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October 22, 1942 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-22

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"F SDA Y 00T 22", 1J421



____ _ _ _


Social Committee
Will Hold Meeting)

At League
Chairman Peg Brown

i, '43, Announces

Plans To Be Formed For First Project

Peg Brown, '43, chairman, an-
nounces that the League social com-
mittee will hold a mass meeting at
4:30 p. m. today in the League. Any-
one who wishes to be on the commit-
tee this year should attend the meet-
Plans will be discussed for the first
project, which will be a style exhibit
on October 29, and 30. All the money
taken in at the style show is to be
donated to some deserving organiza-
tion. The benefit to receive the dona-
tion will be decided by the house pres-
idents at their meeting 4:30 p. m. to-
Committee Attends Teas
Everyone who plans to work on the
committee must be able to attend the
teas at President Ruthven's, which
are held from 4 to 6 p. m. two
Wednesdays of each month. The teas
will begin the second week in Novem-
In addition to the Authven teas,
the activities of the committee in-
clude work on the acquaintance bur-
eau, 7-li club, style shows, and the
guide service.
Last year 150 persons turned out at
the first mass meeting and worked
on the social committee throughout
the year.
Sub-Chairmen Named
Betty Lou Duvall, '43, is the social
committee secretary. Miss Brown's
sub-chairmen include: Nancy Grif-
fin, '44, head of the acquaintance
bureau; Morrow Weber, '44, and her
assistant, Marcia Zimmerman, '44, in
charge of style shows; Jean Whitte-
more, '44 and assistant Janet Robb,
'44, head of the guide service; and
Nancy Gray, '43, and her assistant
Joyce Den Herder, '45SM, in charge
of the 7-11 club.
Four of the sub-chairmen will head
separate groups to be in charge of
the Ruthven teas. Violet Cinq-Nars,
'44, aided by Louise Mueller, '43,
heads group one; Josephine Fitzpat-
rick, 44, group two; Peg Applegate,
'443 assisted by Marion Luhrs, '44,

group three; and Sue Wood,
group four. Two new assistants
these groups will be picked from
names of those who sign up at1
mass meeting today.


Hostel Group
To Hold Picnic
This Week-E nd
All students are invited to attend
the youth Hostel Round-up of all the
hostel groups of this district Saturday
and Sunday at the Saline Valley
The groups will meet at 1:30 p. m.
Saturday at Hill Auditorium and will
use bicycles as the mode of transpor-
tation. They will return at noon Sun-
day. Those intending to go must no-
tify Dorothy Lundstrom, '45, or Dan
Saulson, '44, co-chairmen of the
affair, or sign up on a list posted at
Barbour gym by noon tomorrow.
Plans -have been made for an eve-
ning supper, and dancing and singing
following it. Those attending will
pitch in and clean up the hostel and
do some hiking, also. "There will be
an opportunity to meet many other
hostelers from all over this particular
district, which includes Detroit,"
according to Miss Lundstrom.
Zeta Tau Alpha announces tloe
pledging of the following girls: Jere
Hibst, '45, Cadillac; Margaret Gibb-
ons, '45, Detroit; Marie Bacon, '43,
Chi' Omega also pledged Mercedes
Lackey, '45, Jefferson City, Mo., and
Elinor Miller, '45. Sparta.
Kappa Alpha Theta pledged Caro-
lyn Halsteen, '43, Kenilworth, Ill.

Noted Women
Will Be Heard
Here In Series
Misses Mitchell, Bourke-White
Will Relate Their Experiences
In Today's War-Torn Europe
Ruth Mitchell and Margaret
Bourke-White, women who go "where
angels fear to tread", will be pre-
sented to Ann Arbor audiences on
November 17 and February 4, re-
spectively, at Hill Auditorium, by the
University of Michigan Oratorical
Miss Mitchell will speak of her ex-
periences among the death-defying
Chetniks, Yugoslavia's guerrillas. She
is the only foreign woman ever to be
admitted to this organization. The
lecture will include the tale of her
thirteen months of imprisonment
among the Nazis.
Condemned To Death
She has a story to tell of the sensa-
tion of being court-martialed and
condemned to death, of heroic men
and women who are now in German
camps, and of the fight that is being
carried on by the Serbs.
Margaret Bourke-Wiite, first wo-
man war photographer accredited by
U.S. Army, will speak hereon "Rus-
sian Women in the War". As a "docu-
menter of modern history", she has
travelled through 27 countries, in-
cluding the fighting fronts of Britain,
Russia and Libya.
Miss Bourke-White has just left
for Britain, attached to the Eighth
Air Force, Bomber Command. She
will photograph American Army ac-
tivities for Life Magazine.
Ilka Chase To Talk
Ilka Chase, star of stage, screen,
and radio, will complete the list of
women presented in the Oratorical
Series, when she speaks here on De-
cember 7. Miss Chase will present an
informal talk on "The Psychology of
Being a Woman", which will combine
commentaries on styles, celebrities,
and the secrets of charm, generously
sprinkled with wit.
Season tickets will remain on sale
at the box office of Hill Auditorium
from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 2 p. m.
to 5 p. m., today, and until 8:15 p. m.
Junk Man's Heir!
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.,- (A)- Ten
nieces and nephews living in Iowa
probably will inherit the $100,000
estate left by Henry Wefer, 76 years
old, junkyard handyman who died
Oct. 6 in apparent poverty. Mrs. Min-
nie L. Gordon, public administrator,
said these nieces and nephews appar-
ently were Wefer's heirs: Alfred H.
Schwarting, Emma Sandersfeld, and
John F. Beach, all of Williamsburg;
Hilda Hagen and Dick D. Beach,
Homestead; Anna Heitshusen and
Shophis Folkman, South Amana; Ella
Heitshusen and Adline Maas, Maren-
go, and Henry D. Beach, Oxford,
Meeting To Be Held
There will be a mass meeting of
the ushers committee and anyone in-
terested in ushering, at 4:15, today,
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater.
Mary Ellen Alt, '43, chairman, will
give the ushers instructions at that
time for their work during the Art
Cinema League movies and possibly
at the Theater Arts plays.

P pre enh


Forestry Club To Hold Campfire Today

The sports spotlight this week shines on the Union pool, where the inter-
house swimming meet will take place at 7:15 p.m. today. Most of the entries
for the event have been turned in already, but newcomers may come out for
the meet up until the last minutes, according to Oriel Straehley, '45, chair-
man of the affair.
No contestant may be in more than three of the events, however, and
all must know which ones they are in, as their names will
not be called off at the pool. Only the name of the event
will be announced. All swimmers must be prepared to pay
ten cents for the privilege of using the pool.
( a Plans are getting better every minute for the big laugh
of the evening, that is, the relay between four League Coun-
cil and four WAA Board members. Rumor has it that Nan
11lstrup will be wearing an old-fashioned bathing suit and
will carry a Chinese umbrella on her way across the pool.
"Es" Stevens will dash across with a spoon on which she'll
balance a ping-pong ball-she hopes. The other two mem-
- bers of the goad in the race are Helen Willcox and Miss
Straehley. Giving the Board stiff competition will be "Jud-
dy", Ginny Morse, Betty Newman and Peg Brown.
The 25 league house athletic directors will meet with the
WAA Board at 5 p.m. Monday for a rough and tumble time
followed by a hot dog feast. Those attending must wear their "horriblest"
slacks and be ready for everything from a football game, weather permitting,
to a session of jacks, if Ann Arbor weather should play true to form.
Talking about the weather, and it may be dull, but it sure is the most
important thing, when it comes to playing off the tennis tournament. Need
we say more-about last week? Anyhoo, there are no excuses this week,
and the schedule is posted at the WAB. The first round
must be played by today, and the second round will start C
tomorrow and close Monday.
Here's more fun for tennis enthusiasts! Nan Hattersley,.
who's in charge of the club this year, has lots of ideas and
wants to hear yours, so come out at 4:15 p.m. today at the
WAB for a short meeting and play.
*H* l*
How would you like to do a little something toward the


11 Iq

The members of the Forestry Club1
will hold their annual campfire in
the Saginaw Forest today.
The outing will have as its main
attraction, stories of their experiences
by the fellows who were out west with
the Forestry Service last summer. All
foresters and pre-foresters are invited
to participate in the fun.
The trucks are planning to leave

the Natural Science building at 5:15
p. m. and again at 7:15.
Will the patrons for the 1942-49
Lecture Course who orderedtick-
ets, but did not include a stamped,
self-addressed envelope, please call
for them at the box office of Hill
Auditorium before 8:15 p.m. today.

Notice to

WE REQUEST every customer who brings
lamps into our office for renewal to pre-
identification. Lamps will then be ex-
changed in the usual way. In order to

war effort and have some fun at the same time? Kay
Buzek has made just those plans for Hobby Lobby Club,
which meets for the first time at 4:15 p.m. today at the
WAB. This year members of the club will repair- broken
toys, to be given to children at Christmas time, will make
their own Christmas cards, and will study different types
of photography. Kay says that they'll learn everything
about a movie camera, and will also study photographic
map-making. Everyone is invited to join.
* * * '-


Archers, please note! Archery club meeting time has been changed from
Wednesday to 4:15 p.m. today at the WAB. Those attending will shoot out
on the archery range for the first time this year, so start stretching those
arm muscles and c'mon out!
. This is your weekly correspondent signing off and reminding you to
take a hint from one of the sorority houses. It seems they convene at 10:30
p.m. every night for a short session of mass exercises, and they say that the
pounds are rolling off, and the girls feel wonderful. That's all for now.

:. s ,


Shirts and blouses are
so smart, so comfort-
able, and yet so prac-
tical for most any oc-
casion - it is little:
wonder they are "tops"
en the college girl's"
Tailored and semi-dressy
blouses of crepe, rayon
wool jersey, and flannel.
priced from $3.95 up.

Assembly Petitions
Are Being Accepted
For Board Positions
Petitions for three positions as
league house representatives on As-
sembly Board are still being received
in the Undergraduate Office of the
League, Mary Moore, '43, Assembly
Board secretary, announced.
Two sophomores and one junior
will be chosen out of the independent
league house women who apply on or
before Saturday noon.
It is emphasized by Assembly offi-
cials that more women ought to try
for the positions as this year marks
the beginning of a better representa-
tion for league house residents. With
the new positions filled, there will be
five representing the league houses.-
Jean Conway, '43, president of the
League House Organization and Joan
Madsen, '43, secretary-treasurer are
the others.

Defense Council
Will Meet Today
The City Defense Council will hold
a meeting from 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. to-
day at the Armory for the purpose of
the announcing the 51 new temporary
post directors for the neighborhood
war clubs, now being organized by
the Council.
The report of the appointments will
be read by Mrs. Charles Fisher and
the three air raid zone directors: Mrs.
Alton Hewett, Miss Elizabeth Slack
and Mrs. Kenneth Easlick. Mayor
Leigh J. Young of the City Defense
Council will assist Mrs. Fisher in the
instruction of the duties of the new,
The new directors will serve until
neighborhood war clubs hold their
first meeting and elect permanent
leaders. The purpose of these clubs is
to provide a rapid means of commun-
ication to each community on war-
time tasks, such as salvage, consumer
control, and safety precautions. Man-
uals on neighborhood war clubs, pre-
pared by the State Defense Council
in sporesoring this wartime civilian
plan, will be distributed.
Anyone wishing to get special
permission for sorority initiations
must have petitions in the Pan-
hellenic box in the Undergraduate
Office of the League by 3 p.m. to-
morrow afternoon. This will be
the only chance to turn in peti-
tions for the remainder of the

lamps, and prevent abuse of the privi-
lege, it is necessary for us to have some
means of identification of our customers.
The Detroit Edison Company furnishes
replacements of burned-out Mazda
lamps (in the usual sizes) without extra
charge to customers paying lighting
rates. Remember to bring your latest.
electric bill with you when you wish
to renew lamps. It will save time and

properly control the




A ,aT ' '




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