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October 27, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-27

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T UsDAY- OCU,27p-1942

I' I


Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during,. the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day~ and Tuiesday during the summer session."
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to k
it 'or otherwise credited .in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
secoind-ciass mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$1.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.'
College Publishers Representative"
Editorial Staff
Bomer Swander . . . Managing Editor r
Morton Mintz. . . . . Editorial Director
Will Sapp . . . City Editor
George W. Sallad . . . . . Associate Editor
Charles Thatcher '' . . Assoiate Editor
Beinard Hendel . . . Sports Editor
Barbara deFries . . . - . Women's Editor '
1i1-on Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg . . . Business Manager
Fred .M Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . Women's Advertising Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


Senator Brown
(Editor's Note: This article is taken from Blair Moody's column, "The Low-
Down On Washington" It appeared recently in The Detroit News.)

NROTC Will Celebrate
Navy Day With WORK
(QING TO CLASSES - that's how
the cadets of the University NROTC
battalon will honor the United States Navy
D spite the nation-wide celebration of Navy
Day the NROTC will attend classes as usual,
sacrificing, its annual holiday in order to lose no
time in preparing its members for fighting serv-
ice with the Navy that crushed the Japs at Mid-
way Island and helped save Australia in the
Battle of the Coral Sea.
Considering the magnitude of the work to be
done and the shortness of, the time in which to
do it before this war can be won, we think the
NROTC merits recognition for its wisdom in
discarding a nice but futile gesture and keeping
its Navy blue sleeves rolled up. Also we suggest
that some of the nation's more useless flag-
wavers would do well to follow the bttalion's
example. - Dick Collins
Future, Good Or Bad, Is
Up To CommonP eople
letter to the editor in Thursday's
Daily ended with a number of ques-
tions. Mr. Andersen and Mr. Crow have a right
to ask them, for they obviously do not know
tbat we are fighting against or what we are
fighting for.
We are fighting against the most terrible force
that has ever challenged democracy. To combat
that force all democracy is now at war. No part
of it can remain aloof 'and unchanged by the
fight. That is why this University and all- educa-
tional forces that embody American ideals must
join in. We must learn all the lessons this fight'
has to teach. We must justify the processes of
education, which, having failed to prevent war,
must positively fight to win, in order that they
may properly take part in preventing new wars
and in building a better world.-
And what are we fighting for? Certainly not
so that again men with "manicured fingernails"
will win the peace. This time we are fighting so
that the men with "greasy faces" will win it as
they win the war. After the war, the governing
of the world must come into the hands of men
who believed in democracy enough to fight for
it, not men who hid behind marble walls to escape
war's reality.
What will result from the war we cannot know.
If it is regression, that will be the price paid for
cowardice and stupidity in the past. If it is
social advancement, that will come not because
of words alone, but from the pushing and shov-
ing of men with greasy faces. -Henry Petersen
To Mail Your Xmas
Gifts To Men Abroad
T HERE is no need to urge those of us
-who have loved ones in the armed
services to write or send them things that they
enjoy. - But there is good cause to urge the rest
of us without personal relations in the services
to translate our good thoughts into action.
Christmas of this year offers us an excellent
opportunity to do just that.
Government officials have announced Novem-

I'd Rather
L Be Right_
Germans! If you win the war, the war will never
end. You won the war in Norway. Has the war
ended in Norway? You won the war in France.
Has the war ended in France?
Wherever you have won the war, the war goes
on. What have you won?
Your Sons Kill Your Friends
In each of these countries, each day, you kill,
and you make enemies. You kill, and you kill
friends. In each country your Fuehrer hates,
most of all, the intellectuals; these are his best
victims, as in Germany itself. Who will speak
for you when the war ends, Germans, if the intel-
lectuals of Europe have been killed?
Your Fuehrer hates and kills democrats. The
better the democrat, the more gladly he kills
him. But who will speak for you after the war,
if not democrats? Who will protest you against
the revenge of Europe, if not democrats? Ger-
mans! Your sons are shooting the men who
could save your lives when the day of revenge
Your sons are destroying labor unions in
all these countries. Who might speak for you
after the war, and try to protect you from
wrath, if not men of the trades unions, interested
in peace and the brotherhood of the poor? Your
Fuehrer kills these friends.
Germans! In each country your Fuehrer
leaves only men who hate democracy. Will men
who hate democracy have pity on you, Germans.
Have they ever had, even in your own country?
Who Will Speak For You...
Germans! Who will intercede for you when the
war ends? We have not seen your faces. We do
not know you any more. Three years ago there
were many men among us careful to say, every
day, we must remember the German people are
not as their leaders. We do not say that so
often now. Your Fuehrer says you are one with
him. There is no answering voice. If he is wrong,
there is no one to say he is wrong. He has made
you one with him.
But you have a way. There are 6,000,000
foreigners among you. Soon there will be 7,000,-
000. Your Fuehrer brings in more every day.
Those foreigners might be good friends to you
after the war, Germans. They alone, of our
people, can tally with you. They couldtell us, if
it were true, that you were not one with your
They are the poorest and most despised among
you. Yet they will be your only Possible advo-
cates when the war ends. The world will listen
to them. Their stories might halt the day of
No Advocates But These
your loneliness is great, Germans. If these
7,000,000 are not your friends when the war
ends, you will leave no friends on the day of
Germans! If you have goodwill, you must
show it,-through these 7,000,000, before the war
Each one whom you help in kindness, to es-
cape, will be your voice to the outside world.
Each one who sees even one German try to
stop the murder of Europe will tell the story
for all Germany after the war.
If twelve of your prisoners and slaves see you

1 (Pei) ted



(A member of old '97 points his pen today
at The Daily's Managing Editor-and, be-
lieve us, it's pointed.)
OVER -many an evening's pipeful
I meditatc, study and ponder:
Does a psychoanalyst any where brood
More broody than Homer Swander.
When Horner solemnly, solemnly speaks,
Let earth in awed silence adore him,
And watchfully wait as he extrudes thoughts
No one has extruded before him.
For Homer is twenty-one this month
And not in all after time, Oh!
Will he know as much as he knows today.
Let us learn from him in his prime, Oh!
(Oh, It's no blame to be twenty-one-
No reason to see your confessor,
The blame's all mine for growing old,
Each year knowing lesser and lesser.)
Where else, where else, shall wisdom lie
For us, as we annually wander,
In the plenty with which we are fed today
By Mahatma Homer I. Swander?
So Prexeey, think of the fame that's yours!
Generations shall pause and wonder!
For you have been psychoanalyzed
By Homer the Great God Swander.
Class of '97

The Senate has its statesmen. If
this crisis passes, if dictatorship is
avoided, the people of America will
owe a real debt of gratitude to a son
of Michigan, Prentiss M. Brown.
Senator Brown has shown that he
is more interested in the people than
he is in himself. He was charged as
the President's floor leader with a
delicate and explosive task, under
conditions which would have impelled
a lesser man to dodge the issue.
When quick action to meet'the Oct.
1 deadline was imperative, New York's
Senator Robert F. Wagner, chairman
of the Banking and Currency Com-
mittee, went to Brown:
"Prentiss," he said, "you're the
man to handle this bill because you
know the subject. But it's a terrible
thing to hand a man just before
the election. You'll have to fight
the farm bloc. There will be many
farm voters in Michigan who do not
understand that their real interest
lies in the side you are taking. I
want you for this job, but if you'd
rather not, I'll certainly under-
Brown took the job. He not only
fought the farm bloc, but fought it to
a standstill and is the first senator in
history who ever had the farm organi-
zations squealing for a congressional
investigation of their critics, and he
may become the first in years to lick
Not within memory has a man
from a farm state stood on the Sen-
ate floor and told the truth about
the farm lobbyists, one by one, by
name. No one in years has electri-
fied the super-polite air of the
Senate with the blunt assertion
that his colleagues were turning
the Government over to selfish in-
As Brown, fighting desperately
against what appeared to be certain
defeat, all but kissed away his politi-
cal future to serve the people who
elected him, the front row of the
press gallery, which loves real courage
in politicians because the quality is
so rare and the country needs so
much more of it, almost rose to cheer.
When the Michigan Democrat said
he was "proud of the Republican
cerned with how many or which stu-I
dents should be allowed to attend col-
lege this year or next, but only about
what 'kind of educational objectives
are best for those who are here.
In peace time it is notoriously diffi-
cult to distinguish sharply between:
the causes and effects of social phe-
nomena, and the cautious scholar is
usually slow to endorse exclusively
any particular explanation of histor-
ical, economic, or political events.
Continuity in the development of
understanding of the social sciences,
so that social forces, may be brought
more directly under the control of
men of good will, is not furthered by
suspending the scientific attitude
during war time!
Certainly it would be rash today to
claim that the war was brought about
entirely by the evil doings of a few
politicians in "have not countries,"
that war guilt is entirely unequivocal,
or that only black evil is on the other
side in this conflict. The national
arrogance to which this kind of
"thinking" leads would be distinctly
out of place in Ann Arbor, and would
not prepare men to think rationally
upon the problems of peace. There is
enough disagreement among compe-
tent scholars about "the causes of
war" to provide ample subject matter
for relating course materials to the
war without resorting to over-simpli-
fied cliches.
Therefore, if we agree that uni-
versities should adapt the scien-
tific attitude to meet the problems
posed by war, and not suspend it, I
believe that agreement about spe-
cific war measures can be reached
more readily and with less hurling
of invectives.
It is useful also to apply the func-
tional approach to the executive and
legislative branches of the federal

government during war. The Amer-
ican Congress is perhaps the most
powerful legislative body in the world,
and yet many of its members and
constituents are concerned today
about the encroachment of war pow-
ers of the President and of the armed
forces. Clearly a ponderous legisla-
tive body is not well-fitted for the
prosecution of war or to the flexible
administration of a domestic economy
whose processes have been disrupted
by total war. What functions, then,
should Congress perform?
In addition to those which the
legalist would suggest, it appears that
victory in the war and in the peace
would be furthered if Congress wou l
undertake to study now the politic)l
basis of lasting peace. AlbertW. Pal-
mer proposed in the Christian Cen-
tury for September 30 the establish-
ment of a Congressional Peace Aims
Commission which would hold hear-
ings and submit a report on the rrst
workable kind of post-war political
framework which expert opinion can
now formulate.
This Commission would immedi-
ately attract the attention of the
entire world: it would inspire the

minority leadership" and pinned re-
sponsibility on his own party for
planning to "give the President the
greatest jolt that any President ever
has received in time of stress, turmoil
and trouble," the correspondent next
to the writer,exploded: "That's a mas-
terful speech; the best the Senate
has heard in years." Another leaned
down from the row behind to say:
"Your state has a great senator."
A third, when Brown concluded,
said: "Do you mean to say he made
that speech in the teeth of an elec-
tion?" and added: "God, wouldn't
it be a tragedy to beat a guy with
guts like that!"
News correspondents are not ordin-
arily an impressionable lot. Neither
are political leaders. Both like men
who can perform. Brown's position in
the Senate confirms the judgment of
the correspondents.
This is the Michigan senator's first
term, following two in the House. Yet
he has been chosen repeatedly to
handle impotant legislation on and
off the floor. He was the late Senator
Pat Harrison's right-hand man on
taxes, although ranking as low as
eleventh Democrat on the Finance
Committee. He is outranked by six
Democrats on Banking and Currency,
yet when a tough bill comes in the
boys holler for Brown.
Its junior senator is not the only
man of whom Michigan can be
proud in this crisis. Rep. Jesse P.
Wolcott, Port Huron Republican,
showed more courage and judgment
than the whole rest of his Republi-
can delegation put together. To a
man, every Michigan Republican
congressman jumped through the
farm bloc hoop, except Wolcott.
He is ranking Republican on the
House Banking' Committee, whose
chairman is R. Henry B. Steagall,
Alabama Democrat, and particular
buddy of Edward A. O'Neal, president
of the Farm Bureau Federation and
ringleader of the farm lobbyists. (The
President stopped O'Neal from taking
over control of the Department of
Agriculture in 1936, and O'Neal has
been peeved ever since, which may be
why his stooges failed to accept the
farm price compromise.)
Steagall tried to put the farm bloc
bill through the committee but Wo-
cott, rallying the Republicans and
Democrats, took the committee away
from him. On the floor, he fought the
issue ably and to the end, support'ed
by Rep. Dingell, Rabaut and the other
Michigan Democrats, deserted by his
own GOP delegation. (Blackney and
Bradley absent).
But the performance on this is-
sue that will live is Senator Brown's.
If a presidential veto with all its
consequences is averted, it will be
because Brown met the farm bloc
head on, wangled a compromise,
put it through the Senate and then
outmaneuvered Steagall in confer-
ence. If he wins next week, he will
have been the principal factor in
ending the most serious threat of
dictatorship this country has so far
The senator is unfortunate to have
as his political opponent this fall an
outstanding man. Outstate Michigan
is normally Republican. Judge Fer-
guson has made himself a leader in
the Democratic stronghold, Detroit.
Brown cannot return to the state to
campaign, as the tax bill will follow
close on the inflation measure. He
has undoubtedly antagonized many
voters. No senatorial contest in the
country is more unpredictable.
But for his stand against the forces
of organized selfishness, for his fight
to retain in Congress its strength
and self-respect, for, his service in
the preservation of democracy, Wash-
ington will never forget him.
Brown, whether he comes back to
the Senate or not, has earned a
niche in history. And he can sleep

Coffee Hoarders
Caused Rationing
A customer walked into a Inetroit
store last week and asked if it had
any coffee. When told it had none he
remarked: "Well, I should worry. I
have 48 pounds at home. Just thought
I would pick up some more."
As a result of this sort of hoarding,
all over the Country, OPA has ordered
coffee rationed to the public after
Nov. 28.
That is the only way to insure all
coffee drinkers 9, share of our reduced
stocks. This Country will be short of
more things than sugar and coffee
before the war is over and if people
start hoarding them they will force
the Government to further rationing.
There is no other guarantee of equal-
ity of sacrifice. -Detroit Free Press

ing in business administration, ac-
counting, statistics, and mathematics.
Call Ext. 371 for appointments. In-
terviews will be scheduled at fifteen
minute intervals.
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, 201 MasonHall
Food Handlers Lecture: The City
Health Department is to conduct a
lecture for the instruction of food
handlers in the W. K. Kellogg Audi-
toriur (New Dental Building) to-
night at 8:00.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students are
urged to attend the entire series._'
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet tonight at 7:30 in Roomn 319,
West Medical Building. "Vitamin A-
Chemistry, Deposition and Fate" will
be discussed. All interested are in-
German 159 will meet at 5 o'clock
instead of 4 o'clock on Thursday,
October 29.
German Make-up Examinations
will be held Saturday, October 31, 10
to 12 a.m. Students who missed Ger-
man 1, 2, or 31 exams for the Spring
or Summer terms must obtain Writ-
en permission of the instructor be-
fore October 29, and sign in the of-
fice of the German Department, 204
University Hall.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Prize-winning and other
drawings by professional architects
in the competition for the new cam-
pus plan and for a Student Activities
Building for Wayne University.
Shown through November 3, third
floor exhibition room, Architecture
Building, daily 9 to 5 except Sunday.
r'he public is invited.
Events Today
University of Michigan Flying
Chub will meet at 7:30 tonight at theI
Michigan Union. Room number will.
be posted on the bulletin board in
the lobby. ,.All students interested in
joining the club are invited.
Polonia Society Meeting tonight at
8:00 in the Recreation Room of the
International Center: Election of
officers. All Polish students invited.
Varsity Glee Club will have a short
rehearsal at 10:15 tonight before the
serenade. Be on time.
The Theology Seminar will meet at
Lane Hall today at 4:30 p~m. The
discussion, led by Mr. Emiliano Gallo,
is the first'of a series on Dante's
"Divine Comedy."
Seminar: Prof. Everett S. Brown
of the Political Science Department
will speak at the meeting of the Sem-
inar on "The Bases of a Just and
Durable Peace" at Lane Hall tonight
at 7:30.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends this afternoon, 4:00 to
5:15, in Harris Hall by the Canter-
bury Club. Evening Prayer will be
said at 5:15 p.m. in the chapel.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and1
E of the Michigan League.
Coming Events
Phi Sigma presents Dr. Dow. V.
Baxter of the School of Forestry and
Conservation in a lecture on' "Alas-
kan Travel" (illus.) in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, on Wednesday, Octo-
ber 28, at 8:00 p.m. The public' is
cordially invited.

Phi Tau Alpha will meet Wednes-
day, October 28, at 7:30 p.m., in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
Music Hour, International Center:
On Wednesday, October 28, at 7:30
p.m., the following program will be
Hayden: Quintet in D major, Op.
76, No. 5. Roth String Quintet.


£ter, to t4 clia.,
To The Editor:
AM SURE that every supporter of democracy
on the campus is glad that The Daily has vigor-
ously turned its back on "complacency"-the
mental paralysis which seemed to block demo-
cratic thinking about world affairs altogether for
several decades. Congratulations upon "taking a
Action, however, is certainly no less perilous
than inaction, and the consequences of mistakes
of either kind may be equally serious. Therefore,
may I suggest that much of the recent furor in
your columns and elsewhere about the "Univers-
ity War Policy" appears to be irrelevant to one
who evaluates institutions from the point of view
of how well they perform the fulictions expected
of them?
The real question is, What functions should a
university perform in a democracy at war? Two
related jobs seem to need doing.
FIRST, the technical schools ought, of course,
to train the student allotted to them in how
to apply their skills'to the war effort. Ali nations
at war insist upon this from their universities
and trade schools.
Second is a function which is unique to a
democracy: to provide continuity to the orderly
study of natural and social sciences at a time
when most people must break with continuity
and devote themselves exclusively to the war
effort. This is necessary to insure that a well-

TUESDAY, OCT. 27, 1942
VOL. LIII No. 20
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-1
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Notices -
Phillips Scholarships: Freshman1
students who presented 'four units.
of Latin, with or without Greek, for
admission to the University, and who
are continuing the study of either
language, may compete for the Phil-
lips Classical Scholarships.' The
awards, of $50 each, will be based
on the results of a written examina-
tion covering the preparatory work
in Latin. or in both Latin and Greek,
as described in the bulletin on Schol-
arships, which may be obtained in
Room 1, University Hall. The exam-
ination will be held in Room 2014
Angell Hall on Thursday, Oct. 29, at
A -nnf n m Tn'+t.rc4-1C. fitr tlc m,

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