
Day of Campaign; Bag
7 Axis Fighter Planes
Battle Widens Way
For New Onslaughtk
Associated Press Correspondent
CAIRO, Oct. 28.- The advance
tank force of Britain's Eighth Army
has won the first round with Field;
Marshal Rommel's armor in battles
through the Alamein minefield gaps,
and dispatches from the desert front
said today that the British onslaught
was steadily widening the way for the
major test of rival steel and gun-
Over the shell-pocked battleground
and the bomb-pitted ports of Rom-
mel's supply lines the Allied air force
kept German and Italian planes on'
the defensive.
Allies Lose Six Planes
United States fighters reported
their biggest day of the campaign,
downing seven planes out of yester-
day's Allied bag of 18. Three of them
were shot down by Lieut. Lyman Mid-
dieditch, Highlands, N. J., fighter.
pilot in the Black Scorpion Squadron.
Total Allied losses were six planes.
The British Middle East Command
announced that further progress had
been made Monday in night fighting.
Dispatches from the front indicated
that Axis losses already had been
heavy, both in tanks and men. There
was no authoritative estimate, how-
ever, on the number of Rommel's
tanks put out of action in the first
five days of the fight, and it was clear
that by far his main armored power
was poised back of the battlefront.
Under Trrific Barrage
Groups of prisoners trailed back
over the British supply lines told of
the terrific brage the El Alamein
line has been under day and night
since the start of the offensive as
British artillery blasted a way through
the minefields and barbed wire for
infantry of the Army of the Nile.
German and Italian communiques
said the British attack was pressed
hardest on the north or seaward flank
of the battle line. The Germans said
they were putting up "heavy but suc-
cessful defensive fighting."
(The exact extent of the Eighth
Army's penetrations of the Axis de-
fense system has not been defined,
but a Reuters dispatch to London
from a correspondent at the front was
datelined "West of the El Alamein
Line," indicating that the British
were fanning out behind Rommel's
first defenses.)
British Sweep Front
Even before joining in the action,
Rommel's main tank forces were un-
der attack at their gathering points
back of the line by British and United
States bombers and fighter-bombers
who swept the front and ranged back
to the port of Matruh.
"The desert air task force of the
United States Army forces in the
Middle East continued relentless at-
tacks against the enemy throughout
Tuesday," said a communique from
the U.S. headquarters.
"In a series of combined operations
with Allied light bombers, medium
bombardment aircraft bombed enemy
landing grounds, motor convoys, tank
concentrations and the Matruh dock
area. Many direct hits were observed."

U.S. Marines count Japanese dead on the shores of Guadalcanal
Island in the Solomons, after they drove into the strategic area to.
seize Henderson airfield. Now the Japanese are trying to get it back.
Students Can Help Win The Warw
B Writing its For The Army

Nw iFj1Hebrides, Fj!Bss
Vin First RudI gp
Japanese Dead On Guadalcanal Japs Being Mowed Down
On Guadalcanal, Navy

Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Oct. 29 (Thursday)-
The Russians today acknowledged
their second withdrawal in the battle-
torn city of Stalingrad in 24 hours,
but reported that the Red Army had
made gains .northwest of Stalingrad
and on the Black Sea front of the
West Caucasus.
The midnight Soviet communique
said the Germans had advanced about
200 yards at one point in the factory
district of North Stalingrad after
16 Are Killed
In Detroit Bus,
More Than Score Hurt;
DSR Motorbus Driver
Held ForQuestioning
DETROIT, Oct. 28.- (R)- Sixteen
persons were killed and more than a
score injured, several critically, today
when a Detroit Street Railways mo-
torbus, jammed to its doors with
school children, office workers and
factory employes, was ripped in two
by a passenger train.
The bus halted at the Caniff Ave-
nue crossing of the Grand Trunk
Western Railroad to permit a north-
bound freight train to pass, then
moved directly into the path of a
southbound passenger train.
The locomotive of the Chicago-
Detroit train sliced through the rear
end of the bus, hurled the front end
to one side, scattered bodies along the
right of way for two blocks and
ground to a stop a quarter mile away
with the bodies of six youths mangled
against the front of its boiler.
Suburban Hamtramck police took
into custody for questioning the bus
driver, William- F. Clos, 25, who has
been a regular motor coach operator
for two years.
Fred A. Nolan, general manager of
the municipally owned DSR transpor-
tation system, said the accident was
the worst in the system's history.
Mayor Edward J. Jeffries ordered a
complete investigation.
Marie Giles, 21, a passenger seated
directly behinsd the bus driver, told
how standing riders obscured his vi-
"There was a car ahead of the
bus," she said. "When the freight
train eleared. this car started across.

gaining about two blocks during the
previous night by throwing in huge
masses of men, tanks and planes.
At another point, the communique
said, a company of motorized infantry
broke through Soviet lines to the
southwest outskirts of one factory,
but was completely wiped out.
The intensity of the fighting in
Stalingrad was indicated by Russian
claims that Soviet artillery and mor-
tar fire and air attacks had destroyed
12 companies of German infantry
(more than 2,000 men), 30 tanks, 90
trucks and 18 artillery batteries.
Moscow radio reported that the
Red Army's relief attack northwest of
Stalingrad had resulted in . further
Russian gains after fierce hand-to-
hand fighting which cost the Ger-
mans 1,200 dead.
Launched Eight Counterattacks
The communique, referring to
fighting in this sector, said the Ger-
mans had launched eight counterat-
tacks against one height, but that
all the attacks wererepelled and the
Russians launched counter-blows kil-
ling more than 500 enemy troops.
Soviet dispatches from the Black
Sea area reported a dramatic rever-
sal of the military position in which
the Nazis were rolled bank from Tu-
apse in heavy mountain combat.
The communique said the Germans
had thrown reserves into this sector
and had tried to take a height held
by the Red Army. The Russians, how-
ever, fought until the Germans were
exhausted and then counterattacked,
killing about 200 Germans.

You're not in the Army, Student
Jones, but you can help write Hit-
ler's death warrant from your study-
room desk.
Four to ten-minute comedy skits
or historical skits like "Cavalcades of
History" are needed by the War De-
partment to entertain the soldiers of
Uncle Sam now training in Army

camps all over the nation.
Barclay Leathem of the
ServicesDivision of the War
ment writes that "dramatic
tion ranks next to athletics
as a recreational activity for
in the service."

trying to provide scripts for the en-
tertainmerot of the men in service.
To date, there are about 30 stu-
dents working on their own hook to
supply scripts for the Army. Eight
scripts have been sent out.
In another month, another batch
of skits will be needed.
But hurry, Student Jones. The
Army is calling for fast work. Al-
though your scripts will be royalty
free for the armed services, the laugh
they'll bring will go a long way to-
ward winning the war for us.
Swart hout
Will Present
.recital Today

Nipponese Suffer
Equipment Losses
Associated Press Correspondent
PEARL HARBOR, Oct. 28.- The
hordes of Hirohito were mobilized
with a superiority of ships, planes
nd men today for what appears to
ie a major thrust against key Ameri-
an bases and communication lines
n the route to Australia-the New
jebrides and the Fiji Islands.
The mobilization was coincident
with the assault to recapture Guadal-
anal, where even before the naval
battle of October 26 the enemy had
landed tanks and artillery and had
welled troop forces to perhaps 40,000
Significant Factors Noted
There were three significant factors
In regard to the naval battle.
First, a Tokyo naval announcement
said it -took place in the midst of
Japanese mobilization; second, the
Japanese term it the Battle of the
south Pacific, and, third, it took
place.; some ,300 miles northeast of
Guadalcanal and within a day's strik-
Ing distance of American positions in
the New Hebides.
The Japanese had completed two
mass landings on Guadalcanal, and
while these forces started land as-
saults against Marine and Army
troops, a powerful striking force of
battleships, carriers, cruisers and de-
troyers was streaking eastward
aroundthe SolomonIslands-appar-
ently moving toward the New Hebri-
ds whenthe battle contact was made
with American sea and air forces.
Aleutian, Solomons Activity Also
The only other Japanese moves,
since the Battle of Midway in June
crumpled their Hawaii invasion plan,
have been the building of a subma-
rine base at Kiska in the Aleutians
and the infiltration of the Southern.
Solomons-the latter having been
halted August 7 by American Marines
landing on Guadalcanal.
During these past four months, a
powerful invasion armada apparently
was being made ready at Truk for
the South Pacific drive which now is
Solonmons Fighting
Reported In Lull
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. - (1) -
Japanese trying to take the vital air-
field on Guadalcanal are being
mowed down in far greater numbers
than the American defenders, the
Navy announced today in a com-
munique which alsoddescribed the
damage to enemy equipment as "very
Possibly because of the losses they
have suffered since they launched
their full-scale offensive on Oct. 23,
the Japanese reduced their operations
on the night of Oct. 26-27 to several
"small scale thrusts" against the
American positions. All of these at-
tacks were thrown back.
Lull In Battle
Otherwise, naval officers inter-
preted a communique making these
announcements today as indicating
that the fighting in the Solomons
was in a lull. They emphasized how-
ever, that there was nothing to indi-
cate the Japanese naval forces had
withdrawn from the area of the
After a series of furious sea battles
which erupted at several points in
the vicinity of the Solomons over
the week-end, it was only natural
that both sides should be catching
their breath and taking stock of the
resulting situation.
Describing the losses in the land
fighting, the communique said:
"Enemy losses in men and euip-
ment in troop actions on the island
since Oct. 23 have been very heavy
as compared to our own."
U.S. Losses Light
Naval officers added to this the
information that American losses

have been light.
The period covered by the state-
ment of losses included much land
fighting. This reached an apparent
climax on the night of Oct. 24-25.
Then an attack from the south
pentrated nositions held by the

in value
the men

And that, Student Jones, is where
you come in.
Your skit should call for simple
sets, properties and effects, and it
should provide for all-male casts.
So if you're a graduate from Mr.
Seager's advanced composition course
or if you've taken Professor Rowe's
drama-writing course, maybe you can
out-Saroyan Saroyan.
Your script-if it's acceptable-will
be rushed to the National Theatre
Conference office at Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, and from there
out to the Army camps.
If you want to tackle the rush job,
contact Prof. K. T. Rowe of the Eng-
lish department at once. His office
is 3228 Angell Hall and he is the
chairman of the Defense Committee

Senate Committee Asks Measures
To Curtail Civilian Doctor Shortage

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28.-(1P)-The
"unplanned recruiting" of doctors for
the armed medical services has led the
nation to "a dangerous health emer-
gency," a Senate sub - committee
charged today in calling for immedi-
ate action to assure medical care for
civilians as well as soldiers.
Senator Pepper (Dem. - Fla.), as
chairman of the labor sub-committee
on manpower, issued the report as-
serting that there had been "a tre-
mendous unnecessary over-militariza-
tion of the doctor supply at the ex-
pense of the civilian population" and
that "the nation has been fortunate
to have avoided serious local or even
national epidemics to date."

there will be an average of only one
doctor for each 3,000 civilians, con-
trasted with a national average of
about one to 1,100 before the war.
"In some counties in the southern
states, hitherto fairly well supplied
with physicians, there is now only one
Foaming Boar Runs
Hog-Wild In Back Yard
Crashing through a fence and chas-
ing Mrs. F. N. Calhoun's twelve year
old son to cover in the chicken coop,
a hog, which was described as "a

doctor for 7,000 individuals," it con-
The report charged that "foolish
and dangerous" methods used to re-
cruit physicians for military service
had resulted in "hoarding and freez-
ing unused doctors in the American
armed forces in a ratio double that
of the British."
"The conditions are so acute and
dangerous," Pepper's report said,
"that this preliminary report is made
public with the recommendation that
at the earliest possible moment the
following steps should be taken:
"The President,as commander in
chief, should order a survey to be
made of over-supply and under-sup-
ply of medical personnel for both the

. ..Metropolitan .Star
Gladys Swarthout, star of radio,
screen and opera will offer a song
recital at 8:30 p. m. today in Hill
Auditorium for the second of the
1942-43 Choral Union Series.
The world famous prima donna of
the Metropolitan, only woman ever
to have sung before the entire assem-
bled United States Congress, Supreme
Court and President, will be heard in
a program featuring the works of
Handel, Granados, Griffes and the
contemporary Americanscomposer,
Clarence Olmstead. Mr. Olmstead's
song, "Time," will be given its world
premiere by Miss Swarthout.
Remaining tickets for the program
will be on sale at the University Musi-
cal Society's offices in Burton Tower
_4,1 ,. A + , . n n * 1,x

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