t QtU
Somewhat Warmer
_ ., I. .
French Mass
Large Forces
Against Laval
Underground Movement
Threatens Throughout
Conquered Countries
Troubles Increase
For Nazi Troops
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Oct. 19.- A vast under-
ground army numbering upward of
2,000,000 Frenchmen is poised for
mass revolt against Pierre Laval's
program of forced labor for the Ger-
mans, a fighting French spokesman
said tonight as reports of mutinies,
desertions and suicides among Hitler's
own troops in Norway were added to
accounts of spreading unrest in con-
quered Europe.
Laval ethqr must back down on his
plan to conscript 150,000 skilled work-
ers for the Nazis or be thrown out of
office on a wave of revolt, the French
spokesman predicted. If he does back
down, this source added, the Germans
themselves might oust the Vichy gov-
ernment chief.
Trouble In Norway
With the critical French situation
boiling toward a showdown, this was
the picture elsewhere in Nazi-con-
quered lands, as drawn by dispatches
from the continent and statements
from governments-in-exile here:
Norway: mounting defections
among the 200,000 Nazi occupation
troops, resulting from the severe cli-
mate, virtually no home leaves, fears
of being sent to the Russian front
and the hostility of 98 per cent of the
Norwegian people.
An authoritative Norwegian in-
formant said that 1,000 Germans sta-
tioned north of Kirkenes rebelled at
an order transferring them to Russia
and that one out of every ten was
ordered shot, but that Nazi firing
squads refused to shoot their com-
rades and the garrison was sent to
concentration camps instead.
Belgium: spurred by fears of an
allied invasion and by increasing sab-
otage, the Germans were reported to
have erected barbed wire barriers
around all gasoline dumps and living
quarters of the Nazi army of occupa-
The Belgian news agency said the
Germans also requisitioned an addi-
tional 1,000 locomotives, 16,000 cars
and 625 miles of track.
Carlos Romulo
Here Thursday
MacArthur's Aide-de-Camp
Will Start Lectures
As the first of eight platform per-
sonalities who have made history in
the past 12 months, the Oratorical
Association will present Lt. Col. Car-
los P. Romulo, aide-de-camp to Gen-
eral MacArthur, in the initial per-
formance o the 1942-43 Lecture Sea-
son at 8:15 p. m. Thursday in Hill
Introduced by Col. William A. Gan-
oe, head of the University ROTC unit,
Romulo will describe the heroic
struggles of the Filipino and Amer-
ican soldiers on Bataan in the last
days before the surrender. From first
hand information he will strive to
impress upon the hearts and minds of
Americans here at home the full sig-
nificance of their dying.
Before the war, Romulo was owner
of four newspapers and two radio
stations in the Philippines and was
winner of the. Pulitzer Prize for the
best foreign correspondence of 1941-
the first time this coveted award has
ever gone to a non-American journal-
Tryouts for the Michiganensian
and Student Directory business
staff will meet at 4:15 p. m. today.
Sophomore men and second-
semester freshmen are especially
urged to come out for the staff.
Ben Douglas,
Business Manager
Don Cossacks
Open Series
Here Today
Ruthven Approves Petition
Launched By Own Critics
Daily City Editor
A thinly-veiled criticism of President Alexander G. Ruthven's war
policies" to date was circulated briskly in petition form yesterday among
University faculty members-and in a surprising and unlooked-for move
the President himself affixed his signature to a copy which was taken to
his office by a non-faculty University official.
The man who took the statement to Dr. Ruthven's office told The
Daily last night that he "borrowed" the copy from the unattended office
of a University professor to show it to the President. Ruthven immediately
signed it.
"I'm in hearty accord with the sentiments of the petition," Ruthven
said. "Any loyal American would be glad to sign it."
The petition, which bore only Dr. Ruthven's signature, was hastily
returned, the man said.
In part, the statement said: " The University is irrevocably in the
war and defeatist statements about the University and the war are out-
. * * *
The Choral Union will open its
64th annual season at 8:30 p. m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium when Serge
Jaroff leads the.Don Cossack Chorus
in a concert of Russian folk music.
The Cossacks, whose repertory con-
sists of more than 200 songs of the
church, campfire and battlefield, will
return to Ann Arbor in a program of
music ranging from the simplicity of
Bach's 'Ave Maria' to the fiery
tongue- twisters of Kastalsky, Lvov-
sky and Tchesnokoff.
According to Jaroff, the Cossacks
uphold the Russian folk tradition of
having a song for every moment in'
"Our people live to a musical 'ac-
companiment from cradle to grave.
Through love, marriage, work, sorrow
and joy, a song complements every
occasion," he says.
The Chorus, which Deems Taylor
called "the best I ever heard or hope
to hear". starts the first of ten con-
certs of the 1942-43 series. Other
artists scheduled to appear this sea-
son include Gladys Swarthout, Jascha
Heifetz, the Boston Sym--,hony Or-
chestra, Artur Schnabel, Nelson Eddy
and others.
Prof. Edward Mill
Marks Importance
Of IslandOutposts
Emphasizing the importance of the
position of the island outposts of the
Pacific, Professor Edward W. Mill last
night stressed the need for keeping
open the line of supplies at the term's
second meeting of the Michigan Nav-
al Affairs Club.
One of the most vital factors of the
problems in this area is that the Jap-
anese are in close proximity to their
home bases, while the United States
has to send men and supplies across
the entire ocean.
In the discussion following the lec-
ture questions were mentioned re-
garding the possibilities of the route
taken by Jimmy Doolittle, conflicts
between the Russians and Japanese,
the importance of Singapore, and a
comparison of the American and
Japanese fleets.
Next week's meeting, which is open
to all students interested in the con-
duct of the war, will feature an analy-
sis of the American fleet and recent
important battles.
worn, unrealistic, and hamper the0
victory drive.
"The undersigned.. . wish to go on
record as wholeheartedly in support
of the constructive policy of 'win the
war leadership' announced by the
Board of Regents."
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, who identi-
fied himself with "an informal group
of professors who drew up the peti-
tion," said that approximately 150 of
the 800-odd faculty members had al-
ready signed the petition.
Few Refusals
"The petition is going fairly lively,
there have been very few refusals,"
he said.
Asked if the petition was a veiled
repudiation of Dr. Ruthven's "war
policies" and especially his much-
discussed speech to the incoming
freshmen on Sept. 28, Aiton replied:
"The petition should be read in the
light of the Regents' action of Satur-
day. You can be sure that whatever
inspired the action of the Regents
also inspired our action."
"In fact," Aiton said, "we were
working on the petition before the
Regents' action was announced. They
just beat us to it."
Prof. Aiton said that the petitions
would be submitted to the Regents
The informal committee which
drew up the statement said late last
night that they were both pleased
and surprised that the president
saw fit to "shift his position."
Meanwhile, in Detroit, the three
members of a new, unprecedented
Regential committee on "war policy,"
announced that they would call upon
Dr. Ruthven for an immediate inven-
tory on all University facilities and
manpower that could be put to "fuller
use for the war."
Regents Alfred B. Connable, of Ann
Arbor, and John Lynch and David
H. Crowley, of Detroit, met in Lynch's
office in the Penobscot Building and
issued the following statement:
"The Regents' War Committee has
held its first meeting and has re-
quested of the University officials a
complete statement of the efforts of
the University to date to cooperate
in the war effort. This we believe to
be the first essential step in our work.
"When the required information
has been received, our committee will
be in a position to analyze the acts to
date and make proper recommenda-
tions to the Board of Regents. The
work will be continued and the results
will from time to time be announced
in Ann Arbor."
Connable was elected chairman
and Lynch secretary of the new War
Committee which was appointed by
the Regents after a stormy four-hour
meeting Friday. In the course of the
session some phases of the Univers-
ity's "war attitude" were bitterly
assailed, and the committee was tcre-
ated by a unanimous vote to "coun-
sel" with Dr. Ruthven and the Uni-
versity War Board.
The undersigned, members of the
faculties of the University of Mich-
igan, long mindful of the need to
build student morale and confi-
dence for the war effort, and of the
complete failure to give the Uni-
versity an orientation toward the
complete cooperation demanded,
wish to go on record as whole-
heartedly in support of the con-
structive policy of "win the war"
leadership announced by the Board
of Regents. The University is irrev-
ocably in the war and defeatist
statements about the University
and the war are outworn, unreal-
istic, and hamper the victory drive.
Nothing else matters now or is of
any importance save the positive
and total prosecution of this con-
flict. Freedom of education, the
right to seek the truth and to pub-
lish it, even the University itself,
as an institution, will perish if the
cause of the United Nations is lost.
Warr guilt and the responsibility
for a criminal assault on civiliza-
tion are clear and unequivocal.
None of us, faculty, students, or
the last least American or ally to
the ends of the earth desired this
holocaust. It was thrust upon us.
The forces of evil, embodied in the
Axis, if triumphant, would destroy
our great cultural heritage and re-
duce us to slavery. The stakes are
great and worth fighting for, be one
young or old, since even life, with-
out the great freedoms of democ-
racy, would be meaningless and
intolerable. In recognition of this,
and of the responsibility which goes
with the privilege of higher educa-
tion, we, who seldom speak as a
group, and whose opinions are in-
adequately represented, pledge our-
selves and our influence, without
stint, to the great task which lies
ahead and dare to hope:
1. That our skills, knowledge and
training, as well as the full re-
sources of our University, will be
completely utilized in the mobiliza-
tion for victory.
2. That the University, its staff,
and its students, will respond unan-
imously to the clear call of duty
and enthusiastically support those
loyal sons and daughters of our
Alma Mater now on the farflung
battlefields of the world, at what-
ever cost or sacrifice, aware that
we at home make the lesser con-
3. That complete support of the
war will make certain our oppor-
tunity to help rebuild the Post-War
4. That as those who have ac-
complished the task at hand to the
limit of our strength, we may, as
participants in the struggle, and
not as mere onlookers, be prepared
for an intelligent ordering of the
better society of the future.
'Al -American'
The Michigan Daily was notified
yesterday that it had been award-
ed top honors in the nation-wide
Associated Collegiate Press con-
test, and had again been rated as
"All-American Pacemaker."
At the end of a score card which
gave The Daily 1040 points out of
a possible 1100 was a judges' note
saying, "Your paper is tops in ev-
ery respect-with excellent cover-
age of world as well as school
news. Congratulations on a fine
Russians Hold
As Stalingrad
Battle Grows
More Intense
Fighting In Factory Area
Continues In Northwest;
Reds Claim Destruction
Of Two Nazi Battalions'
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Tuesday, Oct. 20.- The
great Battle ofStalingradraged on
around a factory stronghold in the
northern part of the battered city
Monday, but the Russians said today
that all German attacks were repelled
after the Red Army had yielded one
block of wrecked buildings during the
preceding night.
The Soviet midnight communique
said the Germans continued to launch
"fierce" tank and infantry attacks in
a desperate effort to take the Volga
city, and that "fighting was particu-
larly stubborn in the area of one fac-
tory," but indicated that there had
been no change in the general situa-
Equipment Destroyed
"Our troops in the course of the
day," the communique said of the
action in the factory area, "beat off'
all enemy attacks here, and destroyed
eight tanks and wiped out about two
battalions of enemy infantry.
"In one sector 18 German tanks
were destroyed and 400 men were
Northwest of Stalingrad Russian
troops consolidated their positions
and repelled a number of enemy at-
Rumanian troops tried desperately
to capture a strategic hill, the com-
munique said, but were thrown back
after losing 150 men. On another sec-
tor the enemy lost about a company
of troops, it added.
Heavy fighting also continued far-
ther south in the Caucasus, both
along the lack Sea southeast of
Novorossisk and in the Mozdok area
where the Germans. were trying to
reach the Grozny oil fields.
Smile, Podner --
It's Tradition
The Steuben Guards of Comp'ny E
-the roughest, toughest gang of
fighters who ever wore the uniform
of the Blue-stepped out of dusty
Civil War history books today and
officially moved into the barracks in
the basement of the East Quad
For the 40 gents who are making
their home in regular Army-style
barracks there this fall have taken
over that illustrious name.
And they've got a tradition to live
up to.
Back in the old days, the Steuben
Guards of Comp'ny E used to makeit
a habit to turn up where the fight-
ing was thickest. They fought their
way from Mechanicsville to Antietam
and got in the hair of the Gray so
often that the Southerners shortened
two words into "damyankee," the
saying goes.
Yesterday the Clements Library
presented a plaque that was designed
by Hans Anderson to the gentlemen
in the basement of the East Quad.
Today the campus will recognize
the barrack-men as Steuben Guards
-or smile. There's a tradition in-
A mendment
On Vote Age
In Advanced
Vandenberg's Proposal
To Be Put To Debate
In Congress Soon
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.-The Sen-
ate received today a proposed consti-
tutional amendment to lower the vot-
ing age from 21 to 18 as it decided to
begin debate Thursday on House-
approved legislation to subject 18 and
19-year-old men to the military draft.
Introducing the proposed amend-
ment, Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich.)
declared that his purpose was to give
the privilege of the ballot to men who
would be inducted into the fighting
forces under the pending bill. The
amendment would require ratification
by three-fourths of the states, after
approval by Congress, before it couldI
become effective.
Vandenberg Favors It
"If young men of 18 are to be draft-t
ed to fight for their country," Van-
denberg declared, "they should be
able to vote for the kind of govern-{
ment the country is to have."
Democratic Leader Barkley of Ken-I
tucky said he had agreed with Repub-
lican Leader McNary of Oregon that
debate on the Draft Bill would not
start until Thursday. McNary said aI
number of senators had been out ofi
town on the understanding that no
legislation of importance would be1
taken up immediately.t
Little OppositionI
Barkley -told reporters he expectedF
little opposition to the bill, adding{
that the administration's attitude to-t
ward some proposed amendments hadt
not yet been determined. These in-
cluded a proposal by Senator Lee (D-
Okla.) to ban the sale of liquor in
military camp areas and authorize
the Secretary of War to act to combatE
vice conditions in the vicinity of Army
and Navy posts.
In formally reporting the Draft
measure to the Senate, the Military
Committee said it was profoundly im-
pressed by the testimony of military
leaders that "not only the success of
our armed forces depends upon- the
employment of our 18 and 19-year-
old men as soldiers, but that our very
national existence is dependent upon
their use."
Chinese Face
Major Famine
Millions Take To Fields,
CHUNGKING, Oct. 19.- OP)-
Thousands are dying daily and 6,000,-
000 persons are on the verge of star-
vation in Honan province as the
result of one of the worst famines in
modern times, missionaries and Chin-
ese officials reported today.
Letters and reports painted a har-
rowing picture of the destitute re-
duced to eating grass and the bark
of trees, stripping the fields bare, and
- selling their children to persons who
could care for them or leaving them
to starve by the roadside.
Famine conditions started three
months ago as the result of a two-
year general drought, spring frosts
which killed crops, locust plagues and
a brief Japanese invasion of some
districts last October which caused
abandonment of harvests.
U.S. Warships
Devastate Jap
Arms Dump,
On Solomons
Navy Strikes At Japanese
Ammunitions Intended
For American Forces
FightingAt Guadalcanal
Enemy Remains
Quiet Under Fire
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.- United
States warships, joining in the Battle
of the Solomons, have bombarded and
blown up ammunition dumps the
Japanese had collected for their all-
out assault on the Marine and Army
men on Guadalcanal, the Navy dis-
closed late today
Whether this accurate shooting by
the Navy, coupled with constant, fur-
ious assaults on the enemy from the
air, had thrown te Japanese time-
table awry was not stated, but the
fact remained that at last reports the
big enemy land offensive had not yet
got under way.
No Troop Activity
"No recent troop activity or enemy
landings on Guadalcanal have been
reported," said a Navy communique.
The communique, containing the
first report in more than a week of
the fleet's activity in waters previous-
ly believed dominated by the Japan-
ese, said that American surface vess-
els shelled the enemy's positions on
northwestern Guadalcanal the morn-
ing of Oct. 17, with direct hits setting
off heavy explosions and fires in
ammunition dumps.
The presence of American warships
appeared to foreshadow a possible
early engagement between the oppos-
ing surface vessels which could prove
decisive to the outcome of the Solo-
mons campaign.
Air Attacks Continued
The Navy communique related that
during three days beginning Oct. 16,
American planes-both long-range
Army bombers from General Douglas
MacArthur's command and Navy-
Marine Corps fighters and bombers
based on the Solomons-had pounded
enemy ships and installations
throughout the islands.
In a smashing raid Oct. 16 on the
Japanese at Rekata Bay, American
planes fired fuel storage facilities,
bombed anti-aircraft batteries and
destroyed 14 planes, 12 of them on the
ground. The same day, four direct
bomb hits completed the destruction
of two of the three enemy transports
previously damaged and beached on
the northwest coast of Guadalcanal.
On the morning of Oct. 17 the
Navy's surface ships staged their
bombardment of Japanese positions
on Guadalcanal.
Japanese Declare
American Raiders
Dealt Punishment
Reactions -Slightly Mixed:
Criticism, Approval Registered
In CampusPoll Of War Policy
Regents' War Committee Votes
ApprovalOfManpower Plan
NEW YORK, Oct. 19.- (P)- The
Japanese Army announced today that
"American fliers captured in the
April 18 raid on Tokyo" already had
been dealt "heavy punishment" for
acts of inhumanity and that in the
future the death penalty would be
given raiders who commit such acts.
Tokyo newspapers, which carried
the announcement under large head-
lines, did not say what the "heavy
punishment" consisted of. They also
published on the front page photo-
graphs of captured'American airmen,
described as crews of bombers which
took part in the Tokyo raid.
This, however, was in conflict with
the facts as known here. Brig. Gen.
James H. Doolittle, who led the raid-
ing flight, said no planes were lost
in Japan. One United States bomber
came down in Soviet Siberia and the
crew has been held there.
Tokyo and Berlin radios broadcast
and re-broadcast the threat an-
nounced first by the press headquar-
ters of the Japanese Imperial Com-
The press headquarters was quoted
as saying that American airmen-
their number not specified-had been
captured in the April 18 raid, were
Student reactions to the University
administration's war policy range
from sharp criticism to confusion and
half-hearted approval according to a
campus poll taken yesterday.
Apathetic "I don't know what
they're doing" and "I haven't thought
about it" answers outnumbered defin-
ite opinions on the questions: "Do
you think that the University admin-
istration has furnished sufficient
Dick Harvey, '44, who said: "The stu-
dent effort has been much more con-
structive than the administration."
John George, '45, said: "I think the
administration has been doing
enough by things like PEM. I don't
see how they could do more."
Henry Bracker, '45, said: "Idon't
think that the University should try
to bring the war home to the students
so much that it hurts their studies or
In its first move toward closer
Regent-student cooperation, the new-
ly-create' Regents' War Committee
yesterday gave its official stamp of
approval and hearty endorsement to
the Manpower Mobilization Corps.
The statement released after the
Committee's initial meeting said:
"We understand that the Man
power Mobilization Corps has the
approval of the University War
Board. We heartily endorse the action
of the War Boa. A in this respect, and
also approve of ur announced pol-
picking part of the 1000 bushel crop
of apples in the Soffe orchard.
Another crew will get to work to-
morrow for the University Building
and Grounds Department, and a re-
quest has been received from the
CDVO for Manpower Corps members
to aid in fuel and gasoline rationing
next week.
Top-man Mary Borman, organizing
the campus labor supply for local war
work, said, "We are really starting to
move now.
"We have enough men enrolled to
handle just about any job that comes