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October 18, 1942 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-18

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SUNDAY, OCT. 18, 1942


Naval Affairs
Will Hold War
Students May Participate
In Discussion, Debate,
Lecture On War Issues
A highly informative and interest-
ing way for students to obtain accur-
ate information on the conduct of
the present war is being provided by
the regular meetings of the Michigan
Naval Affairs Club.
Contrary to its title, this group does
not limit itself to consideration of
the naval aspects exclusively, but has
expanded to include the general trend
of affairs as well as all important mil-
itary and naval developments on the
various fronts.
With absolutely no requirements
for membership except an interest in
problems of current concern regard-
ing the war, the Club meets at 7:30
p. m. every Monday in room 231 An-
gell Hall.
Participation of all students is in-
vited, especially for those who feel
the need for such an organization to
guide their understanding of events
as they occur.
The faculty adviser and chairman
is Prof. Edward W. Mill, of the politi-
cal science department, whose pre-
vious training makes him well-quali-
fied to lead the group. He is a regular
writer on the analysis of naval affairs,
particularly in the Pacific, for Cur-
rent History Magazine.
Meetings of the Club consists of a
lecture by Prof. Mill for half an hour,
followed by an hour devoted to dis-
cussion, questions, and debate on the
subject at hand by the audience.
Pointing out the need for a club of
this sort, Prof. Mill stated, "Too much
indifference to the basic problems of
the war exists among the college stu-
dents tday.
"This group aims to do away with
mudh of that indifference and to pro-
vide the student with an alert and
up-to-date appreciation of the nature
of the war and its strategic prob-
Government Will Build
Willow. Run Dwellings
DETROIT, Oct. 17.-- ()- A 2,500-
unit, multiple dwelling temporary
housing project to relieve the critical
housing shortage in the Ford Willow
Run bomber plant area will be under
way before winter, Colonel F. Charles
Starr, director of the Detroit office
of the Federal Public Housing Au-
thority, announced Saturday.
The project will be constructed,
owned and operated by the govern-
ment, Col. Starr said, and will be the
final project to be commenced for the
Willow Run area during 1942, accord-
ing to present plans.
The new project will be located on
a 2,000-acre plot about two miles
north of the 3,000 unit dormitory now
under construction.

Axis Says Malta Battle Covered
Reinforcements Sent Rommel


CAIRO, Oct. 17.-V)-Malta's stal-
wart defenders bagged eight Axis
planes yesterday to raise their total
to 107 so far this month in the Med-
iterranean theatre's greatest aerial
assault, described by Rome as in-
tended to screen movement of re-
inforcements to North Africa.
Against the terrific German and
Italian losses in virtually continuous
sky battles the RAF reported loss of
23 Spitfires with pilots of eight re-
ported safe.
The admission that the violent Axis
air activity was used to cover ship-
ment of supplies to Marshal Rom-
mel's forces in Libya and Egypt came
from the Rome radio which said that
as a result "Axis sea traffic to North
Africa has increased."
But whether Rommel actually was
getting all these supplies remained
in doubt. British submarines were
claiming a heavy toll of Axis ships
and United States long range bomb-
ers took a hand by pounding Bengasi,
Axis receiving port.
Meanwhile, a Reuters dispatch
from London said yesterday that
United States troops have arrived in
the Negro republic of Liberia, and
RAF patrols are using Liberia as a
base for hunting Nazi submarines
along the bulge of West Africa.
The dispatch did not say when the
U.S. troops arrived, but it reported
that President Roosevelt's represen-
tative left Monrovia yesterday after
extensive *discussions with President
Edwin Barclay.
Liberia is. about 750 miles from
Dakar, which the Germans insist is
being threatened with an Allied in-
(The CBS listening post in New
York quoted the British radio as say-
Unrest Increases
In French Towns
LONDON, Oct. 17.- OP)- Reports
from the continent tonight said that
German execution squads continued
their grim "program of pacification"
in occupied countries, but that unrest
was growing hourly in France, where
a defeated population was beginning
to rebel against sending workers into
German war factories.
In France, where the police andl
legionnaires of the Laval government
were attempting to force arbitrarily
selected workers to go to Germany, at
least 55 persons have been killed in
disorders, the London Times reported.
Several hundred, it was said, were
injured, and both occupied and unoc-
cupied sections started the week-end
in a restive mood.
The Times said the killings oc-
curred at Lyon and Amberieu. This
evening Vichy officially denied that
"55 had been killed" but the state-
ment indirectly acknowledged there
were "strike troubles" at both cities.
Additional executions were reported
from.Belgrade, capital of Yugoslavia,
while German authorities threatened
"severest reprisals" if disturbances,
acts of sabotage and opposition con-

ing Germans were evacuated from Li-
beria some weeks ago and that it is
probable the German consul general
and his staff will be asked to leave
U.S. troops were reported a month
ago at Brazzaville, French Equatorial
Africa, and at Leopoldville, Belgian
Congo. On Oct. 2 the German radio
said about 20 ships carrying U.S. sol-
diers and war material arrived at
Port Takoradi on the African Gold
Coast. This report was without con-
firmation, however.
Red Position
More Critical
Russian Stalingrad Stand
Firm As Nazis Suffer
Loss Of Tank Force

(Continued from Page 1)

the Volga and complete the occupa-
tion of the skeleton city.
The Russian position was more ser-
ious than at any time during the 54-
day siege.
The Red army had succeeded in
halting previous German assaults
along a line of barricaded factories
and apartment houses in the north-
ern suburbs. Now that this line was
pulverized and partly, at least, in
enemy hands, new lines of defense
were raised to cushion the latest re-
treats, but these were limited in
The Russians now face the alterna-
tives of standing firm under German
battering on the west bank of the
Volga itself or striking hard at the
flanks of the Nazi salient if Stalin-
grad is to be saved.
Dispatches described the battle-
ground as a gruesome scene of ma-
chines burning in rubble - strewn
streets with bodies piled in mounds
across which the Germans came con-
stantly in attack after attack.
The battles in the Caucasus in the
Mozdok and Novorossisk sectors be-
came prolonged on fixed positions
with no German gains at Mozdok and
only a slight setback along the Black
In north Stalingrad where the Ger-
mans bought successes at a tremen-
dous cost of lives and machines, the
Red army fought bitterly to prevent
the Germans from fanning out along
the banks of the Volga.
The first heavy impact of the Ger-
man offensive, renewed to redeem
Hitler's confident boast that Stalin-
grad would fall, started Wednesday
when several streets were lost.

(Continued from Page 4)
1 evening, October 21, at 8 o'clock. The
following papers will be read: "The
Glacial Anticyclone and the Conti-
nental Glaciers of North America",
by Professor William H. Hobbs and
"Wages in Relation to Unemploy-
ment", by Professor Z. C. Dickinson.
Mathematics Club will meet Mon-
day, Oct. 19, at 8:00 p. m., in the
West Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Mr. Kazarinoff will speak "On
the Fundamental Problem of Anal-
lagmatic Geometry."
Le Cercle Francais will meet on
Wednesday, October 21, at 8:00 p.m.
in the Michigan League. Prof. Char-
les E. Koella of the Department of
Romance Languages, will give a brief
talk on "La France Combattante."
There will be songs, a social hour and
All students on the campus who
speak some French, have had one
year of High School French, or one
semester of College French, may be-
come members. Freshmen will en-
joy the friendly atmosphere of the
Former members are urged to be
Faculty members of the University
who are interested in speaking French
are cordially invited.
The League Social Committee will
meet on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 4:30 p.n.
in the League. Anyone who Wishes
to work on this committee must be
present at the meeting.
The Theology Seminar will meet
on Tuesday, October 20, at 4:30 p.m.
in the Upper Room at Lane Hall. The
seminar this semester will be devoted
to the reading, analysis, and discus-
sion of Dante's "Divine Comedy". The
material will be presented and discus-
sion led by Mr. Emiliano Gallo, stu-
dent of Philosophy and Teaching Fel-
low in Spanish.
Religious Education Work-Shop will
meet Tuesday evening 7:00-9:00, at
Lane Hall in the Council Room.'"Ec-
clesiastical Pronouncements on the
War and Reconstruction."
All of the League Social Committee
sub-chairmen and assistants will meet
at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October
21, in the League Council 'room.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Student Class at 9:30
a. in., Leader, Mildred Sweet. Morning
Worship Service at 10:40 a. m. Dr.
Charles W. Brashares will preach on
"New Realities for Old-God." Wes-
leyan Guild Meeting at 6:00 p. m.
William Muehl, 'L44 will speak on
"Points of Growth while in College."
Fellowship hour and supper follow-
ing the meeting.
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples): 10:45, Morning worship. The
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p. in., Guild Sunday Evening
Hour. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education for
the University of Michigan, will
speak on "Religious Resources on
Campus." The meeting will be held
at the Disciples Guild House, 438
Maynard St. A social hour and tea
will follow the discussion.
Unitarian Church: Sunday at 11:00
a. m. Professor J. F. Shepard will
speak on "Religion in Action." 8:00
p. m. Student meeting-Discussion of
Lieutenant Pavlichenko's Message to
Ann Arbor.
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship, 10:45 a. in. "on Second
Thoughts"-subject of the sermon by
Dr. W. P. Lemon.

Westminster Student Guild supper
and fellowship hour at 6 o'clock.
Topic for the meeting at 7 o'clock is,
"What Has Science Done to Relig-
First Congregational Church: Ser-
vice of Worship, 10:45 a. m. Dr. L. A.
Parr will preach on the subject: "Is
Anything Left?" At 7:15 p. in. The
Congregational Student Fellowship
will meet. Miss Esther Colton, House
Director of Jordan Hall, will speak on
"Personal Growth and Development
in a University." Refreshments and a
social hour.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Doctrine of Atonement."
Sunday School at 11:45 a. m.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E.
Washington St., open every day ex-
cept Sundays and holidays, from
11:30 a. m. until 5:00 p. m.; Satur-
days until 9:00 p. m.
Lutheran Student Chapel: Sunday
at 11:00 a. m. Divine Service in
Michigan League Chapel, "The Pity
of Self-Elimination". Alfred Scheips,
Sunday at 5:30 p. m. Supper Meet-
ing of Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-

dent Organization, at St. Paul's Lu-
theran Church, W. Liberty at 3rd.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
8:00 a. m. Holy Communion; 10:00
a. m. High School Cldss, Tatlock Hall;
11:00 a. m. Junior Church; 11:00
a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by
the Rev. John G. Dahl; 5:00 p. m.
H-Square Club "Bike Hike", leaving
from Page Hall; 6:45 p. m. Freshman
Discussion Group, Harris Hall; 7:30
p. m. Student Meeting, Harris Hall.
Speaker: The Rev. John G. Dahl.
Subject: "Some Modern Attempts at
Religious Communities within the
Zion Lutheran Church services will
be held today at 10:30 a.m. Vicar
Elmer Christiansen will speak on
"The Glorious Work of Missions."
Trinity Lutheran Church services
will be held at 10:30 a.m. today. Rev.
H. O. Yoder's sermon theme is "Des-
pising Dark Invitation".
The Lutheran Student: Association
will meet at Zion Parish hall at 5:30
p.m. today. Erich A. Walter, Assis-
tant Dean of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, will speak
to the group.
Unity: Mrs. Frances Newton will
conduct the first of a series of talks
based on Unity's fundamental text
book today at 1:00 p.m. The young
people's discussion group will meet at
6:00 p.m., and the regular Monday
night study group will meet at 7:30
p.m. at the Unity Reading Rooms, 310
S. State St., Room 31.

Debate Team To Meet
Monday At ew Time
In order to adjust itself to the PEM
program, the University of Michi-
gan Men's Debating Team will hold
meetings on both Monday and Tues-
day of this week in Room 4203 AH,
from 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. Both old
members and thOse interested in join-
ing the squad should attend either
At present, the team, in cooperation
with the Community Fund and USO,
is carrying through words and motion
pictures the appeals of these two or-
ganizations to all patriotic groups in
Ann Arbor.
After the
W~ar, What?
by S:-H. WYL IE
The Theosophical Society
In America
Admission Free . . . Collection
Sunday, Oct. 25, 1942
Sunday 8 .m. .. Oct. 18, 1942


_ . ,


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