Weather Warmer w k4 4a ui Editorial Getting School Loyalty At 75 Cents Per Throw VOL. LI No. 1 36 PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPT. 29, 1942 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Educate For Life, Not Death, Warns President Ruthven Tells Freshmen To Work Hard During Stay Here As WarKeynotes Talk 1820 Frosh Hear Welcoming Speech A warning by President Alexander G. Ruthven to "get an education for life not for death" keynoted the we - come to the University's 1820 fresh- men last night in Hill Auditorium. "You will be taught to kill," said Ruthven, "but insist also upon learn- ing how to live." Stressing that a democracy is only successful with an intelligent citi- senry, Ruthven called upon the en- tering freshmen "to work hard dur- ing your stay here, however long or short this may be." "War-Dirty Business" "We are engaged in the dirty bus- iness of war," he declared. "You did not start the conflict, but you will have to carry it on." Ruthven reminded his audience not tf torget its duty of deciding upon the type of post-war world and of admin- istering that world. "Even in war- time," he insisted, "preparedness should be broader than just for fight In another address before the first asembly of the campus orientation week, Dean Joseph A. Bursley ad- nonished the freshmen to remember that they were here because of the Acrif ices made. by the young men and women in all the far-flung battle a'eas of the'worli. 'Suffering Before Victory' "You are here on borrowed time," he explained. He emphasized that m ny sacrifices and more suffering can be expected before victory is won. Describing the University's war- streamlined education, Dean Bursley cited the fact that the three semester plan and its resulting possibility of graduation within 32 months made it impossible for him to dub the enter- ing freshmen the "Class of '46." To strengthen the war effort of the students while still in school, he re- quested "fewer and simpler dances and more red cross work and PEM." Dean Lloyd Welcomes Ceds Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women, welcomed with great pride "the larg- est class of women ever to come to the University of Michigan." She re- called the entrance of the first wo- man into the University in February of 1870 and the old fears of University men and University authorities that "with education women might want to smoke and wear trousers." After the program of speakers the new freshmen were introduced. to Michigan cheers and the traditional Michigan songs by the cheerleaders and Prof. David Mattern of the School of Music aided by a section of the Varsity Glee Club. Freshman Notes ... Crowds wending their way to Hill Auditorium last night were spotted for the first time in many years by the traditional freshman "pots." Un- like the grey ones of earlier vintage, the new pots are in the maize and blue colors. The contrast between the present tense war situation and the free and easy attitude of the peacetime years not so long ago was reflected in the somber tones assumed by the speak- ers of the evening. Freshmen were complaining out- side Hill Auditorium after the meet- .ing because of the predominance of upperclass "wolves" who were taking names and telephone numbers of the coeds with carefree abandon. Shansi Province Flood Kills 3,000 CHUNGKING, Sept. 28- ()- A mighty wave six to 20 feet deep sw rled'in a flood over eastern Shansi Province from the Yellow River late in August, leaving 3,000 dead and 40,000 homeless, belated dispatches said today.I As the waters subsided they left a layer of mud two or three feet deep and a, famine is threatened as a re- sult of the loss of crops. Dispatches estimated the damage at 96,000,000 Chinesed n11 A r n.Al 1w6-mile strin DR. ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN Administration Act To Assign Jobs Proposed Compulsory Appointment Of Men Where Needed Is IndicatedBy McNutt, WASHINGTON. Sept. 28- ()- War manpower chief Paul V. McNutt indicated today that an administra- tion proposal for a national service act, which might empower the gov- ernment to make compulsory assign- ments of workers to jobs where they are most needed, would be submitted to Congress soon. Testifying before the house agri- culture committee inquiring into farm labor shortages, he said, "Persuasion is not enough and there's not suffi- cient patriotic urge" to deal with the manpower problem. Legality In Doubt "I hope in the very near future that certain recommendations will be made," he added. "It is not an easy task. We have never hadnsuch legis- lation. Certain Constitutional ques- tions are involved." McNutt told the committee that one way to keep labor on the farm was to narrow the differential be- tween farm and industrial wages, by raising the level of farm wages. Asked by a committee member whether this would result in raising farm prices, he replied, "It would seem to follow, logically." Asked later by newspaper men if this could be construed as approval of the farm bloc fight on Capitol Hill to raise farm parity computations for inclusion of labor costs, he said, "I don't intend to det into that." Farmers: Till Or Fight Another witness, Maj. Gen. Lewis B.,Hershey, selective service director, suggested that able-bodied agricul- tural workers be given the choice of tilling the soil or fighting. To remedy the growing farm labor shortage, he proposed that any physi- cally fit, draft-age man who leaves the farn, for a higher-paying city j, -' be immediately inducted into the mil- itary service. "I am perfectly willing to do this," he told the committee, but explained that he was an operating agency and the decision to take such action would have to be made by policy-makers. ROTC Basics Set To Serve ArmyTerm' Basement Of East Quad Houses Miniature West Point Forty basic ROTC students, com- manded by three cadet officers, will move into the bare-walled military barracks of the east quadrangle to- day, prepared to live the semester under a strict military supervision that will require military passes even for dates. A West Point in miniature, the barracks were organized by Cadet- Col. Charles M. Thatcher, '43. The purpose of the experiment, which has received the full support of University officials, is to give train- ing far stiffer than that ordinarily received in ROTC. If the plan is successful, an entire dormitory may be taken over next semester. Live By Bugle The student soldiers have shelved Joe College for the duration They'll wear uniforms seven days a week and they'll figuratively live by the bugle-reveille in the morn- ing and lights-out and taps at night. They'll have liberty granted by pass only, and to get that pass, they must be caught up on their studies and have no demerits. Al- though the barracks will be admin- istered entirely by students, de- merits won't be hard to get. Cadet- Capt. Robert L. Brigham, senior officer of the group from Lancas- ter, N. Y., says that demerits will be given in periodic and special inspections, for "Joe College" stuff, and for laxness in obeying regula- tions. Once a soldier has demerits or is behind in his work, his time is not his own. He must use his "spare time" to catch up in school and work off the black marks. Unless the soldier has a clean slate, even the short spans between classes are not free to use as he wishes. A large recreation room in Hins- dale Mouse and the Grotto room in Prescott House will each house 20 men. Every man will be supplied with a bed, chest of drawers and a -clothes locker. "A tudy room is sit- uated between the sleeping quar- ters. The unit will eat their meals in the regular dormitory dining rooms, although the cadet officers, who are directly responsible to Ca- det-Col. Thatcher, will live separ- ately in an adjoining room. Room- rates will be $40 per semester as compared with approximately $75 for regular students. 24-Hour Sentry Duty There will be a full-bodied mili- tary flavor around the barracks. Armed sentries will guard the sin- gle entrance 24 hours a day. And noncommissioned officers, appoin- ted directly from the 20 freshmen and 20 sophomores who volun- teered for "West Point," are going to show the University what made sergeants famous. The West Pointers can be spotted easily, whether they are marching to dinner or drill or simply attend- ing classes. They will be wearing new uniforms-olive drab trousers, olive drab jackets with blue lapels, tan shoes and overseas caps. "Civ- ies" are in order only for a week- end at home and occasionally for dates, and even then a pass is re- quired. All second semester freshmen or sophomores interested in trying out for the editorial staff of The Michigan Daily are invited to at- tend organizational meetings at 4 p.m. either Thursday or Friday in the Student Publications Bldg.l 35 M.P.H. Top Proclaimed For Thursday State SpeedEnforcement Ordered By Governor; Rushton Doubts Power 'Will Only Warn' Is Police Answer WASHINGTON, Sept. 28- (JP)- Gasoline rationing on a nationwide basis probably will cut the mileage of the average passenger car close to the 5,000-mile annual limit rec- onmmended by the Baruch omit- tee, Director Leon Henderson of the Office of Price Administration reported tonight. LANSING, Sept. 28-(P)--Governor Van Wagoner, proclaiming a state of emergency, today ordered a 35 miles an hour speed limit enforced on Michigan highways effective Thurs- day, although Attorney General Her- bert J. Rushton has held formally the state lacks power to make the rule stick. The governor instructed the State Highway Department and State Po- lice to collaborate in a joint order fixing the speed limit on state high- ways, asked country road commis- sions to take similar action on county roads, and municipalities to impose it by ordinance if traffic moved faster on any of their streets and highways. Limited Area Rulings Rushton has held the State Police and highway department may fix speed limits only in limited areas in the interests of safety, and that the law is not sufficiently broad to per- mit them to issue a blanket order for, the state in interests of national de-I fense. Van Wagoner said he acted at re- quest of the Office of Defense Trans- portation, entirely aware a test suitI might result if someone violated his order. He added he was looking to "motorists of Michigan to accept the responsibility of cooperating in this important phase of the war effort."1 Warnings, Not Arrests. Oscar G2i Olander, State Police commissioner, said he would simply instruct his officers to stop and warn, motorists traveling in excess of the limit on the open road, "until a def- inite policy has been determined upon. This came up rather suddenly, and we must study just what is in- volved." G. Donald Kennedy, state highway commissioner, said the 1,100 new speed limit signs would be set up by Thursday night. The speed limit is companion to gasoline rationing, expected to be im- posed federally within a short time, possibly in November. "We will need a lot of cooperation from the motorists," the governor de- clared, "and I am sure they will co- operate patriotically. They will be under a sort of honor system." Cooperation Asked He pointed out public help was needed because police forces seem in- adequate to undertake rigid enforce- ment, especially in view of loss of State Police manpower to the armed forces. Motorists will be asked to un- derstand that the limit is to conserve tires needed for prosecution of the war, he said. Expressing a hope courts would deal severely with violators, Van Wagoner said he was exploring his own emergency powers to determine whether he could, in a supplemental order, strengthen the speed limit. Van Wagoner announced he was asking the State Insurance Depart- ment to determine whether, in view of slower speeds and less traffic, rates on automobile insurance should be re- duced because of the reduced oppor- tunity for serious accident. Allied Troops, Fliers Strike In New Guinea GEN. MACARTHUR'S HEAD- QUARTERS, Australia, Sept. 29 (Tuesday)-(P)- Allied ground for- ces in the Owen Stanley mountains of New Guinea have now taken the initiative against advance Japanese troops and "are making progress," a communique said today. The action, described as an infil- trating and outflanking attack, took place on Ioribaiwa Ridge, about 32 miles north of the Allied base at Port Moresby where the Japanese advance through the mountains was halted about two weeks ago. Crack Russian Defenses Northwest Of Stalingrad Fresh German Divisions Freshman Class Goes To 'Pots'; Non-Purchasers Hail 46 Spirit Wolverines Sell Caps At 75 Cents Per; Deny They Forced Frosh To Buy-Only 'Suggested' It Red High Command Again Acknowledges Enemies' NumericalSuperiority Soviets Advancing On Central Front By EDDY GILMORE Associated Press Correspondent MOSCOW, Tuesday, Sept. 29. - Two fresh German infantry divisions and 150 tanks thrown into the fal- tering assault on Stalingrad crashed through Russian lines on the north. western outskirts of the city yester- day and the Soviet High Command By DAN BEHRMAN Freshman pots, hitherto vanished symbols of pre-war Collegiana, re- turned to this campus yesterday as more than 1500 University newcomers blossomed out in maize-and-blue headgear-at 75 cents apiece. Described by upper-class salesmen as "a return to class spirit," the pots were sold to newly-arrived freshmen at the doors of orientation meeting Farm Group's Compromise Flatly Rejected Substitution Is Presented To Circumvent Defeat Of Higher Parity Plan WASHINGTON, Sept. 28- (P)- Apparently sensing defeat in its drive to force higher farm parity prices into the anti-inflation bill, the Senate farm bloc offered a compromise today but administration forces flatly re- jected it. The compromise would require President Roosevelt to fix agricul- tural price ceilings in such a way as to reflect "all productive costs, in- cluding labor." It was offered as a substitute for the amendment by Senators. Thomas (D-Okla.) and Hatch (D-N.M.), which would have altered the parity or "fair farm price" formula by introducing farm labor costs into it for the first time. Present Plan Fair Administration men complained that the latter proposal would raise the cost of living $3,000,000,000 to $3,500,000,000 a year. They said the present parity formula, which would be the basis of ceilings under the pending anti-inflation bill, was fair because it reflected the price of things the farmer buys. After a hastily called meeting of the Senate agriculture committee to- day, the farm bloc leaders laid the compromise before Senator Brown (D-Mich.), in charge of the adminis- tration anti-inflation bill, which calls for stabilization of prices, wages and salaries. Roosevelt Opposed Brown swiftly rejected the com- promise, on the ground that it would .alter the parity idea by introducing "cost of production" factors. Presi- dent Roosevelt has expressed unal- terable opposition to changes in par- ity. Brown announced that the admin- istration forces would fight it out on the basis of the Thomas-Hatch Amendment vs. a plan offered by Senator Barkley (D-Ky.), majority leader. This would direct the Presi- dent to make adjustments in farm price ceilings where such action ap- peared necessary to increase war pro- duction, or where the ceilings fail to reflect increased labor costs. Vote Demanded Democratic leader Barkley of Ken- tucky, warning his colleagues "the country is growing impatient for ac- tion," called for a session tomorrow opening at 11 a. m., an hour earlier than usual, and announced he would seek a vote before adjournment not only on pending amendments, "but the entire bill." rooms in the Union. Sales were han- dled by The Wolverines, a new addi- tion to the University scene, and pro- ceeds were reported destined for Michigan cheerleaders. Non-Purchasers Like 'Em The pots received a varied recep- tion, with most enthusiasm coming from non-purchasers. Freshmen re- ported that "they wouldn't let us out of the Union without them" and told of traditional paddling threats fer members of the class of '46 caught on campus with their pots down. Dave Striffler, a spokesman for the Wolverines denied that any attempt had been made to force sale of the freshman caps and declared, "No freshman has ever been ordered to buy a pot. They've just been told it's the thing to do." Get Ticket First Under the sales system adopted by Wolverine members, no freshman was actually given a cap in an "over-the- counter" transaction in the Union.' Instead, prospective pot purchasers bought tickets in the Union which' they presented for their caps at a local sport shop. Harold Trick, manager of the store handling the pots told The Daily last night that the Men's Judiciary Coun- cil had made arrangements for the sale last spring. Judiciary Council members also specified the change from a grey pot-used previously for fraternity pledges and engineering freshmen-to the present maize-and- blue cap, he explained, A Much Better Pot" "Although we sold the pots over our counter last year for 65 cents, this year's cap is a much better pot," he said. Trick pointed out that the pots were sold by his store to The Wolver- ines at cost and that the Wolverines were "charging a very fair price, about what we would have sold them for." Questioned as to the possible di- x ersion of cloth needed for the war effort to these pots, Trick declared that all material used in the caps had been made up before the war and that "the government couldn't use this type of cloth." Trick's store has handled sales of pots to fraternity initiates in the past but this is the first time in approxi- mately ten years, according to Uni- versity authorities, that any attempt has been made to distribute freshman "labels" on a campus-wide basis. The 'Oomph Girl' Is FreeAgain! HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 28-(IP)-Ann Sheridan and George Brent of the movies are separating. Brent came here today from Ox- nard, Calif., where he is a civilian air corps instructor, and announced that he and Ann would go their separate ways hereafter. Brent said the matter of "an im- mediate divorce" had not been dis- cussed and that there was a possibili- ty, however remote, that they might be reunited. Both are under contract to Warner Brothers Studio, and if he returned to the movies probably would be cast with her. "This is an entirely amicable sep- aration," Brent told newsmen. "It is caused by divergent interests of our separate careers." Brent and the red-haired Ann were married last January in Palm Beach, Fla., after a romance of more than a year. 36 Days, again acknowledged the numerical superi- ority of the enemy as the siege entered its 36th day. The midnight com- munique telling of the grave turn for the Stalingrad g a r r is on said of that development: Tank Penetration "After, stiff fighting a group of enemy tanks managed to penetrate a workers settlement, where the fighting continues. During the day our men annihilated about two Ger- man infantry regiments and disabled about 50 enemy tanks." Northwest of Stalingrad, presum- ably above the sector where the So- viet lines were cracking, the Russians said their troops had killed more than 1,000 Germans and destroyed eight, Nazi tanks in the past 24 hours. The Red Army had been holding generally northwest of Stalingrad U. S. AWMEN down 49 Jap planes and damage five enemy ships in fierce fighting in the Sol- omon and Aleutian Islands. Com- plete story on Page 5. and even gaining ground in counter- attacks during the past week. Inside the city savage street fight- ing continued, but the latest com- munique gave no details of that struggle. Front .dispatches said at least 36,000 German troops were en- gaged in the swaying battle amid the skeleton ruins of the Volga industrial center. Reds Advance Near Rzhev On the central front before Moscow the Russians reported another Red Army advance northwest of Rzhev after a long fight. Twenty-five in- habited points were liberated by the Russians, the communique said, and big quantities of enemy equipment either sized or destroyed. Two thous- and German officers and men were wiped out. In the Caucasus the Russians ac- knowledged German seizure of an- other inhabited point in the Mozdok area on the road to the Grozny oil fields, but said that Soviet counter- attacks had gained ground along the Black Sea coast south of Novorossisk. More than 1,200 Germans and Ru- manians were wiped out and a num- ber of prisoners taken in the latter engagement, it was said. Nazi Company Annihilated At Sinyavino east of Leningrad where the Germans had driven a wedge into the Russian positions, the communique said the Red Army had dislodged the enemy from an impor- tant height, annihilating one Ger- man infantry company and destroy- ing three tanks and two armored cars. By ground transport and by plane, the German commanders pressed more forces into action against Stal- ingrad, which is relying on the heav- ily-bombed Volga for its communica- tions. Despite giant losses, the Ger- mans in some quarters were able to improve their positions. In others, they lost ground to the Russian counter-assaults. Nazi Encirclement Fails Elements of at least four German divisions-the 71st and 76th infantry and the 14th and 24th tank-strug- gled to break down the Russian re- sistance within the city, seeking to cut it into pieces where frontal and encircling attacks have failed. Battle dispatches said Stalingrad was literally "in convulsions" from in- War Hits Home To Frosh: Entering Class Describes Plans For Its Work InWinning War This year's crop of freshmen is not kidding itself about the war, and what it means to them. After last ight's talks by President Ruthven and Deans Bursley and Lloyd,-several freshmen were interviewed by a Daily reporter, who asked each one: "How do you expect to coordinate your work as a student of the Uni- versity with your responsibilities in the war effort?" 'Mickey' Johnson, Detroit, 18, Lit., "I am studying nursing and hope eventually to go overseas with the Army or Navy." Larry Burdick, Kalamazoo, 17, Lit., "Besides taking Naval ROTC. I'm Lit., "Until I am called up, which won't be very long, I'm going to get some training in Army ROTC." Janine Robinson, St. Louis, Mich., 17, Lit., "My schedule will be ar- ranged to permit plenty of after- school work in first aid and other Red Cross activities." John Theriault, Rochester, Mich., 19, Pre-Med., "Until I can talk my parents into letting me enlist I'll study as hard as possible. Meanwhile I'll also take Army ROTC." Rod Everhart, Macatawa, Mich., 17, Eng., "I'll study as much areo-en- gineering as I can, in preparation for PLENTY OF DOUGH, BUT NO DOPE $20,000 Allocated For Annex A $20,000 allocation from the state war fund was approved yesterday to provide the University with extra training space for specialists in the Army and Navy. TI was i enorted that the money they knew that the petition had been submitted, denied knowledge of any definite plans for such a building. President Alexander G. Ruthven ex- plained that, "The funds are to be used to provide added training space requested by the Army and Navy."