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It IsUp ToThes Men-ichign's amou~Seve OakPosts-To Bing ackTh 'itleBrw
* *i:;t:
These are the seven husky lads that have proved them-
selves the finest forward wall aggregation in the nation this
season, Michigan's Seven Oak Posts. Doing their best to bring
the Little Brown jug back to Ann Arbor once again after its
ignominious eight-year' absence will be Elmer Madar at left
end, the converted quarterback who has astounded Wolverine
fans this year with his work at the flank post. Madar has
caught seven passes this year for a total gain of 100 yards.
Next to him will be Al Wistert at the tackle position. Wis-
tert's downfield tackles will probably earn him places on
many an All-American squad this year. Bob .Kolesar, a two-
letter man, will hold down left guard. Merv Pregulman is
another convert in the line. He started out as a guard last
year, then. Crisler switched him to center, and he's proved
to be one of the best pivotmen in the Conference this fall.
Next to Pregulmnan, at right guard, will be Julie Franks, and
more copy in praise of his bruising work has been written by
the sports scribes this year than about any lineman in the
Midwest. Bill Pritula is the golden boy of the team, starting
the season as an unknown third-string center, then being
chosen as starting right tackle. Pritula has shown he was the
right man for the post since, and the Gophers will find that
out today. Holding up his end, which will be the right one,
is Phil Sharpe, the boy who -got his prep training in England
and who, has adapted himself to the old American grid game
so well that he is considered one of the best defensive flank-
men in the Big Ten. All these Oak Posts have seen nearly
sixty minutes action apiece in four games. Minnesota can
expect to see the same tall timber, but very much alive, for
a good hour today too.
* * * *
Roosevelt Opposes
Draft Amendment
Johnson Asks Mandatory
Twelve Month Training
For 18,_19 Year Olds
Norris, Walsh Back
Californian's Stand
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. - (R) -
President. Roosevelt today strongly
opposed a proposal to require a 12-
months training period before 18-
and 19-year-old men can be sent into
combat, but the idea gathered so
much support in the Senate that
leaders hastily put off a vote until
In the meantime, they were re-
ported to be trying to swing wavering
Senators into line, or to arrive at an
acceptable compromise.
The President had intervened in
the fight by means of a letter which
was read on the Senate floor by Sen-
ator Gurney (Rep.-S.D.), author of
the pending bill lowering the draft
age from 20 to' 18.
Limitations Proposed
"Concerning the proposed legisla-
tion to lower the selective service age
now before the Senate," the letter
said, "I have been told that several
limitations will be proposed. in the
form of amendments.
"It appears to me that the compli-
cated administration necessarily in-
volved in the handling of large num-
bers of men by the Army, as well as
the urgent necessity for correcting
the present deficiencies as to age,
make it important that limitations
other than those now included in the
bill be avoided."
In another letter Gen. George C.'
Marshall, Chief of Staff, appealed to
the legislators to trust the Army "to
see that each soldier has adequate
training before he enters combat."
A division can not be adequately
trained as a team in. less than a year,
he said. But in such cases as ground
crews for the Air Force, radio .opera-
tors and riflemen, he added, it would
be unnecessary to withhold men from
combat for 12 months.
Others Join
But two veterans of the Senate-
Norris (Ind.-Neb.) and Johnson
(Rep.-Calif.) -fought for a manda-
tory training period, and were joined
by numbers of others, including
Chairman Walsh (Dem.-Mass.) of
the# Naval Committee and Senator
Taft (Rep.-O.).
The Army's, plan, Taft said, was
to induct 1;500,000 of the youths
promptly and "about half of them
would be fed into old' divisions, get-
ting only three months or six months
Brown Urges,
FDR Su4pport
in Fall Voting
Senator States Elections
Will Determine Course
Of Future Peace Plans
Doughty Senator Prentiss M. Brown
last night dusted off the shattered
peace ideals of Woodrow Wilson,
identified them with the policy of
President Roosevelt and urged the
people of America "to stand' by the
Chief Executive" in the coming No-
vember election.
In a campaign speech before 300
people at the Masonic -temple, Sena-
tor Brown called the caniing election
"more imtportant to the world than
ever before in history."
"This is the time we will determine
the make-up of the House of Repre-
sentatives and the Senate," Senator
Brown said, "What course we take
will carry through to the future peace.
"If you turn down the President, it
will be taken as a repudiation of the
ideals of a man who as early as 1933
had the foresight to begin building up
the tremendous resources of the
United States."
Speaking in a low voice and spacing
his works carefully, Senator Brown
said of Pearl Harbor that "it only
precipitated our plunge into war." In
1917, he said, the United States chose
to enter but "we couldn't stay out
this time in spite of our isolationists."
Turning for a moment to the critics
of England's war effort in the present
war, Brown called attention to the
year she stood alone against the might
of Axis air power.
"For one year after June, 1940," he
said, "England stood alone-and she
saved civilization for the whole world
in that immortal year."
With deep respect, the Michigan-
born Senator who started his career
as a lawyer in St. Ignace said of
Woodrow Wilson that he was "a
fighting President whose worthy
Turn To Page 4, Col. 5
PALM SPRINGS, Calif., Oct. 23.-
(R')- An American Air Lines plane
crashed and burned tonight on the
'steep slope of Rugged Mt., San Jacin-
to, a mile northwest of this desert re-
sort, killing its three crew members
and nine passengers.
Miss Marjorie Pohl, who said she
U.S. Ace Flyer
Reported .Lost
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.- (A)-
Eddie Rickenbacker, America's great
flying ace of the last war, is missing
on a. Pacific hop.
He is more than two days overdue
on a flight out of Oahu in the Hawai-
ian Islands, the War Department an-
nounced late today.
His plane, in which he was making
an official inspection of the Army
air forces in the Pacific theater like
the one he recently made in England,
was last heard from Wednesday eve-
ning with only an hour's fuel supply
The terse announcement did not
disclose "Rick's" route but it gave
assurance that "all available air and
sea forces" were searching for him.
Nor did it disclose the plane's type
but it seemed unlikely that Ricken-
backer was. flying solo. The probabil-
ity was that a bomber's crew of sev-
eral men was missing with him.
The War Department's announce-
ment said :
"Captain Rickenbacker recently re-
turned from 'England where he made
a special study for the Secretary of
War of Anrmy air forces personnbl and
equipment, operating in the European
theater of operation. He is on a sim-
ilar inspection trip of air forces sta-
tions in the Pacific area."
One hopeful angle to the official
bulletin appeared to be that while it
said Rickenbacker "is overdue," it
did not add any such ominous phrase
as that he must be presumed to be
lost, which frequently has been added
to such announcements in wartime.
British 'Casually'
Report Strong Fleet
Sails Indian Ocean
LONDON, Oct. 23.- (A')- Casually,
the British said today that a powerful
naval force built around three battle-
ships and the aircraft carrier Illustri-
ous was in the Indian Ocean some-
where considerably east of Suez.
The naval reporter of the Evening
News spotted the story in captions of
fleet pictures, prominently displayed
in the ministry of information office's
main lobby for ten days. The admir-
alty had turned the pictures over to
the ministry.
Questioned, an authoritative source
who cannot be named, said the ships
were in the Indian Ocean and added:
"These ships have been out there
for months. It is natural that every
belligerent knew it. There is no point
trying to keep their whereabouts a
secret, and equally no point in disclos-
ing their locations now."
Soviet Units
Nazi, Attacks
Stalingrad Factory District
Target Of German Air
Raids In Latest Fighting
Axis Thrusts Held.
Back In Caucasus
MOSCOW, Oct. 24. (Saturday)-
(A')- Thousands of German troops
supported by heavy tanks, artillery
and planes struck,- yesterday. at a'
Russian-held factory in northern Sta-
lingrad, but the Soviets announced
early today that "our units are beat-
ing off the Hitlerite attacks and in-
flicting heavy losses."
(The Berlin radio quoted German
military circles as saying that a sur-
prise Nazi blow had overrun the Rus-
sian "Red October" factory bastion at
Stalingrad, and that German troops
reached the Volga River on the east-
ern side of the city).
Repel Attacks
A midnight Russian communique
said of the continuing fight at Stalin-
"In the area of Stalingrad our
troops repelled enemy attacks and
held their positions. After strong ar-
tillery and mortar preparations, and
extensive air raids the Germans re-
newed their attacks in the direction
of one of the factories.
"The enemy threw into the attack
over two regiments of infantry accom-
panied by heavy tanks. Our units are
beating off the Hitlerite attacks and
inflicting heavy losses.
"One unit by the end of the day
had disabled four German tanks and
wiped out about one battalion. of
enemy infantry. Our anti-aircraft-fire
brought down five German planes. A
pilot lieutenant rammed an enemy
bomber plane which crashed to the
12 Planes Downed
Northwest of Stalingrad, where
Soviet relief columns have been rip-
ping into the Nazi flank extended
from the Don River to Stalingrad,
the Russians said their, troops re-
pulsed three successive Axis attacks,
killing 1,000 Germans and disabling
or destroying 12 Nazi tanks, six artil-
lery batteries, 19 machine guns and a
six-barreled mortar. Twelve planes
also were reported shot down.
In the Caucasus, the communique
said, several hundred more Germans
were killed in unsuccessful thrusts in
the Mozdok area,
Wolverines Enter,
Ti itAsFavorites
(Daily Sports Editor)
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 23:-Michigan's hustling football squad, oneCon-
ference victory to the good, arrived' here today for their annual Little Brown
Jug battle with Minnesota's always dangerous Gophers.
A Homecoming crowd of= 55,000 is expected to brave the raw cold to
watch the Wolverines crack the Jinx which Minnesota 'has' held over them
for the past eight years. And if the Wolverines live up to betting predictions,
they'll find themselves carrying home the too-long-absent piece of battered
n crockery which has served as game
Mos her Coed
Starts Spirited
War Program
A blue-eyed bundle of dynamite
from Kentucky, Southern accent and
freckles, yesterday started a one-
woman drive to make every coed at
the University of Michigan "patrio-
Mary Horan, '44N, a transfer stu-
dent from the University of Kentucky,
thought of the new way to make war
popular when she was on her way to
zoology class. And she's sure it will
make patriotism,. among the girls
strictly something to go wild about.
The idea is, a "patrio-telligence"
test which consists of ten simple
questions you ask yourself. The score
you get will show what kind of a
war personality you have.
Simple Treatment
If you're all-out with 100 per cent
on the test, there's nothing to worry
about' because you have war savvy.
But if you fall below 50 per cent, Mary
says "you've got the Rising Sun in
your eyes and should be given a sim-
ple treatment called the six-feet-
under-the-ground look."
The patriotic Kentuckian who f or-
gets and says "Ah" lives at Mosher
Hall. and on Monday she's going to
post her "P. Q." test where every girl
in the dorm can see it.
She's also going to post a list of all
the war activities on campus along
with names and phone numbers of
those in charge just in case there are
any "undeveloped war personalities
Campaign Theme
The theme of Mary's campaign to
give the Axis a long distance kick in
the pants is, called : "Somebody Is
'Watching You."
And in her own words : "that means
Uncle Sam, honey."
As soon as she can get the gals
"hep to my li'l brain child," Mary will
put up pencil-sketch drawings. The
moral-Uncle Sam frowns on coke-
drinking and grins when he sees co-
eds doing Red Cross work. Get it?
As if the campaign weren't enough,
Mary even "flirted with another
patriotic whoop-de-hoo."
trophy since 1903.
Pre-game odds are running 8-5 in
favor of Michigan-the first time
since 1935 that the Gophers have
been on the short end against any
college opponent.
The Twin City townsfolk haven't
got a worry in the world. They ex-
pect certain victory. And if their en-
thusiasm is catching, the Minnesota
players should take the, field with
enough fight to scare any opponent,
even one as well-tested as Michigan.
Michigan's Seven Oak Posts-the
roughest line in the country if you
ask anyone who has seen them play-
is the one big factor that is putting
gray hairs on the head of Gopher
Coach George Hauser.
Hauser Has Reserves
Hoping to wear down the solid line
of Madar, Wistert, Kolesar, Pregul-'
man, Franks, Pritula and Sharpe-a
line that has averaged almost sixty
minutes apiece for each man in four
games-Hauser will send in a heavier
but less experienced forward wall.
In case his first-stringers get tired,
he'll have an ace card over Wolver-
ine mentor Fritz Crisler because he
can send in a flock of reserves almost
as capable as his regulars.
The football fever which went with
every Gopher game while they were
piling up their astounding Confer-
ence record is still strong. But Bier-
man is gone and Minnesota has taken
it on the chin twice already, from
the smooth-working Iowa Seahawks
and from surprising Illinois.
Turn To Page 3, Col 3
Girl Testifies
In Flynn Case
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 23.-(AP)-The.
name of Errol Flynn came haltingly
today from the lips of Betty Hansen-
who claims the film star raped her-
as the 17-year-old Lincoln, Neb., girl
made her first court appearance.
Miss Hansen described meeting two
of the defendants, Morrie Black, 22,
and Armand Knapp, 18, subsequent
to the party September 27 at which
she charges Flynn assaulted her.
"The three of us," she said, "drove
around in an automobile for a while.
Then we registered at a hotel."
Jas Repelled
In New Drive
On Solomons
12 More Nipponese Planes
Shot Down In Combat
Over Guadalcanal Zone
Allied Bombers Hit
Shipping At Rabaul
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-Ameri-
can' troops, defending Guadalcanal
Island in the Solomons, drove back
another Japanese flank attack on
Oct..21, the Navy announced today,
while in the ;aerial struggle six more
Japanese fighter planes and six
bombers were destroyed. Two Amer-
icnfighter planes were lost.
The Navy also announced that
American dauntless dive bombers had
"attacked enemy positions on Russell
island, ,about 30 miles northwest of
Guadalcanal." This was the first an-
nouncement that the Japanese had
landed troops. upon, that island. Naval
spokesmen added that it was possible
that such. landings had been made
on any of the small islands in the
Guadalcanal area.
The Russell Islands, lying to the
northwestward of Guadalcanal, ex-
tend foi about 20 miles in an easterly
and westerly direction. They consist
of two principal islands..
(From General MacArthur's Aus-
tralian headquarters came word that
Allied bombers again had battered
enemy shipping concentrated at Ra-
baul, in New Britain Island, north-
west of the Solomons, sinking or
damaging 10 vessels. The report said
an enemy ; cruiser, a destroyer and
two large merchantmen were be-
lieved sunk.)
The flank attack which was driven
back on the 21st was the second such
assault to be made in as many days.
While only a small enemy force was
involved, it was a foray of the type
which might have been followed by
an attack in force, had it proved
Allies Pound Axis
T roo ps, Air .Bases
On Egyptian Front
CAIRO, Oct. 23.- (A)- The sky-
borne battle for Egypt crackled on
today with United Nations "airmen
holding the initiative and landing
solid blows on Axis air bases and
supply lines.
Two straight weeks of almost un-
interrupted raiding were completed
yesterday when United States desert
Students' Salvage Total Mounts
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