FAGE "F~a Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press " The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the usefor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this. newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered atthe 'post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter:. Subscriptions, duringthe regular school year by carrier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member± Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1~ °y 3 "HEIL HITLER! AGENT NO. 1 REPORTING." "?, . ' i } 7 V71 -vnm '',2 . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN r 4'. ,N, ,7t*ti: ,f *1 1 i k REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. collegejPublishers Rep resenaae 420 MADIsON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO " BOSTON e Los ANGE.LES , SAN FRANCISCO a '" . ; Editorial Staff' Homer Swander Morton Mintz. . Will Sapp George W. Sallad . Charles Thatcher . Bernard Hendel $arbara deFries Myron Dann Bu Edward J. Perlberg FreL M. Ginsberg . Mary Lou Curran . Jane Lindberg James Daniels . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . a. City Editor . . . .Associate Editor . . . .Associate Editor . Sports Editor * . .. Wome~n's' Editor . . Associate Sports Editor siness Stafff . . . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Publications Sales Analyst < ; i fi tip°, ni1 " s 'tr, i r. t . {i 4. 6 1 S 4 ' .' -3 ,M yft ''... . Y f rh a f + ' 'r -F °.s 4?' t t pi i , .. yy , >. ', ,, ' ' , , , ! ! 1 t ' x >f hh ~ , ,,, k 'r s, ,, -, ., tf '. y 4 . ttt .. 4 7... 4 y N4 4 Mk i1 wt .. = " . ''k r ' ' hs.' w > " 'y"! y. 5 , 1, .l t . t' .. , z^ 4 . .. t r tti aw N t .:: 9 b' f v. . 4 . 1 {2 t ; y . f ,n A :4 ,y t i isn t y " ''. '. >s: ' Jam '" r,, - y. i. 7 ..Kd " x1 + K 4 a tom, a y+ 1 v't' 1 iw, } ,, r; r -'' ;C f ' " * r * Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR.: BUD BRIMMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. BOND DRIVE: Fraternity, Sorority Stamp Sale Is Success PAN-HELLENIC Council and The In- terfraternity Council have just wound up a whirlwind six-day Homecoming Stamp and Bond Drive which should be ac- claimed as one of the most important recent stu- dent accomplishments. The total of $29,500 has justified many a cam- pusite's low whistle of amazement, especially when viewed in proportion to the relatively small number of college men and women buying and selling them and to the little time in which the job was done. To such houses as Phi Kappa Psi, Psi Upsilon and Alpha Delta Phi who gave doubly by turning their' stamps over to the Bomber Scholarship Fund, additional commendation must be given. -Bud Brimmer UNISH HESS: Former Nazi Leader Should Be Tried Now IT APPEARS as though another "For- gotten 'Man" is not going to be allowed to pass out of our memories. And right- fully so. The man is Rudolph Hess, British-held former Nazi leader. In an editorial, the official Soviet organ Pravda asked for a clarification of his status. It said: "It should be established who Hess is at present.. . a criminal who is to be tried and punished or the plenipotentiary repre- sentative of the Hitler Government i England, enjoying immunity." It hardly seems justifiable to accord Hess any sort of immunity, even if only until the armistice, while we punish saboteurs to the fullest extent of the law. Certainly' a man whoianked as one of Hitler's most poisonous stooges deserves the same. --Jim Wienner VOTE AT 18? Draft-Age Youths Lack Maturity, Experience ENATOR VANDENBERG'S proposal to amefid the Constitution and thrust the vote into the laps of eighteen year old boys has two basic faults. (1) It is absolutely false to contend that if eighteen year old boys can fight, they can vote. Learning the art of combat and acquiring the necessary education, experience, and ma- turity to vote are entirely opposing operatios. (2) Psychiatrists chosen by the National Committee on Mental Hygiene to debate on low- ering the draft age to eighteen were .split in their opinions on whether 'teen agers were "mentally fit" or sufficiently mature to handle themselves in combat. It certainly can't be denied that mental fitness is just as important if not more so in making up the requirements of a voter. Sensational movements such as Vandenberg's should be looked at with level-headedness. In wartime quack ideas seem more readily to get into our legislatures as did 'the- temperance movement of the First World War which, in practice, proved to be a failure. It must also be remembered that Senator I'd Rather, Be Right_ -- By SAMUEL GRAFTON AN EVENING WITH THE PAPERS: It is fun to read the news carefully and put scraps of this and that together. Sometimes they make a pic- ture. * * * e We see American labor pretty solidly opposed to legislation compelling a man to work where the war needs, him. Forced labor is no good, says labor. But the Wall Street Journal, in a thorough survey, re- ports that labor opinion is one of the chief obsta- cles (though not the only one) to the hiring of Negroes, especially in the East. Forced idleness is no good, either. It looks as if every labor resolution against manpower legislation should be accompanied by a' resolution asking that all shops be opened to Negroes. Not one of those nice, wholesale national resolutions, either, but a lot of nice, retail resolu- tions, down in the individuallocals. Otherwise that subtle revenge which race pre- judice always takes on its friends will come about. White labor will be drafted the faster, in exact proportion to the degree with which it denies us the work of Negroes. How To Save A Flyer's Time I see by the papers that tin is very important. We have gone to the trouble of flying 47 tons of it out of China. The War Production Board mutters that if each American family were to use one less con- tainer of canned goods each week, we would save more than 2,600 tons of tin a year, and almost 190,000 tons of steel, and 77 tons of rubber. (We have been flying crude rubber, too, out of Brazil.) Someone has to do a lot of expensive flying because someone won't, darn it, take one tin can a week from the average American family. It turns out that the way to save not only tin and steel, but aviation gasoline and flying time in China and Brazil, is, perhaps, to issue tin can ration coupons; you need one for every purchase of a canned comestible. Ten Old Pennies The mint has been looking at statistics and drooling, too. It says 1,000 tons of copper could be saved if each family would dig up 10 idleold copper pen- nies and turn them into a war stamp. But nobody rings the door bell and says: Hello, family, how about your ten pennies? We love statistics based on a lot of families, but we don't like to break through the statistics back to the families again. In fact, the statistical approach is our curse. It enables us to govern averages, avoiding the hard work of governing people. This does away with the grossness of direct contact between govern- ment and people, such contact always having been dreaded in our country, where government is considered a kind of scarlet woman. So we take the average motorist, who does not exist, and cut him down to an average "A"card for gasoline, and. avoid having to look a real motorist in the eye, and say: Hello, driver, sure you need a car at all? Before I'put my papers away (all this, on the Broadway Limited to Chicago) I enjoyed reading about our new bombing techniques over Europe. Cl1ie WASHINGTON, T . Re. I5.Pat O WERRY*aGO- ROUND By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON- If the President and the country want to get a full realization of how democracy is streamlining for action they should think back to the summer of 1941, just one year ago, when, for what seemed like unending weeks, the Congress stewed over extension of the Selec- tive Service Act. Senate and House isolationists were harangu- ing the galleries on the iniquities of keeping the boys more than one year in camp; telling the public how the Navy was already convoying ships; revealing in advance that Roosevelt had sent troops to Iceland. Finally by the thin margin of one vote, 203 to 202, and thanks to the sage generalship of Speaker Sam Rayburn, the Selective Service Act was extended. Had it not been for that narrow victory, we should have had no army to rush to Australia, and the whole war effort would have received a tragic set-back. But last week, a war-geared House of Repre- sentatives passed the 18-19 year draft extension act in three days; and it should be passed by the Senate and signed by the President inside the week. Politically and personally, nobody wanted the 18-19 year draft extension. It was the worst time to pass it, just before elections. But Congress is doing a much better job than most people realize for streamlined democracy. A strong debate is raging among propaganda chiefs over the question of atrocity stories and pictures. The Government has received a lot of such material from Allied sources, especially the Chinese and Poles, including such horrible scenes as Japanese attacking Chinese women, and pouring oil on live bodies before setting the torch to them. Opponents of publication argue that the atroc- ity stories of the'last war were largely invented, and when so exposed left the public disillusioned; thus the people might now react unfavorably and charge the Government with pulling the same tricks. Other officials argue, however, that the mater- ial is authentic, that it is not posters and rumors, but actual photographs, and the public should know what sort of enemies we are fighting. It is apparently a part of the German psycho- logical warfare to treat British and Americans with reasonable humaneness in order to keep us lulled in a state of moderate warfare. They save their worst tricks for the conquered nations and the Russians. The Poles and Chinese are urging use of the material as a necessary means of fully arousing the American public to the menace. Elmer Davis' Office of War Information is set to go, once the debate is settled. Norris. Of Nebraska Despite his 81 winters, it is interesting to note how little change has come over the grand old man of the Senate, George Norris of Nebraska., The war has narrowed his range. Public power is nolonger a burning national issue. Thanks to his foresight in crusading for the Tennessee Valley and Boulder Dam, the nation's power is well harnessed for victory. And the rights of labor seldom figure in the Senate debate any- more. But Norris still remains one of the most active (Continued from Page 2) University has the right to inspect keys believed to open University buildings at any reasonable time or place. No person holding an author- ized key may order, have made, or permit to be ordered or made any duplicate of his or her University key otherwise than through the Key Clerk's office, nor may he lend his authorized key. Complete compli- ance with these regulations would undoubtedly have saved the Univer- sity and individuals numerous losses from theft in the past. In the pres- ent war emergency compliance is especially desirable and requested. Violations of these regulations, when found, will be referred to the dean or other proper head of the Univer- sity division concerned for his action in accordance with the principles here set forth. Shirley W. Smith A letter from the War Production Board stresses the need for dormant scrap in addition to normal produc- tion scrap as follows: "Dormant scrap is defined as ob- solete machinery, tools, equipment, dies, jigs, fixtures, etc., which are in- capable of current or future use in the war production effort because they are broken, worn out, irrepar- able, dismantled or in need of un- available parts necessary to practical reemployment. Dormant scrap should not be construed to apply to reusable machinery, equipment, dies, jigs, fix- tures, etc., which can currently or in the future be used by the owner or others, with ori without repairs, in work which contributes directly to the war production effort." It is also emphasized that the Gov- ernment's grave responsibility to sup- ply American armed forces with ships, guns, airplanes, and tanks makes it mandatory that all dormant scrap H o I/'t e 6dilor To The Editor: A FEW WEEKS AGO, one of the foremost educators of our time dared to raise his voice and speak the works which must be in the mind of every clear-thinking student. Now... he is being assaulted by men who have not been able to grasp the real significance of the cause for which millions of American men are ready- ing themselves to die. Naturally .., we mind having our college careers interrupted by war. However, we fully realize that the issues at stake are far greater than any one of us individually. Conse- quently . . . individually and collec- tively ... we are ready-even eager- to fight and to win for our ideas. But, we are eager only so long asrwe can feel assured that while we are gone our right of ". . . learning to live as well as to die . . ." will not be de- stroyed, or eventarnished, by men "all-out" for war. These latter hold their present and temporary position of esteem because they convinced the electorate of Michigan that they fully supported the true American ideals of education. By their recent actions, these men appear ready to throw overboard all that they once cham- pioned. IF THERE IS any justification for man's barbaric conflicts it is not to be found in material gain. Rather it is to be found in nev ideas for a bet- ter life. History is laughing in the faces of those who would have us believe otherwise. Social advancement does . not come from the mouths of cannons. It comes from the mouths of men like Alexander G. Ruthven. His attackers have quite evidently lost sight of the fact that 25 years from now, America will need educated men far worse than she will need master-mechanics. True ... these latter men have the bigger job to do now, and we humbly thank them for the way in which they are doing that job. Yet.. . six months after the armistice is signed, these men will be back on an automobile assembly line. It is the men with manicured nails rather than the men with greasy faces who must win the peace. We won the last war. But unless we rationalize-unless we get the proper perspective-un- less we put the proper thing in the proper place-we shall also lose this peace. Bigotry and small-mindedness have no place in an America at war nor in an America at peace. Unless we cull our pseudo-intelligentsia, and unless we do it now, we might as well let the third strike be called while we sit on the bench. WVEWOULD LIKE to ask a few questions. Just exactly what is it that we are fighting for? Are we fighting merely to win the war, as they would have us believe? If so ... what will we have won but a battle- cn~aroA ~rt-PIA Tfzzrnaraanin7 t be released immediately. "If it isn't being used now, its future use is very doubtful-find a use for it, or scrap it". Telephone the Buildings and Grounds Department, Ext. 317, and an inspector will call and arrange for removal. E. C. Pardon, Superintendent Public Health Assembly: An as- sembly for students in the School of Public Health will be held today at 4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation of Colum- bia University and the De Lamar Institute of Public Health will address the assembly on the subject, "The Role of the Board of Health." College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, Fores- try, Music, and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester o summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by November 5. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appro- priate official in their school with Room 4 U. H. where it will be trans- mitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Senior Mechanical Engineers: Dr. H. W. Rinehart would like to inter- view a limited number of Mechanical Engineering Seniors who are particu- larly interested in the E. I. duPont de Nemours Company, 3:00-4:30 p.m., today in Room 214 West Engineering Building. Schedule is posted on the Mechanical Engineering Bulletin Board. Senior Engineers, Physicists, Geol- ogists, Meteorologists, Architects: Officials of the Seventh U.S. Civil Service Commission Regional Office would like to interview Seniors of the above groups on Friday, October 23. Interview schedule is posted on the Bulletin Board at Room 221 West En gineering Bldg. Interviewsdwill be held in Room 214 West Engineering Building. lectures University Lecture: "Personalities in Washington and London", by Es- ther Van Wagoner Tufty, disting- uished Washington Correspondent, who has just returned from London, where, on invitation of the British Minister of Information, she has been engaged in interpreting American life to the English public. This lecture, open to the public without charge, will be given in the Rackham lecture room at 7:45 p.m. on Saturday, Oc- tober 24. Current Events Lecture Series, by Preston W. Slosson: Opening Lecture, today at 4:15 p.m., in Rackham Audi- torium. This series is sponsored by the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Branch of the American Association of Univer- sity Women. Series tickets may be' purchased at the door. Academic Notices English 181 will not meet today. M. L. Williams Political Science 1, section 8 (MWF, 8) will meet in room 2029 Angell Hall instead of room 35 Angell Hall. Lionel H. Laing Political Science 67. Make-up ex- amination: Students who did not take the final examination in Political Sci- ence 67 at- the end of the summer term should see me before the end of this week concerning the make-up examination. Howard B. Calderwood History Make-up Examinations will be held Friday, October'23,4 to 6 in Room C, Haven Hall. New Graduate Students: The Grad- uate Record Examination for those who were unable to take it on Octo- ber 13 and October 14 will be given in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building on Monday, October 26, and Tuesday, October 27, at 7:00 p.m. Credit will be withheld from students failing to take all parts of the exam- ination unless an excuse has been issued by the Dean's office. Be on time. No student can be admitted aft- er the examination has begun. Pen- cil, not ink, is to be used in writing the examination. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week. Saturday, October 24 therefore, is the last date on° which2 new elections may be approved. The willingness of an individual instruc- tor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. E. A. Walter Students, College of Literature 24, a statement of approval for ma jor and minors signed by the advlse Blanks for the purpose may be sd cured in the School of Education o4 fice or'in Room 4P U. H. School of Education Students: N course may be elected for credit af Saturday, October 24. Students m report all changes of elections att Registrar's Office, Room 4, Unvers Hall. Membership in a class does n cease nor begin until all changes ha been thus officially registered. rangements made with the instrue tors are not official changes. Events Today La Sociedad .Hispanic invites ev eryone interested in acquiring speaking knowledge of Spanish to at tend its Conversation Group tonigh at 8:00 in Room 408, Romance Lang uage Bldg. A faculty member WI be present to assist with the co versation. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold a officers' meeting at 4:00 p.m. toda in Room 302, Romance Langua Building. Varsity Glee Club: The followir nen, having 15 or more hours o credit, have been accepted for mem- bership in the' Varsity Glee Clu Those whose names do not appea here should report to the Freshma Glee Club in the Glee Club Roe on Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 4:30 p. until further notice. Varsity Gle Club practice will begin promptly a '7:15 p.m. tonight. All men listed be low must be present and must pre- sent eligibility cards at this time. Ablin, Barrett, Bauer, K. Beu, Brown, Burton, Campbell, Crowe, Meritt, Dongvillo, Fairbanks, Fishe Fredrickson, Gillis, Hammel, Henry P. Hildebrandt, T. Hildebrandt, Hil ner, Hines, Kellogg, Koppin, Hort Laursen, Leek, McCormick, Murph Neithercut, Norris, Orrmont, Par Parkin, Poag, Queern, Repola, Riege Saulson, . Smith, Stern, Swenso Tourkow, Ulmer, Wallace, William son. International Center: Anyone terested in learning the Polish la guage is invited to attend a meetin of this class in the Union tonight a 7:30. The room number will be an nounced on the bulletin board. Mortarboard meeting will be hel tonight at 7:00 in the Council Roo of the League. All members are re quired to attend. The Merit Committee will meet to- day at 4:00 p.m. The room will be posted on theLeague bulletin board. Theatre-Arts Ushering: There wil be a meeting in the Lydia Mende sohn Theatre today at 4:15 p. for all girls interested in usherg during the semester. Bring elgiblt cards. Hillel Choral Group will have tr outs at the Foundation today fro 4:00-6:00 p.m. If unable to please call Donna Weiss at 2-5232. All girls who petitioned for posi tions on Central Committee of As sembly Banquet must report for a interview today or Friday at t Undergraduate Office of the Leag from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Coming Events Psychiatric Conference: Attenti is called to the change in tinm of t open meeting of the Psychiatric Co ference on Friday, Oct. 23. The co rect time is 8:00 p.m. This meeti is to be held in the Lecture Hall the Horace H. Rackham School Graduate Studies. Michigan Outing Club will atten the Youth Hostel Rally at Salin Valley Farms on Saturday and Su1 day, October 24 and 25. The grou will meet at Hill Auditorium at 1:3 p.m. on Saturday, October 24, an bicycle to the Saline Hostel. Smal charge. All those who are intereste should sign up at Barbour Gymnas ium before noon on Friday. All st dents are welcome to come. For fi[ ther information call Don Sa'u son (2-3776) or Dorothy Lundstrep (2-4471). Rifle Team will meet Friday, Ok; 23, at 3:00 p.m. in R.O.T.C. Hall f team members and all interest R.O.T.C. students. All League House Presidents: The will be a meeting of the presidents "all League houses Friday, October at 5:00 p.m. in the Grand Rap Room of the League. Attendance required. The deadline for signing eligibili cards at the Michigan League is day, Oct. 23, at 5:00 p.m. Any g wishing to participate in any s eof League activities this semes must have her eligibility card sign t by then. Disciples Guild: There will b party for all Disciple students , their friends in the recreation roo