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October 22, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-22

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Continuied Cool

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Regent Denies
Story On 'U
'War College'
Report Of Detroit News
Vigorously Repudiated
By Alfred B. Connable
As 'Misapprehension'
Cites 'Expansion',
Of OwnOpinion
Regent Alfred B. Connable, chair-
man of the new Regential War Com-
mittee, vigorously denied last night
that he had advocated a plan to push
University facilities into use as a
"primary war training center" as re-
ported yesterday by the Detroit News.
Connable especially repudiated the
News' report that he had proposed a
plan for the military training of 18-
and 19-year-olds on the University
campus prior to their induction into
the Army.
Connable said that he had not in
any official capacity made a state-
ment "concerning a plan being con-
sidered by the War Committeefor
the education of 18- and 19-year-old
Issues Statement
The full statement follows:
"I regret that whoever has heard
me mention this subject has gained
a most unfortunate impression. In
my capacity as a member of the
War Committee, I made no utter-
ance of any kind concerning a plan
being considered by the War Com-
mittee for thereducation of 18- and
19-year-old draftees.
"It is my hope that we will have
constructive suggestions to submit to
the University.
"As a eitizen I have expressed what
is the concern of every thinking per-
son: what are the universities and
colleges going to do about the .18
and 19-year-olds? I don't know any
more than anyone else. Of whatever
I have said there has been a mis-
apprehensin and expansion.
Wants Streamlined Courses
"I have on occasion expressed my
opinion that the universities and col-
leges face a serious crisis and that it
is myhope education can be saved.
I have further said, in speaking of
education in general, that it was pos-
sible that a course of study geared to
the war could be streamlined to in-
coporate sufficient cultural study
that idealism, culture and progress
might be kept alive.
"I believe it is the soul of life and
what we are fighting for.
"As a member of the War Commit-
tee, I can only refer to my original
statement that the committee was
appointed 'in an attempt to examine,
evaluate and recommend how the
University can best educate and ori-
ent the student to the reality of war.'
"Our course now is to help the Uni-
versity think: what next?"
Aussies Force
Jap Retreat
Near Kokoda.
MACARTHUR, Australia, Oct. 22,
(Thursday) - (P) - Australian
troops, falling on the flank of Jap-
anese entrenched in the'Owen Stan-
ley Mountains of New Guinea, forced
the enemy to abandon his positions
about nine miles above Kokoda, a
communique announced today, and
"the engagement continues."
The Japanese retreat, the second

announced in two days, occurred near
Eora, a creek village near a section
of the mountain trail which plunges
sharply downward toward Kokoda on
the northern slope of the mountain
backbone of the huge island north-of
A spokesman said the communi-
que's reference to heavier fighting
meant that a greater number of
troops now are engaged on both sides.
Both factions still are using mortar
fire, and the spokesman said the
Japanese might be making a last
stand in the towering range before
falling back on Kokoda.
A raid by Allied medium bombers
which caused serious damage to the
Jap-occupied town of Maobisse in
Timor, which is north of Port Darwin,
was reported in the communique.
Allied heavy bombers also attacked
shipping in the harbor of Rabaul, in
New Britain causing fires and explo-
sions. The oft-bombed Rabaul air-
drome was attacked and fires started.
An enemy launch also was declared
sunk with machine-gun fire by an
Allied reconnaissance unit near Gas-

Gophers Won't See This Grin

This striking photo shows Julie Franks, Michigan's great guard, in
a happy mood on the eve of the Wolverines' departure for Viking land.
A junior, Franks has been one of the sturdiest of Crisler's "seven oak
posts" this year, and is definitely bidding for All-American honors.
And All You Can Eat:
Picking Apples Fun-Profitable
Too,'U' Manpower Corps Finds

Soviet Armies
Take Initiative
At Stalingrad
Northern Industrial Area
Retaken By Russians As
Nazis Press Battle Hard
Opposing Forces
Struggle In Rain
MOSCOW, Oct. 22, (Thursday)-
()- The Russian Army took the
initiative in the blackened, rain-
soaked wreckage of Stalingrad's nor-
thern industrial district yesterday and
drove the Germans from a number of
buildings, the midnight Soviet com-
munique said today.
In other parts of the city the Ger-
mans were said to have "constantly
attacked" Russian positions through-
out the day without dislodging the
Red Army from the positions which
it has defended successfully since
"All attacks were repulsed with
heavy losses to the enemy," the com-
munique said.
In one sector of the city 11 German
tanks were destroyed and about two
companies of infantry wiped out.
Results Not Disclosed
The Russians also took the initia-
tive at several points northwest of
Stalingrad, but results of the opera-
tions were not disclosed. The com-
munique merely said Soviet units
"conducted active operations on some
On other sectors of this front there
were engagements of local importance
and exchanges of artillery and mor-
tar fire.
OneRussian unit was said to have
repelled a number of attacks, kil ing
about a company of German infan-
In the Mozdok area in the Cauca-
sus, the communique said, Soviet
troops held their previous positions
despite enemy attacks and conducted
several reconnaissance raids.
"One guard ,unit," It said, ."re-
pelled attacks of three battalions of
German infantry supported by 25
tanks. Five German tanks were dam-
aged or burned and 200 officers and
men wiped out."
New Tax Bill
Is Made Law
By Roosevelt
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.-()-The
new tax bill, applying record shatter-
ing levies to the income of 45,000,000
Americans, became law today when
President Roosevelt affixed his sig-
nature less than an hour and a half
after receiving the measure from
The new individual income rates
range from 19 per cent on the first
dollar of taxable income to 88 per cent
at the top. This is accomplished by a
normal tax of six per cent to which
is added a graduated surtax ranging
from 13 per cent to 82 per cent.
On top of that, the bill imposes a
unique new "victory tax" of five per
cent on individual income in excess
of $624 annually, or $12 weekly. Lim-
ited credits are allowed for debt re-
tirefihents, insurance premium pay-
ments, war bond purchases and post-
war rebates.
The new law also increases corpor-
ation taxes by nine percentage points,
raising them to 40 per cent, through
a combined normal and surtax. In
addition excess profits, after an ex-
emption of $5,000, are taxed at 90

per cent.I




In Solomons Battle Area;
Ontario Premier Resigns

Resignation Reported


(Editor's Note: Hack Keilnar of the
Manpower ExecutivepBoard who will
direct farm labor projects went out
to the zSoffe farm at Northville with
the first group of farm workers yester-.
day to get a first hand taste of the
kind of work they will be doing. This
is his story, as told to Robert PrieskeL)
I picked apples for the Man-
power Corps today, and I not only
feel pretty good about getting a job
done and making some money, but
I had a swell time.
We all really liked the work, and
are set to go right out the next
time we're called. We didn't get
very tired, we all thought it was
good exercise, and some of us plan
to work all day Saturday and Sun-
It was the first time any of us
had done any farming, but we soon
were running
tractors, gra-
ders, driving
trucks, and
picking ap-
ples as if wes
had grown up
on a farm.
I climbed
into a truck
in front of
the Union
about 1:30 with the others, and had
a pretty nice ride out to the farm.
We sang all the way out there. It
was just a little cold going out,
though, and we only sang one way.
It was really cold coming back.
Worked In Groups
When we got out to the farm,
we were divided into groups, and,
believe me, there is a lot more to
picking apples than just climbing
trees. Mrs. Soffe helped out all
day, making sure that we didn't
work too hard and showing us how
to run the different machines on
the job.
Nobody fell out of trees or
smashed up any tractors, but that
Students will not be able to col-
lect refunds on their tickets for
the Great Lakes game unless they
present the Great Lakes game tag
from their athletic book by 5:30
p.m. tomorrow at the Athletic Ad-
ministration Building.

didn't spoil the fun. There were
plenty of jokes and laughs.
Mrs. Soffe insisted that we eat
as- many apples as we could, and
fill up our pockets. And we did!
I ate so many apples that I could-
n't eat my supper, and some of the
fellows brought' home baskets of
the biggest apples I've ever seen.
I guess we took care of about
100 bushels of apples today, but it
really was good outdoor exercise
Turn To Page 2, Col. 3
Allied Planes
Bomb France
Flying Fortresses Blast
Nazi Submarine Base
LONDON, Oct. 21.- (I')- Flying
Fortresses on their longest foray of
the war in Europe cascaded bombs
today upon Lorient, Nazi submarine
base on the Breton coast of France
from which U-boats prey on Atlantic
shipping. It was their first attack on
occupied France since the mass raid
on Lille Oct. 9.
Three bombers were officially re-
ported lost.
The Fortresses roared at least 300
miles across the English Channel and
Brittany to reach their target at Lor-
ient. Further, they bombed a German
airdromehat Maupertus, near Cher-
bourg, which is at the northern tip
of the Cotentin Peninsula jutting out
from Normandy and just across the
channel from Southampton.
At the same time, British Mustangs
and Mosquitoes attacked targets in
Western Germany and Holland in
daylight raids. It was the second suc-
cessive day the RAF was over Ger-
mai. ,.
This the Fortresses turned from
paralyzing raids on the Nazi commu-
nications system and aircraft recon-
ditioning plants to deal a double blow
in the Battle of the Atlantic. The
RAF mass night attacks on German
submarine building plants and bases
have a similar objective of disrupting
the enemy sea warfare strategy be-
fore it has a chance to get to work.

Hepburn, Outspoken Foe
Of Prime Minister King,
Is Succeeded By Conant
Provincial Leader
Leaves Public Life
TORONTO, Oct. 21.- ()-Premier
Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario, out-
spoken critic of the dominion govern-
ment of Prime Minister W.L. Macken-
zie King and of the Canadian war
effort, resigned the premiership to-
night and was succeeded by Attorney
General Gordon Conant.
Hepburn said in a statement that
he was retiring in line with previous-
ly announced plans and had recom-
mended Conant as the new premier.
Retains Portfolio Awhile
Hepburn said he had offered his
resignation also as provincial treas-
urer but at Conant's request had
agreed to retain that portfolio for a
short time, after which he would re-
tire from public life.
Conant said he would fetain his
attorney-general portfolio for the
present and "the entire personnel of
the new government will be an-
nounced in a, few days."
The,46-year-old Hepburn said he
had urged his cabinet members to
choose a successor a year ago, but
that court action later was instituted
to force bye-elections in the province
and "under the circumstances I did
not consider it fair to pass on to a
new premier the possibility.of an
immediate miniature general elec-
Led Liberal Party
When the 'court appeal was rejected
a week ago by the Ontario Court of
Appeal Hepburn said he immediately
asked Conant to accept the premier-
Hepburn, a mercurial and forceful
leader, led his Liberal Party to a
sweeping victory over the conserva-
tives in the Ontario general election
of 1934, campaigning on issues of gov-
ernmental extravagance and malad-
Ever since the war began and be-
fore, Hepburn has bitterly criticized
Mackenzie King and his dominion
Chile Removes
Pro - Germans
Revamped Cabinet Marks
Step AwayFrom Axis,
SANTIAGO, Chile, Oct. 21.- (P)-
Chile took a step in the direction of a
break with the Axis tonight when
President Juan Antonio Rios swore
in a new cabinet, eliminating Foreign
Minister Ernesto Barros Jarpa, chief
advocate of maintaining relations
with Germany, Italy and Japan.
Although there was no definite in-
dication that the government would
change its policy immediately, it was
regarded as significant that radical
Raul Morales, who initiated police
measures against German espionage,
was re-appointed Minister of Interior.
Barros Jarpa, whose 'ouster was
demanded by pro-democratic groups
throughout the country, was replaced
by German Riesco, member of the
Liberal Party and former representa-
tive of the semi-official Nitrate Io-
dine Sales Corporation in Europe.


Jap Planes Sink O'Brien,
Meredith; Allied Fliers
Down 12_Enemy Planes

The Detroit Free Press, in a dis-
patch from its Washington corre-
spondent, said last night that
Henry L. Stimson (above) has
asked to be relieved of his duties as
Secretary of War. President Roose-
velt has already submitted names
of possible successors to the Senate,
the paper claimed. Questioned
about the Free Press story, Stim-
son told the Washington bureau of
the Associated Press that he had
"no idea of resigning." The 75-
year-old Republican was appointed
Secretary of War on July 10, 1940.
Second' Attack
Charge Filed
Agaist Flynn
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 21.- UP)- A
second charge of rape involving a 17-
year-old girl was filed today against
actor Errol Flynn.
Juvenile Officer Lt. R. W. Bowling
signed a complaint charging that
the swashbuckling film idol raped
Peggy LaRue Satterlee, 17, Aug. 3,
1941, during a week-end trip to Cata-
lina Island on the actor's yacht.
Flynn is scheduled to appear for
preliminary hearing Friday on a
charge of raping Betty Hansen, 17,
movie struck Lincoln, Neb., girl at a
party in Bel Air, the night of last
Sept. 27.
Deputy Dist. Atty. Thomas W.
Cochran said the actor's lawyers plan
to surrender him tomorrow on the
new charge.
"I hardly spoke to the girl, and I
certainly did not harm her," Flynn
said after his arrest on the charge of
raping Miss Hansen. "I can't under-
stand what all this is about."
Bowling said that Miss Satterlee
told him she and her sister, Mickey
June, previously had been on a motor
trip with Flynn and nothing improper
occurred. Then the actor telephoned
inviting her on the yacht outing.
The district attorney's office said
the girl's mother, Mrs. William C.
Satterlee, had asked an investigation
in August, 1941, but the girl could not
be found. Later the parents wrote
from Santa Barbara saying they had
decided not to press the charges be-
cause of the publicity to which Peggy
would be subjected.
Miss Satterlee, who was working in
a Hollywood night club when she wasl
taken in protective custody by juve-
nile officers Tuesday, said her father
now is working for a railroad near
Truckee, Calif.

Marines, Navy Set
For ExpectedFight
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.-()-The
Navy tonight announced the loss of
two destroyers-the O'Brien and the
Meredith-in the still-developing bat-
tle for Guadalcanal, but' American
airmen damaged a Japanese . de-
stroyer and "stopped" a cruiser with
a bomb hit.
Aerial activity yesterday and the
day before resulted in the destruction
of two enemy bombing planes, nine
Zero fighters and a seaplane. Three
American fighter planes were lost.
Enemy Ships Sighted
These developments were made
public in a Navy communique which
said many enemy ships had been
sighted in the Northern Solomons,
and reported "little recent troop ac-
tivity" on the island of Guadalcanal
American airmen are meanwhile
seeking out and attacking small ship
units or task forces in the Southern
Solomons, and continuing to bomb
enemy supply dumps and positions on
Thus, in its present phase, the bat-
tle for the Solomons appears to be:
For the enemy, an effort to gather
his strength for an assault, while
attempting to weaken the American
defenses by bombing the air base on
Try To Soften Blow
For the American forces, an effort
to soften the blow when it comes by
attacking the enemy's sea forces,
seeking to cut him off from supplies
and disorganize his land forces with
aerial attacks.
On the island, what troop activity
there was was taken to be skirmishing
for position. Since two destroyers
were lost it was taken for granted
that larger American naval units
were in the area awaiting a favorable
opportunity to strike.
Second Front
Time Is Here,



LONDON, Oct. 21.- (P)- The im-
pressive counsel of Field Marshal Jan
Christian Smuts, veteran statesman
and strategist of South Africa, was
given the United Nations today amid
semi-secret and historic circumstan-
In carefully weighed words he said,
"The German Army is bleeding to
death in Russia," and that this is the
time for a new and final phase, the
Allied offensive.
Against the sounding board of a
closed assemblage of 1,000 of the
1,300 members of Britain's houses of
Parliament, the 72-year-old Prime
Minister of the Union of South Africa
delivered himself of this opinion in an
unprecedented international broad-
cast for the ears of Russia, America,
Britain and all their Allies.
It was, however, the first time that
a British Empire statesman had ever
broadcast a speech before a joint
assemblage of the members of Parlia-
ment, and Prime Minister Churchill
himself in a brief speech described
the gathering as "in many ways un-
War-time secrecy permitted men-
tion neither of the time nor place, or
even a description of the furniture
of the hall.
Brown = Ferguson
Meeting Will Be
Farce, Says Smith
CARO, Oct. 21.--(P)-Gerald L. K.
Smith, sticker candidate for the
United States Senate, declared here
tonight that the projected debate be-
tween Senator Prentiss M. Brown
and Judge Homer Ferguson, Demo-

Nazi, Jap Radios Charge War
Inhumanities'; Threaten Action

Emphasis will be placed on the im-
portance of psychiatry during war
time at the three-day conference on
psychiatry opening today at the
Rackham Building.
The conference is being sponsored
by the University and the McGregor
Fund. All sessions will be held in the
Amphitheater of the Rackham Buil-
ding with the exception of the meet-
ing to be held at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow.
This meeting, which will be the only
one open to the public, is to be held in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Michigan Law Review
To Be Distributed Today
The Michigan Law Review will be
distributed to subscribers today.
Featured in the current issue of

A trained newspaperman and sur-
vivor of the Battle of Bataan, Lieut.
Col. Carlos P. Romulo will present the
first of the 1942-43 Oratorical Asso-
ciation Lectures at 8:15 p. m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Colonel Romulo, fighting side by
side with MacArthur as his aide-de-
camp, confidant, and friend, was the
last man to leave batttered Bataan.
His escape in a decrepit old plane
fished out of the bay and his flight
to Mindanao from where he managed
to arrive in Australia form some of
the most exciting stories to come out

Eye-Witness Of Bataan Battle,
Carlos Romulo, To Talk Today

NEW YORK, Oct. 21.- OP)- Ger-
many and Japan appeared from their
propaganda broadcasts today to be
trying to build up a case of alleged
war inhumanities that would justify
reprisals against the United States

ment on the Japanese - German
The German high command
charged in its communique that Brit-
ish planes had attacked a German
dressing station for wounded on the

........................ .

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