It!' - ,, x :4ai4; w eaterr Slightly Warmer VOL. LIY No. 21 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 1942 PRICE FIVE CEN4TS Allies Win Positions In Africa IFC Men Run Into Snag In Scrap GatheringRace Men's Congress Predicts Turnout To Put To Shame Yesterday's Efforts Of Fraternity Salvagers British Axis After Troops Penetrate Lines In Desert Engaging Tanks Sea Battle Rages In Mediterranean By The Associated Press CAIRO, Oct. 27.- The British 8th Army, under the constantly roaring offensive support of the Allied air arm, broke further inside the main Axis desert positions today on a major maneuver calculated to funnel the armored columns to a decisive en- gagement with enemy tanks. So far the slugging showdown be- tween the heavy ground forces had not begun after four days of fierce fighting for position on the initiative of the Allied forces. Infantry Active Minor tank engagements were re- ported, but they were inconclusive, and the preparatory tasks were left in the main to the infantry, which was clearing away a maze of obstacles over miles of sandy minefields and entanglements, and to the air forces which have been hammering relent- lessly for a week or more at the Axis forward positions. The British communique did not mention tanks, reporting merely that Allied forces had extended their sali- ent into the Axis defenses with the obvious intention of pushing along the armored units for a wide-open contest with Rommel. The Allied Air Forces were so com- pletely in command of the air on land and sea that they did extra duty against Axis counter-attacks on the ground. Down 20 Planes In all the intensified battle of the Mediterranean yesterday the Allies downed more than 20 planes at the cost of 10 of their own. Sixteen of the Axis craft were shot down over the desert, two more while trying to cover enemy sea transport along the coast and three more in the remote but vital fighting over Malta. A mixed air force of Americans, British and South Africans caught an enemy convoy trying to slip along the coast from Dermna to Tobruk yester- day and delivered a concentrated at- tack with high-level, medium and fighter-bombers. Damage Listed A tanker burst into flames and a large merchantman carrying supplies to the desert front blew up under bomb and torpedo hits. Other un- specified damage was inflicted on the convoy, which was escorted by four destroyers and many planes. Two Heinkels were shot down and two oth- ers were damaged. Of the 16 Axis planes shot down over the desert yesterday, six were victims of American airmen, and in the desert engagements alone the Al- lied losses were four planes. Four Italian Macchi 202's were shot down by American fighter pilots pa- troling south of El Daba. Miss Swarthoutt To Sing Here Opera Star Will Premier New Suite Tomorrow Included in the program to be pre' sented by Gladys Swarthout at 8;30 p.nm. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium will be the first performance of a new suite for voice and piano composed by Clarence Olmstead. The suite, entitled "Time," com- prises five parts, named for months of the year. These parts in turn cor- respond to portions of a day, the suite tracing the year from its "Dawn" in December to the "Mid- night" of November. According to the composer, Clar- ence Olmstead, his plan was "to write something . . . that would give a singer the chance to project a variety of moods, to show the different facets of a well-trained voice, to give the accompanist something of interest to get his teeth into in a variety of rhythms and key changes, and the audience a continuous stream of mu- sic that they would be interested in following . ." Miss Swarthout's program will in- chide thirteen selections in addition to the new suite, all of which, ac- cording to Dr. Charles A. Sink, pres- ident of the University Musical So- ciety, "combine to make up an ex- The Interfraternity Council's cam- paign to turn in more scrap than so- rorities in the all-campus scrap drive struck a snag yesterday when only a handful of members took the day off for salvaging scrap under the direc- tion of the University's Building and Grounds department. Total of salvage work completed by the IFC was slightly more than two tons, When word of this reached Norton Norris, president of Congress, Inde- pendent Men's Organization, he said: "Tearfully, fraternities and sorori- ties must resign themselves to the fate of ignominious defeat-better known as second place or also-ran. "Unity of purpose, dogged determi nation and sheer weight of manpower will indubitably place the men in rooming houses, dorms and co-ops out in front in the all-out campus scrap drive." Meanwhile, Theta Delta Chi, fra- ternity piled up two tons of scrap in Commissioner Will Appraise Gopher Game Griffith To Decide Today On Disputed Field Goal After Movies Of Action By BUD HENDEL. The aftermath of Saturday's Michi- gan-Minnesota football game reached a new peak yesterday. Fritz Crisler Michigan coach 'and athletic director, still refused cm-- ment last night, saying that if any- thing is to be done it would have to be by either Minnesota or the game officials. In the meantime: deVelopment. moved to a swift conclusion,wlh p final decision on the legality of t4le Gopher field, goal scheduled ii e issued today .by Maj. John Griffith, Commissiner of Western Conference Athletics. Controversy Still Rages Minnesota won the contest, 16-14, but a controversy still rages as to the validity of its victory. The deciding points came on a dropkick field goal by Bill Garnaas with a second. re- maining to play of the fitst half, and popular opinion claims that 'R fers James Masker allowed the Gophers a fourth time out without penalty which gave them the necessary time to execute the game-winning play.- In a talk with The Daily last night, Griffith stated that he would view motion pictures of the fray today and issue his decision in the afternoon. He has no authority to have the game cancelled or the outcome reversed, but he can release a statement to the effect thatMasker erred Saturday. Griffith has talked to both Crisler and Dr. George Hauser, coach of the Gophers, and he has spoken to the four officials in charge of the game. Gophers Still The Victors If Griffith does decide that Masker made a mistake and that the half really was over when Garnaas drop- kicked the vital three points, Minne- sota still will be the victor. The only possible way to have the outcome of the tilt changed is through a forfeit of the contest by Minnesota. . Yesterday, The Daily succeeded in contacting both Hauser and Masker. Reporters had been unable to talk, to either until The Daily established connections over the long distance wires. In the conversation with Hauser The Daily asked: "Did referee Masker call the dropkick play correctly?' Was his officiating according to the rules? Hauser replied: I have no comment.' The Daily: "Would you have called it the same way if you were officiat- ing?" Hauser: Now listen here, your own coaching staff isn't making any com- ment, so why should I? To this The Daily replied that it would be against the rules of good sportsmanship for Michigan to initi- ate proceedings. Hauser countered by saying Major Griffith was the only one to issue any statement.. Then the Daily questioned: "Did you send in a substitute just before the dropkick. Hauser answered: "I did. It was Jerry Mulready. Garnaas entered the game two plays previous.". To which The Daily put the prime question: "Did Minnesota have three time outs when Mulready entered the. game?" - the first two days of the campaign and promised to hit five tons by the end of the week. Lambda Chi-Alpha fraternity re- ported that it has a large pile of scrap outside the city and an old car ready to roll "right up to the front door of theManpower Corps." Hospital Volunteers And in response to a call for volun- teers to work as orderlies, laboratory assistants and storeroom attendants An emergency meeting of all Wolverines will be held at 1 p. m. today in front of the library. -Bunny Crawford in University Hospital, the following men volunteered to serve every Wednesday for the rest of the semes- ter: Bill Matthews, Ray Barnett, Var- skin Madarian, Robert Davis, Leo Lit- wak, Rill Johnston, Hank Shafer, Davi4 McFarland, William Parman- ter, Robert Daniel Fred Biltz, Sheldon Sevelair, W, B., Redman, Bob New- man, Bill Rese, Philip Sanford, Shel- don Blakeman and Norm Schaeffer. Other men will be assigned to serve in the hospital for every day in the week. Apple Pickers Needed A call came in for additional apple pickers at 11 a. m. yesterday and by 1:15 p. m. 16 men were transported out to the Soffe farm in Milan for an afternoon's work. There :has also been a request by CDVO for students to work from 2 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m. every day next week for fuel and gas ration- ing. A special class for these volunteers will be held at 7 p. m. tomorrow in the Rackham Amphitheatre for instruc- tion in iationing duties. All those in- terested in volunteering can call Bob Allen, telephone 23-20-5. a Sats L NEW YORK, Oct. 27.- (M)- Sec- retary of the Navy Knox said tonight that the Navy had "hit the enemy some savage blows and we have just begun to fight," but declared at a Navy Day dinner I at although ships, aircraft knd train d men were coming faster now, it was not fast enough to do a "vast, world-wide job." In his speech, prepared for delivery over a nationwide Mutual Broadcast- ing System hookup from the Waldorf- Astoria Hotl, Knox summed up U.S. accomplishments in the tenth month of war. b saying: "We are producing merchant ships faster than the enemy can sink them, and he isn't sinking them so fast any- more, ditler.' "We aren't producing aircraft and bombs. and trained crews in such quantity that Germaiy no longer has unchallenged mastery of the air." But he also declared: "I shall not belabor you with statis- tics. I only say that ships and aircraft and trained men are coming faster and faster now, but still not fast enough and we have a long way to go to do properly our vast, world-wide job of patrolling,, of escorting and of fighting on all the seas." Knox asserted that "as the first year of our ordeal draws to a close we seem to be coming to the realiza- tion that strategy and military opera- tions are a job for experts in posses- sion of all the facts, and our ranks, 130 million strong, are closing up be- hind the Commander-In-Chief and our military leaders." AP Protests Accusations Of Monopoly Asserts Its Right Of Free Material Distribution To Chosen Associates Refuses To Grant Uniform Service By The Associted Press NEW YORK, Oct. 27.- Answering a Federal anti-trust suit, the Associ- ated Press denied today that it is a monopoly and said that "a free press requires that newspapers shall be free to collect and distribute news ... and that they shall be free to choose their associates in so doing." The Department of Justice entered the monopoly charges in a suit asking the courts to direct A to make its servicesavailableto anyone able to pay for them instead of serving a membership of its choosing on its present non-profitan cooperative ba- sis. AP Answers In filing its answer in Federal Dis- trict Court, the association asserted: "A corollary of the assertion by the government of the right to determine who may be associates in collecting and distributing news is the assertion by the government of the right to de- termine what news shall be collected and distributed and under what con- ditions. The Congress has never as, serted any right or power to regulate newspapers or news agencies in the collection or distribution of news." The association further declared that "the standard of an impartial and unbiased reporting of the news which has been achieved by the opera- tion of AP under the control of its members, could not survive the tran- sition of such members to the role of mere customers purchasing news on a price basis." Unbiased Newvs The AP said that it was organized to make possible the dissemination of unbiased news and "the cooperative character of its organization has been and is directly responsible for the ac- complishment of such purpose an4 rendering by AP of a service which the government itself acknowledges to be of vital importance to the na- tional welfare." The answer of approximately 7,000 words comprised a general denial of the government's complain of 14,09 words filed in a civil action here August 28 Rejected Application Asserting that freedom of the press was fundamental law and with it the right of newspapers to choose their own associates in collecting and dis- tributing the news, the answer said "this right is now challenged by the means of a novel interpretation of the anti-trust statutes, which is designed to foster a particular newspaper, to wit, the Chicago Sun." The membership application of Marshall Field's Chicago Sun was re- jected by a vote of 684 to 287 by AP members at their latest annual meet- ing in' April. FDR Urges Quick Draft WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.- (P)- President Roosevelt expressed a hope at a press conference today that legis- lation lowering the draft age to 18 would be enacted as soon as possible. He was asked for comment on a Senate amendment calling for a year's training for youths of 18 and 19 before they might be sent into combat. But the Chief Executive turned that inquiry aside, remarking that the real underlying cause now of delay on the bill was that there was disagreement between House and Senate, and the House was unable to muster a quorum until after the elec- tion. Jap Stab At Guadalcanal Air Base Smashed Back; Nazis Repulsed In Russia New Nazi Tank Offensive' Driven Back By Soviets; Northwest Area Is Firm Waves Of Tanks Crushed By Reds By HENRY C. CASSIDY Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Oct. 28. (Wednesday)- The Russians said today the Germans had launched a new tank offensive in one sector in Stalingrad yesterday, but that all attacks were repulsed with heavy losses. The Red Army stopped the offen- sive in a workers settlement and fac- tory area of northern Stalingrad yes- terday after a successful Russian counterattack had driven the Ger- mans out of south Stalingrad onto the bleak steppe below the city. Attacks Repulsed The Soviet midnight communique said that in the new drive the Ger- mans sent infantry and tanks in "one attack after another" in an attempt to break the Russian lines, but that' the Russians repulsed all attacks. In this area, the communique said, more than 900 Germans were killed' and 11 tanks destroyed. Heavy fighting also continued northwest of Stalingrad, where the Germans launched 20 attacks in a determined effort to recapture a vil- lage, which the Russians previously had taken in a counterattack. The Soviet forces, however, held firm. Artillery was especially active. One Russian unit destroyed four tanks and 23 fortified points and another battery destroyed three tanks and wiped out about a company of infan- try. Attempt Breakthrough In the Black Sea area, the commu- nique said, German forces made a desperatedattempt to break through to a German garrison surrounded by Red Army troops in a village north- east of the Port of Tuapse. All the attacks were repelled. At another point in this area, Rus- sian forces were said to have ad- vanced and improved their positions, destroying about three companies of; Germans. On the northwest front, between Moscow and Leningrad, the Germans launched two attacks at one point, but the Russian lines held, driving the Germans back to their original positions. The main fighting, however, was in the battered sector of northern Stalingrad around the workers settle- ment and the Red October Iron Foun- dry. Gun Posts Destroyed In the latest phase of the counter- assaults which cleared the southern industrial section, the Russians were credited officially with destroying ten machine gun posts, 26 blockhouses and dugouts and more than four com- panies of enemy infantry. During a six-day battle which pre- ceded these operations, one Red Army division was estimated to have de- stroyed 160 enemy tanks and killed 4,000 Germans and Rumanians. Dispatches said the German lines in this sector now lay beyond the low, rolling hills which rim the southern edge of Stalingrad more than 150 yards from the city line. Factory chimneys in the scarred southern sec- tion continued to smoke. Mystery Shrouds Election Literature Of Campaigners LANSING, Oct. 27.- ()- Mystery tonight surrounded the origin of elec- tion campaign literature setting forth brief biographical sketches of the Re- publican and Democratic nominees for governor, including their religious affiliations. John R. Dethmers, Republican State Chairman, asserted at an infor- mal press conference in the office of Attorney General Herbert J. Rushton the literature "obviously is the work of some group interested in the re- election of Governor Van Wagoner," the Democratic nominee. Harry F. Kelly is the Republican candidate for governor. Charles S. Porritt, Democratic State Chairman, declared angrily, "The Democratic Party positively has no knowledge of or connection with" the FDR Approves Bill To Limit High Salaries $25,000 Set As Maximum In, Drastic Regulation To Freeze Wages WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.- (AP)- President Roosevelt today approved regulations limiting salaries to $25,- 000 a year after certain deductions, beginning January 1, and asked that his own annual stipend of $75,000 be so trimmed despite an exception made for salaries fixed by federal or state statute. The sweeping regulations, issued by James F. Byrnes, Director of Eco- nomic Stabilization, were applied to both private and public salaries, ex- cept those fixed by statute. They also froze all salaries and wages up to $25,000 and disallowed any increases except those approved by the War Labor Board or Treasury. Labor Board In Control The War Labor Board was given control over all wages and salaries not, in excess of $5,000 "where such an employee is represented by a duly recognized or certified labor orgai- zation or where the employee is not, employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional ca- pacity." "All other salaries come under the jurisdiction of the Treasury Depart- ment," said a summary of the regu- lations issued by Byrnes. "White Collar" Jobs, This he interpreted to mean that the Treasury would pass on salaries under $5,000 now being paid employes in executive, administrative, or pro- fessional jobs, or so-called "white collar" positions, as Byrnes called them, and also all salaries over $5,000.. Byrnes said the President had writ- ten Treasury Secretary Morgenthau asking that his own $75,000 salary be limited, despite thesfact that his is the only federal salary exceeding $25,000 fixed by statute. Yankees, Japs SwapBlows Lull In Aerial War At End ReportsCommunique NEW DELHI, Oct. 27.- (AP)- A strong force of Japanese fighters and bombers which struck United States air fields in the Dibrugarh area of northeastern Assam province Sunday killed an American air officer and a British subject, wounded five Ameri- cans and destroyed or damaged sev- eral grounded transport planes, a United States Army communique dis- closed today. The enemy returned yesterday to strafe the same fields bombed the day before. For their part, the American air forces struck during the week-end at the enemy in Burma and South China and, indicating that a heavier swap- ping of blows was imminent, the offi- cial announcement said: "Taking into account other raids, particularly the recent attack by U.S. bombers on the Linsi mine north of Tientsin, the lull in wide range aerial warfare may be said to have ended with the monsoon." The communique singled out Lieut. Edward M. Nollmeyer of Everett, Wash., for especial mention for sin- gle-handedly attacking an entire en- emy formation during Monday's enemy attacks and knocking down one of the raiders without damage to himself or his plane. Two of the Sunday raiders were shot down by United States fighter planes which rose immediately to en- gage them and one of the interceptors also was lost. Enemy Warships Crippled As Slash At Field Fails In Violent Sea-Air Fight Flying Field Vital Say Military Men By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.- Ameri- can troops on Guadalcanal have beaten back an enemy thrust which penetrated their lines, while their fighting comrades in the sea-air struggle have inflicted heavy damage on enemy warships, a Navy communi- que disclosed tonight. The communique gave this picture of the fierce and unremitting fight for the Solomons: Ashore: "During the night of October 25-26 (Solomon Islands time) enemy troops were active on Guadalcanal and suc- ceeded in piercing our lines on the south side oil the airfield: Army troops GEN. MACARTHUR'S HEAD- QUARTERS, Australia, Oct. 28.- 'P)-- Allied fighter pilots riade a strafing attack on the Japanese base at Lae, New Guinea, yesterday, giving remote support to their em- battled comrades on Guadalcanal, 900 miles to the southeast. threw back the attack and regained their positions. Marine troops were active on the western flank and re- ported small gains in heavy fighting." At sea: Two Japanese destroyers were sunk; a battleship was hit; a cruiser was badly damaged; a destroyer was damaged. New hits were scored on two previously damaged cruisers and an American torpedo found its way into the hull of a previously damaged enemy aircraft carrier. Men Determined Military men emphasized the ex- treme importance of the fighting ashore. Marines and Army men were apparently determined to hold the airfield on Guadalcanal at all costs. This flying field, constructed by and seized from the Japanese, was called the key to all the fighting. Should it be lost, it was said, the American cause might suffer an ir- reparable blow for it had a bearing upon both the land and sea fighting. Some of the planes which sank or damaged enemy war vessels were op- erating from Guadalcanal. In one in- stance planes believed based there came quickly to the rescue of two American minesweepers,, which had been engaged by three Japanese de- stroyers near Guadalcanal. Two of the latter were_ sunk. Hold Sea Lanes At sea, the Japanese apparently had fairly secure control of the sea lanes in and around the Solomons, for an enemy destroyer penetrated close enough to Tulagi Harbor to sink the U.S. fleet tug Seminole and a harbor patrol boat-the only American ship losses announced in tonight's com- munique. Otherwise, small task forces-both American.and Japanese-apparently were playing hide-and-seek in the general neighborhood of the Archi- pelago, and occasionally joining ac- tion. Those in a position to know said that the results of the battle were still far from conclusive and that it con- tinued unabated. 1 The People Speak: County Home Rule Discussed At First Forum Meeting Here Michigan Braves Seize-3 Palefaces in Tapping Rites Listen to this tale of romance, Tale of Indian warrior bold. In the early moon of green leaves Came they forth the stoic valiant; Forth they romped to paleface wigwam, Wigwam one of friend great chief, Paleface mighty among his kind; Came he forth to take their token Of the, warpath they would tread, the mighty oak of Tappan Dashed the screaming, yelling redmen; To the tree of Indian legend When the whitemen pale and trembling Stood around the mighty oak; Warriors choice of paleface nation Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet. Down the warriors, painted demons, Exercising their right to ponder and openly discuss the issues con- fronting them and their government, 100 local citizens met last night in Pattengill auditorium, Ann Arbor High School, for the Ann Arbor Com- munity Forum's first meeting of the season which considered proposals on the Nov. 3 ballot. With Prof. James K. Pollock of the tution which change with- time and custom. The adoption of a new char- ter in Wayne County might free the county's government from its strait- jacket. Its present system of goverrin- ment has fostered gr'aft and the gen- eral misuse of funds." Proposal No. 3, asking for the cre- ation of a milk marketing board for the State, was discussed by Harold J. OPA To Squelch Illicit Nylon Hose Enterprise I WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-(I)-The i