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October 21, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-21

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VOL. LHI No. 15-
1|| 1 || | ||| 'U


Ma npower Corps
Head Picks Seven
Student Assistants
Selected University Men Surrender All
Extra - Curricular Positions To Accept
Leadenship Of Michigan War Effort
Seven University men relinquished all extra-curricular posts yesterday
to accept positions on the Manpower Mobilization Corps Executive Board,
a group created to assist director Marv Borman in harnessing and directing
campus workers.
The seven men, who will soon be assigned to the directing positions in
specific divisions of the Manpower Corps, are Robert Allen, '44, of Alpha
Tau Omega; Allan Anderson, '44, Phi Eta Sigma, ex-Union staff man;
Clarence Carlson, '44, Phi Eta Sigma, staff assistant of the West Quad-
Other newly appointed executives are Richard Dick, '44, Theta Delta
Chi; Robert Erickson, '44, Delta Tau Delta, formerly of the Union staff;

Roosevelt To Sign Huge
Taxing Measure Today
Morgenthau Labels As 'Inadequate' Record Measure
To Pare 'Incomes, Raise Many Excises

Robert Johnson, '43, also from
Union staff, and Haskell Kelnar,
Zeta Beta Tau, ^and ex-member
The Daily business staff.
According to Director Bormi
"These men have been chosen
cause they will get their jobs d
They are not all big names on ca
pus, but interviews and an investi
tion of their records show that t
will work hard, and do their*
Meeting Today
There will be a meeting of the ex
utives at 7:15 p. m. today at which
members will take definite contro
certain phases of the work, such
farm labor, CDVO, scrap collect
and at which general policies will
Each executive will pick five M
power Corps members to assist h
and these members will make up
administrative division of the age
Borman has also appointed Rich
Cole, '43, of The Daily business s
to a special position in the Corps.
will act as public relations agent,
is not a member of the execu
board. ..,a
Fraternity frive Progresses
'The fraternity drive is really go
to be a great success, Borman asse
ed. "We have no definite figures,
it looks like just about every ma
volunteering, and many of the ho
are enrolling en masse."
In the meantime, the Corps mo
to fulfill its first task, the supply
of students for work on the S
farm. 12 men were requested to p
apples, and the first 12 memb
called agreed to fill the positions.
The Corps offices are in Room 1
Angell' Hall, and suggestions, cr
cisms, requests for help and en
ments are to be handled through t
Chilean Cabine
Group_ Resig
Move To Give Preside
'Freedom Of Action'
SANTIAGO, Chile, Oct. 20.-(P)-I
Chilean cabinet resigned tonight
give President Antonio Rios freed
of action in replacing Foreign Min
ter Ernesto Barros Jarpa, advoc
of continuing relations with the A
An official announcement said R
had accepted the resignations,
asked the ministers to continue
their posts until a new cabinet
named. It said the president wo
"solve the crisis within the next
"It is considered unanimously,"
announcement said, "that it is nec
sary to leave the president of
republic the most absolute freedom
action so he can resolve the pres
political crisis in the manner m
convenient for the country."
The statement was issued by Md
ister of the Interior Raul Mor
The joint resignation merely s
the ministers were stepping out
give the president a chance to na
a new cabinet "in the presence of
delicate political situation."
Rios thanked the ministers
told them he understood their a
tude. He said he would try to "fin
solution most convenient for the g
eral interests,"
Michigan's Blood Pledg
Filled For First Mon
Michigan's pledge of 125 pints
blood per month donated to

of Old Soldiers
be- ay Be Sent
iga- Q* Q $
a To War ,jobs
Roosevelt Discloses Plan
ec- Of Granting Furloughs
the To 3540 Year-Olds
1 of
as By The Associated Press
ion, WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.- Presi-
I be dent Roosevelt disclosed today that
an- a number of soldiers 35 to 40 years old
tim, would probably be furloughed to take
the jobs in munitions factories and that
ncy production of luxury goods might be
ard cut more drastically to help solve
He vital manpower problems.
but On his recent inspection tour of
tive war plants and military establish-
xnents Xall over the country, Mr.
ing Roosevelt told a press conference, he
ert- had seen uniformed men who would
but have been much better off ,in muni-
n is tions factories than they were march-
uses ing 25 miles a day- with full equip-
ved -et.
ring He added that he imagined some of
offe them who would be useful in war pro-
ick duction and have the necessary train-
bers ing for it would be furloughed instead
of retained in combat units.
009 Gen. George C. Marshall, chief' of
iti- staff of the Army, previously had said
ist- the Army was studying such a plan.
hat With regard to luxury goods, Mr.
Roosevelt remarked that he had been
on a drive and had been held up in a
t small town near Washington, where
he had time to stare into store win-
dows. Three quarters of them, he said,
is were filled with luxury goods which
we could do without. One reason, he
said, is that people began stocking up
,nt their stores some time ago.
We have got to face the question,
the President declared, of wiether we
are going to allow production of lux-
The ury goods to continue.
M eate eAgaist
Uo. News papers
but Se
in In U.S.
48 NEW YORK, Oct. 20.- (P)- Dean
Carl W. Ackerman of Columbia Uni-
the versity said tonight that newspapers
es- of the U.S. were being subjected to a
the "freezing process" by the government
'of and that the justice department's
ent recent lawsuit against the Associated
ost Press was simply a further move to
"freeze the press into a new mold."
[in- The head of Columbia's Graduate
ales School of Journalism and former war
correspondent told the. fourth Ac-
aid counting Institute banquet in a pre-
to pared speech that "under the cloak of
me war emergency, the American way of
the life is being profoundly changed by
law and directives" which strike
and directly at a free press and the Bill of
tti- Rights.
d a "Today the authority of the gov-
en- ernment to control the press is abso-
lute - although tcalled voluntary,"
Ackerman said.
e "Because the situation has a pro-
th found and portentous bearing on the
freedom of public opinion, every
of newspaper reader must be concerned,
the because he is directly involved."

Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-Congress
sent, its biggest tax bill in history to
the White House today and President
Roosevelt said he would sign it to-
morrow to make higher excise levies
on a long list of items effective Nov. 1.
Unprecedented individual income
taxes will be levied on this year's in-
comes and payments will start Jan. 1
with payroll deductions for the "vi-
tory tax".
Drafted to increase federal reve-
nues by $6,881,000,000 at a minimum
but disputed estimate, the measure
nevertheless went to the White House
labelled "inadequate" by the treasury.
Secretary Morgenthau recently
called for another tax bill to yield an
additional. $6,000,000,000. Congress
leaders were uncertain when a start
would be made orf the new, bill but it
was generally thought that action
would be deferred until after Jan. 1.
Final Approval Today
The present bill, molded to com-
promise form by conferees of the
House and Senate, received its final
Congressional approval today in short
order. The House discussed the meas-
ure briefly and approved it by a
standing vote of 130 to 2.
The Senate talked the measure over
for an hour, heard some sharp criti-
cism of the three per cent tax on
freight bills, and then approved the
bill by a voice vote which sounded
The measure raises income tax
rates to their highest level yet. The
normal individual income tax rate is
increased from four to six per cent.
To that is added a graduated surtax
starting at 13 per cent and increasing
to 82. At present the surtax ranges
British Bolster
Admiralty Reveals Adding
Two NewBattleships
sy The Associated Press
LONDON, (Wednesday), Oct. 21.-
Two new 35,000-ton battleships, the
Anson and the Howe, are now at sea
with the British Fleet, the Admiralty
disclosed today, and the Anson al-
ready has been in action with her
high-angle guns against German air-
craft in the Arctic convoy route to
It is this route that the great Ger-
man battleship Tirpitz occasionally
threatens by venturing from her Nor-
wegian berth, and it was understood
that the commanders of both the
Anson and Howe are engaged in
friendly rivalry to see which first can
engage this pride of the German
The : disclosure that Britain has
thus finally restored her fleet to its
original pre-war strength of 15
battleships and battle cruisers with
completion of the five great battle-
ships of the King George V class,
came at a time when it is vital for the
Allies to maintain their convoys and
control the sea if they are to open a
second front.
A few hours earlier, A. V. Alexan-
der, First Lord of the Admiralty,
mentioned both these phases when
he announced that at least 530 Axis
submarines - German, Italian and
Japanese--have been destroyed or
damaged by British and American
forces since the war began.

from six to 77 per cnt. Personal
exemptions have been lowered.
The result is that the taxpayer will
pay 19 per cent on his first dollar of
taxable income, with the total per-
centage to be paid rising sharply as
income increases.
New Victory Tax
In addition, the bill levies the new
victory tax, called by some a gross
income tax. Under its terms, all indi-
viduals will be taxed a flat five per
cent of income in exc ss of $12 a
week, or $624 a year. ome deduc-
tions are, permitted f debt pay-
ments, insurance prem ms and war
bond purchases, or a rtion of the
tax may be recovered ter the war.
A nine per cent ta increase for
corporations was provi , raising the
levy from 31 to 40 per c t by a com-
bination of normal an surtax rates.
Excess profits will be t ed at 90 per
cent, after a $5,000 ex Iption. The
present excess profits t is a gadu-
ated scale runn'n 35 to 60 per
Two Rege tnts
Are Delegated
To Atten Meet
Dr. Ruthven Wil Address
Minnesota Conference
Of Wartime Education
In line with the new Regential war
policy, Regents Alfred B. Connable
and J. Joseph Herbert will attend the
conference on wartime education of
the Association of Governing Bodies
of State Universities and Allied Insti-
tutions Oct. 29-31 in Minneapolis.
President Alexander '. Ruthven
will speak on Oct.-31 before the con-
ference which Connable and Herbert
will attend as delegates of the Board
of Regents.
Has Added Significance
Connable, chairman of the recently
formed War Policies Committee, said
that "this meeting will have added
significance to the University in view
of the Regents' recent action to take
direct part in University activities."
"All subjects to be discussed will
have direct bearing on the war and
the adjustment of higher education to
war needs," Connable said.
Connable stated that "a faculty
man may be sent to other Universities
to provide an opportunity to see what
others are doing."
This plan would give the University
a roving observer of other schools'
war programs for the guidance of
the War Policies Committee, he said.
Give 'U' Roving Observer
Meanwhile, reports reached The
Daily that a petition expressing "con-
fidence in President Ruthven's poli-
cies" had been presented to faculty
men for their signatures. No copies or
signers of the statement could be
The first faculty statement, critical
of University policy, continued circu-
lation in University offices, picking
up additional signatures. The number
of signers was yet undetermined.
In a totally unexpected move, Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven signed
the petition of criticism Monday.
First appearance of the statement
followed closely on the heels of the
formation of the Board of Regents'
War Policy Committee.

Russians Repulse
Assaults On Stat
U.S. Planes Pour
American Fliers Shower Ge
Enemy Supply Dumps D
With Constant Air Raids Long reer
Japanese Thrust Of Dr. Stock A
Is StillExpectedr
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.- (')- In
a . strenuous effort to disorganize M
Japan's big Solomon Island offensive
before it can get really started, Amer- ()-
ican fliers are showering enemy that
troops and supply. dumps with bombs repu
i a non-stop series of raids, it was sp
revealed tonight. yest
Throghout Oct. 18 and 19, a navy yest
communique said, Army, Navy and as s
Marine Corps aircraft hammered at per
the enemy on Guadalcanal, and the'few
great Japanese thrust which has been A
expected for days has yet to get start- A
ed. cons
Effects Of Raids Unknown fens
However, there was no means of Red
telling on the basis of the communi- rc
que whether the air raids had altered farce
Japanese plans, or whether the enemy Riv
was following a pre-arranged sched- * a
ule of getting set and fully prepared-area
before launching a land offensive -
designed to wrest the vital Guadal-mn
canal airfield from the American DR. FREDERICK STOCK men
Marines and Army men. * * * by 4
Hovering in nearby waters was a The death yesterday of Dr. Freder- the
large enemy fleet of warships and ick Stock, director of the Chicago ique
auxiliaries, although the Navy com- Symphony Orchestra, closed a chap- bac
munique said there had been no fur- ter in the musical history of the Uni- 30'n
ther landings on Guadalcanal. versity of Michigan. bull
Besides the raids on the Japanese Dr. Stock, known as the "dean of was
on Guadalcanal, Army Flying Fort- American music," conducted May ene
resses returned to the attack on Oct. Festival concerts here from 1905 to of ti
19 on Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel Is- 1935. Although it was not publicly posi
land, 150 miles northwest of Guadal- known, he was to have conducted the .
canal. Fires were started by bombs Philadelphia Orchestra at the Golden ene
from the big planes. : . Jubilee May Festival this coming the+
(Far to the north, in the Aleutians, spring. stat
the communique added, Army Liber- Long associated with the Univers- part
ator bombers struck again at shore ity, Dr. Stock was given the honorary past
installations and a beached ship in degree of Doctor of Music here in thei
the harbor at Kiska, starting fires in 1924. When the news of his death S(
the Japanese camp area.) reached Dr. Charles A. Sink, president said
Jap Main Force Unused of the University Musical Society, his tion
Concerning the struggle in the Sol- only comment was: flan
omons, Secretary of the Navy Knox "I am deeply grieved to hear of the wip
told reporters that "In my judgment, death of a great man." com
the Japanese have by no means as yet kno
exercised their main force."L
Knox did not elaborate, but he said, L va rgesIn
"It is still a good stiff fight," and Irthem
news from the battle area is being Aid To Nazis ture
made public as quickly as received in nu
Washington. in
All branches of American armedsi
forces now have joined in the struggle Conscription Is Hinted Naz
for control of the archipelago which In Leader's Speech 50"
can command shipping lanes to Aus- sect
tralia. Warships of the United States VICHY, Oct. 20.-(A')-Pierre Laval me
fleet were the latest to move into the renewed his appeal for Frenchmen to said
fight. They have hurled heavy shells go to work for Hitler in a radio speech of f
onto Japanese short installations and tonight in which he announced an iou
munition dumps in a thundering sea agreement for a levy upon each fa- s
bombardment. tory "which will be obliged to furnish Bla
a certain number of workmen." tha
The chief of government said this em
new levy was agreed upon by his gov- in
ernment "ut of apprehension lest ma
M lan To Cover measures of constraint be applied to
j*(An hour after Laval completed -his
Fleet Activities speech General Charles De Gaulle,
._Fighting French leader, told the
Clinton (Pat) Conger, former city French people in a London broadcast
editor of The Daily and graduate of they were proving by their resistance
the Class of '38, has been chosen by that they were "engaged, in a revolt
lot to be the first American corre- against the treasonable leaders of
-spondent to cover the first-hand ac- Vichy." De Gaulle urged still greater
tivities of the British home fleet-a resistance to Laval and his collabora- C

post coveted by all American news- tion clique. Sta
papermen in England. (Although Laval left open the tech- nig
Conger will be a one-man reporter nical question of whether he would Axi
for, the whole American press, and as ord r forced' labor conscription, sea- ase
planned by the U.S. Navy, will dis- soned 'French observers in Bern, off(
patch his reports to the Associated Switzerland, considered his speech as US
Press, United Press, and Interna- preparation for conscription since his T
tional News Service, appeal was not expected to yield the
Conger had his first journalistic 150,000 volunteer workers demanded lea.
experience with The Daily and rose by Hitler.) yes
to fame with the Detroit Free Press int
and the United Press. He is the son Germans Thrate fly
of Mrs. Seymour Beach Conger who ers
is executive secretary of the alumnae R e risals IfHeS
council of the Alumnae Association. J I Hess
Mr. Conger's last trip to Ann Arbor Is Placed On Trial e
was last June when he returned from s___Bo
Germany with other newspapermen Br
who had been detained by the Nazi LONDON, Oct. 20.-(lP)-The Ger- sin
government. man Radio broadcast a thret.t to- the
night that the Nazi government Lor
would take "extreme and drastic" re- left
Romul Tprisal measures if the British fol- sch
lowed the official Russian suggestion ene
ILecture that Rudolph Hess be put on trial im.
mediately. Se
As the opening speaker in the 1942- The radio did not name Hess spe-

in rad;
id Japs
rman Prisoners Admit
Iuge Losses; Soviets,
Strengthen Garrisons
tumnal Storms
Sweep Battlefront
OSCOW, Wednesday, Oct. 21.-
The Russians announced today
their" Stalingrad garrison had
lsed two furious German attacks
orted by 70 tanks inside the city
erday, and quoted Nazi captives
aying their divisions had lost 70
cent of their effectives in the last
midnight communique told of the
inuing successful Russian de-
e, now in its ninth week, after
t dispatches disclosed that the
Army was strengthened by rein-
iements ferried across the Volga
r and intermittently relieved by
autumnal storms sweeping the
Enemy Flung Back
he Germans first hurled a regi-
t of motorized troops suppgrted
0' tanks against Russian lines in
workers' settlement, the cmmun-
said, but "The enemy was flung
k to its initial position."
mater in the day the Germans sent
nore tanks into the attack," the
tin continued. "This attack also
repelled with heavy losses to the
ny in men and tanks. At the end
he day our troops firmly held their
DO troops likewise repulsed all
my attacks in the area of one of
factories. German war prisoners
ed the German divisions which
icipated in the attack during the
days have lost 70 per cent of
r effectives."
oviet troops above Stalingrad were
to have strengthened their posi-
s in local fighting on the Nazi
k with one Russian detachment
ing out two Rumanian infantry
panes, and anti-aircraft gunners
eking down two Nazi planes.
Press Back Hitlerites
z the Caucasus the Russians said
r counter-attacking troops cap-
d a populated place and "con-
ied to press back the Hitlerites"
he Mozdok area which bars the
is from the Grozny oil fields some
miles to the east.
As a result of the fighting in this
or about 900 German officers and
n were killed," the communique
. "We captured an enemy store
ood and uniforms as well as var-
s arms."
outheast of Novorossisk along the
ck Sea coast the war bulletin said
t Soviet Marines had repulsed en-
y attacks, killing 100 Axis troops
one sector and dispersing a Ru-
nian infantry company in another.
J.S, British
Planes Strike
At Axis Ships
AIRO, Oct. 20. -- () - United
tes and British planes, in day and

ht aerial partnership against the
s, have struck heavy blows ashore,
a and aloft in a new, stepped-up
ensive, communiques from the
AAF and the RAF disclosed today.
'wo Axis ships were sunk and at
st two others hit Sunday night and
sterday in these combined attacks
which the Allied forces brought
o action the whole range of their
ing fleets, including fighter-bomb-
and torpedo planes.
At least two enemy merchantmen
re hit by heavy United States
Imbers in an attack on Tobruk.
itish torpedo planes leftz another
king, with hits in her stern,, off
e Italian island of Pantellaria.
rng-range British fighter-bombers
t a fourth yessel, a two-masted
ooner, aflame and sinking off the
tmy held Greek isle of Crete.
crap-Collecting Scouts
W I Vr r ' '39-


It's The Feminine Approach:-
Sororities Outsell Fraternities
In Six-Day Stamp, Bond Drive

It was $29,500 "over the top" for
Michigan's 53 hustling fraternities
and sororities yesterday when the
Interfraternity Council revealed the
final results of a fast and furious six-
day Homecoming Stamp and Bond
Sale Contest.
Despite over-confident fraternities'
advance predictions of triumph, bond-
buying sorority girls copped the first
place trophy by out-doing their
opponents to the tune of $16,500 to
$13,000. This cup was awarded to
Alpha Ganma Delta whose members
bought and sold $8,124 worth of bonds
and stamps.

process percentages were figured on
which awards were granted. Frances
Vyn, '43, of Gamma Phi Beta, chair-
maned Pan-Hel's part of the drIve.
The contest began last Wednesday
following a Pan-Hellenic Council-IFC
decree banning the colorful but ex-
travagant Homecoming display con-
test ordinarily held.
The drive's total of $29,000 was
hailed as "astounding" by all except
the fraternity and sorority members
who knew "they could do it all the
time", an unofficial fraternity spokes-
man said yesterday.
Phi Kappa Psi, Psi Upsilon and
Alnha Delta Phi were the only three

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